A ugust 18, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age BS w * y E ducation Multnomah Education Service District Job Inform ation Hotline 257-1510 257-1518 TDD Current openings as o f 8/15/93 Instructional C onsultant, Supported Education 200.5 FTE Application Deadline: Open until filled O ccupational Therapist 190.6 FTE (24 hrs week) Application Deadline: Open until filled Teacher, Special Education Multihandicapped Program 190 days Application Deadline: Open until filled School P sychologist 190 days Application Deadline: Open until filled Speech and language Pathologist or Speech And Language Teacher 190 days Application Deadline: Open until filled Supervisor, Special Education 230 days Application Deadline: Open until filled Break Assistant, Special Education 179 Days 3.75 hrs day - School Year Salary: $7.39/hr Application Deadline: 5pm 8/20/93 Outdoor School Positions ‘ Seven week position at Outdoor School Camp site late September 19 thru November 5,1993. Cooks Salary $7.65/hr Application D eadlines pm 8/20/93 for first screening, open until filled. Kitchen Assistant Salary: $5.85/hr Application Deadline: Open until filled Dishwasher Salary $4.75/hr includes room and board Application Deadline: Open until filled Registered Nurse Salary: $80.40/day (includes room and board) Application Deadline: Open until filled Apply in person M-F 8:30-11:30 AM, or send self-addressed, stamped legal envelope indicating position to: Multnomah ESD, Attn. Recruitment, 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR 97220 An Equal Opportunity Employer & Drug Free Work Place Utility Instructor/Assistant Professor of Special Education at Portland State University Instructor/Assistant Professor of Special Education at Portland State University. Teach intro­ ductory coursework in Special Education and supervise stu­ dent teachers in public school classrooms. Need experience in teaching introductory spe­ cial education coursework, ex­ perience teaching special edu­ cation and experience super­ vising others. Prefer Doctor­ ate. This position is fixed-term, part-time for the 1993-94 aca­ dem ic year. Portland State University is committed to d i­ versifying its workforce, and strongly encourages applica­ tions from women, people of color, and individuals with dis­ abilities. Send a current Vita and two letters of reference to: Melany Hanson, Special Edu­ cation Program, PSU, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751. Closing date: August31,1993. Personnel Officer 2 Oregon Department Of Corrections This position performs person­ nel generalist duties with the primarily focus being to develop and im p le m e n t the department's Affirmative Ac­ tion Plan, conduct personnel- related training, and recruit­ ment. One year of professional- level personnel experience and a bachelor’s degree or three more years of pertinent per­ sonnel experience required. Salary range $2,633-$3,536 per month. Liberal Insurance, retirement, vacation and sick leave benefits. For a detailed job announcement and a re­ quired stateof Oregon Employ­ ment applications, contact the Dept of Correction personnel Office, 2575 Center St, NE, Salem, OR 97310, (503)945- 9018, any local Oregon Em­ ployment Division Office, or other State Agency Personnel Offices. Recruitment closes August 27, 1993. Equal Op- portunity/A ffirm ative Action Employer. Oregon State Board Of Nursing Snohomish County Public Utility Nurse Investlgator/Advisor District #1 is currently seeking Oregon State Classification Journeym an Electric U tility #5910 Power System Dispatchers for $2486.00 to $3307.00 the following positions: per Month System Dispatcher $20.84/hr Coordinate placements and su­ Knowledge of the fundamentals p e rv is e p ra c tic u m /s tu d e n t The OSBN Is recruiting for a Nurse Investigator for the Nurs­ of electricity as relates to line teachers in public school class­ ing Assistant Program. The work, general electric opera­ rooms. Need knowledge of purpose of this position is to tions, transmission & distribu­ special education classrooms respond to complaints pertain­ tion system & ability to analyze in the Portland metropolitan ing to Nursing Assistants and system problems & dispatch area, experience teaching spe­ give advice about Nursing As­ men. Be