P age B2 J uly 21, 1993 • T ue P ortland O bserver C ri DVRU Begins Operation e W a t c h 26 People Arrested In Downtown Disturbance A t least 26 people were arrested follow ing a b rie f disturbance in Down- to w n Portland Sunday evening, July 18, 1993. The events leading up to the a r­ rest started Friday, July 16, 1993, w hen the P ortland Police Bureau learned, that a group o f people had a rrive d in Portland to attend an " A n ­ a rchists” conference Investigators determined that the group had planned on c o m m ittin g a variety o f crim in a l acts, to include assaults, vandalism and burglaries O n Friday, a group o f subjects were remov ed from a vacant house in the 4900 block o f N. W illia m s A v ­ enue, after they broke into the home, apparently in an attempt to seek shel­ ter. Follow ing th e ir ev iction, a sp lin ­ ter group formed and went to dow n­ tow n Portland, where they accosted citizens. C entral Precinct U n ifo rm O fficers responded to the scenes o f these incidents and were able to avert fu rth e r such acts. on Saturday, July 17, a group o f about 20 "A n arch ists,” went to Wash­ ington Park A inphi-T heater, where the Portland Foursquare Church was sponsoring a C hristian Rock Concert Some o f the "A n arch ists" began to ye ll and cause a disturbance, w hich alarmed those attending the concert O fficers quickly responded and re­ moved several o f the "A narchists.” F ollow ing their exclusions, there were no further reported disturbances. On Sunday, July 18, the "A n a r­ chists” met at the X-Ray Club, 214 W Burnside Street, to hold an "A c tio n Party Plan.” The purpose o f this meet­ ing was to form ulate some scheme, where some type o f disturbance would be planned A t about 2:00 pm, the "A n a rch ists” , began gathering at the X -R ay C lub, where several heavy' metal rock bands were perform ing A t 3:30 pm. O fficers received reports that a group o f about 50 people, had started interm ittently, blocking the sidewalk and streets sory personnel at the scene, called for additional reinforcements, to assist in handling the potentially v iolent crowd, w h ich now numbered 100-150 people A t about 6:30 pm, a sm a lle r Police supervisors contacted the contingent o f about 30 people, left the operator o fth e X-R ay Club, asking for X-Ray Club, and went to Pioneer his assistance in dispersing the crowd C o u rth o u s e S quare. O ffic e r s T he cro w d refused the c lu b responded to the square after re­ operator’s plea to disperse Police o f­ ce ivin g reports that the group had ficials, w ith about 50 officers standi ng accosted other citizens, yelled ob­ by, repeatedly made attempts to nego­ scenities at passerbys, and continued tiate a peaceful resolution, by a llo w ­ to ju m p into the path o f motorist, in g the crowd to disperse in pre deter­ d riv in g through dow ntown Portland, m ined routes, w hich were refused by causing them to suddenly brake and the "A narchists” crowd sw e rve to a v o id c o llis io n w it h A t a p p ro x im a te ly , 8 :3 0 pm , the group. A fte r roam ing the streets the crow d, w h ich was apparently o f dow ntow n Portland, the group intent on co m m ittin g further crim in a l returned to the X-Ray Club, where acts, w ith o u t w a rn in g , began to they jo in e d w ith a larger group. move southbound on SW 2nd Avenue The Crowd, w hich now outnum ­ fro m Burnside Street, eastbound on bered the ten officers who had been S W A n k e n y S tre e t, a n d th e n fo llo w in g them, began to armed them ­ southbound on SW 1st Avenue. Upon selves w ith bricks and rocks. Supervi­ reaching the 400 block o f SW 1st New Director Of International Relations M ayor Vera K atz is pleased to announce her appointment o f Andrew Haruyama to the position o f D irector, O ffice o f International Relations fo r the C ity o f Portland. Haruy ama is currently employed at I I M orrow Inc., a subsidiary o f U nited Parcel Service located in Sa­ lem Haruyama supervises adm inis­ tration o f$ 15 m illio n in outside manu­ facturing and service contracts He jo in e d II M orrow Inc in 1989 and has served as an international buyer and an international purchasing and manu­ facturing subcontracts manager Prior to this he worked fo r Sv nektron C or­ poration in Tigard, and five years fo r Sony C orporation o f Am erica in Park Ridge, New Jersey. As the city ’ s D irectoi o f Interna­ tio n