Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 18, 1993, Page 10, Image 10

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    A ugust 18, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age B4
* '
© baeru er
N o rth w e s t N a tu ra l To
Hold P u b lic R e s o u rc e
P la n n in g M e e tin g s
Northwest Natural Gas Company
is holding three Integrated Resource
Planning Meetings: in Portland on
August 23, in Salem on August 24
and in Eugene on August 25. The
public is encouraged to attend
This is the u tility ’ s second Inte­
grated Resource Plan (IRP) or Least
Cost Plan
Both the Oregon Public U tility
Commission and the W ashington
U tilities and Transportation commis­
sion require local distribution com­
panies to develop biennial long-term
resource plans The plans evaluate
resource planning strategies for serv ­
ing the company’ s core customers at
the lowest possible cost. These strat­
egies take into account customer re­
quirements and growth forecasts, cur­
rent and future gas supply options.and
conservation options
The first public meeting w ill be
held in Portland on M onday, Aug 23,
from 7-9pni in One Pacific Square’s
4th floor Hospitality Room, 220 NW
2nd Avenue in Portland’ s O ld 1 ow n.
The second meeting w ill be held
in Salem on Tuesday, Aug 24, from
7-9pm at the Northwest Natural Gas
Salem O ffic e A u d ito riu m , 3123
OPB A ugust P le d g e D rive
"Q uite simply, this really is pub­
lic television and our members ac­
count for out largest single source o f
income, contributing 49% o f our rev­
enue,” according to Helen Kennedy,
Oregon Public Broadcasting s mem­
bership di rector " It is especially grati­
fying that so many families have af­
firmed their support foi public televi­
sion and for the value it contributes to
Broadway , NE.
The final meeting w ill be held in
Eugene on Wednesday, Aug 25, from
7-9pnt at the Northwest Natural Gas
Eugene O ffic e A u d ito riu m , 790
Goodpasture Island Rd
Anyone who wants to receive a
summary o f the draft 1993 Plans
should send a letter w ith their name
and address to: Director, Leas, Cost
Planing, Northwest Natural Gas Com­
pany, 220 N W 2nd Ave., Portland,
OR 97209
their quality o f life
And families are the key to this
year's August pledge drive w ith pro­
gram s to charm everyone fro m
Lanza’ s turbulent life is profiled
through excerpts from his most popu­
lar film s
Saturday. August 21.7:3<)pm The
Judds Their Final Concert After 14
number-one country records and
countless awards. Wynnona and
gust pledge 1993.
Friday. August 2 0 .9:35pm How
Ordinary People Do Extraordinary
Things W ith Dr. Robert Kriegel.
K rieg el presents forw ard-looking
theories on excelling under pressure
and stress reduction.
Saturday, August 21,6pm M ario
Lan za: T he A m e ric a n Caruso.
“ Since it was instituted more than
10 years ago. the regional exchange
has prov ided real benefits to Pacific's
customers,” said Lorenzini. “ In fact,
prices to our customers dropped by as
much as 20 percent w hen we started
theexchange But.overtim e.Pacific's
relative costs have decreased, w hile
Bonneville’s havecontinuedtoclinib.
which reduces the credit available to
This year. Bonnev ille faced sig­
nificant cost increases related to fish
and w ild life protection, resource ac-
Monday, August 2 3,9:10pm The
50’ s: Moments To Remember. Many
o f the performers that made the 1950s
fabulous come together, including
Tresa Brewer, Rosemary Clooney.
Frankie Lane and Pattie Page
Oregon Public Broadcasting is
the public television and radio net­
work serving Oregon and southern
G A guidelines are complicated
and detailed, and you’ ll only find
basic inform ation here. I f you or
your doctor have questions, call Le­
gal A id ’s Welfare Rights Hotline at
241-4111. Under the G A guide­
lines, your health problem may be
physical or mental, or both. Physi­
cal problems include those that
would make you ill or cause you
pain by liftin g five pounds or sitting
and/or standing fo r four hours. You
also qualify i f you can’t use at least
one hand or are nearly blind, even
w ith glasses. In addition, you can
get G A i f a doctor says your physi­
cal problem could be cured by medi -
cation or therapy allow ing you to
work w ithin 60 days, or it is imm e­
quisition and poor water conditions,
which have caused the agency to raise
its rates Lorenzini said the result for
Pacific Power’ s residential and small
farm customers is a big reduction in
the exchange credit previously passed
through to them.
For an average residential cus­
tomer who uses 1.000 kilowatt-hours
per month, the proposed 6.2 percent
increase w ill raise m onthly b ills by
about $3, or 10 cents per day. Cost per
kilowatt-hour w ill go to 4.667 cents
from 4.343 cents for the first 300
kilow att-hours consumed, and to
5.152 cents from 4.828 cents for ad­
ditional kilowatt-hours.