familiar w/line materi­ cial education and experience sistants duties and certifica­ als, construction system and supervising others. Requires tion. Minimum qualification are must have successfully com ­ Masters degree, prefer Doc­ a bachelor's Degree in Nurs­ pleted a certified Systems Dis­ torate. Need 1.0 FTE in the ing, five years recent clinical patcher Apprenticeship pro­ Severely Handicapped Learner nursing experience and have area and .5 FTE In the Seri­ gram. or be able to obtain a currently Energy C ontrol D ispatcher ously Emotionally disturbed unencumbered license to prac­ $22.67/hr (SED) area. These positions tice nursing in Oregon. Prefer­ are of fixed-term duration for & ence will be given to applicants the 1993-94 academic year. S enior System D ispatcher with recent clinical experience Portland State University is $22.67/hr in long term care facilities. committed to diversifying its M ust have successfully com ­ Call Betty at 503-731-4745 and workforce, and strongly en­ pleted a certified System Dis­ re q u e st a R e c ru itin g A n ­ courages applications from patcher Apprenticeship pro­ nouncement and State of Or­ women, people of color, and gram & have 2 yrs exp. as a egon PD-100 application. For individuals with disabilities. jo u rn e y m a n S yste m D is ­ hearing impaired, contact the Send a current Vita and two patcher Board through the Oregon Re­ letters of reference to: Melany Excellent compensation & ben­ lay Service, 1-800-735-2900. Hanson, Special Education efits plan and WA State Retire­ Your application must be Re­ Program, PSU, PO Box 751, ment program. Qualified can­ ceived by 4:30pm on Septem­ P ortland, OR 97207-0751. didates send cover letter & re­ ber 10,1 993 An Equal Oppor- Closing date: A u g u st3 1 ,1993. sume by August 27, 1993 to: tunity/Affirmative Action Em­ Snohom ish County P.U.D. ployer Attn: Employee Resources Mental Health P.O. Box 1107 Multnomah County Associate Everett, WA 98206 Managed Care C oordinator Community Mental Health Cen­ or call (206) 258-8655 (800) 15.69 per hour: apply by August ter seeking energetic, caring, 562-9142 (within WA) for 27. team oriented therapist inter­ application. or 24 hour job information, call ested in working in a psychiat­ We Are An Equal Opportunity 248-5035 or visit Multnomah ric rehabilitation program. Em­ Employer...Committed To County Employee Services, phasis on com m unity skills Diversity In Our Work Force! 1120 SW 5th Ave., Room 1430, developm ent and behavior P ortlan d , d u rin g b usine ss The Liquor management. Must be com­ hours. fortable working in a therapeu­ Commission :qual Opportunity Employer tic milieu./multi-cultural setting. seeks to hire an a tto rn e y with Q u a lifica tio n s: BA/BS in a Hu­ experience in administrative man Service field. 1 F.T.E. M- hearings and alternate dispute Lane Community F 8:00 am - 4:40 pm. resolution to work on a con­ C lo sin g Date: August 27, 1993 College, Eugene, OR tracted basis, on call. The Com­ Send Resumes to: Nurse P ractitioner mission pays on a per-case Steven Bettencourt M.S. losing 9/10/93. For application basis, with extraordinary work Garlington Center N/NE contact: Personnel Services, being paid at a pre-negotiated, Mental Health (503)726-2211. A resumecan- hourly rate. Some statewide 4950 N.E. Martin Luther King not take the place of the appli­ ravel is required. For a copy of Blvd. cation form. An Affirm ative the request for Proposal, call Portland, Oregon 97211 Action/Equal Opportunity Insti­ 653-3011. Responsedeadline: Phone: (503) 249-0066 tution. 5:00pm, 9/3. Instructor/Assistant Professor of Special Education at Portland State University. Plan and help implement a dual, regular edu- cation/special education cohort of graduate students based on the principles of inclusive edu­ cation. Requires earned Doc­ torate in Education/Special Education, public school and university teaching/supervision of students, experience in in­ clusive educational settings and computer applications for the disabled. PSU is commit­ ted to diversifying its workforce, and strongly encourages ap­ plications from women, people of color, and individuals with disabilities. Send current Vita and two letters of reference to: Dr. Sheldon Maron, Depart­ ment Chair, Special Education and C