A ugust 18, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B ö n v I HI ■ W W « i I ' » ;« ! » I » ______ _ by M attie Ann C allier-S p ears Today—we live in a world full of immoral behavior and doctrines. We see all kinds of filth coming oxer the air-waves; coming into our homes, coming into our children’s eyes, ears, hearts and then out of their mouths. Is it any wonder that our community, our city, our state, our nation, the world is in such a turmoil? I am a single mother—because of divorce. I had to raise four small, very im p re ssio n a b le c h ild re n alm o st singlehanded. But—that other hand was God’s hand. 1 could not have done it without Him. Oh, if it hadn’t been for the Lord, Oh w here would 1 be, Oh where would I be without my Lord. Several times I was scolded by friends and even some family mem­ bers for being so narrow-minded. "All you do is go to church! Every time we look for you and the kids, you ’ re at the church or involved in some church activity.” These were words that I heard more often than 1 care to re­ member But, my stand was firm and relentless because I knew that God had made me responsible for the guid­ ance and nurturing of these four chil­ dren And if anything were to happen. I would be held accountable. You see. these children were following my di- rcctions Many times my children’s so - called friends would say, "M an, your mom is mean.” Because I w ouldn’t allow my children to participate in activities that 1 felt would compro­ mise their Christian principles. 1 didn’t care about what others thought. I cared about what God thought. 1 d id n ’t allow any and everything to go on in my house My home was to be a blessing to whomever entered into it. If 1 allowed myself to become involved in compromising activities, I w ouldn’t be who I said I was...A Christian. In the words of this old song, it says, " I’ll let nothing separate me from the love of God. I’ll let nothing keep me from trusting His word...” Children are what they see and hear A product of their environments. Have you ever had the chance to watch your little boys and girls play house? You should w atch with a care­ ful eye because you w ill be watching yourselves. You will heary our words. You will see your mannerisms and actions. You will see your temper. And if you are prone to use abusive language you will hear that too. Our children are our mirrors. What images do you sec? Are they Presenting In Concert The Gospel Choir Of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Sunday, August 29,19903 images that will meet your approval and the approval of God'.’ Or arc they images that need correction? In the scripture, the Biblical Law (The Ten Commandments) adm on­ ishes children to”.. Obey your father and mother, so that you may have a long time in the land that I (God) am giving you”, [Exodus 20; 12 GNB[. If you were to sit on the outside of your home and there was a secret glass that you could look through and sec what was taking place, would you approve of what was going on in that family? Would you approve of how the chil­ dren were being influenced by the parents? I wonder what would the per­ centage be if we should establish a poll that asked the q u e s tio n -" Doyou, as a parent, teach your children the importance of Exodus 20:12? "or" Are C h ristia n values taught in your home?” I dare think of the responses. Right n o w -all one needs to do is to look at the children and listen to what is coming our of their mouths. It is very scary! I can remember times when my children and I couldn't afford to do many thi ngs, but I would create games for the children to play or drive out to Delta Park and watch tire model planes or go to Sauvics Island, open the doors of the car and just let the chil­ dren run, sit in the grass, watch the cows, make fishing poles out to string and sticks and the list goes on. It does not take much to make a child happy but we (adults) violate our privileges as adults. My heart is burdened for the little children o f today. There are so many 6:30 PM Stone Tower Seventh Day Adventist Church NE 30th and Sandy Portland, Oregon This 75 voice choir is under the direction of the very talented Terry Davis, Director of Music at Mt. Olivet. The choir will present an evening of praise and worship that will send you home humming, toe-tapping and filled with the inspired words of the Holy scripture. As the inscribed words on the Statue of Liberty requests: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free, the retched refuge of the teeming shores- Send these the homeless masses tossed..." Come by bus-load or car-load. Come by foot or by cab. No matter what mode of transforation you decide on using... Come! and be blessed. Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor For more information, Call: (503) 284-1954 from 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday. M allory Avenue Christian Church "Coma to ma all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday fiilble Study and Prayer Inter-racial Congregation I 1 26 N.G A lberto 11 violent crimes against little unsus­ you do!!’” Parents and adults must be con­ pecting children. Children who de­ stantly mindful of the examples they pend upon the adults for protection. set before little children. God loves Depend upon them for food and shel­ little children so much that he uses ter. Depend upon adults for love and warmth. But, the world has soiled the the character o f a child as an example spirits of some adults and these little for men to follow. “How can I get to heaven Lord?”, children’s lives are no more than a thin piece of paper blowing about in a the question was raised. In the eigh­ teenth chapter of Luke, Christ is about strong wind. I think about all the negative and some parents are bringing their opportunities which were offered to babies to Jesus for him to place his me on a platter. Both men and women, hands on them. The disciples saw from all walks of life (even church), these parents and told them to "Get approached me to join their com pro­ away!” But Jesus called the children mised lifestyles I refused. My refusal to him and said, “Let the children made some of them angry. 1 was told come to me and do not stop them, that there would never be another because the Kingdom of God belongs opportunity like that ever again in to such as these. Remember this! life. So what! If this opportunity made Whoever does not receive the King­ me feel guilty or question any of the dom o f God like a child will never principles which the Bible had taught, enter it.” These are the most powerful it was not worth it. The answer stood. words ever to be uttered in the scrip­ No! And then, I thought of how it ture today because they let you know would have effected the lives of my exactly where you stand in the eyes of children; just the thought of its results God. Ifyou are guilty and your lifestyle on their little lives cut me at the quick. is polluting the life (or lives) or a child Little children are like tape re­ (or children), you are in big trouble; not with me, but with G od.lt doesn’t corders without an erase key. The only time, in scripture, that take much to make a child happy. I 1 found suicide or murder offered by can recall how the w rapping paper God as an alternative can be found in and string were found to be more this passage o f scripture: Luke 17:1- appealing than the gift itself, on Christ­ 3 GNB, “Jesus said to his disciples, mas. How we influence the lives of our ‘Things that make people fall into sin are bound to happen, but how terrible little children is so very important. for the one who makes them happen! There are so many corrupt concepts It would be better for him if a large floating out in the world soliciting millstone were tied around his neck your support. D on’t believe it! The and he were throw n in to the sea than world wants you only to destroy you. for him to cause one of these little If you need instruction, seek Godly ones (children) to sin. So watch what instruction. And where do you find them? In the Bible. I could have gotten all caught-up in the world and I could have gotten involved with worldly people and could have made a lot o f money. We would be rich by now. But, that kind of wealth does not pay eternal-in­ heaven dividends. In the end, I would have not only destroyed myself, but, I would have destroyed the lives of my four children. I can remember the words of my mother, “How can you stand in front of people, singing and telling them about God and then be seen out drinking or carousing or dancing with men in public places? You can’t live a double life like that. But, in the end, it w on’t be what men think, but what God thinks. Praise the Lord!”Remember only what you do for Christ will last. Only what you do for Him will be counted in the end. Only what you do for Christ will last!” St Michael’s Lutheran Pre-School NE Christian Pre-School Has Openings For Youngsters 3 and 4 years old 9 to 11:30 AM NE 29th and Dekum Call: 282-0000 d i r ; e c t o r s fu n er a l Family Owned and Operated Since 1954 Serving CHURCH 3 9 0 8 the City of Portlandfor over 37 yu t NE O F C H R IS T M A LLO R Y A V E N U E In your SUNDAY SCHEDULE Bible Study 9:30 am Morning Worship 10:45 am Men's Training Leadership Women's Bible Class hour of need Vann & Vann arc there to serve. 503/281-2836 5211 N. Williams Portland, O R 97217 Evangelist Gregory Fobbs 5:00 pm Evening W orship 6:00 pm Attended nursery for all services Wednesday prayer meeting and Bible study 7:00 pm 288-1092 M T . O L IV E T Restoring New Testament Christianity B A P T IS T C H U R C H Has moved Sunday sevices to Stone T ow er C hurch N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler 10:30 a.m, and 7:00 p.m. NEW AZUSA CHRISTIAN CENTER 44 N.E. MORRIS AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 PHONE: (903) 339-3718 WENDELL H. WALLACE, SENIOR PASTOR ’SCHEDULE OF*SERVICES*FOR AUGUST,*19*93 Radio M inistry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS A T eaching Church With A Reaching M inistiy Ur. James E. M artin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 J