Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 18, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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    RV •
A ugust 18, 1993 • T he : P ortland O bserver
P age B2
Famed basketball legend and
L A. Laker forward James Worthy
will make an unprecedented guest
appearance on an upcoming episode
of the Emmy Awar -w inning series
“Star Trek The Next G eneration,”
produced by P aram ount Netw ork
Television and distributed by Para­
mount Domestic Television The 6-
foot 9-inch basketball great will un­
dergo three hours of make-up to por­
tray a Klingon named Koral on an
upcoming episode entitled “Gambit
Part II” w hich is scheduled to air the
week of Oct 18, 1993.
In the "Star Trek: The Next Gen­
eration” episode. Worthy portrays
Koral, a stolid Klingon mercenary
under orders to transport stolen arti­
facts to a roaming pirate ship where
C aptain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick
Stewart) is investigating undercover
In his first scene. Dr. Beverly Crusher
(G ates M cFadden) and Lt W orf
(Michael Dorn) greet Koral at the
shuttlebay and request his permission
to conduct a bogus safety investiga­
tion, fully intendi ng to scour his vessel
for the stolen objects Koral reluc­
tantly assents, aware that there is a
hidden agenda. The episode culmi­
nates with an action scene on the
observation deck with Koral attempt­
ing to defend not only his illegitimate on record.”
Worthy ’s appearance adds yet
cargo but his Klingon honor.
U nbeknow nst to m ost L aker another outstanding individual to
fans. Worthy has been an avid ad­ “Star Trek: The Next G eneration’s”
mirer of "Star T rek: The Next Genera­ ever-growing list of special guest stars
tion” for many years. Worthy ex­ He joins the ranks of such distin­
plains, “I’m a big-time fan o f ‘Star guished guest stars as renow ned physi­
Trek: The Next G eneration' and look- cist Stephen Hawking, the first Afri­
can American astronaut Mae Jemison,
all-around entertainer Ben Vereen,
musician Mick Fleetwood and John
Tesh, co-host of "Entertainment To­
night” and "John & Leeza From Hol­
lywood,” — who also portrayed a
Klingon. W orthy’s appearance adds
yet another first for the show’s im­
pressive list of guest stars, as this
marks the first time a professional
athlete of his caliber has appeared on
the show.
Worthy will be returning to the
Los Angeles Lakers this year for an
11th season. Since joining the Lakers
in 1982 from the Univ ersity of North
Laker forward James Worthy
Carolina as their No. 1 draft pick.
ing forward to w orking with the people Worthy has established him self as
w ho are on my personal television all- one of the most memorable play ers
in the history of basketball A veteran
star team."
Executive producer Rick Berman of three NBA championship teams
states, "James took us to lunch and with the Lakers, he enters his 1993-94
said he wanted to be a K lingon.” He season ranked among the N BA ’s top
continues, “Obviously, we consented leaders in steals, field goals and
and now we've got the tallest Klingon points.
For the eighth consecutive year, Anheuser-Busch Companies was a major sponsor of A Midsummer
Night’s Magic, ” a star-studded fund-raising weekend for the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) hosted
by basketball great Earvin "Magic" Johnson. The weekend gala, which includes a banquet and an all-
star basket ball game, has raised nearly $10 million since its inception. During halftime of the celebrity
basketball game at the Great Western Forum, Juien catches a moment with three legends of the game,
Chicago Bulls superstar Michael Jordan, Atlanta Hawks star forward Dominique Wilkins, and game host,
Magic Johnson.
By John Phillips
T h e to p P ro sp e c ts P ro -A m
S um m er C la ssic C h a m p io n sh ip
G am e is set a fte r a w eek-end o f
i '*
P la y o ff G am es.
T h e Playoffs S ta rte d S a tu r­
day w ith ro u n d one. T he Sonics
got 42 p o in ts from T ony Ross and
39 p o in ts from T e rre ll C age w ith
a 124-107 w in o v er T h e Suns.
D elo n P h o en ix an d R obert Key
sco red 28 an d 27 p o in ts for the
In gam e tw o S aturday, T he
C avs scored a close 120-114 v ie-
M --------------------
Now its down
to the Hawks
and The
tory over T he H ornets. E x -U n i­
v e rsity O f O regon sta r A ntoine
S toudam ire led T he C avs w ith 37
big points. T im P ittm a n scored
on 7 th ree p o in t shots, a n to taled
25 po in ts to help T he C avs. Big
A rron Bell paced T he H ornets
w ith 26 points.
O n Sunday it was dow n to the
fin al four. In the first gam e, past
cham ps. T he L akers ran rig h t by
T he Sonics 112-93. E x -T ra ilb la z -
e rs D a rn e ll V ale n tin e led T he
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Saturday, August 2 1 ,1 9 9 3
At the Civic Stadium
Doors Open at 3:00 PM
Proceeds to Benefit Oregon High School Athletics
Tikcets are on sale now at Blazers on Broadway and all
Ticketmaster locations. Prices start at $13 for adults and $8 for
students (subject to user fees and service charges)
Slam 'N Jam 3-Point Shootout during halftime of the Celebrity
Classic. This will include NBA players and one "lucky fan" who will
qualify to shoot with the pros.
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Fireworks display and musical entertainment featuring Tom Grant
and Curtis Salgado.
.1’ f ' 5'^
NBA Celebrity Classic Basketball Game with Blazers and NBA
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Interactive games and concessions on field (with purchase of a
field pass).
