i P age A8 » v v '/e te V J uly 7, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver Ì „7 (□je ÿ o rlla n h (©bserVer NEED A CAR? YOU MAY PURCHASE A CAR OR TRUCK FROM US WITH: DO YOU LIVE IN THIS AREA? IVe care more about your future than w e do your past. • NO CREDIT CHECKS OR CREDIT TURNDOWNS... EVER • DOWNPAYMENTS $250 OR LOWER • 12.9% A.P.R. FINANCING YOU CAN HAVE THE CAR CHECKED OUT BEFORE IT'S BOUGHT SERVICE AREA J SE Division Street E.Z. CARR 231-0000 L 4 DIVISION OF CARR CHFVFROLEt CFO NISSAN i r W HY RAY FULL RETAIL? ■ I AUTO A U C 7 7 5 : PU B LIC luly 3rd, 12‘QO Noon S a tu rd a y . Up Io 70 cars (many under $1000, • Gates open at 9:00 a.m. FEATURED VEHICLES 84 Chev Cavalier 89 Pont Firebird CNV 73 Ford Courier 84 Olds Cutlass 85 Subaru GL S/W 88 Pontiac Lemans 85 Chry Lebaron 91 Chev Camaro 70 VW Sqback 79 Volvo 242 Custom GT 82 Chev Camaro 80 cord Granada Minority Auto Dealer Development Program Finalized—Representatives from Nissan North America, Northwood University and Xavier University met recently to finalize the details o f an innovative scholarship program sponsored by Nissan for minority students interested in automotive careers. The Nissan scholarships are awarded in partnership with New Orleans-based Xavier, one o f the country's leading historically black colleges and universities, and Northwood (Midland, Ml), which offers a four- year automotive degree with an emphasis on business. The program awards select students a $10,000, four-year renewable scholarship. Recipients will be employed at Nissan during the summer and may be eligible for additional incentives worth $125,000 while pursuing their automotive careers following graduation. Xavier President Dr. Norman Francis (center), welcomes from Nissan (from l-r) Ernie Stroman, manager-EEO/Affirmative Action, Ron Stone, manager-dealer placement, and Dierdre Francis-Dickerson, Nissan manager-public affairs and Paul Strawhecker, vice president development for Northwood University Zoo Holds Pow W ow E nviron m en tal Fair The th ird annual Pow W ow (Presen e Our W orld) env ironmental fair w ill take place Saturday, July 10 at M etro W ashington Park Zoo The event is designed to educate v is ito rs about ways to reduce w ild habitat loss and species decline rates. T h irty -fiv e organizations w ill sponsor booths and activities on the zoo grounds front 10:00 a m. to 4:00 p m. Conscnation-oricntcd groups such as Metropolitan Grecnspaecs.. Riv^aty PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION 6500 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. • Portland 5/j Oregon Department o f Forestry and Unified Sewerage Agency w ill share their expertise on habitat and species preservation. Other organizations, such as O r­ egon Department o f Transportation. Far West Fibers and Recycling Advo­ cates, w ill prov ide information on re­ cycling procedures and how to de­ crease the amount o f material to be recycled. Fun activities and information for all ages, including games, hand- outs and hands-on activities w ill be prov ided at all booths. Spin a roulette wheel, take a quiz, shoot a hoop — or even build your ow n compost pile in a cup. Stage entertainment w ill feature the Carousel Company Theater for Children sponsored by the C ity o f Portland Environm ental Services. Multnomah County librarians w ill tell stories about conscrv atton and endan­ gered animals. OFFERS FINANCING TO EVERYONE! "Mfe care more about your The Law Allows future than your past!” NISSAN FINAL 1992 CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL CHEVROLETS 24 Month Lease Option New Program A n d Demonstrators In 24 Months You Can By Walk Away Keep The Car Or Get A Brand New Car 1993 SENTRAXE z-TTt. . 