Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 21, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tm-: P oku
O bserver • J uly 21, 1993
_________ P age A5
CORPS Names Jim
Runkles Employee Of The
Dennis Rivers, Chairman
Rev. Jesse Jackson, Presldnet & Founder
Our Current
u Reagan stood by Bork; Bush stood By
Thomas; will Clinton stand by Elders?”
M . Jocelyn E ld e rs, M .D ., p e d ia tric ia n , p u b lic health professional and
advocate fo r ch ild re n . The daughter o f sharecropper. Dr. Elders was bom
in Schaal, (southwest) Arkansas; the eldest o f 8 children; graduated from
college at age 18; served in the arm y as a physical th e ra p is t; attended the
U. O f A r k . M e d . School on the G .I. B ill; graduated in 1960; worked as
an in te rn at the U. o f M in n . H ospital, and as a p e d ia tric ia n at the U. o f A rk.
M edical Center; obtained M a s te r o f Science degree in biochem istry;
joined the U o f A rk . medical faculty in 1976; received her board c e rtific a ­
tio n as a pediatric endocrinologist in 1978. Since 1987, she has served as
the Arkansas D irector o f Public Health. Based on her studies in grow th in
children and the treatment o f hormone-related illnesses, she has w ritten
over 150 a rtic le s fo r medical research publications. Her husband, O liver,
is a H.S. basketball coach. They have tw o adult sons, E ric and Kevin.
She was nom inated fo r Surgeon G eneral o f the U.S. by President C linton
in December, 1992. As such, she w ould serve as the c h ie f health advisor
to the P resident, the c h ie f health educator fo r the n a tio n , and manages
the6,500 member P u b lic H e a lth Service’ s Com m issioned C orps. She can
issue re p o rts , issue w a rn in g s to the public on health hazards, and make
recom m endations to p ro te c t the public health and safety. Hearings on her
confirm ation begin on July 16.
E ld e rs is p ro vo ca tive , b u t gets results. She helped raise the im m u n iz a ­
tio n rates o f pre-school children in Arkansas, and has attracted more health
professionals to practice in underserved r u r a l areas. Her programs have
led to a dow nward turn in teenage pregnancy rate and she helped lower
Arkansas’ in fa n t m o rta lity rate. One o f her m ajor goals “ is p re ve n tin g
unplanned and unw anted pregnancies.”
I f our o p p o sitio n can D E F IN E us, they can C O N F IN E us. I f you don’ t
believe that, ask L a n i G u in ie r—defined by her rig h t-w in g opposition as the
“ quota queen” , w hich sunk her nomination to head the C iv il Rights
D ivisio n o f the Justice Department. T h a t’ s these same forces are try in g
to do to D r. Jocelyn E ld e rs. They w ill take statements out o f context to
try to define her as a “ ra d ic a l” w ith “ dangerous” , fa r le ft” , “ frin g e ”
ideas. Ideas lik e home care services, e a rly ch ild h o o d screening, im m u ­
n iza tio n o f young children, sex education and fa m ily pla n n in g as a means
o f p re v e n tin g a b o rtio n , A ID S , sexually tra n s m itte d diseases and pov­
e rty -m a n y o f the worst public health problems.
A rm y Corps o f Engineers selected leadership roles in the development
James E. Runkles o f the Portland D is­ and training e fforts associated w ith
tric t as the Natural Resources M an­ national programs, including boating
safety, v is ito r assistance and interpre­
agement Employee o f the Year.
June 25, Runkles received the tive services. Runkles has made cross­
award from Commander o f the U.S. training possible between the V is ito r
A rm y CorpsofEngineersG en. A rth u r Center S ta ff at B onneville L o ck and
his own staff.
E. W illia m s in W ashington, D.C.
In addition, he has encouraged his
The award recognizes a park
ranger, park manager, park guide or s ta ff to participate in Teaching Re­
biologist w ho has contributed most sponsibility and In d ivid ua l Leader­
sig n ifica n tly to the accomplishments ship (T ra il) Boss T ra in in g , to estab­
o f the natural resources management lish an A m erican Eagle Scout V o lu n ­
program. Runkles is the park man­ teer T ra in in g Program and to w ork
ager at B onneville L o ck and Dam at w ith o th e r v o lu n te e r p ro g ra m s .