o u n s e lo r E ducation, PSU, PO Box 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751. Closing Date: August 31,1993. Environmentalist/ Planner Coordinator $2239 - $3065 Monthly Oregon Department of T ranspor tation seeks applicants for po­ sition located in Bend. This position will ensure attainment of Deparment's land use and environmental goals through­ out project development pro­ cess: coordinate region's envi- ro n m e n ta l a c tiv itie s w ith Departm ent’s Environmental Section located in Salem; and coordinate region's public in­ volvement programs. Requires combination of relevant degree and environmental and/or plan­ ning experience; OR fouryears of experience. Contact ODOT recruitment at (503) 378-6281 for information and application packet. Completed applica­ tions and test responses due 5:00 p.m., September 13,1993. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse word force. Billing Clerk Recruiting for a full-time clerk familiar with health care billing to private insurance company and public agencies is pre­ ferred. Maintain accounts receivable led­ ger process payment by pro­ gram reconcile code and pre­ pare monthly reports. Must have ability to reconcile basic accounts, type 50 wpm and o pe ra te o n-lin e m ainfram e computer program. High school graduate or equiva­ lent. Two years computer op­ erator experience required. Accounting experience a plus. Salary $12,000 to $13,000 annu­ ally and benefits. Closing Date: August 27,1993 Resume To: Rodney R. Harry/ Personnel Officer Garlington Center N/NE Mental Health 4950 N. E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 Phone: (503) 249-0066 E-O-E Minorities and the Disabled are Encouraged to Apply Gymnastics Multnomah Athletic Club is currently seeking girls and boys gymnastics Instructors. Posi­ tions require prior gymnastics teaching exp. with students 4- 14 yrs old. Working knowledge & appreciation of gymnastic progression on all Olympic events. Able to spot 50-150 lbs. and be willing to attend in- service workshops and teach­ ing enhancem ent seminars. Hours Mon.-Frl or T ues-Thurs. 3-5 and Sat. 10-2. Please call 223-8748 for an appt. Equal Opportunity Employer Nurse/Primary Care RN’S 2 Pub. Health RN’S (1 supv.) needed in Student Health Svcs. Emphasis In health promo., teaching & outreach. Minority applicants encouraged. For app. call Oregon State Unlv. Hum. Res. (503) 7373-3103. Closes Aug. 27. OSU Is an AA/ EOE employer. Geotechnical Engineer/ Seismic Hazard Geologist/ Engineering Geologist Accounting School Finance & Budget Analyst Archdiocese of Portland in Or­ egon desires motivated pro­ fessional to provide financial, accounting & budget assis­ tance to private school system of 42 elementary schools & eight secondary schools. A highly visible m anagem ent position, this person will work directly with the Superinten­ dent of Catholic Schools in planning for the long-term vi­ ability of the school system, in determining the priority of indi­ vidual school needs, and in determining action plans to pro­ vide optimal financial support to the schools. Responsibilities include provid­ ing hands-on assistance to schools with regard to financial planning, budgeting & cash flow, review of monthly finan­ cial statem ents, studies of schools facing financial chal­ lenges, developing a school fi­ nance manual, and providing in -services to school princi­ pals, boards & staff members on a variety of financial and accounting-related subjects. The Oregon Department of Ge­ ology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) is seeking to hire a geologist, engineering geolo­ gist or geotechnical engineer to participate in seismic haz­ ard studies. The m inim um qualifications are a Masters Degree in Geology, E n g in e e rin g G e o lo g y , Geotechnical Engineering or G eophysics. Duties include geologic mapping, geologic computer modeling, shallow seismic reflection profiling and other detailed geophysical sur­ ve ys, fa u lt tre n c h in g , paleoliquefaction studies, de­ sign, contracting and execu­ tion of drilling and cone pen­ etrometer programs, and other tasks necessary to Identify earthquake sources and map the geologic com ponent of earth-quake hazard in Western Oregon urban areas. Excellent written and oral com­ munication