4 DR Or 2DR Limited Edition Save O ver 1.6 D O H C 16 valve engine, 5 speed tran sm ission, pow er d is c brakes, full in s tr u m e n t a tio n , re a r pow er disc brakes, 4 w h eel in depend ent s u s p e n s io n air dual p ow er rem ote control m irrors, air cond itioning, A M /F M stereo cassette, cruise control, tilt w heel, pow er steering, and more. DR C a rr S a v in g s P rice -3,0 40 B ra k e s , A ir Bag, 1992 LUMINA EURO 4 DR A ir 4 M SR P » ,2 ,6 9 0 DR C a rr S a v in g s 3.1 V6, A ir conditioning, Tilt wheel. C o nditio ning , PW .P L, tilt, AM /FM , rear C ruise control, P o w er steering. P o w er delogger, delay w ipers, som e w ith tu- d isc brakes, A ir bag, A M -FM stereo. tone & alloy w heel ABS brakes, Pow er w indow s. L is t P ric e N e w ................... »15,295 List P rice N e w ........................ »18,564 S a v e ............................................... «,300 S a v e ............................................... 6,000 e o bag. tilt wheel, upgraded I ua „ i > intenor trim with w alnut app liq ue rear w indow defroster, tachom ete r, pow er window s, pow er locks, air cond itioning, electronic AM FM C a ssette w ith pow er antenna. S pci G XE option P a ckage, control and »12 ,035 ABS, V a lve DD HC 150 H P engine, tinted glass, body side m oldings, M SRP $3 ,000 ofl C arr list V6, Loa d e d lu x u ry S d n 2 4 16 w in d o w defroster, side w indow detoggers, 2 1992Corsica 1993 ALTIMAGXE SALE PRICE more. SALE PRICE 5 Speed Or Automatic -3,695 A u tom atic Air C onditioning TOTAL OF PAYMENTS $5976 OR LEASE OPTION FOR 24 MONTHS *150 DOWN & «150 PER MONTH 1993 Pathfinder XE 4 DR 4x4 TOTAL OF PAYMENTS »3600 5 Speed Manual Or Automatic 1993Altama XE L is t P ric e New » 1 5 ,1 10 S ave . ..... 4 ,115 ■ • 4.3 V6 A u tom atic Trans • T ah oe P a ckage #3 • A ir conditioning • Pow er tailgate P o w er steering • R ear detogge r • R oof rack P o w er disc brakes • P o w er w indow s/locks A M /F M cassette • A M /F M stereo cassette • C ruise control • Tilt w heel • Alloy w heels • Tinted glass • Red Carr List $22,785 savin g ,5i000 V 1992 S-10 Blazer 4X4 1992 CAMARO COUPE OR LEASE OPTION FOR 24 MONTHS *699 DOWN & 6249 PER MONTH L is t P ric e N ew SALE PRICE S ave »22,492 ......................................... 4,500 w 2 .4 ltr1 6 v a v ie D O H C e n g in e ,5 s p e e d , Sale pow er steenng, pow er disc brakes. 4 Price I [ | I (. L l Sale q Price 0 2 2 's S c i, 1992 Caprice w h eel indepen dent suspension, tachm eter. till wheel, delogger air bag, child A B S a u to m a tic , lo c k in g hubs T a c h o m e te r, A M /F M pow er locks, w ire w heel covers, air proof locks, tinted glass. cassette with 4 speakers, tut wheel, rear w indow defroster, conditioning, till, cruise, rear defroster, OR LEASE OPTION FOR 24 MONTHS s229 DOWN & *229 PER MONTH TOTAL OF PAYMENTS $5495 7 f A tT h . Price ch ro m e wheels, rear w indow wiper,'w asher, tinted glass, sport rack, security system and m uch more. 1993 GEO METRO V8 auto m a tic tran s, pow er window s, 3.0 V6 engine, 153HP, pow er steering, pow er brakes, L ia t P ric e New Save »15,110 4,115 2-to ne paint, & m orel 3 At This Price OR LEASE OPTION FOR 24 MONTHS *699 DOWN & *299 PER MONTH 7 AT THIS PRICE A tte r »300 Factory R ebate and »400 G M A C first tim e buyer rebate TOTAL OF PAYMENTS $7176 16th & NE Sandy Blvd. NISSAN 234-5555 16th & NE Sandy Blvd. CHEVROLET GEO 234-5555