a l R e la tio n s , H aruyam a w ill m anage p ro je c ts in the area o f international relations and interna­ tional business Haruyama w ill report to the M a y o r and w il l in te g ra te a c tiv itie s o f h is o ffic e w ith the Portland Dev elopment C om m ission’ s Economic Development department, w h ic h w i l l p ro v id e d a y -to -d a y management support. W ith th e a p p o in tm e n t o f Haruyama, M a yo r Katz called for a change o f direction fo r the interna­ tional Relations O ffice to result in a greater focus on increasing interna­ tio n a l business o p p o rtu n itie s fo r Portland companies, in prom oting Portland more actively internation­ a lly , and in b u ild in g a stronger p a rtn e rs h ip w it h th e business com m unity. “ In the re c ru itm e n t process, we a c tiv e ly sought an in d iv id u a l w it h p riv a te s s e cto r h a n d s -o n experience. M r Haruyama brings to the o ffic e extensive in te rn a tio n a l business experience w hich w i ll prove to be very valuable as we w ork to b u ild stronger in te rn a tio n a l ties,” said M avor Katz. The M a yo r’s Business Round­ table is currently developing a new Economic Development Policy and s tra te g ie s fo r im p le m e n ta tio n . Haruyama w ill be an active p a rtici­ pant in the process, w o rkin g w ith the W orld Trade Center, The W orld A f­ fairs Council, the Portland M etropoli­ tan Chamber o f Commerce and p ri­ vate business leaders to develop an expanded international strategy for the city. The office w ill also continue to support the c ity ’ s Sister City program and w ill w ork to capitalize on the business development opportunities o f this program. A search is underway for an Assistant D ire cto r w ith an an­ White Supremacists Target Rodney King To Start War The F B I said six reputed w hite suprem acist “ skinheads” were a r­ rested Thursday to prevent them from b lo w in g up a rabbi, attacking a p ro m i­ nent black chu ch w ith machine guns and assassinating Rodney K in g Three men, a woman and tw o juveniles were arrested in the Los Angeles area in the midst o fa n under­ cover investigation o f w hite suprema­ cist groups. Avenue, the group, began to throw bricks and rocks through the windows o f nearby businesses and vandalized parked cars. It was at this point that U niform Officers moved in and started m ilking arrests Neighboring precincts sent additional personnel, increasing the number o f officers to handle the disturbance, to about 100. The riotous crow d began to run, follow ed by o ffic ­ ers, who continued to make arrests o f those persons, who engaged in unlaw ­ fu l behavior. The Fam ily Services D ivision (FSD) o f the Portland Police Bureau, has started the operation o f i t ’s Do­ mestic V iolence R eduction U n it (D V R U ). The D V R U is currently staffed w ith six police officers, who w ill conduct follow up investigations, on those incidents where suspects have been arrested for domestic re­ lated assaults The purpose o f the follow up is, to collect sufficient evi­ dence to support prosecution on cases in vo lvin g domestic v iolence. The goal during the firs t year, w ill be to; I) Develop the investiga­ tive techniques necessary to sustain convictions; 2) Strengthen police partnerships w ith other components o f the domestic violence i nterv ention system; and to 3) Develop a commu­ nity component to act as advocates against domestic violence and to as- ! sist surv ivors o f domestic violence A t about 10:00 pm, the crowd had thinned out and the number o f re­ ported vio le n t acts, also declined Those persons arrested, w ere charged w ith a sundry o f charges, to include, “ I t ’ s our intent, to send a clear failure to obey a police officer, rioting, message to those persons who assault disorderly conduct and vandalism their partners, that their crimes are There were no reports o f anyone being i not acceptable Abusers w ill learn seriously injured du rin g this distur­ that they can not escape prosecution. bance, w hich was confined to about a merely because the v ictim is relue- ten block area o f downtown. tant, fo r whatever reason, to follow through w ith prosecution,” said Cap­ tain Bob Brooks, o f the FSD. This is a pilot project w hich w ill concentrate on the most serious cases On Tuesday, July 23, 1993 at o f abuse in vo lvin g chronic occur­ approximately 8:10 pm. members