B onneville L o ck and Dam has won
Cascade Locks. Orc.
Runnels received this recognition national honors tw ice in the Take
fo r his aw ard-w inning performance, Pride in A m e rica program.
R unkles’ s k ill in w o rkin g w e ll w ith
partnering skills and leadership in the
Q uality Im provement Process. He is others contributed to the success o f
also know n for his dedication, good several programs. These included the
judgem ent and sense o f fa ir play. Also. partnering agreements, p articularly
Runkles was named Portland D istrict’ s in tra ffic control to the vis ito r center
S u p e rv is o r o f th e Y e a r and during construction o f the new navi­
Im plem entor o f the Year fo r Total gation lock, a cost-saving b u ild in g
dem olition “ B u m to Learn” exercise
Q u a lity Management last year.
“ Jim is the kind o f person who w ill to develop access to a tribal in -lieu
do great things and he never wants to fishing site, and w o rkin g arrange­
take credit fo r it,” said Pat Barry, a ments and outgrants w ith federal, state
park ranger at the B onneville Project and local agencies.
“ He’ s agood.supervisor over a ll. In
who works w ith Runkles.
Runkles led his staff o f fish b io lo ­ natural resources management, he
gists, rangers, resource maintenance seems to have a good rounded view o f
p e o p le and v o lu n te e rs to h e lp everything.
He's involved w ith it all and I think
P ortland’s Natural Resource Manage­
can balance everything out,” said
ment O ffice earn top honors locally
M cC aviu.apark ranger who also
fo r Total Q u a lity Management this
works w ith Runkles at the Bonneville
past year
He also has urged his sta ff to take Project
KXL-AM Honored With NAB
“Station Of The Year” Nomination
T h e N a tio n a l A s s o c ia tio n Marconi Award also would be a great
o f Broadcasters has named K X L honor for the entire Portland radio
N e w s ra d io 750 A M . P o rtla n d . community .” Four other large market
Oregon as one o f five nominees for stations are v y in g fo r the honor:
the honor o f large market station K Q R S -A M /F M in Minneapolis. M in ­
o f the year. The M arconi Awards nesota, W C K Y -A M in C incinnati,
fo r s ta tio n o f the year w ill be O h io . W D B O -A M in O rla n d o .
announced at the N A B conven­ Florida, and W D 1A -A M in Memphis.
tio n in D allas, Texas, September Tennessee.
11, 1993. K X L N e w s ra d io 750
K X L New sradio 750 A M was the
A m v ic e p re s id e n t and general first station in the northwest to do an
manager Ray Watson said, "W e are all-news m orning show, launching
honored by the N om ination alone the K X L m orning news in 1968, and
Just to be considered one o f A m erica's it was Portland's first 24-hour news/
top radio station is a testament to our talk station in 1977. K X L -A M has
great sta ff and the stations’ s rich his­ been owned by Lester Smith since
tory o f accomplishment To w in the 1955.
Coming To Powell’s
Putting The Oregon
Health Plan Into Action
Coffee House Press publisher
A lla n K o m b lu in presents a book arts
lecture and dem onstration in Powell's
Purple Room
The Minneapolis-based Coffee
House Press has b u ilt a reputation as a
publisher o f c u ttin g edge contempo­
rary literature, w h ile also m aintain­
in g a r t is t ic s ta n d a rd s th a t are
exceptional in to d a y’ s publishing
world. The traditions o f book arts are
at the foundation o f Coffee House
publications, and K om blum w ill bring
that tra d itio n to P ow ell’s in a special
K o m b lu m w ill present an over­
State Senator Bob Shoemaker and Senior Policy Advisor
Roger Auerbach to deliver report on Oregon Health Plan
Bob Shoemaker. Oregon state
senator and form er C ity Club presi­
dent. and Roger Auerbach. Governor
Roberts' advisor on health care, labor
and housing, w ill give an up-to-the-
minute report on the Oregon Health
Plan - especially any legislation
emerging from the current session to
move the plan forward -- at the City
C lub's Friday program. July 23, in the
Rose Ballroom o f the Portland H ilton.
921 SW Sixth Avenue. Portland
Shoemaker and Auerbach w ill
address alternatives to the employer
mandate scheduled for im plem enta­
tion in 1995 - a mandate that w ould
require al 1 employers to provide health
insurance o r pay an equivalent tax.
