. * <. « « » VV » * * * V * * * » \ * % *> « < % > \ * » W » * W W W * • W V W < V V *'*'V W \ > V X <» , » t * 1 ¿ Z" ? - ....i closing date. Information about career opportunities with the Port can be obtained by calling the job Hotline at (503) 731-7480. Port Of Portland Insurance Medical Claims Analysts Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for Medical C laim s Analysts. This position is responsible for accurate and tim ely paym ent of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon's m edical claims. Experience neces­ sary to perform this task will include: • 1 year recent clerical w ork experience in a doctor’s office or hospital setting. • D em onstrated know ledge of m edical term inology and anatomy. This may be obtained through a classroom setting or office experience. ICD-9/CPT-4. Coding A minimum of 6-12 m onths experience using a CRT in a production oriented environm ent. Fast, accurate use of a 10 key calculator. The ability to use written reference materials to resolve problem s independently. Previous claim s processing or insurance billing experience highly desirable. Starting salary $1491/mo. Training classes will begin September 13,1993. Blue Cross and Blue Shield o f Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package and com petitive salary. Pre-em­ ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #194 at the top of your resume, or you may apply in person btwn 9am-4pm Monday- Friday: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir 100 S.W. market Portland, OR 97201 TDD #225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer Em ploym ent * Checkroom Attendant $6.58/Hr. (closes 8-16-93)Greets and directs patrons, checks coats, collects checkroom fees, acts as night receptionist and checks in volunteers and paid staff at the New Theater Building. Only applicants of the First Opportunity Target Area are eligible to apply during this recruitm ent process. For applications and instructions contact: Metro Personnel - 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97232 Applications also available at: Oregon Convention Center - 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd. The Urban League -1 0 N. Russell The Northeast W orkforce C enter - 739 N. Killingsworth Metro Resumes will not be accepted. AA/EEO Employer Printing Division “ An Equal Opportunity Employer” Advertisement For Bids Bids due at various times: See opening date and times below. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned at the Printing Division, 1225 Ferry Street S.E., Salem, Oregon 97310 for printing as listed below. Bid invitations, specifications and applicable forms may be seen at the aforementioned office. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at the time stated. Bids received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered, although the prices offered will be publicly listed along with all others. Bid Number 52-178750-93 Description for Advertisement Bond Sale Certificates Opening Date & Time August 25,1993 10:00 a.m. ' Sub-Bids Requested Rehabilitation Specialist Portland Development Processing Compensation And Benefits Manager Human Resources Closing Date: August 13,1993 Interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employm ent Office, 700 NE M ultnom ah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the Portland m etropolitan area and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 731 -7400. Preem ploym ent drug screening is required. All applications m ust be received by 5 p.m. on the *4 J sail Data Port Of Portland Career Opportunities • • ^> r <» w X% » ywrw V*1 A ugust 11, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B8 • • » ♦♦*< t ♦» x — Oregon Stat University Weniger Hall 118-122 A/C, Corvallis, Oregon (Balancing, Electrical & Insulation) Bid Date: August 24,1993 @ 2:30 P.M. Lebanon Servco, Inc. P 0. Box 99,1200 E Grant St., Lebanon, OR 97355 (503) 451-5090 FAX (503) 451-3603 BB#40395 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and minority business enterprises and emerging small business enterprises. Network Support Supervisor Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently seeking a highly motivated individual with experience in m anaging all voice, data, and LAN com m unication activities within a large corporation. Previous managem ent experience, project m an­ agem ent skills and excellent com m unication abilities strongly preferred. Applicants should have a m inimum of