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Filte /IW T, w ho has been coordinating relief ef­ forts w ith the Iowa N ational G uard T he company is also arranging to supply the National G uard w ith its D isaster Relief Reverse O sm osis unit, free o f charge, for on-site w ater p u ri­ fication The w ater treatm ent unit w as designed and built by U S. Filter/IW T personnel in the afterm ath o H urricane Andrew ’s destruction in Florida T he w ater treatm ent unit was built by em ployees who donated their labor, using m aterials donated by U S . Filter/IW T and some o fits key v cndors T he reverse osmosis (RO) sy stem uses hydraulic pressures to force wa­ ter through a sem iperm eable mem­ brane to rem ove contam inants. The skid-m ounted unit will continually take in river or brackish w ater and pum p out up to five gallons o f d rin k ­ ing wate per minute. "T he U S Filter/IW T Disaster R elief RO unit sav es the tim e and cost o f h a u lin g w a te r,” sa id R ich ard H eckm ann, U.S. Filter ch ief execu­ tive officer. "The unit can be shipped to a central distribution site where it w ill take in flood w aters and provid a continuous flow o f d rinking water. “T his u n it and the contributions are part o f our com m itm ent to provid­ ing an d m a in ta in in g clean w ater throughout the w orld,” H eckm ann said U.S. F ilter is one o f the largest U S com panies in the water treatment NEED A CAR? industry U.S F ilter's facility in D aven­ port, Iowa, has not been affected by the flood waters w hich have crippled that M ississippi River com munity, except that many em ployees have to take alternative routes to work -0- 7 /15/93/E D IT O R ’S NOTE: U.S Filter designs and m anufactures a broad range o f custom ized and pre­ engineered systems and equipm ent for the water and w astew ater treat­ ment industries T he company ’s prod­ ucts and services are use for the filtration and purification of water for m unicipal uses and indus­ trial processes, as well as for the treat­ ment o f wastew ater effluent before recy cling or discharge Established in 1953, U.S Filter has corporate offices in Palm Desert, Calif., with m anufacturing and pro­ cessing facilities located in D aven­ port; M inneapolis; M arlboro, N.J.; Redmond, W ash ; Rockford; Tarbes, France; W arren, N.J.; W arrendale, Pa ; a d W hittier, Calif. •NO CREDIT CHECK OR CREDIT TURNDOWNS...EVER • DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $250 • 12.9% A.P.R. FIN A N C IN G He care more about your future than we do your past. SERVICE ÀREA YOU CAN HAVE THE CAR CHECKED OUT BEFORE IT'S BOUGHT St Divñion Stmt A DIVISION OF CAM CHEVEKOLET GEO NISSAN B.Z. CARR 231-0000 n T ----- 1---- 1---- T " WHY PAY FULL RETAIL? Prepare For A Disaster With Your Camping Gear T hat cam ping equipm ent sitting in the garage could be the key to a h o u se h o ld d is a s te r p la n s, say s a Stanford Univ ersitv emergency m edi­ cine physician. Dr. Ricardo M artinez, assistant professor o f surgery/emergency m edi­ cine, says that a variety o f hom e ser­ vice disruptions, ranging from pow er failures to earthquakes can be eased w ith the same gear and supplies that the family dusts off each sum m er for a day or two o r a week at a cam psite “Particularly if you have y oung children, you’ll w ant to be able to prov ide w arm m eals quickly in the ev ent o f a pow er failure. And that gas stove that w orks so well in the m oun­ tains or by the lake will do ju st as fine a jo b at home. Just be sure to use it outside the house in a w ell-ventilated YOU MAY PURCHASE A CAR OR TRUCK FROM US WITH: f ' DO YOU LÌVE IN THIS AREA? Up to 70 cars (many under $1000) • Gates open at 9:00 a.m. FEATURED VEHICLES area to avoid the possibility o f carbon m onoxide poisoning.” In the event o f a m ajor disaster, y early (use the old water on your lawn if you have one) and the w ater re­ placed to ensure freshness. D o n ’t for­ such as an earthquake, a supply of get that w ater purification kit used for freeze-dried food-check the expira­ cam ping or backpacking can be used tion date for freshness-can serve as a at hom e if the water quality there tasty supplem ent to the w eek or two of becomes com prom ised, he notes. canned goods or other supplies that it The same first kit you throw into is w ise to keep in storage around the the car before leaving for the m oun­ house. (D o n ’t forget to rotate the tains. seashore or lakefront, should be canned goods every few m onths for stocked and ready for the hom e em er­ freshness.) gency as well, M artinez suggests Not part o f the regular cam ping Lanterns and flashlights, along gear but a wise item to keep in the w ith a supply o f m atches kept w ith the garage-perhaps near the cam ping gear- cam ping gear can fight darkness after is a plastic drum o f fresh w ater in case a power failure Rem em ber to store regular supplies are depleted or pi umb- gas and kerosene in properly sealed ing breaks down. Em ergency w ater containers w hich should be kept away drum s may be purchased com m er­ from direct sunlight, electricity or cially, and M artinez cautions that they extrem e heat. sho u ld be d rain e d ap p ro x im ately 84 Chev Celebrity S/W 84 Ford Bronco 83 Chev Malibu 88 Merc Tracer 90 Plymouth Acclaim 89 Subaru Justy 91 Chry Lebaron 81 Subaru DI 1600 80 Audi 5000S 69 Ford Mustang 79 Cad Barritz 82 Cad Barritz PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION 6500 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. • Portland C A R R OFFERS FINANCING TO EVERYONE! The Law Allow« “We care m ore about your future than your p ast!” nt 1 1 l 1 t 1 1 t 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w STK#5244 1 6 Liter, 5spd. 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