Shoemaker w ill also explain his pro­
posal to move toward managed com-
petitionand to lin k consumers to health
care providers through purchasing
corporations, rather than through
Program 1 2 :1 5 -1 :1 5 . Reserva­
tions & cancellations, call 222-2582
by 2 pm Thursday, July 22. $ 11 mem­
bers: $ 15 non-members, coffee tickets
available at the door; lim ite d free seat­
ing in back. Doors open 11:30 am.
view o f the history o f p rin tin g and
bookmaking, w ith lots o f little known
facts throw n in for booklovers o f all
types For the writers in the audience,
K ornblum w i ll also talk about the role
o f the small press and the publishing
process A hands-on session w ill con­
clude the presentation; a table top
letter press w ill be on hand, and every
member o f the audience w ill be given
a chance to p rin t their own broadside.
People interested in the p rinting
process and books arts, the business o f
publishing, or the history o f books are
encouraged to attend this free pro­
Cooperative Ed Hume To
Truck Count Return To
Survey To
Speak At
State Fair
In an e ffo rt to bcucr understand
how trucks fit into the overall traffic
pattern in North and Northeast Port­
land, the Port o f P o rtla n d -in con­
junction w ith the C ity o f Portland-
-w ill embark on a truck count analy­
sis July 21 -23. Port planners believe
the co o p e ra tive data g a thering
project w ill provide useful in fo rm a ­
tion to help C ity planners develop
models fo r future street infrastruc­
ture improvements.
The P ort's three-day truck tra f­
fic study w ill involve a detailed
classification o f trucks that travel
North Portland streets. A team o f 12
researchers in 36 locations w ill
record such things as truck type,
cargo load and direction o f travel.
In addition, Port personnel at
marine T erm inals 4 and 6 w ill dis­
tribute survey forms to truck drivers
as they enter the tw o term inais. The
forms w ill ask drivers about their
o rig in and destination o f travel,
w hich routes they are using and
what type o f load they are hauling.
In order to prevent gate delays, the
forms w ill be picked up as drivers
e xit the terminals. A ccording to
Susie Lahscne, senior transporta­
tion planner fo r the Port, this in fo r­
mation w ill help Port and C ity plan­
ners assess w hich routes are used
most by the hundredsof trucks which
daily pass through the tw o Port o f
Portland marine terminals.
The inform ation gathered by the
Port w ill be matched w ith th e C ity ’ s
mechanized tra ffic count, w hich is
already in progress th ro u g h o u t
N orth and Northeast Portland.
“ In perform ing this survey, the
Port is responding toconcem s from
residents and businesses that truck
tra ffic volumes in certain Portland
neighborhoods have g ro w n too
q u ickly,” said Lahscns. “ In w o rk­
ing w ith the C ity to quantify the
n u m b e r o f v e h ic le s tra v e lin g
through targeted N orth and N o rth ­
east Portland neighborhoods, w e’ ll
be better inform ed before planning
o r recommending tra ffic system im ­
Lahsene said the Port-sponsored
tra ffic surveyors w ill m onitor truck
tra ffic between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
each day o f the three-day study.
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Kids Wanted
New & used books
on Business, Music,
& African-American
Ed Hume, host o f the syndicated
“ Gardening in A m erica” television
show, w ill return to the F air on Y oung
A l Heart Day, A ugust 31, to lecture at
the 1993 Oregon State Fair. Hum e
lectured last year and was a very popu­
lar speaker at the Fair.
Hum e’ s lecture, titled “ North west
Gardening T ips,” w ill cover the “ to
d o ’ s” fo r late summer and fa ll flow ers
and vegetables. H um e’ s firs t lecture
w ill be at 10:30am w ith a tour im m e ­
diately fo llow ing. His second lecture
is scheduled fo r 1pm (rather than 2pm
as o rig in a lly released). Both lectures
w ill be at the F loral Gardens State.
D uring his presentation, Hume w ill
also demonstrate how to properly care
fo r your gardens and lawns.
Hume holds many titles that u p ­
hold his abilities; master gardener,
garden authority and certified nursery
person. H is interest in gardening be­
gan as a hobby and has since taken
him around the w o rld .