V « « « S « 1 X ^-^xX A ^A A ^x« XXX ^ , , , ’tX x » *% ’.V*«*'WXXX'««4’< V « * * « < • ’ J uly 21, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B8 .„.3 llH H lii« »«.-zW ÖS Insurance Accountant Economic Opportunity Committee Of Clark County, Inc. A ccountan t A c c o u n ta n t - To oversee the financial m anagem ent and routine accounting functions of the Econom ic Opportunity Com m ittee of Clark County, Inc. R e q u ire m e n ts : Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university with m ajor course w ork in accounting, preferably em phasizing fund accounting; or com bination of equivalent education and experience. Knowledge of theory and practice of governm ental accounting; recognized m ethods used for internal cost and accounting controls; pertinent Federal and State laws and regulations pertaining to accountability of funds; office procedures; prin­ ciples of effective supervision. Proficiency in the use of com puters and various accounting software packages, preferably W ord Perfect 5.1, Lotus 123, and MIP Fund Accounting. Three years supervisory experience. Obtain application packet between 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m ., Mon.- Fri., EOC office, 10621 N.E. Coxley Drive, Suite 207, Vancou­ ver, W A 98662 (206) 896-9912. Com pleted applications must be received in EOE office by 4:00 p.m., W ednesday, July 28, 1993. EEOC/AA N ursing Quality Management Specialist Blue C ross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for a Quality M anagem ent Specialist to work in M edical Affairs. This position is responsible for perform ing quality m anagem ent reviews (on-site and desk) of providers to determ ine provider conform ity with current standards policies and procedures. The Quality M anagem ent Specialist also advises and educates providers of changes which may prom ote im proved perfor­ m ance. This position is also involved in the preparation of statistical and text reports which serve to sum m arize problem s encountered and progress made. Qualified candidate must have a current Oregon RN license, three or more years of nursing experience, and utilization review, quality assurance/im provem ent or discharge planning experi­ ence. This position also requires a current O regon/W ash driver's license and strong oral and written com m unication skills. Expe­ rience with W ordperfect and Lotus 1-2-3 is desirable. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ­ ployee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours and com petitive salary. Pre-em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #90 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue C ross Blue Shield o f O regon Hum an R esources Dept., 3rd fir. 100 S.W. Market P ortland, OR 97207 TDD# 225-6780 Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer ./■ - ■ ?• Í* - I Education Multnomah Education Service District Job In fo rm a tio n H otline , .i * "■J . ?•*. 257-1510 257-1518 TDD » • *. •■ ,* Current openings as of 7/18/93 Teacher, Special E ducation M ultihandicapped Program 190 days Application Deadline: - Open until filled S chool P s y c h o lo g is t 190 Days Application Deadline: Open until filled In s tru c tio n a l C onsultan t, S upporte d E ducation 200 days Application Deadline: 5pm 7/26/93 Secretary, E nvironm enta l E ducation 230 days Application Deadline: 5pm 7/27/93 S upervisor, Special E ducation 230 days Application Deadline: 5 pm 7/29/93 Apply in person M-F 8:30-11:30 AM, or send self-addressed, stam ped legal envelope indicating position to: M ultnom ah ESD, Attn. R ecruitm ent, 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR 97220 An Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer & D rug Free W ork Place • :•'•• V ■; . i ,. ■ ,» k» • ' * > ' ? " it * I Sub-Bids Requested P.C. C. Cascade Campus Library Bid Date: July 28,1993 Bid Time: 2:00 pm SDL Corporation Affiliated With McCarthy Building Co. 3150 Richards Road SE, P.0. Box 1685, Bellevue, WA 98009 (503)223-0107 FAX (503)223-9667 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged, minority women and emerging small business enterprises. We are a member of t h e i v Q u ^ Washington/Oregon < > 5 ■■r¿ « > ‘ ; a T < • t«r $ 3 ■’ ■ Liberty Northwest , Insurance Corporation Equal Opportunity Employer Northwest Natural Gas Application Systems Specialist 1 - Term Position Information Services Department - Portland Basic Purpose: Under general direction, develops and/or modifies system s and procedures to solve business problem s keeping in m ind techni­ cal and social constraints. M ajor duties are an extension of those o f the Analyst II in both com plexity and responsibility. Essential Functions Directs the activities of personnel assigned to com plex or divest projects. Utilizes know ledge in ow n area of em phasis as well as related areas to develop new w ays of solving problem s in a m