70104 A ugust 11, 1 9 9 3 • T he P ortland O bserver P age A 4 u ild in g N o r t h e a s t K eeps Ms. Leah V an Horton couldn't borrow the money her business needed to solidify ow nership o f a building or m ake im provem ents the bu ild in g needed to rem ain an attractive loca­ tion to draw business tenants Lo­ cated at 2300 NE M artin Luther K ing B l v d , the b u ild in g 's location was apparently viewed as not providing som e potential lenders the right risk- rew ard equation. T old by three large banks she lacked experience and a credit h is­ tory, or that these banks were not e n g a g e d in m a k in g c o m m ercial real estate loans, Ms V an Horton, a chem istry graduate o f the Univ e r­ sity o f O regon, now asks herself, “ W hy d id n ’t I go to A m e ric a n S tate B ank right off the bat to explain w hy my business needed to borrow a n d how I intended to repay the fund I w anted to borrow ” Fred Atiemo, an A m erican State B ank Loan officer, worked closely w ith Ms. V an Horton to dev elop her loan request into a package he could sell to the B ank’s management. Asked why A m erican State Bank m ade a loan to Ms Van H orton w hen other banks had turned her dow n, A m eri­ can S tate’s C hairm an, Venerable R Booker, replied, T t’s a com plex prob­ lem Some people say it's redlining or discrim ination But the fact is that the larger banks bread and butter com es from every where but inner cities. T hus those big banks d o n 't have a com m itm ent to, or a stake in, inner cities or the norm al business bor­ rower who lives here or earns his liv ing here ” “O n the other hand, Mr. Booker said, the Community Reinvestm ent Act W orks against the sm aller inner- city Black and m inority banks To meet CRA requirem ents, big banks must make loans in minority custom ­ ers, even using unbeatable below- m arket rates to attract the safest, highest-profile inner city borrow ers T h a t's one way big banks, w ith m is­ guided support from the federal gov ­ e r n m e n t, c o n tin u a lly s q u e e z e s inner-city minority banks Big banks, using CRA to capture an inner-city’s best prospects, forces small banks like American State to take dispro­ portionate risks Big banks will sel­ dom expend th e im m en se effort sometimes necessary to work w ith an inner-city small business ow ners to develop a b an k ab le p ro p o sitio n A m erican State Bank is a resident of the inner city. We are deeply com m it­ ted to m aking solid loans to the busi­ nesses and residents we share the area w ith ” A fter lis te n in g to M s. V an H orton's plans for her business. Cus­ tom M arble C ounter Tops, American State Bank understood that Ms. Van H orton’s com m itm ent to grow and im prove h er b u sin e ss p ara lleled A SB 's drive to continually build up NE Portland. Both want to accelerate cconomi- cally profitable com m ercial activities in the area. Both recognize that only a prudent constant effort will bring the right kind o f jobs and businesses to NE, businesses that have an eco­ nomic interest in creating new and better opportunities for themselves, their custom ers and their community. Custom M arble C ounter Tops, a family business begun in the early 80 s provides m an-m ade and solid- surface products prim arily to residen­ tial builders. Ms. V an H orton’s firm uses a chem ical process to produce m an-m ade counter tops. Solid-sur­ face counter tops, on the other hand, refer to products like Dupont C onan, Nevam ar F ountainhead, W ilson Art G ib r a lta r , F o rm ic a S u re ll, a n d Avonite, w hich Ms. V an H orton’s firm purchases in block and custom cuts for builders. T he firm has supplied customers as far aw ay as H awaii. Custom Marble C o u n ter T o p s h a s w o rk ed w ith M arriott R esidence Inns in Seattle and in the state o f Idaho. Just as ASB views each loan it makes as an o th er productiv e building block for the com m unity and its resi­ dents, Ms. V an H orton looks at the (The Community Must Get Involved And Stop The Bloodshed) Has Sparked O utrage Across The City Spurring A Response To The W idespread Violence In The Com ­ m unity.” Sev eral Portland area black busi­ ness ow ners and residents initiated a special reward fund w hich they hope will lead to the identity, arrest and conviction o f the two suspects re­ sponsible for the senseless shooting o f Albina H eadstart employees last week. Blacks around Oregon feel that a dragnet should be instituted through­ out the black com m unity until these killers are caught. These individuals should have no cover in the black community. Because o f injustices that are of­ ten perpetrated upon members o f the black community by the w hite power structure, blacks have very little faith in governm ental in stitu tio n s and alienation tow ard these institutions sets in and grows. Toleration o f un­ safe conditions becomes the norm and unconscious fear becomes the way o f life w ithin the com munity. Excuses are made for acts o f w rong­ doing. Injustices