L akers w ith 25 p o in ts. A nthony
The Port of Portland announced
C row ell added 17 m ore po in ts for that it has awarded a five year con­
The L akers. A gain it was C age tract for the adv crlising concession at
and Ross lead in g the way for T he Portland International Airport (PDX)
Sonics. C age scored 32 points and to the Portland Trail Blazers
Ross chipped in w ith 28 points.
“The Trail Blazers have a na­
In the n ight cap S unday, T he tional reputation for being one of the
H aw ks, w ho led th e re g u la r se a ­ nations’ best managed sports fran­
son sta n d in g s w ith a 9 w in, 2 lost chises. The Port expects that those
record, took on T he C avs, w ho same capabilities will be extended to
played w ithout the le a g u e ’s le a d ­ this new venture,” said Port of Port­
ing scorer, T e rre ll B randon, w ho land Commission President Robert
was out w ith a bad foot, scored a Ames.
“We consider our involvement
tough 119-113 win. Phil H o p so n 's
with airport advertising a natural ex­
33 p o in ts led T h e H aw ks top
tension of a business were arc already
play m aker Tony H am pton added
in.” said Marshall Glickman, the Trail
29 m ore p o in ts an d about th a t
Blazers Senior V ice-President of
m a n y a s s is t. T h e C a v s w e re
M arketing "O ur organization has
headed by S toudam ire once A gain
been involved in creating, selling and
w ith 40 p o in ts. T. J. B olton scored servicing a wide variety of sponsor­
23 to help The Cavs.
ship opportunities since the late 70's
N ow its dow n to the H aw ks including sponsored display signage
and T he L ak ers. In th e ir la st at the M emorial Coliseum," added
m eetin g T he L ak ers scored a easy Glickman. “We have extensive expe­
110-92 w in. But th is w ill be the rience, a strong knowledge of the
ch a m p io n sh ip gam e o f the top market and excellent relationships
p r o s p e c ts P r o - A m S u m m e r with major local and national compa­
C lassic, so look for it to be a very1 nies We expect to have a very suc­
cessful and long term partnership with
good one.
R em em ber, Saturday at 2:00 the Port o f Portland This move is a
P M. at the S alv atio n A rm y, at clear indication of our long term busi­
5335 N orth W illiam s A venue, and ness strategy.”
The Trail Blazers marketing plan
its free So d o n ’t m iss it.
for PDX emphasizes long term spon­
sorships rather than traditional ad­
vertising space buys. Their contract
calls for them to guarantee a m ini­
mum of $450,000 a year for the Port,
which equates to $2.25 million in five
years. This is 30% more than the
previous advertising contract’s an­
The Portland Trail Blazers are nual guarantee. "O ur goal is for the
expanding their retail operations to
Salem with the construction of their
second official "Blazes on Broadway”
New Salem
Blazers On
Broadway Store
retail store.
The new Blazers on Broadway
w ill be located in Lancaster Mall (831
Lancaster Drive NE). R and H Con­
struction is expected to begin work on
the 800-squarc foot facility on M on­
day, August 16 . A special grand open­
ing celebration is planned for late
The store will offer a wide v ariety
of NBA licensed B la/ersr mcrchan-
dise as well as collegiate and other
professional sports products ranging
from clothing to collectibles It will
also serve as a Ticketmaster outlet.
"The tremendous success that
we’ve experienced with our first team
shop in downtown Portland has pro­
vided us with an opportunity to ex­
tend the Blazers on Broadway con­
cept." said J Isaac. Blazers Director
of Business Development “We re
very excited about what Lancaster
Mail has to ofTer; it provides for an
excellent retail environm ent.”
Mark New of New & Neville
Real Estate Services negotiated the
Lancaster Mail contract Bret Schuyltz
is serving as the project architect
Port to realize substantially more rev­
enue,” said Glickman.
Sponsors will be linked to themed
displays located throughout the air­
port that promote Portland as “The
Gateway to Oregon.” All adv ertising
The Trail Blazers
have a national
reputation for
being one of the
nations’ best
managed sports
will be associated with information,
points of interest or entertainment.
“We w ill provide a reason to look and
a rew ard for looking," said Pat
Lafferty, Blazers Director of M arket­
ing serv ices who led development of
the Airport project. "W e’ll showcase
the region's people, places, scenic
attractions, business and industry us­
ing a w ide variety of technologies
including w idescreen video, ambient
sound sy stems, digital imaging, fiber
optics and interactive multimedia.”
TheTrail Blazers will spend more
than $700,000 in capital expendi­
tures in the first year of the agreement
to dev elop the “Gateway to Oregon”
theme at PDX. Further expenditures
arc anticipated as new concourses are
added The Blazers assume responsi­
bility for the adv ertising concession
for PDX on January 1, 1994.
Best Of The West
Slamfest “93
All-Star Basketball Game
Contest Date: August 27, @ 7 P.M.
Tryouts For 3-Point & “ Slam Dunkers”
W hen-August 14,1993
Where-Tigard High School Gymnasium
Tlme-10:00 A.M. Cost-$5.00
Slam-Dunk Contest Prizes.
$800 1ST Place
$200 2ND Place
$100 3RD Place
Kids Ages 8-15 Needed For 3 PT. Contest-Prizes
Individuals Interested Contact Spencer Graham At:
Prostuff 16200 SW Pacific Hwy,
Tigard Towne Square, (503) 620-4188
Sponsered by:
Ânteriean Stato
2737 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Portland, OR 97212