anner consistent with com pany strategies. May have responsibility for the m anagem ent of com plex projects or groups o f projects: including project control, budget m anage­ ment, staffing estim ates, work scheduling, work assignm ent, and personnel development. Provides guidance to and/or assists in training other personnel. Responsible for quality assurance reviews M ay supervise other analysts or contractors on assigned work. Experience & Education Experience: This position requires 8 years of progressively re­ sponsible IS experience. Requires ability to access, input and retrieve inform ation from the com puter. Requires experience with m ultiple operating system s and XII, Motil, C and C++ program m ing languages. M ust have excellent oral com m unica­ tion skills w ith fact and diplom acy. Requires ability to analyze work situations and visualize solutions in the absence of clear expectations or procedures. Requires advanced reading com ­ prehension skills and ability to dem onstrate reasoning and problem solving skills. Nature of the w ork is sedentary. Education: High School Graduate or equivalent. A college degree in an IS related field is desirable and w ill substitute for 2 o f the 8 years experience required. Job Location: One Pacific Square Status/Type: Replacement, term position renewable annually for a m axim um of three years Salary: $3179./m th - $4256./m th (salary ceiling) Applicant Pool: Internal/extem al Deadline/Bids: July 23 ,1 9 9 3 - Req. No. 93060 - HR; Em ploym ent It is Im portant to reference the Req. #93060 on your bid form . Thanks! Employment * A/V Production A ssistant 808847-0793-O C C $7.46/Hr. (two part-tim e positions) (closes July 2 6 ,1 9 9 3 ) This position is responsible for setting and striking a/v, video, and theatrical lighting sets at the Oregon Conven tion Center. (Only applicants of the First O pportunity Target Area are eli gible to apply for the A/V Production Assistant during this recruitm ent process.) * M aintenance Technician (H VA C ) 448-0593-ZO $14.58 - $16.27/Hr (full-time) (closes August 2, 1993) The individual in this position will perform sem i-skilled and skilled HVAC, w ater filtration, and general m aintenance work. For applications and instructions contact: Metro - 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97232 Applications also available at: Oregon Convention Center - 777 NE Martin Luther Kinq Jr., Blvd. The Urban League - 1 0 N. Russell The N ortheast W orkforce C enter - 739 N. Killingsworth METRO Resumes will not be accepted. AA/EEO Em ployer CCB#7979I -i «V .¿T Interested in working for a proven leader and developing your ful potential? Liberty Northwest, O regon's largest private w riter of w orkers’ com pensation insurance, is currently recruiting for: Claims Examiner I This position will assist w ith processing and m anaging claim s in accordance with state com pliance and com pany policies. As sist with providing positive claim s services to policyholders and maintain positive com m unication with m edical and legal com ­ munity, and the injured worker. The successful applicant needs to understand w orkers com pen­ sation laws and regulations, have dem onstrated oral and w rit­ ten com m unication skills, and m ust obtain exam iner certifica tion form the Departm ent of Insurance and Finance within twelve months of com m encing claim s exam iner duties. A minimum of six m onths of relevant experience is required Second language skills useful, but not required. Claims Examiner Trainee This is an opportunity to begin a career in the insurance field. In this position you will learn to evaluate, coordinate, and process workers' com pensation claim s to closure. M inim um o f an Associates Degree desired or a com bination of educational and/or w ork experience that illustrates excellent com m unica­ tion, m athem atical, and decision-m aking skills. Liberty offers an excellent benefit package and com petitive salary. To apply send resume to Liberty Northwest Insurance Human Resources (075-93) 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 1900 Portland OR 97232 Sales Key Account Sales Executive. Private Label Health Care Prod­ ucts. Minimum 5 years expe­ rience representing private label consum er products to drug and grocery trade. S al­ ary and benefits com m ensu­ rate with experience. Send Resum e to P.O. Box 13480, Portland, Or 97213. Equal Opportunity Employer. r Groundskeeper Multnomah Athletic Club We have a current part time, weekend position 7 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Will be respon­ sible for out-side cleaning and yard m aintenance. Pre­ vious experience required. Call 223-8748 9 11 a.m. for an appt. Equal Opportunity Em ployer a • Project Engineer - Environmental Issues Portland Development Commission Salary: $37,100 - 55,700/year D.O.E. The C oordinator for environ­ mental issues acts on PDC's