makes the com m u­ nity unw illing to assist in solving crime. W hen the two black men went into the A lbina Head Start P rogram 's office and com m itted this crim e in broad daylight, it pointed out how deep a problem alienation is in the black com m unity. A nd they used handguns, ocom m itthiscrim e. A lien­ ation has caused Blacks to lose con­ trol o f their community. The black com m unity can no longer ask others to solve alone the crim e in their com m unity w hile they blam e them for causing the problem s The soul o f this com m unity is at stake because o f this hideous and heinous killing. No one should be sheltering these individuals. Now is the tim e for this black com m unity to stand up The Portland black community must be an active part of solving this all, ASB must rem ain profitable. A m erican State Bank aim s to be an exam ple o f an extremely well run business while participating to its fullest capability in the economic growth o f P ortland’s inner city com ­ m unity.” “ ASB searches for the kind of loans it can make to the Leah Van Hortons ofPortland,” says Mr. Booker He goes on, “Aggressive and driven, entrepreneurs with a dream or a new idea for improving a product or ser­ vice, those are the kinds ofbusinesses that will build NE Portland, busi­ nesses that will help us to capture com petitive capital from outside the com munity. T hose are the loans American State B an k ’s officers are looking for. They must be creditworthy. They must make good business sense. That is, they m ust pass all the credit tests applied by a prudent banker. With all that said, no other bank will work as hard as A m erican Sate Bank to make a bona fide loan proposal bankable ” U Of P Sponsors Non-Violence Leader Needless Deaths In Our Community Continue by Calvin O .L . Henry T he recent crim es that took place at the A lbina H eadstart Office here in Portland, rocked the sensibility o f the black community throughout the state o f O regon. It is difficult for anyone to understand why any one would go to a place w here young children are and com m it such a hideous and heinous crim e. T his crim e involved the brutal m urder o f C hristina Clegg and the w oun d in g o f T enicea Amos, two w om en w ho w orked for Headstart, by two black men. T hese tw o men are still at large A nd the P ortland Police D epartm ent is investigating this m urder and fol­ low ing up on leads It is believ ed by many blacks that these individuals are still w ithin Portland. T he P ortland Observer, in its A ugust 4, 1993 issue, headlined this tragedy as “C om m unity O u t­ rag e d W ith S en se less S la y in g .” T he S k an n er reported that “T he Brutal M urder O f C hristina Clegg funds she has borrowed as the initial step to help her generate revenues larger th an the loan. She stated, “ I w ill inv est those excess rev enues back into Custom M arble Counter T o p s’ facilities in N E We will improve our business, our facilities and our prop­ erties. O ur goal is to be a stand-out business in NE, serving custom ers near and far so that we can continue to generate capital in our home base and hopefully attract other businesses to the area.” These are the same ob­ jectives A SB ’s Mr Booker constantly advocates. A S B ’s M r Booker will be the first to say that ASB is a tough lender "A m erican State Bank, be­ cause o f its size, lacks the risk-taking capability o f larger banks; yet the larger banks refuse to take sm all business risks,” M r Booker stated. He said, “So ironically this places the full burden o f com m unity develop­ ment squarely on the smallest, and only, financial institution that, in fact, s e n e s NE Portland. T h at’swhy, above crim e. D oor-to-door blitzes should be done to ferret out any possibility’ that someone is harboring these killers w ithin the black com m unity. In addi­ tion to any rew ard, members o f the black com m unity must take back their com m unity and report all form s o f violence. Law enforcem ent agencies can not solve th is crim e by themselves T he expectation from law enforce­ ment units should not be m inim ized because th is crim e occurred w ithin the black com m unity. T his crim e should not be v iewed as only a Black on Black crim e It is reprehensible to think o f it in that way. T he total community suffers. A num ber o f m eetings have been called to deal w ith the em otional as­ pect o f this crim e and to lay ground work for other group actions. All citizens w ant to do som ething. But, the black community must not allow these killers to find shelter w ith its com m unity. N atio n ally k now n th eo lo g ian Rev. E m m anuel C harles M cCarthy will be the featured speaker for a three-day conference titled “The Spiri­ tuality o f C hristian N on-violence” Sept. 17-19 at the Franciscan Re­ newal Center in Southwest Portland. M ore th an 50 lay leaders and clergy from sev eral states will participate. M cCarthy helped create PAX CHRISTI, U S A., an international Catholic peace