from rences, weapons and violence when the Drugs and Vice D ivisio n served a I children are present. search w arrant at 1034 NE Oneonta “ Eventually we hope to reduce and arrested the occupants, Roy Ed­ the unacceptable h igh level o f do­ w ard B ell D O B 3-9-55 and his g irl­ mestic related violence, and take steps friend K im berly W ahlberg DOB 11- to put the fam ily u n it back together” 17-70, on charges o f prom oting pros­ said C h ie f Charles Moose. titu tio n in connection w ith running a business for exotic dancers, w hich Prostitution Arrests Protesters March Against Gay Compromise was actually a front fo r prostitution “ It became necessary to end the activity. cov ert stage o f this inv estigation and T h e in v e s tig a tio n began in make the arrests today to avoid harm February 1993, w hich is when the About 500 protesters marched to innocent in d ivid u a ls w ho were ta r­ suspects established their business, Monday in West Hollywood, C alif., to geted by these dangcroys and vo la tile under the guise o f personal erotic d e m o n s tra te a g a in s t P re s id e n t domestic terrorists,” C harlie Parsons, dancers fo r personal pleasure. The nouncement expected soon. C lin to n ’s compromise p olicy on ho­ special agent in charge o f t e FBI in suspects advertised in “ The Oregon Haruyama is b ilin g u a l having Los Angeles, told a packed news con­ mosexuals in the m ilita ry. T & A Tim es,” w hich is a local p u b li­ lived and been educated in Japan fo r ference. W h ile his w ife visited the Los cation Interested customers would 11 years. He holds a Bachelor o f A rts Angeles area, C linton announced he On display were an arsenal o f ca ll one o f tw o numbers w hich went in East Asian Studies from Princeton weapons, N azi flags and uniform s w ill order the m ilitary to a llo w gays to d ire c tly to a rem ote vo ice m a il U niversity. Haruyama, his w ife and and pictures o f A d o lf H itle r confis­ serve in the armed services provided location. A fte r the interested client children reside in Portland. they do not engage in homosexual cated d u rin g the arrests. called the voice m a il, and left a conduct message, the suspects’ pager would Protesters marched from West then be activated, the susnects w ould Hollywood to a Beverly H ills hotel then call, retrieve the message, a r­ where F irst Lady H illa ry Rodham range fo r a “ dancer” to meet w ith the o f the tw o uniform ed officers. The officers pursued Gratton o ff the client, at w hich tim e the client and C lin to n had been scheduled to attend The offices exited th e ir patrol bus, and shots were fired by tw o o f the “ dancer” w ould agree to an act o f a fund- raiser. car and w alked back to the bus where three offices present at the scene, prostitution. Many ofthe West Hollywood pro­ they ta lke d w ith the d riv e r, who wounding Gratton, who eventually testers said C linton had asked fo r their P rio r to the arrests, investigators inform ed the officers o f what had collapsed about a block away from the support during the 1992 presidential called one o f the numbers and ar­ transpired. The tw o male officers bus, after being h it three times by ranged to meet w ith a 23 year old campaign based on promises that he contacted Sim ms and escorted him gunfire. would end the ban on homosexuals in w oman. Upon meeting the undercover o f f th e bus T h e o ffic e s w ere Gratton apparently sustained a o ffice r and agreeing to an act o f pros­ the m ilitary. eventually jo in e d by a th ird female grazing wound to the head, and was titu tio n , the 23 year old woman was The protesters were angered by o ffice r at w h ich tim e they walked struck in his left elbow, and the right the compromise and called for the arrested and charged w ith prostitu­ to the back o f the bus and con­ side o f his back. He was transported to tion. president to end the homosexual ban tacted Gratton to stand up and raise Emanuel H ospital, where he is listed in the armed forces. Detectives then served the search his hands in preparation fo r being in serious condition. C lin to n garnered wide support w arrant at 1034 NE Oneonta, at w hich searched. A s G ra tto n raised his Investigators recovered G ratton’s tim e B ell and W ahlberg was arrested. among many Hollywood celebrities arms, one o f the officers observed gun from the scene, w hich was found Investigators seized extensive busi­ because o f his c ivil rights stand. a .