f 1 1 1 * * t < , P age B 6 , . < i « M 1 « V o « M V * J uly 21, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver i / - j n J ..„J ' . d i e Jin rt lanit ©baerUer My Hero! I.AY COUNSELORS TRAINING WORKSHOP by M attle Ann Callier-Spears SPONSORED BY: R O PH E A D O LE SC EN T T R EA TM EN T G R EA TER FA ITH M IN IST R IE S INC. O R EG O N CO U N SELIN G A SSO C IA TIO N (PO R TLA N D C H A PT E R ) WORKSHOP PRESENTERS: M IC H A E L L E E. DAVIS, M.A. EDW ARD B. V E R ST E E G , Psy.D. Workshop participants will increase their knowledge and enhance their awareness of basic counseling. WHEN: WHERE: COST: 6:30 - 8:30 PM, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1993 220 NE BEECH ST. (In the OB William’s Convention Center at the comer of NE Garfield and Beech) FREE REGISTRATION C O N TA C T G R EATER F A IT H M IN IST R IE S TO SIG N-U P: 280-8847 Nation Of Islam I bear w itness that there is no God but Allah and I bear w itness that M uham m ad is his m essenger. A s Salaam -A laikum (m ay peace be unto you) In the article o f July-7-93 w e w ent into the subject (theory) o f man evolv­ ing from the ape or direct descendants o f G od? W e finished that article giv­ ing the clear argum ent that the Ape cam e from m ankind not man from A pe. T his is part tw o o f the article. In this article we are to answ er the ques- tion-Is m an the direct descendant o f G od? The scientists o f this world o r­ der says that superior life forms evolved from inferior life forms. But we (N a­ tion o f Islam) believe that G o d ’s best (superior) creation is his first c re ­ ation. T hink about i t a believer in G od know s that G od w as in the begin­ ning. A nd nothing w as created that he did not create, directly or indirectly. This basic belief is against the teach­ ings o f superior life form s evolving from inferior life forms. W hy is this basic belief against the teachings o f superior life form s evolving from in­ ferior life forms? Because nothing was before God and he is the m ost superior in existence. So we can go a little further in this reasoning; W hat w asb efo reG o d ’s best creation (m an)? God. M an (hum anity) is G o d ’s first active creation. F urtherm ore, “m an ’s intelligence has no equal in other than man. His w is­ dom is infinite; capable o f accom ­ plishing anything that his brain can conceive.” M essage to the black man page 6 Now we know why we read in the scriptures (Bible and Q uran) about G od using men and w om en for his purpose and glory. The theories that we have been entertaining was al­ low ed to influence the peoples think­ ing in fulfillm ent o f G o d ’s prom ise to Im m anuel Free M ethodist C h u rch let the Devil rule for a tim e period.-- Read Thessalonians 2:8,9 revelations 12:9 in Bible and chapter 2 in Holy Q uran. — T he only w ay the devil can rule is to make truth seem like false­ hood and to m ake falsehood seem like truth. Believe it o r not, w e do not have the right concepts o f G od and man. “G od has placed his essence in man, and the m ost profound statem ent that the H onorable E lijah M uham m ad m ade is that G od is a m an .” Study G uide 10 M inister L ouis Farrakhan L et us all pray and study to gain a better understanding o f G od and Self. A re you grow ing? D o you see things the sam e way today as you saw them yesterday? For further inform ation on this subject get the book M essage to T h e B la c k M an b y E lija h M uham m ad an d g etall 18studyguides w ritten by m inister L ouis Farrakhan. T hank you for reading this. 311 N. Ivy, Portland, O R 97227 The Proper Event Tom s R estau ran t It has been a welcomed park rally ever since its beginning three years ago. Check it out! Preachers Reaching Oppressed People Expecting Restora­ tion. Refreshm ents provided by P ort­ land Bottling Company. W oodLawn Park Saturday, July 31, 1993, 2 until 7pm P h ase f>2 C a t e r in g C o n cep ts 249-T O N I O p e n 74)0 am to 114)0 pm M /'T hursday F r i/S a t. 74 )0 am to 44 )0 am S u n Ö4X) am to 94X) pm Starting August 1 st First Service 8:45am • Second Service 11:15am r Sunday School 10:15am • Wednesday Prayer 7pm Rev. Mark Strong, Pastor CHURCH NE M allory Avenue Christian Church Ì Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday Bilble Study and Prayer Inter-racial Congregation OF C H R IS T M A LLO R Y A V E N U E oftAe SUNDAY SCHEDULE Bible Study 9:30 am Morning Worship 10:45 am Men's Training Leadership Women's Bible Class 5:00 pm Evening Worship 6:00 pm Attended nursery for all services Wednesday prayer meeting and Bible study 7 :00 pm "Como to mo oil you who oro weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." 9:45am 11:00om 7:30pm W h y d o e s m an c h a s e , fo r a lif e ­ tim e , a im le s s ly a f te r th a t w h ic h d o es n o t e x is t? In a m is sio n m e e tin g , I a s k e d ev ery o n e who had a hero to raise their hands. Som e raised their hands and eagerly announced the nam e o f the person or persons they had chosen as their h ero -w h e lh e r the person was alive or deceased. W hile on the other hand, several others had not raised their hands because they felt having a hero was against biblical teaching. W e ll-I beg to differ with all w ho find com fort in that belief. You se e -Je su s C hrist is the ulti­ m ate hero. You need not search through the com ics o r the cartoons or the daytim e soaps or the m ythical characters. You d o n ’t have to go out and buy blue tights and a red cape or cat cans-upon-cans o f spinach Jesus C hrist perform ed feats that not one o f the fictional characters can touch. P lu s-h e w a s flesh andblood. Helived, breathed, loved, w ept and He died; but, H e arose from the grave. Jesus C hrist took upon him self the sins of the entire world. N ot even Superm an can m ake that claim . C hrist lives in the hearts/souls of all w ho believe in His gospel. His light o f love shines through the lives o f the righteous. C hrist is able to heal the sin-sick soul. He is able