Small farm and irriga tion cus­
tomer increases w ill a ?rage 6.9 per­
cent. Customers who have questions
about the impact o f this proposed
increase should call the local Pacific
Power office.
Housing O ur Families w ill be
hosting a Neighborhood Party on
Sunday August 22,1 -4pm at Unthank
Park, corner o f N. Kerby and Failing.
T he p a rty is to ce le b ra te the
organization’ s recent acquisition o f
the Colonial Park Apartments and to
kick o ff their rehab and revitalization
projects in the apartments and sur­
rounding community. The event w ill
feature free food and cold drinks, live
entertainment, an open mike ja m ses­
sion for local bands, fun activities for
children including face painting, a
raffle w ith exciting prizes like a Red
Lion getaway package, and more.
Neighborhood residents w ill also have
an opportunity to nominate their house
to be painted for free in Housing Our
Families’ up coming Painl-a-Thon
days. The report must state why you
diate life threatening, cannot be con­
can’t w ork and should include any
trolled w ithout treatment and would
proof the doctor may have o f your
get worse if you worked.
health problem. The doctor should
You may also get G A for a mental
include in the report a diagnosis, a
or emotional illness i f you have at
prognosis, (how long your recovery
least two o f the follow ing conditions:
w ill take), medical records, exam
a hard time concentrating or fin ish ­
results and other documentation o f
ing tasks on time: severe problems
your disability and an explanation o f
being or working w ith others; severe
how your illness meets G A guide­
lim its on yourdaily activities; or times
lines. The report must be signed by a
when work or work-type situations
medical doctor (M .D .), doctor o f os­
make your symptoms or problems
teopathy (D.O.), psychiatrist (M .D .)
worse. You also qualify i f you’ re a
or psychologist (Ph.D.) and sent to
danger to yourself or others or you
cannot take care o f your basic needs.
Proving you deserve G A takes a
And you can get G A i f a doctor finds
lot o f work, but SDSD must help you,
drug or alcohol problems keep you
as w ell as pay for your doctor visits.
from working. But you’ ll have to get
Legal A id can also help by giving
treatment for your addiction i f pre­
your doctor a form that makes fillin g
scribed, provided such treatment is
out the report easier. SDSD may ask
for more time i f your doctor delays
G A pays $268 in cash for one
sending in the report. I f denied GA,
person, less i f you’re living with some­
you must be notified in w riting, which
one. Some health care isalsocovered,
is called a denial notice. I f you get
but during hospital stays, only doctor
one, cal, Legal A id ’s Welfare Rights
bills are paid.
Hotline a t2 4 1-4111 right away to get
To apply for G A , you must go to a
advice and find out about a
Senior and Disabled Services D iv i­
sion (SDSD) branch office. I f unable
Multnomah County Legal Aid
to go because o f health problems,
Service provides legal advice and
SDSD can mail an application or
representation to low-income people
send someone to your home. You can
livin g in Multnomah County having
also ask someone else to apply for you
welfare problems. Appointments may
at the branch office. Y ou’ ll have to
be made by calling our North/North-
fill out several papers, and apply for
east Community Law O ffice (on the
benefits through Social Security.
Portland Com m unity College Cas­
After applying, you’ ll need to see a
cade Campus) at 295-9494.
doctor w ho’ ll have to w rite a report
saying you cannot work for at least 60
rig h ts advocate and founder o f
“ Drummers and Dreamers; Judy
Smith, fem inist and publisher o f
Blue Stocking; and Jordana Sardo.
anti-OCA activist and Organizer for
Portland Radical Women Come toast
the defiant new wave o f women s
leadership The festivities begin at
2:00 p m on Sunday. August 22 in
Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm
Sunday dosed
C o m m u n ity
C a le n d a r
In Honor Of Women’s Rights Day
"T h ird wave feminists: We Are
The Leaders W e’ve Been W aiting
For.' Everyone is invited to celebrate
Women's Rights Day Join in a dis­
cussion o f the deteriorating social
and econom ic co n d itio n s w hich
compel women to become the lead­
ers everyone needs. Speakers are
Lisa Clav, .African-American human
Ranges From ’ 129°°
Legal Aid S e rie s 1 4 : G e n era l
A s s is ta n c e
Finding a job is challenging
enough for the average person. But
for those stricken w ith physical or
mental health problems, the real
challenge is being able to work at
For disabled people, there is Gen­
eral Assistance (G A ), a welfare pro­
gram that provides cash fo r those
disabled and unable to work for at
least 60 days. T o qualify, you must
be 18 years or older, have less than
$50, not be eligible for A id to Fam i­
lies w ith D ependent C h ild re n
(A D C ), and be either single or a
childless couple. You must also
suffer physical or mental health
problems that keep you from w ork­
ing, as w ell as meet the G A guide­
Refrigerators From 129“
P a c ific P o w e r R a te H ik e
As a result o f the Bonneville
Power A dm inistration’ s recently an­
nounced rate hike. Pacific Power said
Friday that its residential prices could
rise by 6.2 percent.
Pacific Power filed w ith the O r­
egon Public U tility Commission to
pass through the increase to residen­
tial and irrigation customers affected
by the BPA rate hike I f approved, the
increase would take effect Oct. 1
The proposed increase would be
the first time the u tility ’s prices have
increased for six years.
“ In 1987, we made a com m it­
ment to our customers to hold the line
on prices for at least five years." said
Paul Lorenzini, PPpresident. “ I t ’s
been six years and our prices have
actually fallen 8 percent. However,
the magnitude o f Bonneville's in ­
crease requires us to pass increased
costs through to our customers.”
Washer & Dryer $199°°
Naomi ended their musical partner­
ship with this moving performance.
Sunday. August 22.2 to 10:30pm
Healing And The M ind W ith B ill
Moyers Marathon The acclaimed
broadcast journalist hosts a marathon
o f his recent five-part series on heal­
preschoolers to grandparents
Here are the highlights for Au­
One o f the BPA programs that
w ill be affected by the agency’ s rate
hike is the “ regional exchange,” un­
der w hich Pacific’s residential and
small farm customers have received a
credit that reduces their power costs.
The credit is based on the difference
between BPA's prices and Pacific's
Appliance Center
^ 9 ’
.<> w
75 ' ^
; Î Î W 233 o te
S t o w 1« • W e
H ill
T o n is R e s ta u r a n t
P hase #2 C atering C oncepts
O p en 7:00 am to 11OO pm M /T k ursd ay
Fri/Sat. 7:00 am to 4:00 am
Sun 9:00 am to 9 0 0 pm
The force’ is w ith Franklin
High physics teacher How ard Adler
when he gets back to school this
Adler spent three weeks in a
special U S. Department o f Energy
(DOE) summer program, learning
a ll about the universe—how it
works, its basic particles and forces.
He plans to use his first-hand in ­
formation about high energy par­
ticle physics and astrophysics to
energize students in his classroom
this vear.
Adler was one o f 45 high school
teachers from around the United State
selected to participate in the Topics in
Modern Physics National Institute
(TM P) held at Fermi National Accel­
erator L aboratory (F e rm ilab ) in
Batavia. 111. Fermilab is home o f the
world s highest energy particle accel­
erator, the Tevatron.
TM P participants joined in ses­
sions w ith Fermi physicists that dem­
onstrated how phy sicists understand
the small and complex w orld o f sub­
atomic structure as well as the im ­
mense cosmos. Many hands-on
labs and activities were designed
to link the Fermilab experience to
classroom activities that partici­
pants w ill use w ith their own stu­
Fermilab is one o f several spe­
cial research facilities operated by
DOE as part o f the United States
high energy physics program.
For more information, please
contact Lew Fredrick, director,
Public Information Office, Port­
land Public Schools. 331-3304.
tailored in
fancy fabrics.
Lifetime quality
Sofa & Loveseat!
....... A
Dahlkc M anor's Community Room.
915 NE Schuyler. Portland. A delec­
table International Buffet w ill be
available a, 12:30 p m for a $7.00
donation A door donation o f $3.00
is requested. Auspices: Radical
Women For more in fo rm a tio n ,
childcare or directions, call (503) 228-
3090 Wheelchair accessible
äAuthientlcaiiy Styled Ì
QUEEN ANN I8th Century Grandeur CHERRY
Oval dining tab le w ith
4 matching side chairs.
arm chairs available
Quality workm anship.
Cherry o r Oak
ONA Donates $3,000 To Police Activities League
The Oreagon narcotics Enforce­
ment A ssociation presented the
Police Activities League (P A L) w ith
a donation o f $3,000 to help w ith
its prevention efforts for youth in
the community on August 11, 1993,
at the Portland State U n ive rsity
campus PAL and PSU are in a jo in t
effort offering the National Youth raising campaign w ith the ONEA
Sports Program, a five-week sports donation “ Pal is at a critical stage in
and e ducational cam p fo r lo w - its development right now," said PAL
executive D irector M aura W hite
income youth.
PAL. which is a collaboration o f
all law enforcement agencies in M u lt­
O tlicc: (503,200-0033 ¡: ;1
nomah County and a publie/private
Fax//:. (503) 200-0015 .
partnership kicked o ff its fall fund
• OPEN DAILY 9:30-6 PM • SATURDAY 10-6:00 PM
• SUNDAY 12:00-6:00 PM