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol across the street from the bus Gratton No arrests were reported by the ness records related to the affairs o f in h is w a is tb a n d and to ld the has been charged w ith being an Ex- Los Angeles County S h e riff’s Depart­ the business and plan on contacting o th e r o ff ic e r th a t G ra tto n was Con in possession o f a weapon and form er clients in an effort to gain ment. w hich issued a crowd estimate armed. G ra tto n began to struggle carrying a concealed weapon. The additional evidence w hich may assist o f at least 500 marchers. a n d p u sh e d th e o ffic e r s aw ay. investigation is continuing. the investigation. O ffic e r In v o lv e d In S h o o tin g M onday evening, July 19,1993 at approximately 11:34pm, Gerald Frank G ratton Jr. D O B 5-7-66, who was armed w ith a 45 caliber semi auto­ m atic pistol, was wounded by tw o N o rth Precinct U n ifo rm Officers, w ho were attem pting to remove him from a T ri-M e t Bus, after the officers were flagged down by the d rive r R eportedly, at a p p ro x im a te ly 11:15pm, a woman T ri-M e t driver, picked up Gratton and his friend, Devon D. Simms DOB 5-15-69, near the area o f N. Fessenden and S m ith Ave. The tw o men were carrying beer and had one can opened. The bus d rive r told the men that they w ould have to leave the opened can o f beer behind, before boarding the bus. The men com plied and boarded the bus w ith the other unopened cans o f beer W h ile on the bus the tw o men opened the remai ni ng cans ofbeer and began d rin kin g . The T ri-M e t driver, who has been employ ed fo r five years w ith T ri-M e t, told the men that they could not d rin k on the bus. The men refused to listen to the pleas o f the driver, and instead continued to d rin k and began sw itching seats. T h e d r iv e r , w h o had been assaulted before w h ile w o rk in g , overheard Gratton make a comment to Simms, w hich she fe lt was threat­ ening. The d rive r continued along her rout, w hich is the #4 Fessenden line, u n til she pulled behind a u n i­ formed patrol car at N. Interstate and Lom bard The d riv e r b lin k e d her lights, attem pting to get the attention S h o o tin g In v e s tig a tio n T h is m orning at approxim ately 9am, N orth Precinct U n ifo rm officers were summoned to 6235 NE 10th Avenue, regarding a person who had entered the home, assaulted the v ic ­ tim , fired a shot and fled the scene As officers arrived in the area they were provided updated inform ation, that the suspect had stolen a vehicle, and was d riv in g away O fficers spotted the ve h icle near N E 8th Avenue and D ekum Street, at w hich tim e the sus­ pect fled from the vehicle on foot and was later apprehended in a nearby backyard. Reportedly , at about 9am the sus­ pect, who was armed w ith a loaded fo u r inch. 38 caliber revolver, entered the home through an unlocked back door, walked in to the basement bed- room o f the victim , Richard P Overton DOB 9-11-72, were the suspect threat­ ened the victim . The suspect who wore a scarf and hood to conceal his identity, told the v ic tim to tu rn on the light. When the v ic tim stood up to turn on the lig h t th evictim struggled w ith the suspect. The v ic tim was h it repeat­ edly w ith the gun and a shot, w hich d id n ’ t strike anyone, was fire d The foot. O fficers cornered o ff the area and found the suspect in the yard o f a home, located in the 900 block o f NE Oneonta Street. The gun, w hich the “ We know fro m experience that an e ffe c tiv e w a y to a p p re h e n d crim in a l suspects is to publicize their photographs and descriptions Here in the city o f Portland we have the Oregonian newspaper and the local televisions programs w hich regularly publicize sketches and descriptions o f suspects. I commend them fo r their public service efforts. suspect attempted to hide under a pile o f bricks, in another yard, p rio r to his being apprehended, was also recov­ ered. The suspect, E lton L yd e ll Seals D O B 7-11-76, o f N. Portland, who is suspect then fled the scene on foot. considered a gang a ffilia te , was A fte r leaving the residence, the charged w ith B urglary in the First suspect comm andeered a vehicle, Degree, Assault in the Second De­ “ Today as the host o f this w eekly w hich was parked nearby, unoccu­ gree, U nauthorized Use o f a M otor cable program we call the M a yo r’ s pied, w ith the engine running. The Vehicle and U n la w fu l Possession o f a Forum, I w ould like to announce a v ic tim reported this to officers and the Weapon new regular segment called “ Crim e car was spotted a few m inutes later It appears that the vic tim , who is Stoppers” . T h is w ill include descrip­ near N E 8th Avenue and D ekum to listed as a gang affilia te , and the tions and photographs o f some o f Street. Upon attem pting to stop the suspect are acquainted and that rob­ P ortland's most wanted suspects and v chicle, the suspect fled the vehicle on bery was the motive. crim inals. O ffice r Henry Grocpper. Anti-Gang Curriculum Passes Senate State Rep A vel Gordly said a b ill e n c o u ra g in g a ll p u b lic sch o o ls districts to teach an anti-gang, a n ti­ violence. a nti-drug curriculum has passed the Senate and is on the way to G overnor Barbara Roberts fo r her signature House B ill 3160 is the first o f a series o f anti-gang b ills to pass both houses o f th e L e g is la tu re The package o f a n ti-g a n g b ills was developed by a bi-partisan group fo r H ouse m em bers in c lu d in g Rep G ordly . Rep Dave McTeague. Ren Mary Ford and Rep Margaret # ’ * • * • ♦ , » r Carter Gordly s b ill calls on the Oregon Department o f Education to develop a cu rricu lu m encouraging alternatives to gangs, confl ict resolution techniques and an ti-d ru g inform ation. A ll O r­ egon school districts w ill have the opportunity to use the curriculum , G ordly said. “ W h ile I am pleased th is _anti-gang, anti-violence and anti-drug c u rric u lu m b ill has passed, I am co n ce rn e d th a t o th e r im p o rta n t b ills that help Oregon address the grow ing gang problem are still caught up in committees," said Gordly. V iolent behavior by young people in all o f Oregon is grow ing rapidly, according to inform ation from the Law E nforcem ent Data Systems, Gordly said. “ T h is is not a B lack problem, a Hispanic problem, a skinhead prob­ lem, a poor problem o r a Portland problem,” Gordly said “ This is an Oregon problem “ I hope every school d is tric t- even the ones who d o n 't th in k they havea problem w ith g a n g s -w ill adopt this c u rric u lu m as a preventative «ft • * Clinton Picks New FBI director Katz Begins New “Crime Stoppers' President C linton said Tuesday he w ill nominate U. S. D istrict Judge Louis Freeh o f New Y ork, a 43-year- old form er F B I agent and federal pros­ from the Portland Police Bureau, w ill ta lk more about this in minute, includ­ ing where to call i f you’ve seen some­ one featured on a “ C rim e Stoppers” segment. “ T h is modest effort w ill increase the number o f times these photographs and descriptions are aired. This pro­ gram is received by cable subscribers here in the city o f Portland, and I hope that this regular segment on the Fo­ ecutor, a director o fth e FBI. I f confi rmed by the Senate, Freeh w ould replace W illia m Sessions, who C lin to n fired Monday In introducing Freeh at a Rose Garden ceremony, C lin to n described Freeh, “ a law enforcement legend” "Judge Louis Freeh knows the F B I,” the president said “ He has in ­ vestigated and prosecuted some o f the rum w ill help apprehend those who have com m itted or are suspected o f co m m ittin g a crime. “ T h is effort is a natural part o f the most complex crimes o f our tim e He w ill be both good and tough. Good fo r the FBI, and tough on c rim i­ n a ls ” Speaking briefly, Freeh said, “ I f confirm ed by the Senate I pledge a total com m itm ent to the FBI, whose only beacon is the rule o f law .” “ O ur country must be made safe again, the cities, towns, villages and com m unity policing program, and part o f my ongoing com m itm ent to public safety. MANILA COMMUNISTS SPLIT FROM DUTCH-BASED LEADERSHIP measure We need to teach our c h il­ dren non-violent wavs o f resolving conflicts and give them m eaningful reason to jo in gangs.” The largest Gordly said she w ill continue to branch o f the P h ilip p in e C om ­ push for passage o f the other b ills in m unist Party announced Thursday it the anti-gang package had broken w ith the group's Dutch- based leadership and endorsed negotiations to end the 24-y car- old insurgency. The move by the p arty's M a n ila chapter could have a profound effect on the rebel movement