Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 11, 1993, Page 9, Image 9

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    P age B 3
T he P ortland O bserver • A ugust 11, 1993
Dr. Flowers Wins
McDonald’s Summer League
by John P hillips
D r. F lo w e rs started the
McDonald’s Far West Summer Bas­
ketball League for women playoffs as
the number one seed. Bytheendofthe
week that seed proved to be right
D r Flowers opened the playoffs
w ith a w in o f Ram Light Truck Sal­
vage, 56 to 36. Arianne Boyer and
Tina Geis led the way w ith 11 points
each. Annan W ilson added 10 points
for the winners. Standout at San Jose
State University Dominica McCord
scored 10 points for Ram Light Truck
In the last game o f the first night
o f the playoffs, it was Everlast Sports
D rink over second seeded, Bleachers
G rill Pub, 70 to 55. L iz Brenden, who
played in the sports festival in July,
had a big night w ith 25 points. K elli
H ow ell’s 20 points paced Bleachers
G rill Pub.
N ight two o f the playoffs got
even better as Tire Headquarters got
109 points from Ivy Safrananski and
18 points from Sandra Howell to run
pass Oregon M ail Distributors 78 to
Kathy Gibson o f Lewis & Clark
College led Oregon N ail w ith 17
points. Tire Headquarters had good
balance, getting 14 points each from
P.J. Hall and Krista Smith and 13
points form Karen Healea.
In the night cap, Primo-Limo
saw Katy Steding score 35 points in a
76-57 w in over Shilo Inns. Steding, a
member o f the U S. Womens O lym ­ sponsor for the last three years. Team
pic team had 6 three pint shots. Angie sponsors are Tire Headquarter Inc.,
Harris o f The Portland Saints, scored Mr. Bud Holden has been w ith the
20 points for Shilo Inns.
league all ten years as well as Gene
On night three, only four teams Rosling o f Oregon Nail Distributors
were left. In the first game Dr Flow­ Inc. Other sponsors are, Jim Pillow o f
ers met Everlast Sports D rink in a Shilo Inn, Terry McCow n o f Bleach­
game that was close all the way. Laurie ers G rill Pub, Larry Owen o f Primo-
M illiga n, a senior at Tigard High Limo, Everlast Sports D rink, Steve
School, scored 25 points as Dr. Flow­ Brown ofThe Portland Bottling Com­
ers got by Everlast Sports D rink, 75 to pany, Dr. B illy Ray Flowers o f Flow­
65. Tina Geis added 21 point for eh ers. And last but not least, D ick
winners. Brenden again was high for Gaboury, o f Ram Light Truck Sal­
her team w ith 19 points.
vage. Mr. Gaboury has been the larg­
In the other semi-final, Primo- est supporter o f women basketball
Lim o got 17 points from LceAnn over the last five years in the state o f
Kriegh and 14 each from Shelly M ills Oregon. He supports the Portland
and Kendra Starks in a 59-39 win
Saints as well as the M cDonald’s Far
over Tire Headquarters. The losses West Summer basketball League For
were led by Healea’s 10 points.
On Friday night (8-6-93) Dr.
We at the Portland Observer take
Flowers met Primo-Limo in the cham­ our hats o ff to Mr. Dick Gaboury o f
pionship game at Columbia Christian Ram Light Truck Salvage.
This summers awards were as
Dr. Flowers got 18 points from follow s: M ost Im proved Player,
Missy Smith from Oregon State U ni­ Meagan W illiam s and Tina Geis,
versity, Boyer added 15 more and Most Inspirational players, Jcnni and
Geis got 12, while Joan Coleman Corie Krueger, Best Rebounder, Krista
stepped up big time w ith 10 points in Smith Best offensive player, L iz
a 73-69 w in over Primo-Limo.
Brenden. Best Defensive player,
Steding led Primo-Limo w ith 22 Annan W ilson Best playmaker,
points while M ills and Meagan W il­ M ichelle Gray. Best College player,
liams each scored 14 points.
Verna Guild, Bets non-college player
This is the tenth year o f the Carol Rawlings. Rookies o f the year,
McDonald’s Far West Summer Bas­ Arianna Boyer and Linda Ricdman.
ketball League. The first five men Best 3-Point shooter, Ivy Sarranski.
played, now the women have the court.
Hustler Aw ard, Angie Harris and
McDonald’s has been the main league best Newcomer was Carla Idsinga.
Thriftway/ Blazers Alumni Team
For Charity
During the 1992-93 season, more
than S 140,000 was raised fo. chai i-
ties through the 40 games that the
Thriftway/Blazers A lum ni Team
played throughout Oregon and
Southwest Washington. Organiza­
tions interested in putting on a
Thriftw ay/Blazers A lum ni game
should contact their local Thriftw ay
store manager for an entry applica­
tion and information packet., A ll
applications must be submitted in
w riting no later than Friday, August
15, 1993.
The sponsoring organization is
responsible for putting together the
team thatcompetcs against thcBlaz-
ers Alum ni. T ypically, the opposing
squad is comprised o f teachers, lo ­
cal celebrities, school alumni play­
ers, looal business, civic leaders or
politicians. Sponsor organizations
can generate additional revenue by
selling advertising in the program
to local businesses. Memorabilia for
a half-time auction is also provided.
Auction items include Blazers games
tickets, two basketballs autographed
by the current members o f the Trail
Blazers basketball team, one ball
autographed by the Blazers Alum ni
Team, a Blazers jacket and other
additional Blazers merchandise.
Motorcyclists From Around
The World Will Gather
In Nevada
Over 200 motorcyclists from
around the globe w ill gather at
Excalibur Hotel/Casino as they com­
pete in Nevada Rally, a colossal mo­
tor cycle marathon beginning August
21-29. Never before has a sporting
event o f this magnitude been permit­
ted in the United States, and Excalibur
is proud to jo in Acerbis Adventure as
the sponsor o f this event.
“ We believe there is no better
place to host this unique event than
Las Vegas and Excalibur Hotel,” said
A1 Hummel, Excalibur’s vice presi­
dent. “ We look forward to bringing
more events o f this caliber to our
Nevada R ally w ill begin on
A ugust 21. R iders w ill depart
from Excalibur and cover more than
2,000 miles o f Nevada’ s rugged
terrain, passing through areas o f
Mesauite, Ley, Elko, and Tonopah.
Special test sections make up 1,500
miles o f the course, which w ill be
covered over a seven-day run.
R iders w i ll also be tested by
Mother Nature as the drive through
the Mojave Desert, where summer
temperatures can reach a sizzling
120 degrees.
Race o ffic ia ls from Acerbis
Adventure, known w'orld-wide for
coordinating m otorcycling events
such as the 1990 Incas Rally in
South America, hope the Nevada
Rally w ill soon become a part o f
the W o rld C ham pionship R ally
The Easter Seal Society o f Or­
egon presents the 14th Annual Soft-
ball Challenge. The event w ill take
place September 10, 11, and 12, at
Delta Park.
The Softball Challenge, Easter
Seal’ s largest and most popular spe­
Series. Other Rally sites scheduled
for 1994 include Paris, Africa, Mo­
rocco, and Egypt
As the major sponsor o f Nevada
Rally, Excalibur w ill host the techni­
cal inspection, trade show, press con­
ferences, and opening and closing
Excalibur was selected as the site
for this event because o f the hotel’s
international recognition. Race offi­
cials expressed that Excalibur’ s name
is known throughout Europe, and
other parts o f the globe, as a gaming
resort synonymous w ith Las Vegas
entertainment and hospitality.
Riders w ill be competing for the
prize purse worth a m inimum of
$25,000.00. Scheduled to compete is
five-time IDSE gold medalist rider
Alain Oliver from France, five-time
French Endure champion, Theirry
Magnaldi, and two-time world 250cc
motocross ch a m p io n ,
H e in z
Kinigadner. A $500 prize w ill be
awarded to each day’ s top rider, w ith
the overall winner collecting $5000.00
Nevada Rally entry fee is $1,500.00
For more information about race reg­
istration, contact Acerbis Adventure
at (702) 641-3788.
Excalibur, the w orld’s most ex­
citing Hotel/Casino. is one o f seven
Nevada gaming properties owned and
operated by Circus Enterprises, Inc.,
developers o f Luxor resort hotel, and
Grand Slam Canyon, both in Las
With Easter Seals
cial event, is open to all area softball
teams. The team entry fee o f $250
includes three hours o f softball, a
baseball cap for each team member,
and sponsor product. A dditio na l
prizes including t-shirts, Coleman
Coolers, team dinners, and a Reno
. O incc: (503) 200-0033. j f j j
Fax'#:) (503) 200-001 5ft
trip, w ill also be awarded based on
team fundraising for Easter Seals.
The Easter Seal Society o f O r­
egon is a non-profit organization
which thrives to promote indepen­
dent living for children and adults
w ith disabilities.
’ n
Saturday, August 21,1993
At the Civic Stadium
Doors Open at 3:00 PM
Proceeds to Benefit Oregon High School Athletics
Gresham High School, Saturday,
August 14, 1993, 7:30 P.M.
Tikcets are on sale now at Blazers on Broadway and all
Ticketmaster locations. Prices start at $13 for adults and $8 for
students (subject to user fees and service charges)
NBA Celebrity Classic Basketball Game with Blazers and NBA
Witness the Thunderbolts begin the drive
for their fifth consecutive championship
Slam 'N Jam 3-Point Shootout during halftime of the Celebrity
Classic. This will include NBA players and one "lucky fan" who will
qualify to shoot with the pros.
Fireworks display and musical entertainment featuring Tom Grant
and Curtis Salgado.
Be there to support the Thunderbolts and
Gresham Athletics.
Interactive games and concessions on field (with purchase of a
field pass).
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