->< Job Announcement August 1993 Job T itle : Development Direc­ tor R esp o n sib le To: Executive Director Salary: Dependent on experi­ ence B e n e fits: Paid vacation; paid sick leave; retirem ent plan; medical, dental, vision, life, short & long term disability in­ surance; credit unions mem­ bership; plus working with a group of people. A p p lic a tio n P ro cess: Mail re­ sume and cover letter with sal­ ary history and requirements to Oregon Food Bank, 2540 NE Riverside Way, Portland, OR 97211. Application Deadline: September 3,1993 Job Requirements: Oregon Food Bank seeks an energetic and creative team player to manage a five person food and fund development staff and play a key role in implementing a five-year stra­ tegic plan. Requires excellent skills in communication, plan­ ning, problem solving, person­ nel and project management; s u c c e s s fu l e x p e rie n c e in developing major grants; abil­ ity to develop and implement major gifts program; experi­ ence with direct mail and mar­ keting, and; fam iliarity with computer word processing and d o n o r tra c k in g p rin c ip le s . Knowledge of planned giving and experience working with boards preferred. Oregon Food Bank Is An Equal Opportunity Employer Assistant Professor- Research Associate OR Associate Professor- Senior Research Associate This 12-month position will work on federally-funded grants. R e s p o n s ib ilit ie s in c lu d e : Teach masters and doctoral level courses; advise Masters and Doctoral students; write grant proposals; participate in ongoing research and model development efforts of the Re­ search and Training Center On Positive Behavioral Support; design and manage personnel preparation efforts in the area of secondary education for stu­ dents with severe disabilities. O u a llfica tlo n s: Ph.D in Special Education; experience in the design, im plem entation and publication of research; expe­ rience in writing and managing external federal grants; docu­ mented experience in the di­ rect education and support of individuals with severe intel­ lectual disabilities: documented experience in the delivery of behavioral support for individu­ als with severe disabilities; documented experience in the implementation of single-sub­ je c t re s e a rc h p ro ce d u re s; docum ented competence in behavior analytic theory and technology; documented expe­ rience in university level in­ struction of doctoral and mas­ ters level students. Send curriculum vita, copies of published writings, and 3 let­ ters of recom m endation by September 30, 1993 to: Patty Schwartzer.SpecializedTrain- ing Program, University of Or­ egon, Eugene, OR 97403- 1235. EO/AA/ADA institution com m itted to cultural diversity. City Administrator position DuPont, WA. Salary Range: $35,000-$45,000 per annum depending on qualifications. Require degree in public admin­ istration, political science or business m anagem ent of a closely related field; 5 years experience as a Municipal Ad­ m inistrator; knowledge of fi­ nance, utilities, labor negotia­ tions, inter-governmental rela­ tions, personnel; knowledge of W ashington State Law is de­ sirable. Detailed resume to mayor W il­ liam Gorgensen, PO Box 455, D u P o n t, W A 9 8 3 2 7 -0 4 5 5 . (2 0 6 )9 6 4 -8 1 2 1 or FAX (206)964-3554. Deadline: Sep­ tember 17,1993. Nutrition Education Specialist (Temporalty position which may b e co m e p e rm a n e n t if encumbment, on leave until July 1,1994 does not return) Portland Public Schools 501 N. Dixon, Portland, OR 97227 The Nutrition Education special­ ist supports nutrition instruc­ tion for PK through grade 12 students by coordinating edu­ cational resources and staff development activities. Man­ agers special projects related to the school breakfast and lunch program, wellness ac­ tivities, and public relations for the n utrition se rvice dept. Bachelor’s degree in nutrition, master’s degree in education or nutrition strongly preferred. Registered dietitian credential required. 2-3 yrs of relevant administrative experience in a school setting is desired, broad based nutrition knowledge, in- d e p th u n d e rs ta n d in g o f children's nutrition needs. 3 current letter of professional reference, letter of application and PPS professional applica­ tion form must be submitted by the closing date, 5 pm, Friday Aug 27th, 1993. Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer. Education Portland State University Office of Student Affairs Portland State University invites applications and nominations for the following position: Coordinator Multicultural Center The Coordinator, Multicultural Center, will be responsible for the planning, coordinating and supervising of the Multicultural Center. She/he will work with students, faculty staff and com ­ munity representatives to de­ velop programs that reflect the PSU Urban Mission and the diversity of the PSU student population. Minimum qualifica­ tions are a Bachelor's degree, demonstrated sensitivity to a multicultural and diverse stu­ dent p o p u la tio n in a postsecondary environm ent and demonstrated organiza­ tional and project management skills. This is a half-time, .5 FTE, 12 month, fixed-term po­ sition. Salary is commensurate with experience. For a com­ plete job description and fur­ ther information call (503) 725- 4422. Review of applications will begin no sooner than 30 days after the date of this pub­ lication, and will be accepted until the position is filled. Send a letter