to deliver man from the pressures o f the world. Jesus the L iving C hrist is one with G od the Father. Yes! Jesus C hrist is my hero. Right now. T oday.”W hen I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child: but, when I becam e a man (w om an), I put aw ay childish things” . [I C orinthians 13:11 KJV] D o n ’t g e t c o m fo rta b le in th e i d e a o f h a v in g fa ile d in y o u r q u e s t fo r a s u ita b le h ero . S eek Je su s! H e is n o t far. J u s t a b re a th a w a y . P ra is e th e L o rd ! A True Soulful Experience T he P R O P E R, event is a sum­ m er park rally held to unite inner-city neighborhoods w ith its various gospel choirs, groups and m inisters from lo­ cal churches Individual speakers of Portland also participate, m aking the event com plete by sharing th eir testi­ monies o f how they've overcome gang, drug, and/or prostitution inv olvement. “Building Bridges By His Spirit" As I sat pondering, my m ind drifted fell, over thirty feet to the ground, from the back to my early teenaged years. I can roof while walking backwards. The kite rem em ber how the girls, o f my age, never did get airtxme. He was blessed- would ju st swoon over courageous bccausc, he fell in soft soil and it aided fellows who had accom plished darign in breaking his fall. T he im pact o f his fcatso fstren g h L itc o u ld h av c been by body left a big dent in the ground. the use o f their m ind or by their In the cartoons, the characters can brawn. H ow ever, the one w ho arose w alk in the air or fly or get blow n-up victoriously was the one that we would an d n o td ie...A n d the list goes on. But- ju st fall out over; and o f course, this -this is not so in real-life. person was totally unaw are o f how we These invincible, fictitious ch ar­ felt. B u t-n o matter. We w ould ju st acters are the ones our children are scream, “My hero!” A n d -w e w ould looking to as their heroes. even go as far as arguing o ver w hich C hildren do these kinds o f things one he loved more. because they believe w hat they see on W hen I look back on that, it sounds television or hear on the radio or read so silly. in the com ic books or in ch ild ren ’s T h e n -th e re w ere the com ic book books to be true. characters. My brother, Billy Boy, The song says, “E verybody’s and my cousin June, were playing searching for a hero. People need Batm an and S uperm an in the b ac k ­ som eone to look up to...” - T h e G reat­ yard. They had attached a tow el to est Love O f A LL.” B ill’s back and an apron to Ju n e’s W e m ust engage in a positive e f­ back. They used the sw ing, in the fort that w ill teach o u r children the yard, to assim ilate flight. T h e n -o n c e difference betw een fact and fiction. they had reached a certain height, in W e are losing our children to com ic the sw ing, they w ould spread their book characters and m ovie stars. arm s and leap into the air. A big sm ile T here are no heroes at hom e; so, was on their faces. T hey soared with the children look for them in the confidence. U n til-g rav ity took over. m edia. The gam e o f pretend has taken R eality was the hard ground w hich on a new tw ist and a different d im en ­ caused cuts and bruises and scrapes sion. on their hands and legs an d arm s. Children, from a very early age, should W ith all the “o w - e e s ” their bodies not be allow ed to view program s on sustained, you would com e to the television or in the m ovie theater w ith­ conclusion that they w ould never, ever out parent supervision. T here are a l­ attem pt such a foolish feat again. w ays questions; and the parent should W rong! T hey did this m any times. be the one w ho provides the answ ers. And w hen M om m ic stopped them T h e n -w h e n a discussion arises, from ju m ping from the sw ing, they you w on’t be shocked out o f your jum ped o ff the roof o f the shed and shoes from the responses com ing from from the big plum tree and from the your ch ild ’s mouth. top o f the fence w hich stood betw een The quest continues. our house and our n eig h b o rs’, the T h e r e a r e p e r s o n s w h o h a v e Browns. r e a c h e d a d u lth o o d a n d w h o are My brother Ronald, w ho is the s till “ L o st In S p a c e ! ” T h e y are next sibling younger than I, felt that s till s e a rc h in g fo r th is illu s iv e he too was invincible. He decided to h e ro ; p r e te n d in g to b e s o m e th in g launch his kite from the ro o f o f our th a t th e y a re n o t; th a t th e y n e v e r house HemetwilhanabruptacvidenL He can an d n e v e r w ill b e c o m e . B ryon C. N u d d Funeral Director Funeral Home • Cemetery • Memorial Garden Killingsvvorth Chapel 430 N. Killingsvvorth Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 283-1976 Lombard Chapel 3018 N. Lombard Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 283-0525 288-1092 Restoring New Testament Christianity 126 NÆ. Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 V a n n & V a n n F U N E R A L MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH D IR E C T O R S 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Stone Tower Church N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th Fam ily Owned a n d Operated Since 1954 Serving the City o f P o rtla n d fo r over 3 7 yt. r In your Portland Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 289-0147 Has m oved Sunday sev 1res to hour o f need Vann & Vann are there to serve. JjJattl ^missionary b a p tis t (Churdi Study Phone: 289-1911 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School W orship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, W ednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS Evening Service 503/281-2836 A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor 5211 N. Williams Portland, OR 97217 Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954 7:00pm Pastor. Re. JamesC E Faulkner t ♦ • 5 5 Theme: Whatever your going to do for the Lore, do It now. » » vî» ' U“>-' ' « * /