Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 21, 1993, Page 15, Image 15

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    T h l P oktland O bserver • J uly 21, 1993
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Notice To Contractors
SeaiecJ bids for the construction of W astew ater System Im provem ents for the City of A dair
Ynoo Sci ? en °un C ° u nty’ O re9 o n > wil1 be received by the City until 2:00 P.M., on A ugust 18,
no k i
prior to the opening are to be delivered to The City of A dair Village, City
u . . .
C arr A ven ue, Corvallis, O regon 97330. Bid opening will be conducted
at the City Hall and publicly opened and read aloud.
The project include two separate schedules of construction, with the following items of work:
Schedulo “A”
W astew ater Treatm ent and Equipm ent. The project consists of the construction of im prove­
m ents to the existing w astew ater treatm ent plant including the com m unitor, im hoff tank,
trickling filter, chlorination system, cover for sludge drying beds and an addition to the control
Schedule “B”
Construction of a low pressure effluent outfall, holding pond, outlet/pum p station structure
and land application irrigation system.
Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of H.G.E., Engineers and Planners, 375
Park Avenue, Coos Bay, O regon 97420, and at the following locations:
Salem Plan Exchange
Eugene Builders Exchange
H.G.E., Inc., 19 N.W. Fifth Avenue
Contractor’s Exchange
Construction Data
Builders Plan Exchange
DJC Plan Center
Dodge Scan Reports
City of Adair Village
Salem, Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Salem, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon
Seattle, Washington
Adair Village, Oregon
A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 1:00 P.M., local time, on August 5, 1993 beginning at
the A dair Village City Hall. A tour of the proposed construction sites will be conducted. At this
m eeting all questions concerning the C ontract Docum ents or proposed work will be
One copy of the C ontract Docum ents may be obtained by prospective bidders of cash or
check in the am ount of $110.00 made payable to the Engineer. Deposit m ade upon
procurem ent of drawings, specifications, and forms of contract docum ents will be non-
refundable. Individual sheets and specification pages may be purchased for the cost of
reproduction: Individual sheets and specification pages may be purchased fo r the cost of
reproduction: Drawings $2.00 per sheet; S pecification $0.25 per sheet.
Bidders must prequalify with Owner, on S tandard O regon Review Board Prequalification
forms, ten (10) days p rio rto bid opening. Disqualification statem ents shall be issued not later
than 4 days before bid opening by the O wner. Prequalification forms may be obtained from
the Engineer and should be subm itted to the O w n ervia the Engineer. If a prequalification form
is on file with the E ngineer and is not over one year old, refiling is not necessary unless there
has been a substantial change in C ontractor's status.
No bid will be considered unless fully com pleted in the m anner provided in the “instructions
to Bidders” upon the bid form provided by the E ngineer and accom panied by a bid bond
executed in favor of the City of A dair Village in an am ount not less than ten percent (10%)
of the total am ount of the bid. Bid bond is to be forfeited as a fixed and liquidated dam age
should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a contract and provide suitable bond for the
faithful perform ance of the work in the event the contract is awarded him. Funds fo r the
im provem ents are available, and m onthly paym ents will be made by check.
No bid will be received or considered by the City of A dair Village unless the B idder has
registered with the Construction C ontractor’s Board or licensed by the State Landscape
C ontractor s Board as required by ORS 671.530. B idder is not required to be licensed under
ORS 468.883.
Each bid must contain a statem ent as to w hether the B idder is a Resident B idder as defined
in ORS 279.029.
The City of A dair Village may reject any bid not in com pliance with all prescribed public
bidding procedures and requirem ents, and may reject for good cause any and all bids upon
the finding of the City of A dair Village that it is in the public interest to do so.
Any C ontract award under this Notice to Contractors is expected to be funded in part by a
grant from the United States Environm ental Protection Agency (EPA) and The D epartm ent
of Housing and Urban Developm ent through the O regon Com m unity D evelopm ent Block
G rant Program (OCD). N either the United States nor any of its departm ents, agencies, or
em ployees is or will be a party to this Notice to C ontractors of any resulting contract. This
procurem ent will be subject to regulations contained in Part 33 P rocurem ent U nder
Assistance Agreem ents. Contracts are subject to 40 CFR regulations.
Bidders on this work will be required to com ply with the provisions of the P resident’s Executive
O rder No. 11246 concerning equal em ploym ent opportunity, including all am endm ents and
requirem ents issued thereunder. The requirem ents for Bidders and C ontractors under this
O rder are explained in the C ontract Docum ents.
The attention of Bidders is directed to the requirem ents and conditions of em ploym ent to be
observed and minim um rates to be paid und e r the Contract. The B idder shall com ply with
provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a) fo r this public work project.
