Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 25, 1993, Image 1

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"Serving the community through culturan diversity
Voluinn XXIII. Number 35
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August 25. 1993
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Portland Stands Up For Diversity
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New Service System
For Children And
Families Becomes Law
Service to ch ild re n and fam ilies in
the department o f H um an Resources. It
transfers certain duties and powers o f
the c h ild re n ’ s Services D iv is io n (C S D )
to the new State O ffice. The New State
C om m ission w ill be staffed by the
fo rm e r O C C YSC .
See re la te d sto ry on page A 2
Saturday Academy
Saturday Academ y operates in
eig h t sites around Oregon in a d dition
to the Portland area program . Seeking
to se n e m otivated young people front
a ll circumstances. The Academy pro­
vides scholarship funds to students fo r
its a ctivitie s re q u irin g tu itio n .
Sec re la te d story on page A 3.
Elderly Citizens Lose
$32,000 In Bank Fraud
A n 88 year o ld N E Portland man
and his 86 year old w ife reported losing
$7,000. Detectives also reported s im i­
la r in cid e n t in v o lv in g a 78 year old
m an who lost $25,000. Senior citizens
are targeted because they are generally
viewed as having substantial sums o f
See re la te d story on page A 4
PGE is seeking perm ission from
Oregon Public U tility C om m ission to
raise its residential and sm all farm
customers prices an average o f 7.9
percent. U nder the proposed increase,
P G E ’ s average residential customers
using 1,000 kilo w a tt-h o u rs per m onth
w ill pay $53.33 an increase o f about
Participants enjoying the Standup Portland Diversity Picnic at the Tom McCall Waterfront Park on Saturday, August 21. This was a day long affair which included a
staging of a "Living Postcard to the World". The aerial picture o f the Portland skyline is to be broadcast nationwide.
Photo by Greg Benton
Robert C. Maynard Succumbs To Cancer
Robert C. M ay nard, e d ito r o f The O ak­
land T ribune, died at his O akland home after
a lo n g fig h t w ith cancer. He was 56.
M a y n a rd , a c h a ris m a tic leader w h o
changed the face o f A m e rica n jo u rn a lism ,
b u ilt a four-decade-long career on the corner­
stones o f e d ito ria l in te g rity , co m m u n ity in ­
volvem ent, im proved education and the im ­
portance o f the fa m ily.
He was co-founder o f the Institute for
Journalism Education, a n o n -p ro fit corpora­
tio n dedicated to expanding opportunities fo r
m in o rity jo u rn a lis ts at the n a tio n 's newspa­
pers. In the past 15 years, I JE has trained
hundreds o f A m e ric a ’ s jo u rn a lis ts o f color,
more than any other organization.
In the 1980s, M aynard began a tw ice-
w eekly syndicated newspaper colum n, in
w h ic h he transform ed national and interna­
tio n a l issues in to d in n e r table discussions o f
$3.90 per m onth
Sec re la te d story on page B 4
rig h t and w rong. H is views w id e ly broadcast
through regular appearance on T h is Week
Red Cross Issues
Yellow Alert For Type
O Blood
He was a board member o f the in d u stry’ s
most prestigious organizations, in c lu d in g the
P u litze r Prize and the A m erican Society o f
A cco rd in g to D r. Frans Petoom,
P acific N orthw est Regional B lood Ser­
vices D irector, local O-negative blood
use has been m uch higher than usual
fo r the past tw o weeks. D u rin g the
summer, tra ffic accidents ty p ic a lly in ­
Newspaper E ditors. It was his lobbying in the
1970s that nudged the A S N E to adopt a goal
o f d iv e rs ify in g A m e ric a ’ s new srooms by the
year 2000. “ T h is country cannot be the coun­
try we w ant it to be i f its story is to ld by only-
one group o f citizens. O u r goal is to give a ll
Am ericans fro n t door access to the tru th ,” he
W ith D avid B rinkley and th e M a c N c il Lehcrcr
Sec re la te d story on M e tro page sec­
tio n B
Vancouver Mall Better
Than Ever
V ancouver M a ll’ s new food court
on the M a li’ s second level seats 450
and features nine restaurants. A glass
w a ll offers diners a spectacular view o f
M t. Hood and skylights illu m in a te the
d in in g area Richard K a rn o f “ Home
I m provement” was special guest at new
grand opening.
Sec re la te d story on Page A 6
said in his p u b lic address to college students
th is M a y at The Freedom Forum , in A rlin g ­
ton, Va.
In 1979, M aynard took over as e d ito r o f
The O akland T rib u n e , w h ich ju s t a few years
e a rlie r had been labeled “ A rguably the second
w orst newspaper in the U nited States.” He
bought the paper in 1983, ta kin g the title o f
editor and president in the firs t management-
leveraged buyout in U S. newspaper history.
By do in g so, he became the firs t A fric a n
A m erican to ow n a m ajor m etropolitan news­
paper. A fte r a decade o f ow nership by Bob
A n d Nancy M aynard, the newspaper had won
hundreds o f awards fo r e d ito ria l excellence.