skills, are essen­ tial. This position will com ­ Bachelors degree In accounting mence in late 1993 or early or finance plus 6-10 years ex­ 1994, and is g u a ra n te e d perience in above areas re­ through July 30,1995, with the quired. School experience a possibility of continuation be­ strong plus. Strong spread­ yond that date. Salary Is com­ sheet skills essential. Must mensurate with experience, possess excellent verbal & negotiations will start at $2,606 written communication skills, per month, with an excellent in addition to group presenta­ benefit package. This position tion skills. Salary will approxi­ will be stationed In Portland, mate $35,000 plus excellent Oregon. Interested applicants benefits. Respond with resume should send a resume and cover letter, salary history & cover letter to Ian Madin, Or­ list of professional references egon Department of Geology to Controller, 2838 E. Burnside, and Mineral Industries, 800 NE Portland, OR 97214. E.O.E. Oregon St, #28, Portland, OR 97232. Resumes will be ac­ General Help Wanted cepted until October 1, 1993. Veterans Necessary application materi­ Put your prior service to use. You als and an explanation of the can help us with your experi­ hiring process will be provided ence and training and at the upon receipt of your resume. same time earn extra spend­ DOGAMI is an equal opportu­ ing money. Just give us a try nity employer. and you will find the Oregon A rm y N ational G uard only Executive Director works with the best. Call SFC The Private, non-profit Hilltop Pritchard H o m e -o w n ership D e ve lo p ­ 280-6007 or ment Center in Tacoma, WA Toll Free 1-800-255-2764 seeks an Executive Director to or 1-800-255-2764 expand homeownership oppor­ tunities in this redeveloping Insurance community. The individual se­ lected should have experience If you’re a high performer looking for a high performance busi­ in single-family new construc­ ness environment and a team tion and rehabilitation, commu­ approach, consider this pro­ nity development, and pubic or fessional opportunity with Lib­ private lending. We are seek­ erty Health, part of Liberty ing a proven administrator with Northwest Insurance. experience m anaging con­ Health Claims Supervisor tracts for private, City State and Federal housing funds. A Be rewarded for your knowledge, experience, and solid commu­ bachelor’s degree and previ­ nication skills. Responsibilities ous non-profit or housing man­ include working in a team of agement experience is pre­ professionals ensuring effec­ ferred. To receive an applica­ tive and efficient operation of tio n p a c k e t, p le a s e c a ll Liberty Health's claims depart­ (206)383-9399 and leave your ment. Develop and implement name and address. E.O.E policies and procedures. De­ velop and oversee consistent Graphics and timely application of con­ Production Asst. tract benefits. Qualified applicants should have Must have excellent MS Word a Bachelor's degree and three for Windows, Calendaring, to five years direct health claims m edical term inology and and supervisory experience. proofreading skills for edit­ Excellent oral, written, and in­ ing medical manual. Posi­ terpe rso n al com m unication tion in Vancouver WA. Call: skills. Demonstrated leader­ 227-6785 or 1-800-635-5028 ship and organizational skills or fax to 503-227-869 and abilities. Kelly We offer a competitive salary, Contract Services flexible benefits program with no waiting period, reimburse­ !! Weekly Paychecks I! ment accounts, an exciting (Equal Opportunity team environment and much Employer) more. Submit resume with cover letter to: Revenue Agents Liberty Health Plan State Of Oregon Liberty Northwest Insurance Current O penings W ith The Human Resources 090-93 825 Dept. OF Revenue NE Multnomah, Suite 1900 R evenue A gent I $1,643- Portland OR 97232 $2,l60/m o. + benefits Based in Salem. Requires 5 months direct collection or 1 r Insurance orthwest . Corporation * ’ year collection-related expe­ A Liberty Mutual Company rience. To be considered for current Equal Opportunity Employer openings, applications must be submitted by August 31, 1993. For announcement and required applications, call Revenue Job Line 1-503-945-8555, TDD (for hearing impaired) 1-503- 945-8617. EOE/AAE. Celebrate Diversity y