organization in the early 1970s. He later helped co-found the C enter for C hristian N on-V io­ lence at the Univ ersity ofN otre Dame This spring M cCathy participated in the com m em oration in M em phis, Tenn., in honor o f the 25th anniver­ sary o f the assassination of M artin Luther K ing, Jr. D uring his career M cCarthy has worked w ith such world figures as N o b el p e a c e la u r e a te M a ire a d C orrigan M cGuire, a founder o f the N orthern Ireland Peace Movement. M cGuire has praised M cC arthy’s re­ treats as a “rem arkable contribution to furthering the understanding of C hristian nonviolence - so urgent a need today.” T he University’ ofPortland Cam ­ pus Ministry and Peace Studies Pro­ gram is co-sponsoring the retreat w ith the Franciscan Renewal Center and Catholic Peace Ministry in Oregon The cost o f the three-day retreat is $80 for overnight guests and $40 for com ­ muters. Financial aid is available The University* o f Portland is O regon’s C atholicU niversity and has been closely affiliated for 90 years w ith the Congregation o f Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Ind. The University is one o f the largest, priv ate higher edu­ cation institutions in the Pacific North­ west. It is the only school in Oregon to offer a College o f Arts & Sciences, a G raduate School, an d accredited schools o f Business, Education, En­ gineering and Nursing. l I I I I I I I I J J i r i / i [ J ln r io u n c e tn e n i Continued From Front known Jda6y JJoy No More Free Insurance Starting Sunday, August 8,1993, m otorist cited for driving without proof o f insurance w ill be tovved at the m otorists’ expense. M otorist are rem inded to carry w ith them in their vehicle at all tim es the following; ¿ fa y [an J a y [ o r lQ Jriy/il 1) C u rre n t D riv ers L icense; 2) R eg istra tio n to th e vehicle; and 3) P ro o f of L iability In su ran ce. M otorist who have questions about w hat is considered sufficient proof o f liability insurance are urged to contact their insurance agent. "O ta ste a n d see..." J J o r n ¿ fu fy 27, 1993 Psalm 34:8 [Jo: ¿fon J U i lc J ic i i A Gospel Concert and Barbecue ai2(J J J J ia r r i iF J riy fjt on the North Portland Bible College grounds at North Vancouver Ave., and Alberta St. 7 fJ s . 11 oz. 2 l " Saturday, August 21, 12 noon to 5 p.m, Suggested donation: $5.00 for the NPBC Building Fund "H o w to G et W hat E veryone E lse H as " North Portland Bible College has an eleven-year track record of pro­ viding accessible, affordable, life-changing Bible education. It Is an inter-church, community-based Bible college, which has pur­ chased an entire city block , Including two houses to be renovated for classrooms, library, and office space. We hope you will come and enjoy good food and great music, while you support this strategic eftort to equip leaders tor the Lord in N/NE Portland. a Financial Services Workshop Why does it seem so easy for other people and not for you? Come let minority financial services professionals help you understand how to use Banking, Insurance and other financial services to Get What Everyone Else Has. For further Information: Dean Michael Lindsey, 288-2919 North Portland Bible College, P.O. Box 11437, Portland, OR. 97211 S a tu rd a y , A u g u s t 1 4 , 1 9 9 3 P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity C o lle g e C a sc ad e C a m p u s , C asc ad e H all 7 0 5 N . K illin g s w o rth Chuck Hinton’s . pics fo r th e FREE W orkshop Include: $ T iif . B enefits of U sing a B ank $ G ood C redit — How to get I t and H ow to K eep I t $ How to S ave for T oday and T omorrow $ How to P lan for O ld A ge and the H ereafter $ U nderstanding the H ome B uying P rocess $ W orking through the S mall B usiness L oan P rocess yv- i ■ i ■ vj & Take-Out ^Our Specialty R m I Hfckoty Smoked ' MON-THUfll >22« M .t KIU.MOSWORTH nr M I- u ***-" ® 0 288-3836 ■ i l k - 1 1 r ■ . W orkshop S chedule: 8:00ani— R e g is tra tio n a n d R e fre s h m e n ts 8:45am — K e y n o te S p e a k e r, " B u ild in g Y our A sse ts" 9:45am -12:00pm — W o rk sh o p S e ssio n s 12:00pm -3:00pm — F in a n c ia l C o u n s e lin g a n d I n fo r m a tio n * Free Refreshments * Free Lunch * Free Childcare fo ra g e s 3 to 1 0 * D oor Prizes * Presented By: -" A rtli Por More Information, contact: how: M. B ryant— 697-2533 nnrcoN aaaociauhn nr okran kankfra rn Rn. 1OA79 • CmOimil. Oír,.,,, R7?1nOR?n • " - •» » ' *1 ». t y .o t t t a i f t f 8:00 - Midnight MASONIC TEMPLE 1120 S.W. 10th OAUB Is an association ol minority professionals In the financial services Industry The Portland chapter Is an affiliate ol the National Association ol Urban Bankers, which represents over 2,000 minority bankers In over 40 chapters throughout the United Stales Local companies represented Include: American State Bank. Bank ol America, First Interstate Bank, Key Bank of Oregon, Portland Development Commission, State Farm Insurance and U S Bank U"?*»* A • a * « » 9 • ».* F '■’ ¿Se- 4