The bidder’s attention is directed to the provisions of these Contracts that related to the
utilization of small, minority, and wom en business enterprises during the perform ance period
of the Contract. The following goals are set fo r this Contract:
1. Eight percent of the dollar am ount of the construction services and/or
supply services is to be perform ed by m inority subcontractors and/or m inority suppliers.
Four percent of the dollar am ount of the construction services and/or
supply services is to be perform ed by w om en subcontractors, and/or w om en supplies.
P rio rto award of Contract, EPA will review the Proposals with respect to the B idder’s degree
of com pliance with the above goals; a low B idder who has not achieved these goals must
dem onstrate to the satisfaction of the Director, Office of Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, EPA
Region 10, that the goals are not attainable on the Contract work.
Before a C ontract will be awarded, com pliance with all EPA and OCD requirem ents specified
in the C ontract Docum ents will be subject EPA and O CD review and approval.
The right is reserved to delete any portion of bid schedule at O w ner’s discretion, and to award
each schedule separate to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder on each schedule.
No bidder may withdraw or modify his bid a fter the hour set for the opening and thereafter
until the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening.
By order of the City of A dair Village.
W anda Tobiassen
City A dm inistrator
Multnomah County
Fiscal Specialist 2; $14.52 per
hour; apply by July 30.
Library Computer Technician;
$9.63 per hour; apply by July
Data Analyst; $14.52 per hour;
apply by August 6.
For 24 hour job information,
call 248-5035 or visit Mult­
nomah County Employee
Services, 1120 SW 5th Ave.,
Room 1430, Portland, during
business hours.
Equal Opportunity Employer
F o r the best cuts in town
John Phillips
4603 N. Williams
B erties C hild
C are C enter
CSD Licensed
• Nutritional Meals
• Extended Hours, 6 am -10 pm
• 0-5 Years. Before & After
School Care
" C on ven ien t B r o a d w a y L o c a tio n "
2717 N. E. Broadway Portland,OR 97232
Counselor III
Salary $1300-$1350 +
Alpha House residential treat­
ment facility to: diagnose and
treat a caseload of clients,
conduct individual and group
co un se lin g and therapy,
maintain client records, per­
form external liaison. Shift
works Tues-Sat, daytim e
hours except Wednesday
which is 1:30-9:30pm. to
qualify: Bachelors degree in
relevant discipline and 2
years human services expe­
rience are required. Residen­
tial treatment experience pre­
ferred. Applicant must be
certified and capable of per­
forming CPR for 15 minutes
Persons currently serving su­
pervised parole or probation
are ineligible. A pplicants
must consent to and suc­
cessfully complete a crimi­
nal background investigation.
To apply subm it standard
CODA application form in­
cluding screening question
responses to address below.
Applications materials avail­
able at CODA Inc., 210 NE
20th, Portland, OR 97232.
(503) 239-8400. Equal op-
portunity/affirmative action
Ed Department
Southern Oregon State Col­
D e p a rtm e n t o f
Teacher Education, is seek­
ing a Program Coordinator.
R e s p o n sib ilitie s include
general administration of
Elementary and Secondary
Teacher Education p ro ­
grams, scheduling, student
advising, program develop­
ment, coordination of ac­
creditation activities. Twelve
month, one-year fixed term ,
renewable position. Qualifi­
cations include a minimum
of 3 years teaching experi­
ence in public schools (K-
12) and earned doctorate in
Education. Review of appli­
cations will begin on August
1, 1993. Employment will
begin on Sept. 1, 1993. In­
terested candidates would
send cover letter, resume
and names and telephone
numbers of 3 references.
Address all corre sp on ­
dence to:
Dr. Mary-Curtis Gramely
Associate Dean for Teacher
Department of Education
Southern Oregon State Col-
Ashland, OR 97520
(503) 552-6918
Minorities are encouraged to
apply: SOSC is an affirma­
tive action, equal opportu­
nity employer.
Mechanic needed for growing
m anufacturing com pany.
Will be responsible for main­
taining packaging line con­
veyance equipment, and as­
sisting with rebuilds. Must
have two years mechanic
experience, preferably in a
manufacturing environment.