four years experience in the com m unications industry. M ust be familiar with the necessary m anagement techniques to maintain a stable and cost effective com m unication network, and be fam iliar with current com m unication technology and directions. The supervisor will be responsible for all corporate PBX, LAN, and data communications systems. These system s are inter­ connected via a statewide T 1 backbone utilizing Stratacom IPX multiplexors. Over 2,000 terminals and personal computers are connected to the LAN and data system s so s reliable network is essential to corporate operations. Responsibilities also include evaluating, recommending, and installing new comm unications technology. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package and com petitive salary. Pre-em- Dlovment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #174 at the top of your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD #225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer Education Aultnomah Education Service District Environmental Education Job Vacancies Job Information Hotline 257-1510 257-1518 TDD Kitchen Assistant* Salary: $5.85/hr Application Deadline: 5pm 8/11/ 93 for first screening, open until filled Dishwasher* salary $4.75/hr includes room and board Application Deadline: 5pm 8/12/ 93 for firstscreening;open until filled Registered Nurse* Salary: $ 8 0 .4 0 /d a y (in clu d e s room and board) Application Deadline: 5 pm 8/13/ 93 for first screening; open until filled Supervisor/Consultant, Environmental Education 240 Day position Application Deadline: 5 pm 8/13/ 93 * Seven week position at Outdoor School Cam p site late S ep­ tem ber thru first week in N o­ vem ber Apply in person M-F 8:30-11:30 AM, or send self-addressed, stam ped legal envelope indi­ cating position to: M ultnom ah ESD, Attn. Recruitment, 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR 97220 An Equal Opportunity Employer & Drug Free W ork Place DISPOSAL OF JUNK, TRASH AND LAWN DEBRIS FREE ESTIMATE 2 4 6 -3 6 8 9 ark County is announcing a continuous recruitm ent for: C U STO D Y OFFICER Clark County jail ¡1,928 - $2,608 per month >r detailed applicationa and testing procedures please contact: Clark County Human R e­ sources Departm ent 13 Franklin Street - PO Box 5000 ancouver W A 98666 5000 16)737-6018 (206)737 6032 qual Opportunity Employer Instructor/Assistant Professor of Special Education at Portland State University Coordinate placem ents and su­ p e rv is e p ra c tic u m /s tu d e n t teachers in public school class­ room s. Need know ledge of special education classroom s in the Portland m etropolitan area, experience teaching spe­ cial education and experience supervising others. Requires Masters degree, prefer D oc­ torate. Need 1.0 FTE in the Severely Handicapped Learner area and .5 FTE in the Seri­ ously Em otionally disturbed (SED) area. These positions are of fixed-term duration for the 1993-94 academ ic year. Portland S tate U niversity is com m itted to diversifying its w orkforce, and strongly e n ­ courages ap p lica tio n s from women, people of color, and individua ls w ith disa b ilitie s. Send a current Vita and two letters of reference to: Melany Part-Time Transit Operator Salary: $29,300-$42,500/year D.O.E. C o o rd in a te s and m o n ito rs single fam ily rehabilitation c o n s tru c tio n p ro je c ts f i ­ nanced by the Neighborhood Housing Preservation Pro­ gram for a diverse population of low and m oderate incom e Portland hom eow ners and home buyers. Position re ­ quires skill in contract nego­ tiation and monitoring, prepa­ ration of construction docu­ m ents and sp e cifica tio n s, consbuction monitoring, and s u p e rv is io n , c o d e b a se d property evaluations. Applications are available at PDC, 1120 SW Fifth, Suite 1 1 0 0 , P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97204. Resume m ust be at­ tached to Com m ission appli­ cation. C losing date: EX­ TENDED TO AU G U ST 20, 1993. THE PORTLAND D EVELO P­ M ENT CO M M ISSIO N V A L­ UES D IV E R S IT Y IN ITS W O R K F O R C E A N D IS C O M M IT T E D T O E Q U A L EM PLO YM EN TO PPO R TU - NITY AND A FFIR M A TIV E A C T ION.