of application, resume and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to Chair Search C om m ittee: P ortland State University; Office of Student affairs; P.O. Box 751 - OSA, Portland, OR 97207-0751. Fax (503) 725-4882. Effective Oc­ tober 1. Portland State University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Op­ portunity Employer Employment The Oregon Housing and Com­ munity Services Department is recruiting for a Property Man­ agement Specialist (Program Rep. 2 - $2,606 - $3,472 Corrections Oregon Department Of Corrections Executive Manager Community Corrections Branch This position directs the devel­ opment and administration of the com m unity c o rre ctio n s branch budget and central ad­ ministrative services. Three years of upper-level m anage­ ment experience in a public or private organization which In­ cluded responsibility for devel­ opment of program rules and polices, legislative proposals, strategic planning, program c o o rd in a tio n , and b u d g e t preparation required. Salary range: $3,536 - $4,742 per m onth. Liberal in s u ra n c e , retirement,vacation and sick leave benefits. For a detailed job announcement and a re­ quired state of Oregon Employ­ ment application, contact the Dept of Corrections personnel Office, 2575 Center St. NE, Salem, OR 97310, (503)945- 9018, any local Oregon Em­ ployment Division Office, or other State Agency personnel offices. Recruitm ent closes Septem ber 3, 1993. Equal Opportunity/ ADA Employer. Production - Entry Level instructor/Assistant Professor of Special Education at Portland State University Coordinate placements and su­ p e rv is e p ra c tic u m /s tu d e n t teachers in public school class­ rooms. Need knowledge of special education classrooms in the Portland metropolitan area, experience teaching spe­ cial education and experience supervising others. Requires Masters degree, prefer Doc­ torate. Need 1.0 FTE in the Severely Handicapped Learner area and .5 FTE in the Seri­ ously Emotionally disturbed (SED) area. These positions are of fixed-term duration for the 1993-94 academic year. Portland State University is committed to diversifying its workforce, and strongly en­ courages applications from women, people of color, and individuals with disabilities. Send a current Vita and two letters of reference to: Meiany Hanson, Special Education Program, PSU, PO Box 751, P ortland, OR 97207-0751. Closing date: August 31,1993. $2239 - $3065 Monthly Oregon Department of Trans­ portation seeks applicants for 3 specialist vacancies in Sa­ lem. Positions will research, analyze, and write reports and mitigation plans related to im­ pacts of proposed transporta­ tion projects; monitor for com­ pliance; and function as staff e x p e rt in p o s itio n -s p e c ific arena: Biologist - Focusing on terrestrial and fisheries biology, threatened and endangered s p e c ie s , and w e tla n d s ; Socioeconomist-Focusing on sociological, economic, and right-of-way issues; Wetlands Specialist-Focusing on fresh­ water and estuarine wetlands and related biology concerns. Positions require 2 years envi­ ronmental analysis or resource management experience re­ lated to specialty area AND relevant undergraduatedegree or additional 3 years experi­ ence. Contact ODOT Recruit­ ment at (503) 378-6281 for application packet. (Please in­ d ica te p a rticu la r p osition.) Completed applications and test responses due 5:00 p.m., September 10,1993. ODOT is an AA/EEOEm ployercom m it- ted to a diverse work force. m o n th ly). This position pro­ tects the Department’s secu­ rity and ensures compliance with program rules and regula­ tions through monitoring and evaluating the maintenance and management of residen­ tial income properties located throughoutthe State. To qualify you must have 4 years of staff technical or professional level experience, 2 of which must The Liquor have been in performing asset or property management func­ Commission tions. For job announcement seeks to hire an a tto rn e y with and application please contact experience in administrative Faythe Moore, Oregon Hous­ hearings and alternate dispute ing and Community Services resolution to work on a con­ Department, 1600 State Street, tracted basis, on call. The Com- Salem, OR 97310, phone 986- mlssion pays on a per-case 2100. Open: August 20,1 99 3 basis, with extraordinary work Close: September 10,1993 being paid at a pre-negotiated, Equal O pportunity Employer. hourly rate. Some statewide Special Assistance In Complet­ travel is required. For a copy of ing The Application Form (PD the request for Proposal, call 100) Is Available For Persons 653-3011. Responsedeadline: With Disabilities. 5:00pm, 9/3. ariti O r SFRV FR Data Processing Reimbursement/Utilization Management Analyst Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for a Reimbursement/Utilization Management Analyst. Responsibilities include: performing the complete project develop­ ment life cycle in both a mainframe and PC development environ­ ment to support utilization management, analysis, and reporting. This includes new system development and maintenance of both batch and on-line systems, ad hoc analysis and reporting as required to support Actuarial and Underwriting. Qualified applicants will have: . A minimum of 2 yrs exper programming in a 4GL language. . . Strong analytical and problem solving skills. A college degree in Business Administration, computer science or equivalent work exper. . Training and experience in systems analysis, design and implementation. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefit package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #221 a the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir 100 S.W. Market Secretary Ed & Work Program Adv Sec training 3 years sec exp; O regon C utting S ystem s, an use initiative, problem solve, established Oregon manufac­ work with a team; very orga­ turer, currently has openings n iz e d ; M ic ro s o ft W ord & for temporary production posi­ DataEase req; type 70 wpm, tions paying $6.31 an hour. excel spelling, grammar, oral We are seeking candidates with & written skills, professional the following qualifications: presence, excel benefits; start­ flexibility to work different shifts ing on or about 9/20/93. Letter as needed in three area loca­ & resume must be received by tions, stable work history and 3 pm: 9/3/93. Apply to: good attendance record high Personnel Office school diploma or GED, and Northwest Regional the ability to work in a progres­ Educational Laboratory sive, team environment. 101 SW Main Street, Suite 500 Apply in person at 4909 SE Inter­ Portland, OR 97204 national Way, Milwaukie, Or­ Equal Opportunity Employer egon, Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., or the Em­ TCICablevision of ployment Division, 506 High Street, Oregon City, Oregon, Inc. Oregon TCICablevision Of Oregon, Inc., Blount, Inc. an Equal O pportunity Em ­ Oregon Cutting Systems Divi­ ployer, currently has a full time sion opening for the following posi­ 24-Hour Job Hotline: 653-4441 tions: Equal Opportunity Employer Temp Draftsperson Environmental Program Coordinator 2 1 0 0 7 . T u r: P o r t i Drug Test Required Of Final Applicant Qualifications: Experience in general or engineering draft­ ing & ability to draft using ink. Must be artistic able to work in team atmosphere, have valid d riv e r's lice n se w ith good record. Applications Accepted Until: 8/ 26/'93 Interested parties may submit applications/resumes by mail to: TCI Cablevision Of Oregon, Inc. 3500 SW Bond Street Portland OR 97201 Attn: Larry Gilbert Portland, OR 97201 TDD#225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer Nurse-RN Medical Management Coordinator Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently looking for a Medical Management Coordinator to work in our Medical Affairs Department. This position performs advanced medical case assessment, man­ agement and intervention, concurrent medical review, and quality management/improvement. The Medical Management Coordinator also oversees medical care provided to subscribers to comply with company quality assurance, utilization review and case manage­ ment polices and procedures. The focus of this position will be on home health & skilled nursing facility authorizations. Qualified candidates must have a current RN license, extensive and varied medical background and clinical management in medical review, managed care and case management and strong oral and written communication skills. Candidates must also have an Oregon driver’s license and be able to provide their own transportation Case management experience is preferred. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package and competitive salary. Pre employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immedi­ ately, place ad #234 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, Or 97201 TDD#225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer Word Processing General Help Wanted Veterans Put your prior service to use. You can help us with your experi­ ence and training and at the same time earn extra spend­ ing money. Just give us a try and you will find the Oregon A rm y N ational G uard only works with the best. Call SFC Pritchard 280-6007 or Toll Free 1-800-255-2764 or 1-800-255-2764 Employment Information Processing Analyst II High volume department in a major health insurance company has an opening for an information Processing Analyst II. Qualified applicants must have the following experience: Previous machine transcription and at least 6 months experience in the operations of word processing equipment (preferably IBM) in a centralized environment, demonstrated knowledge of correct spell­ ing, grammar and punctuation, ability to follow complex written and verbal instructions and procedures, excellent organizational and communication skills. Trained Word Perfect 5.1 Operator, preferred. Ability to work under extreme pressure, typing 65 wpm, course work in word processing technology also desirable. Transportation C oordinator requires ability to work w/frail seniors, flexibility, good com­ munication, interpersonal, or­ ganizational skills, safe driving record, Mon-Fri. 25 to 40hrs/ wk. $6.5/hr. Apply at VOA- ADC, 537 SE Alder St., Port­ land, Or 97214 Equal Opportu­ nity Employer. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and competitive salary. Pre employment drug scree inq required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, je ad #226 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Seno iesume to: Immediate Opening Blue Shield Immediate opening for entertain­ ing on-air news/talk Host. Mini­ mum 3 - 5 years radio talk experience. Tape/Resume to Operations Manager, P.O. Box 14957, Portland, OR 97214 No phone calls please! EOE Blue Cross of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD#225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer