.r A ugust 11, 1 9 9 3 • T he P orti ani ) O bserver P age A 6 ® lje ^ J a rlia n i! (© baertier Local Editor Leading Local Newspaper Conference D iane W agner, editor o f the V an­ couver-based Senior Messenger news­ paper, w ill lead a group discussion on technology issues at the Northwest S enior C itizen N ew spaper Editors Conference in Portland Sept 13 and 14. T he session will focus on technol- ogy issues (computers, printing, postal m atters, photography) involved in the production o f senior-oriented publi­ cations. The September Editors Confer­ ence is co-sponsored by the A merican A sso c ia tio n o f R e tire d P e rso n s (A A R P ) a n d P o rtla n d S ta te U niversity’s Institute on A ging the tow-day gathering is set for PSU’s Smith M em orial Center. W agner has served as editor and associate editor o f the Senior M essen­ ger since 1990 The paper is produced monthly by the City o f V ancouver and distrib­ uted free to ov er 14,000 older adult readers in the region In June, it cel­ ebrated it’s 20th year o f publication. The 16-to 24-pagc tabloid spe­ cializes in news, inform ation, special features and event calendars o f help and interest to local seniors, recently placed 25th on the Portland Business Journal 's list o f top area magazines. Tandy Corporation Jantzen Beach Center’s Back- To-School Fashion Show On Saturday, August 14 At 2:00 P.M Jantzen Beach C enter hosts the hottest looks for fall at Jantzen Beach C e n te r’s B ack-to-S chool F ash io n Show on Saturday, A ugust 14 at 2:00 p m. at the Jantzen Beach Clock Tower Stage. M erchandise from Jan tzen Beach C enter’s retailers will be m od­ eled by local m odeling students fea­ turing the hottest in back-to-school wear for this fall. S haw na S chuh, o w n er o f SchuBiz Production states, "T h e h ot­ test in fashion for back-to-school this year is loose, easy to w ear clothing and w e’ll be show ing it all o ff S atur­ day at J a n tz e n B each C e n te r .” S chuB iz P ro d u ctio n s p ro m ise s a stim ulating runway fashion show that will give great ideas for fashion es­ sentials for back-to-school. For more details and inform a­ tion about Jantzen Beach C e n ter’s Back-to-School Fashion Show con­ tact C ustom er Service at (206) 699- 4644 in W ashington or (503) 289- 5555 in Oregon. Jantzen Beach C en­ ter is located on Hayden Island, 1-5, Exit 308, on the C olum bia River. Horowitz Picked For Committee Signs Lease At Jantzen Beach Center For 23,600 Square Foot Computer City SuperCenter N ic k J a v a r a s , p r e s id e n t o f classroom training on to d ay 's most T erranom ics Retail Services and head powerful software applications. Pro­ o f leasing activities at Jantzen Beach fessional instructors provide inten­ C enter, announced the signing o f a sive, one-day classes for individuals 23,600 square foot Com puter City or group classes for business training super store by Tandy C orporation at sessions on state-of-the-art hardware. C om puter City D irect (CCD ) Jantzen Beach Center. In an n o u n cin g th e ir decision services the business needs o f com ­ to lo c a te th e ir c o m p u te r C ity puter City customers. O ffering both S u p e r C e n te r in th e P o r tla n d / outbound specialist and in-store as­ V ancouver trad e area at Jan tzen sistance, CCD is a team o f profession­ B each Center, Com puter City presi­ als com mitted to providi ng uncqualcd dent, A lan Bush said, “T he reposi­ service, flawless execution and qual­ tio n in g an d re-m erch a n d isin g o f ity system solutions for com m ercial, Jantzen Beach C enter make it an governm ent and education accounts. excellent location to attract custom ­ Installation, training and technical ers from the entire Portland/V ancou- support are available through C om ­ v er trade area.” Com puter City fea­ puter City Direct T erranom ics Retail Services, the tures nam e brands in personal com ­ puter products at the lowest retail m anagem ent, m arketing and leasing prices in the market. T he Jantzen team on the property is currently B each store is scheduled to open w orking with other national retailers and restaurants for the Center. A n­ th is fall. A ccording to Javaras, “O ur re­ nouncem ents will be m ade as leases p o sitio n in g p ro g ram for Ja n tze n are signed Jantzen Beach Center, ow ned by B each C enter is establishing it as a unique destination, unlike anything The Prudential Insurance Com pany o f America, is a regional shopping that currently exists in the trade area W e have m axim ized Jantzcn’s desti­ center located on Hayden Island, ofT nation draw through the creation of Interstate 5, E xit 308, on the C olum ­ several sy nergy zones: lifesty le, value bia River. Com puter City is a registered and entertainm ent ” C om puter City offers hands-on service m ark o f Tandy Corporation. University Of Portland Hosts Keebler's Snack & Field Day V ancouver City Council mem ber Linda Horowitz has been ap­ pointed to the N ational League of Cities Human Dev elopm ent Steering Committee As a com mittee m em ber she will analyze and develop policy for the N ational League o f Cities on human service issues such as employment and job training, social security, im ­ m igration and refugees, health and education, equal opportunity and crim inal justice Accordi ng to Horowitz, the steer­ ing com mittee is the place where the policy “ nuts and bolts are ham mered o u t" and w here members can give a perspective how federal government polices affect cities. M embers also have the opportunity to meet with high-level governm ent officials to express concerns and discuss issues. Horowitz has also served on the National League o f Cities Education Task Force. She has been a city coun­ cil member since 1990. Larry Steele taught his tricks of the trade to Portland-area kids during Keebler's snack & field day, held at the University of Portland. A full roster o f former sports stars, including Carney Lansford. Neil Lomax, Billy Mills, Larry Steele and Juli Veee, conducted sports clinics for kids. The day of events also featured cheerleading performances, martial arts exhibitions and additional entertainment to appeal to the entire family. Black Economic Development National Black Chamber Of Commerce Will Focus On Black Economic Development At Its Sixth Annual Conference In Dallas, Texas Issues o f concern to the econom ic Public Program s, Philip M orris Com ­ ex elopm ent o f Black A m ericans will panies Inc., w ho is scheduled to speak e the order o f the day when the at the conference, said: "T he N ational National Black Cham ber ofCom m erce Black Cham ber o f Com m erce contin­ N BCC) convenes in D allas, Texas ues to successful ly promote the growth his sum m er for its Sixth A nnual Na- o f Black businesses and economic developm ent, two abiding concerns o f ional Conference. T he conference, w hich will be Philip Morris. 1 am proud to say that icld at the Radisson Hotel, 2330 West P hilip M orris has long been a leader in «Jorthwest Highway, A ugust 25-29. assisting the efforts o f m inority entre­ 993, will take as its them e, “Back to preneurs. and I am happy to see that he Future: A C om m itted Past. A Pre- more and more m ajor business corpo­ iarcd Tomorrow ' The conference will rations are follow ing our exam ple.” A m ong other speakers scheduled >e hosted by the D allas Black C ham - to deliver keynote addresses are W il­ »er o f Com merce. liam G. Mays, C hairm an and CEO, “T his y e a r's conference m arks M avs C hem ical Com pany Inc.; D al­ he tenth anniversary o f our organiza- las County State Senator Royce West, ion.” said C laren ce J. P atterson, vIBCC C hairm an o f the Board. “ It is and B enjam in Ruffin, Vice President in appropriate tim e to recom m it our- o f Corporate Affairs, R.J. Reynolds ,elves to the principles o f service and Tobacco Company T he N ational Black C ham ber b a rin g that Black business pioneers ivedby. We will also take tim ed u rin g o f C om m erce was organized in 1983 he conference to report on the status to prom ote the growth and dev elop­ >f the NBCC and its goals for the ment o f Black-ow ned businesses na- tionw idc and also to support state­ u tu re.” M ark V. M onteverdi, M anager, wide Black cham bers o f commerce. I Chairman o f the Board It is h e a d q u a rte re d in O a k la n d , California. For m ore inform ation regarding the conference, please contact T ho­ mas Houston or Dx orah Ex ans at (214) 421-5200. For hotel reservations, please call the Radisson Hotel a t (214) 351 -4477 or 1-800-333-3333. Students Sharpen Reading Skills T his Sum m er Building reading skills and enjoy ment is the focus of “Come Read W ith Me." a seven-week sum m er program involving students and teachers from Kelly Elementary , 9030 S.E. Cooper Some 25 students from all grade lev els gather on Tuesdays i n the school courty ard or cafeteria from 10am to noon to share favorite books and dis­ cuss them w ith fellow students and teach ers T he program concludes Aug. 17. W V hope I I U U V that l l l d l many IIK 1 1 IV V u i v be- zv “We of I u our ginning readers will keep their read- this new program ," said Kelly teacher M argaret M arsh. “ Students read on their won or are read to by teachers and older students who assist us.” PORTLAND OBSERVER --------- ------- • 20 -00 : rip Gangster Rap And Negative Black Music O n any given day, if you tune in to the music Black young people are listening to, you are likely to hear a torrent o f renditions that are filled with foul language, violent lyrics, and negative im ages o f B lack people and degenerating ref­ erences to Black w om en in partic- lar. A few weeks age. Rev. Calvin Butts, Pastor o f the A byssinian B aptist C hurch in H arlem , led a rally w here hundreds o f X rated Rap tapes were collected up and crushed by a steamroller. O utraged by the sexually explicit language, the casual attitude tow ards vio­ lence, and the constant use o f the infam ous “ B" word to describe A frican A merican women, Rev. Butts declared that it is tune to draw the line against negative Rap m usic. Rev. Jesse Jackson also aired a discussion about this issue on his television show, Both Sides with Jesse Jackson. He expressed grave concern that self-degrading, violent and self-destructive behavior could be elevated to the level o f ac­ ceptability through a highly sought after form o f Black m usic-G angster Rap. On the other side o f the argu­ ment, defenders o f G angster R ap and other forms o f Rap music insist that Rap music simply portrays life as it is on the streets o f the inner-city. W hile I am not a proponent o f censorships, I am com pelled to sup­ port Rev. B utt's contention that it’s tim e to draw the line in term s o f what we arc willing to tolerate as accept­ able in the African A m erican co m ­ munity. Black music has alw ays been a kind of reflection o f the life and tim es o f Black people in this hostile society. O ur music has also been a source o f inspiration and redem p­ tion. Hence in the 6 0 ’s and 7 0 ’s, Black music, from freedom songs to hit records on the R&B charts, her­ alded the determ ination o f a people in be free and the com ing o f a new day for Black people. T he Islcy Brothers, the Staples Singers, the Im pressions, the O ’Jays, M arvin G aye, C urtis M ayfield, Jam es Brown etc., all had recordings that w ere forward looking and uplifting. When Black Pow er exploited onto the scene in the mid 6 0 ’s, the Black Arts and Culture M ovem ent was at th ccu ttin g cd g co fth c quest to achieve a more positive sense o f self-esteem and self-worth as Black people. Larry Neal, the Last Poets, Sonia Sanchez, Haki M adhubuti, Nikki G iovanni and A m in Barcaka e t„ all m ade revolu­ tionary music with their words. And G il Scott H eron em cig c d as the epitom e o f w hat it m eant to be a revolutionary musician. Dr. M aulana Karcnga, the creator o f the Kwanzaa, laid out the reason for being for Black m usic w hen he said, “Black art should be functional, collective and com m it­ ted.” The music o f the tim e was very m uch caught up in functioning to help us im prove our self-im age as A frican people, and inspiring us to com m it ourselves to the struggle for freedom , justice and equality; the struggle for Black liberation. T o use the “B” word in Black m usic to refer to Black w om en was unthinkable. T he “ N” w ord to describe another Black person was virtually driven from our vocabulary. And we were too busy talking about m aking revo­ lution to contem plate songs featuring brothers and sisters turning A K s and N ine M illim eters on each other. It is a tragic indicator o f the State of Em ergency tearing at the m asses of Black people and the current state of the “m ovem ent” that som e o f tnc m ost “popular" music absorbed by our young people on a day today basis is so terribly dem eaning and self- destructive. Chancellor W illiam sonce asked: how did we com e from the pyram ids to the projects. T he current state o f much of Rap music com pels us to ask: how did we com e from being revolutionaries to gangsters. G angster Rap is in vogue. The nega­ tive is becoming the norm . It is indeed tim e to draw the line. In all fairness,not all Rap artist are engaged in propagating music that is as denigrating and destructive as G angster Rap. Public Enem y, KRS-I, X-Clan, Kool Moe Dee and some o f the new er groups like Arrested Dc ve lopme nt, Gum bo, and Digable plan - ets, have put out some very positive and uplifting pieces. Arrested D evel­ opm ent, for exam ple, in addition to being an incredibly positive group on stage an in their videos, is making a conscious effort to connect up w ith and be supportive of youth groups and grassroots com m unity organizations as they tour die country. So all is definitely not loss. In draw ing the line we need to dow nplay the negative and accentuate the positive. Parents, teachers, preachers, civic, social, fraternal, religious, political and just plain grassroots leaders and organiza­ tions should join the moral and cultural offensive that Rev. Butts has launched. Self-hatred, self-degradation, ami fratri­ cide are the mark of the ojipressed. We ciinnolalford to allow that maik to remain fash ionable in the African American com­ munity. African American youth, espe­ cially, must he cliallenged to take respon­ sibility for the rescue and restoration of African peopk'and the Black community; to spark and sustain a movement dial will eradicate rac ism in this nation, and dis mantle an exploitive and unjust sy stem. We m ust draw the line. We m ust not becom e the agents o f our own d e­ struction. í t • r f “ - • t * ML«? • ‘ M • •*