______________ Salem Area M ass Transit Dis­ trict is now seeking qualified individuals to fill future part- time Transit O perator vacan­ cies. M ust be available for work five out of our six operat­ ing days (Monday through Sat­ urday). No previous bus driv­ ing or large vehicle experi­ ence necessary to apply. W e train. W age is $10.26 per hour. Successful part-tim e opera­ tors areconsidered for full time positions as full-time positions becom e available. Pick up a detailed vacancy announce­ ment which lists requirements and an official application form at our Personnel Office at 3140 Del W ebb Ave., N.E., Salem, OR 97303. Com pleted appli­ cation form m ust be received by District by 5:00 p.m. on August 13, 1993. Equal Opportunity Employer. Instructor/Assistant Professor of Special Education at Portland State University. Teach intro­ ductory coursew ork in Special Education and supervise stu­ dent teachers in public school classroom s. Need experience in teaching introductory sp e ­ cial education coursework, ex­ perience teaching special e du­ Transportation cation and experience super­ Planners vising others. Prefer D octor­ The W ashington State D epart­ ate. This position is fixed-term , ment of Transportation is seek­ part-tim e for the 1993-94 aca­ ing six highly motivated and dem ic year. Portland State innovative individuals for the University is com m itted to d i­ newly created Office of Urban versifying its workforce, and M obility located in S eattle. strongly encourages applica­ These Transportation Planning tions from women, people of Specialists will be responsible color, and individuals with d is­ for varying duties including abilities. Send a current Vita major urban corridor planning and two letters of reference to: m anagem ent, m ultim odal and Melany Hanson, Special Edu­ internodal system s planning, cation Program, PSU, PO Box growth m anagem ent/land use 751, Portland, OR 97207-0751. planning liaison. TIP program ­ Closing date: August 31,1993. m ing, and sp ecial stu d ie s. These positions offer excellent career opportunities. Requires 1973 Volvo For Sale a bachelors or m asters degree Ky 6 Shocks in civil engineering, urban plan­ All service records ning or transportation planning Anti-sw ay bars and professional transportation See it - now going for planning experience of varying Only $1700/OBO duration dependent position. 252-7489 Leave Message Salary ranges from $34,380 to Mykel Justin $ 5 3 ,6 1 6 . F or a p p lic a tio n packet, call: Executive Director Executive Director needed for Sabin C om m unity Develop­ m ent Corp, Inner N. E. Port­ land Grassroots C om m unity B a se o rg a n iz a tio n d o in g housing rehab for low income residents. M ust have excellent written and verbal com m unication skills, possess experience and com ­ fort working with diverse indi­ viduals and institutions. Have grant writing and phiscal m an­ agem ent experience, and ex­ perience in m anaging rehab projects. $2400/yr. Subm it resume by 8/16/93 To: 2333 N. E .1 1 th PTD. 97212 Enquire by mail only. EOE Position Opening P lan n er/C o n tracts M anager: Rogue Valley Council of G ov­ ernm ents seeks experienced person to provide planning and contract adm inistration s e r­ vices for the Senior and Dis­ abled Services program. M ini­ m um q u a lific a tio n : d e m o n ­ strated skills in social service planning, contract m anage­ ment, program monitoring, and working with advisory com m it­ tees. Knowledge of Federal and State contracting requirements as they apply to social services required. Resumes due at the Rogue Valley Council of G ov­ e rn m e n ts 155 S. S e c o n d Street; P.O. Box 3275 Central Point, OR 97502 by 5:00 p.m. August 9,1993. Salary Range: $30,000-DOE. Equal O pportu­ nity Em ployer bi < s F o r the best cuts in town (206) 440-4063 M onday-Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. EOE Celebrate Diversity John Phillips -7655 4603 N. Williams Port of Portland Career Opportunities Lead-General Maintenance Aviation/PDX Maintenance Closing Date: August 6 ,1 9 9 3 If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Em ploym ent O ffice 700 NE M ultnom ah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the Portland m etropolitan area and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400. Preem ploym ent drug screening is required. All applications m ust be received by 5 p.m. on the closing date, A ugust 13,1993. Information about career opportunities with the Port can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480. Port Of Portland Portland Expo Center 2060 N. Marine Drive Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 285-7756 24 H our Show Information: (503) 248-5144 Calendar O f Events A ugust 1 Chris Hamer 282-0877 Antique