Hours are Thursday through
Saturday from 6:30 am to
6:30 pm with some work on
other shifts. Apply direct M-
F from 1-5 pm, 3580 NE
Broadway, Portland OR. We
are an equal opportunity
Coming Soon
The Great
• 400 Plus
• Individually Owned
• Discount Shops
• Under One Roof
• High Foot Traffic
• Low Overhead
Retail Space
call Clair:
(503) 293-8275
Notice To MBE, ESB, WBE
Subsidized Low Income Housing Project
The Portland Developm ent Com m ission herewith notifies co n ­
struction Subcontractors and suppliers that general contrac­
tors proposals are being prepared for the construction o f the
Subsidized Low Income Housing Project at the co m e r of S W
12th and S W Market, Portland, O regon. W ork will consist o f the
construction of a new 53,000 s.t., 118 unit residential building
and related im provem ents. Inquiries should be made with the
following prime contractors who have indicated that they will
subm it proposals:
Waslh Construction, attention Dave Riedel, (503) 222-4375
Andersen Construction, attention Bruce Turner, (503)283-6712
R & H Construction, attention Bob Fulton, (503) 222-7177
Emerick Construction, attention Larry Sitz, (503)777-5531
The work includes general labor, clean-up, concrete, rebar,
masonry, grouting, m iscellaneous m etalwork, concrete stairs
and steel railings, carpentry, insulation, glass entry doors and
storefront, metal doors and frames, door hardware, taping and
drywall, painting and otherfinishes, signage, elevator, lighting,
electrical, HAVC, plum bing and the work of other trades as
called for in the drawings and specifications.
Drawings and specifications have been issued to the prime
contractors listed above and to the following plan centers:
Construction Data West, 1200 NW Front St., Portland, OR
Construction Data East, 1125 SW M adison St., Portland, OR
Daily Journal of Com m erce (DJC) Plan Center, 2374 NW
V aughn St., Portland, OR, 274-0624
Im pact Business Consultants, 8959 SW Barber Blvd., Port­
land, OR, 245-9253
O regon Assoc, of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME), 1130 NE
Alberta St., Portland, OR, 249-7744
National Assoc, of Minority Contractors (NANC) 4837 NE
Martin Luther King Blvd. Portland, OR 282-1190
Salem C ontractors' Exchange, 2256 Judson Street SE, S a ­
lem, OR, 362-7957 * '
SW W ashington Contractors Exchange, 7017 NE Hwy. 99,
#214, Vancouver, WA, 98665, (205)694-7922
Drawings and Specifications are available for purchase, at
purchaser’s expense, at W illam ette Print and Blueprint Co.-
Proposals are due at the Com m ission from the prime contrac­
tors listed above, on Friday, August 6,1993, at 3:00 p.m. There
will not be a public bid opening at that time.
The Com m ission has established ESB/MBE/WBE participa­
tion goals for this project as follows: 10% Emerging Small
Business, 5% Minority Business Enterprise, a n d 2.5% W omens
Business Enterprise. The City of P ortland’s First Source Hiring
Program will apply to this project.
Sub-Bids Requested
DHPP Elderly Housing
Portland, Oregon
Bid Date: Friday, August 6,1993 Time: 3:00 P.M.
Sub-Bids must be received in our office
not later than 1:00 P.M. on bid day!!!
Anderson Construction Company, Inc.
6712 N. Cutter Circle
Portland, OR 97217
(50) 283-6712
FAX: (503) 283-3607
Bids are Solicited From All Trades
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from
dsadvantaged, minority, women, and emerging small business enterprises.
Oregon Contractor’s Board Registration #63053
City Of Portland
Office of Neighborhood Associations Director -
to $4,860/month after 3 years
Economist II -
to $59,509/year at top of range
For more info/closing dates
call (503) 823-4573 (24 hr job
information) No resumes please.
Bureau Of Personnel
1220 S. W. 5th Ave., First FI.
Portland. OR 97204
Apps also available at:
Urban League
10 N Russell
Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to apply.
Instructor for Department of
Mental Health Nursing, .9 FTE
(9 month) or .75 FTE (12
month), fixed term, $26604 to
$37008 annual full-time rate,
includes benefits. Master's
degree in Mental Health Nurs­
ing required. Deadline for ap­
plication July 27,1993. Send
resume to Andy Hamon, Or­
egon Health Sciences Uni­
versity, SN-MH, 3181 SW
Sam Jackson Park Road,
Portland, OR 97201-3098.
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer.
Oregon Dept of Revenue.
Positions available - Tax Audi­
tor Entry, Tax Auditor 1 &
Tax Auditor 2. For announce­
ment and required applica­
tion call Revenue Jobline
503-945-8555. TDD 503-
945-8617, EOE/AAE
personal, 2nd Morgage
Signature Loans
Call Today
1-800 869-4848
1973 Volvo For Sale
Ky 6 Shocks
All service records
Anti-sway bars
See it - now going for
Only $ 1 7 0 0 /0 8 0
252-7489 Leave Message
Mykel Justin