Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 25, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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A ugust 25, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age B 2
by Jo h n P h illip s
N o rth C arolina, w in n e r o f the
1993 Peach B o w l, and USC, w ith
John Robinson re tu rn in g to the side­
lines as head coach, w ill meet in the
fo u rth D isneyland P igskin Classic in
A naheim Stadium on August 29, w ith
k ic k -o ff at 6pm p a cific time. The
game w ill also be televised by Raycom
T h e a n n o u n c e m e n t o f th e
m atchup was made by D isneyland
president Jack L in d q u is t d u rin g a
news conference back in M arch
“ W e are pleased to have these
tw o outstanding universities in the
D is n e y la n d P ig s k in C la s s ic ,”
L in d q u is t said “ They represent the
finest in intercollegiate football tra d i­
tio n , ra n kin g one-two in the nation in
lOOO-yard rushers.
N o rth C arolina was represented
by head coach M a ck B row n, begin­
n in g his sixth season as the T a r H eel’ s
head coach N o rth C arolina was 9-3
last year, defeating M ississippi State,
21-17, in The Peach B o w l in A tla n ta
on January 2, 1993. Robinson, re­
tu rn in g to USC after nine years w ith
the Los Angeles Rams and one as a
com m entator fo r CBS sports, noted
that he was anxious to open the sea­
son against a team o f C a ro lin a ’ s c a li­
“ T h is is a team lik e ly to be in the
pre-season top 10 in the country,”
Robinson said. They have a m a jo rity
o f th e ir offensive starters returning
and should be a force in the A tla n tic
Coast Conference th is year.”
USC has been o f the most re­
spected foot ball program s in the na­
tio n ,” said B row n in accepting the
in v ita tio n . They have a rich athletic
heritage and we are th rille d to be
p la yin g the T rojans.”
The tw o schools have produced
forty lOOO-yard rushers between them,
w ith N o rth C arolina having 21 and
Rivals At Pigskin Classic IV-University of Southern California head football coach John Robinson (L)
and North Carolina head football coach Mack Brown (R) joined Mickey Mouse at Disneyland for the
official announcement, March 1993, of team selection for the fourth annual Disneyland Pigskin Classic.
USC will play Carolina on August 29 at Anaheim Stadium in the first game of the 1993 season for either
USC 19,. Am os Lawrence is the T a r
H eel’ s a ll-tim e leading rusher w ith
4319 yards, w h ile C harles W hite
gained 6517 yards fo r USC.
This w ill be the fourth Disneyland
P igskin Classic, the second straight
in w h ich a form er P AC -10-Coach
returned to the pack for his firs t game
Last season B ill W alsh marked
his return as head coach at Stanford
when the C ardinal bowed to Texas
Jantzen Beach Center
Card & Comic Jamboree
Will Be Selling Memorabilia And Autographs At Their Booth
Sunday only, from noon-4pm
Dealers fro m across the country w ith items you may neve r see agai n 1
F eaturing a super selection o f sports cards fo r sale in clu d in g hot new stars
and legendary greats! A lso related m em orabilia, autographed items,
player photos, hobby supplies, com ic books, non-sport cards, collectible
m ilk caps and more!
H o u rs : Friday, A ugust 27 10am to 9pm
Saturday, A ugust 28 10am to 6pm & Sunday. August 29 1 la m to
6pM .
Free A d m issio n !
F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n co n ta c t: (206) 8 "’ 641218 c r (503) 286-9103
R obinson’ s previous stin t at USC
ran fro m 1976 to 1982 and included a
national cham pionship in 1978. His
record was 67-14-2 w ith five bow l
B ro w n ’ s record at C arolina is
24-31-1. but the last three teams have
been 6 -4 -1 ,7 -4 and 9-3 after back-to-
back 1-10 m arks his firs t tw o years.
Brow n served as head coachat T ulane
p rio r to ta kin g the T a r Heel job.
We w ant to make th is one o f the
best games o f the college season.”
in 267 attempts.
C arolina used a tandem o f q u a r­ said R o b in so n , “ I expect a standing-
terbacks in Jason Stanicck and M ik e room -only crow d w ith the T rojans
Thomas. The duo threw' fo r 1913 fans out in force.”
yards (Stanicck 1082 and Thomas
831) and seven touchdowns. In a d d i­
tion. Thomas handles Carol in a ’s punt­
in g duties, being named to the fresh­
man A ll-A m e ric a n team w ith a 43.1
3 big days!! August 27-29, 1993
Special Autograph Guests-Oakland/
L.A. Raider Stars
Lester Hayes & Cliff Branch
“ W e ’ re e xcite d ,” echoed B row n.
“ It is a tremendous challenge to face
a team lik e the university o f Southern
C a lifo rn ia It w ill be like a home
game fo r them.
yard average.
Sad's heating
Oil oils
Best Cash Prices
35 yd pass; Braun to W ells
1 yd run; T im M itc h e ll
104 N E Russell
Portland, U R 97212
28 yd Pass; Braun to W ells
Volunteers Wanted
Bread and Roses is a w eekly forum o f wom en’s vocics w o rkin g toward social
change by educating, in fo rm in g , and entertaining. W e arc a co lle ctive o f
w om en volunteering our tim e at K B O O 9 0 .7 R M radio. W e are lo o kin g fo r
new members. I f you arc interested, please call K B O O A T 231-8032
between 9am and 5pm and leave a message fo r Pamela Pegg.