One m edia c ritic described the change:
“ The T rib u n e covers the O akland area w ith
more in sig h t than does its w ealthier com peti­
tors in nearby San Fran,cisco and the suburbs,
and the paper has become a k in d o f jo u rn a lis ­
tic farm team fo r larger papers such as Los
Angeles Tim es. The T rib u n e won a P ulitzer
in 1990 fo r its photography d u rin g the Lom a
Pricta earthquake, and its coverage o f the
O akland h ills fire was
n o th in g short o f su­
It was the earth­
quake and fire , com ­
bined w ith the national
re c e s s io n
troubled c ity economy,
that fin a lly forced the
M aynards to sell the
T rib u n e in 1992. When
the paper was sold,
its m o s t v a lu a b le
assets w ere its loyal
readers and advertis­
ers, its scrappy edito­
ria l p ro d u ct and the
V *
H is early role models, w rite r Langston
Hughes and Ernest
H e m in g w a y , la te r
gave way to his hero,
D r. M a r tin L u th e r
K in g . But he d id not
w ant people to fo llo w
his path away from
fo rm a l education. “ I
say to young people
today that they must
stay in school,” he
w rote in his colum n
la s t
y e a r.
“ A u to d id a c ts , s e lf
teaches, arc o f an­
other age, I te ll them.
School today is im ­
p e ra tiv e . A l l th e
most diverse newsroom
ofany m ajor m etropoli­
ta n n e w s p a p e r in
same, m y adventure
suited me and served
Robert C. Maynard, charismatic
journalist leader and editor o f The
A m erica.
“ T h e M a y n a rd s Oakland Tribune
that the O akland T rib u n e w ould be alive
me w e ll. M y sister
even agree. G ru d g ­
in g ly .”
M a yn a rd was most proud o f the E lija h
P arish L o ve jo y aw ard he received fro m
C olby College in M aine. The national honor
is named fo r the ow ner o f an a b o litio n ist
newspaper in A lto n I I I , w ho was k ille d by
a p ro -sla ve ry m ob in 1837. “ Y o u have
ra llie d employees in the face o f un ce r­
ta in ty and c itiz e n s in the a fte rm a th o f
disaster, fo r the heart and soul o f your
adopted co m m u n ity the way E lija h Parish
Lovejoy once did in his, w ith fa ith , nerve and
today i f not fo r Bob's keen a b ility to maneuver
through economic m in cficd ls day after day.
a p rin tin g press,” C olby president W illia m
R C otter said as he presented the award in
devoted a decade o f
th e ir lives to saving the newspaper w hen no
one else w ould. They b rought jo u rn a lis tic
excellence and d ive rsity to the newspaper
unm atched in its previous century o f publica­
tio n ,” w rote com petitor Dean Singleton in
December 1992 after his M ediaNew s group
purchased the T ribune. “ Bob M a yn a rd ’ s jo u r­
n a listic talent and dedication are o f course
w e ll-kn o w n . B u t he does not get the plaudits
he deserves fo r business acumen. It is doubtful
year after year.
M aynard, the son o f an im m ig ra n t from
Continued on page A3
An expected 2,500 Metro-area
children will receive clothing and
school supplies when the Low
Incom e F am ilies E m ergency
(L.I,.F.E.) Center stages its eight
annual back-to-school giveaway
on August 28 from 10am to 3pm
at Peninsula Park.
The event, co-sponsored by
Children’s World Learning Cen­
ter, attempts to provide impover­
ished children with a three-day
change o f used, clean clothing
and basic classroom supplies.
Board members, employee and
volunteers staff the giveaway.
Executive Director Charles
Carter said that the event has
grown from two to three hundred
children in the first years to last
year’s giveaway to approximately
2,300 children
Individuals, churches and cor­
porations have donated clothing,
school supplies and m oney to
L.I.F.E. Center to assist in the
“ We can use more clothing,
but this year we desperately need
more school supplies for these
kids,” said board Vice-Chair Ri­
chard Riekel. “Every year we have
to supplement any donated sup­
plies with purchases.”
Volunteer to help with the
giveaway are still needed
For 26 years L.I.F.E. Center
has provided food, clothing and
household items to M etro area
residents on awork-for assistance
For more information, con­
tact Charles Carter at 284-6878.
Oregon’s Health Plan: Are You
Still With Us?
Legal Aid Series 15: Visitation
Growing Old With Dignity
“Needful Things’
Under the plan, Oregonians with an
income below the federal poverty level.
I t ’s a good idea fo r the custodial parent
to keep school events from interfering
with visitation...
7”7z ’.v better to be here in our ow n
home together than to have to be
IT he best Stephen King film ever—Starts
Friday, August 27th—A must see film .
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Page B 3
See Section B
Page A 4
Page A 2
Barbados w ho founded a N ew Y o rk m oving
company, dropped out o f B rooklyn h igh school
at the age o f 16 to become a w rite r in Green­
w ich V illa g e in the 1950s. He had a photo­
graphic memory, and mastered m yriad sub­
jects through rcadingand in q u iry. U ltim ately,
he held eight honorary doctorates. “ M y cre­
dentials,” lie told a sister on the day he decided
to q u it school, “ w ill be m y w o rk .”
Children Receive
School Clothing
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