behalf in the investigation, preparation, adm inistration, rem ediation and close-out of e n viro n m e n ta l aspects o f Com m ission projects. Expe­ rience requirem ents include com pletion of Level 1 and 2 ESA's asbestos abatem ent, fam iliarity w ith U ST’s, O r­ egon DEQ, com pletion of R l/ FS studies, etc. Background shall include a degree in an e n v iro n m e n ta lly -o rie n te d discipline, supervision of UST re m o va ls and p e rfo rm in g level 1 investigations, appro­ priate license and previous experience with an environ­ m ental engineering firm, Or­ egon DEQ, EPA en viro n ­ m ental contractor, or equiva­ lent. Applications are available at PDC, 1120 SW Fifth, Suite 1 1 0 0 , P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97204. Resum e m ust be at­ tached to Com m ission appli­ cation. Closing date: July 30, 1993. The Portland D evelopm ent Com m ission Values Diver­ sity In Its W ork Force And Is Com m itted To Equal Em­ ploym ent Opportunity And A ffirm ative A ction. - ¿ 3 WÍiá¿¿>>>á^^¿Xwz>z>>/»zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.z U.R. Coordinator Oregon State Hospital in Sa­ lem, O regon is currently ac­ cepting applications for the position of Utilization Review Coordinator. This position is responsible for coordinating and directing the hospital Uti­ lization Review Program. Qualified candidates must have acurrentO regon RN license, and a m inim um o f one year experience as a U.R. C oor­ dinator in a hospital. Strong oral and written com m unica­ tion skills, and know ledge of J C A H O and H C FA s ta n ­ dards are required. W ord pro­ c e s s in g , d a ta b a se , and spreadsheet software expe­ rience is preferred. This is a m ental health charge nurse position, salary range 2,696 to 3 ,5 6 1 . Closing date is August 2, 1993. For inform ation on this position contact: Em ployee Relations (503) 378-2340 Oregon State Hospital EOE Administrative Assistant 30 hours per w eek $12,244/year + 75% medical Send resum e/cover letter to: Bradley-Angle House PO Box 14694 Portland, OR 97214 EEO /AA/Fem inist Organization C lose Date: July 2 6 ,1 9 9 3 State Of Washington Tunnel No. 5 To White Salmon River Bridge Bids due 10:00 am, July 29 Call For Bids State Of Washington Department Of Transportation District #4 4200 Main Street Vancouver, WA 98668 P.O. Box 1709, Vancouver, Washington, 98668 Notice To Contractors Sealed bids will be received by the State of Washington, Department of Transportation, at District #4. Headquarters in Vancouver, Washington until Thursday, July 29,1993, at 10 a.m. and then and there be opened and publicly read for the construction of the improvement listed below. This is a District 4 contract. Performance and bid bonds will be required on this project. Any person, firm, or corporation not currently prequalified with the Department of Transportation and desiring to subm it a bid on this project m ust file a Standard Prequalification Questionnaire and Financial Statement with the prequalification Engineer at the Department of Transportation, Transportation Building, Olympia, WA 98504-5201. The Questionnaire must be properly filled in, executed, and received not less than fifteen days prior to the date of bid opening to be considered for prequalification. Prequalification is required before a proposal can be ob­ tained. Prequalification forms may be obtained upon writ­ ten request to the above address or by calling (206) TOS­ T018. Plans and contract provisions may be obtained from the District 4 Plans Office upon written request to the Plans Engineer, District 4 Headquarters, P.O. Box 1709, Vancou­ ver, WA 98668, or by calling (206) 696-6323. A copy of the plans and contract provisions may be inspected in the offices of the Associated General Contrac­ tors of America in Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, and the Southwest Washington Contractors Association in Van­ couver. The improvements for which the bids will be received follows: (Skamania) TUNNEL NO. 5 TO WHITE SALMON RIVER BRIDGE (Cl 4, $500,000 - $600,000) CONTAINS DBE GOAL, F.A. NO. STPF-0014(019) on 2.12 miles of SR 14, MP 61.33 to MP 63.45. Requires: Clearing, grubbing, grading, draining, surfacing, planing bituminous pave­ ment, preleveling and paving with asphalt concrete pave­ ment, beam guardrail, permanent signing, and pavement marking. 40 working days. Involves: 57 bid items. 2350 CY gravel borrow; 78 LF sch A culv pipe. 12-18"; 1160 ton crushed surfacing; 575 S.Y. planing bituminous pavement; 7200 ton ACP ci A & E; 5600 LF rem & reset beam guardrail; Lump Sum bids for: Perm Signing,. Main & protection of traffic. (L-1001) (401493B). Gerald E. Smith, P.E. District Administrator Sub-Bids Requested Portland Community College Cascade Library Portland, Oregon Bid Date: July 28,1993 Bid Time: 2:00 P.M. . M il/IIIL ’ 'll ( .», !. ’ ’.Hl W 1.1«. i *j .* st ■ . 7? •. y .. ■ -v T