Sunday, Sept. 5, 1993, Tee O f f 11:00 a m.
3rd Quarter
F e d e ra l W a y -
D eadline Sept. 1, 1993
25 yd Pass B raun to H ew itt
East M oreland G o lf Course - 2425 SE Bybcc. Portland
4th Quarter
1st q t
2nd q t
3 rd q t
f f
15 Teams O f 4 Players Made U p O f M en A n d W omen
T h u n d e rb o lts — 41 yd Pass: Hasskemp to New son
F e d e ra l W a y — 41 yd Pass Braun to H e w itt
Advertise in Our Career
Section 288-0033
1993 Annual AoA
2nd Quarter
F e d e ra l W a y -
Excellent weather, great music. Andy Stokes, Curtis Salgado, Tom
Grant and a fun game made for an entertaining evening at this years
Blazers' Slam N' Jam. Clyde Drexler scored 2 7 points to help his
team, the Mike Rice Ringers beat the Eddie Coucette Dunkers, 153-
141. Proceeds from this years' Slam N ’ Jam will benefit Oregon High
School sports. Photo by Veronica Green
Call for Que tel
FUN Golf
Scholarship Fund Benefit
1st Quarter
F e d e ra l W a y -
T h u n d e r b o lts -
A & M , 10-7. F lo rid a State defeated
B Y U , 44-28. in 1991, w hi le C olorado
and Tennessee played to a 3 1-all tie in
the 1990 inaugural game.
T h is sum m er’ s game a battle o f
returning standout quarterbacks in
the sccond-evcr meeting o f the tw o
schools (1958. N orth C arolina 8, USC
7). Rob Johnson begins his ju n io r
year o f e lig ib ility fo r USC having
throw n fo r 12 touchdowns and 2023
yards last season He h it on 156 passes
18 Hole Scramble Form at A n d Team Prizes
Tax D eductible C haritable C o n trib u tio n To B enefit The A 0 A
4th q t
Scholarship Fund
T o ta l
Cost Is $50 Per Player A n d $100 For A Sponsor
A Sponsor W ill Rccicvc Newspaper P u b licity
Federal W ay
T hunderbolts
And A d v e rtis in g On The G o lf Course
F o r M o re In fo rm a tio n : Joe T a ylo r A t 463-3218 (Salem), or
Shelby Golden A t 284-3764 (P ortland)
Celebrate Diversity
M ake Checks Payable To: A lpha Phi A lpha F raternity Inc -
Joe T aylor, 564 Rose St., Salem. OR 97301
Grant High Booster Club Kicks O ff
School Year With A Bash!
Before the Generals slams, spikes
o r tackles an opponent, the new ly
w ill be welcomed as a member o f the
com m unity,” promises Tucker. 'T h is
form ed G rant H ig h School Booster
C lu b w ill showcase the school’ s fall
sports program and introduce p rin c i­
pal. D a rre ll Tucker at its First A nnual
is my pledge to you.”
T ic k e r returns to G rant as p rin c i­
pal after serving as c u rric u lu m vice
p rin cip a l, for seven years at C leve­
land H igh School. From 1981 to 1983
Booster B A S H in G rant B ow l
A ll arc in vite d to p ic n ic in the
park and preview the volley ball, foot­
b a ll. cross country and soccer teams
in intrasquad action between noon
and 6 p m . on Saturday. Sept 4 The
evening w ill cu lm in a te w ith a c tiv i­
ties designed toboost com m unication
am ong parents and com m unity
“ Y o u have been in vite d and you
“ The Booster C lub lias worked
hard to make the Booster B A S H a fun
end-of-sum m er day fo r G rant stu­
dents. fa m ily and friends,” exclaim s
C lub president G ary Facchini “ We
arc proud o f our G rant students and
hope everyone w ill stop by to show
and H ig h lig h ts -p ro m is c s to be a true
th e ir support ”
T h is event w ill k ic k -o ff a scries
o f activities sponsored by the Booster
C lub to revive s p irit and pride in
Grant and its co m m u n ity M em ber­
ship in the Booster C lub is open to all
pcrsons interested i n supporti ng G ra nt
H igh School Contact Facchini at 284-
co m m u n ity celebration
4950 for more in fo rm a tio n
Tucker taught math and computer
science a, Grant.
“ D u rin g these years. I learned
the true m eaning o f being a Grant
G eneral,” boasts Tucker
The B A S H -w h ic h is an acro­
nym for Barbecue. A c tiv itie s . S pirit
P O W E L L ’S
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7:30 PM
Witness the Thunderbolts continue the drive for
their fifth consecutive championship season.
40% of ticket sales will be donated to the Portland
Inter-Scholastic^thletic fund
A A o r n y
Tickets available at all Ticketmaster Outlets or call:
1005 West Burnside Street
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■ • ‘ ‘.J ’
' •