Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 07, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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    J uly 7, 1993 • T he P orti . and O bserver
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Faith Plus...Nothing!
Nation Of Islam
Is the o rig in o f man from the ape
o r direct descendants o f God’’ There
div inc guidance, for 2,(MK) y ears w hich
brought them almost into the fa m ily o f
w ild beast— going upon a ll fours, eat­
in g raw and unseasoned food, liv in g
in caves and tree tops, c lim b in g and
ju m p in g from one tree to the other.
Even today they like c lim b in g and
ju m p in g the monkeys arc from them.
surrounding life etc. ) stim ulate the page 103. The Ape is com m only re­
e volution A n d any o f the species that lated to the cave and the caveman, and
does not evolve and adapt w ith the we a ll know that the w hite race lived
environm ent w ill die otT T h is is the in caves in Europe
The H E M (H on E lija h M uh.)
law o f evolution, it is a certain species
that all colors in people came
evolved tw o thousand years ago you
w ill not fin d the before evolution o f from the original people (black people)
that species s till in existence. Y ou w ill by usinga m e th o d o fb irth c o n tro l.a n d
o n ly fin d the ev olv ed ty pe o f the spe­ the w hite race was the last race to be
cies in existence i f we evolv ed from grafted from us They started to m ak­
the ape thousands o f years ago then in g trouble among us. So we put them
the ape should not be here or we out into Europe. W hen we put them
should at least, cxpaect present apes to out they were stripped o f every th in g
but the language "T hey were w ithout
be e vo lvin g in to c iv iliz e d man to day
History books refer to skulls that anyth in g to start c iv iliz a tio n and be­
scientists have found as “ A p e -M a n " came savages Then remained in such
skulls o r skeletons Just because the co n d ition fo r 2.000 years—-no guide
Ape has a structure lik e man and is no literature They lost a ll know ledge
fro m the ju n g le (u n c iv iliz e d ) this does o f civ iliz a tio n Some o f them trie d to
not mean that we came fro m it. 1 d o n 't graft themselves back into the black
believe that the O rig in a l M an came nation, but they had nothing to go by.
fro m the Ape. because Archaeology A few were lucky enough to make a
and A nthropology are fin d in g ancient start, and got as far as what you ca ll the
remains o f h igh c iv iliz a tio n on the G o rilla In fact, all o f the monkey
A frica n continent and these fin d in gs fam ily are from this 2,000 year history
go fu rth e r back than the Ape Is it o f the w hite race in Europe " M E S ­
are many theories out attem pting to
e xp la in the beginning o f man The
most w ide spread is the theory that
man e vo ke d from the Ape Evolve
means the process o f developing m
the study o f evolution one learns that
the environm ent (changes i n \* eat her.
possible that the Ape came from a
king? The Hon E lija h M uham m ad
makes i t clear th a t, “ they (w h ite race)
were punished by being deprived o f
SAGE T O TH E B L A C K M A N page
119. T h is teaching is not meant to be
a mocker y o f w hite people. The abov e
auotc (“ They were w ith o u t anything
to start c iv iliz a tio n and became sav­
ages ")c a n b e a p p lic d to us (blacks) in
Am erica A savage is a person who
has lost the knowledge o f h im s e lf and
is liv mg a beat life The masses o f our
people live indecent, cat food that are
against health and a long life and we
have im proper relationships w ith each
other We have become sav ages! But
now a lot o f sav agcsblack. brow n, red,
yellow and w h itc arc developing their
potential to be w hat God intended fo r
us to be (sm ile). Just remember that
the theory o f M an from Ape is only a
theory w ithout strong evidence in re­
a lity o r science A theory is a p a rticu ­
la r v ie w or doctrine put fo rth or
held as an explanation and it remains
a th e o ry (docs not become fact)
u n til tru th and reality backs it up But
a theory may to be an honest sincere
a tte m p t to e x p la in s o m e th in g .
Secret societies o f this w orld arc skilled
at h id in g tr u th to spread fa lse
ideas and theories Thus ensuring that
a sm all population rule the masses
“ H id in g the tru th is
a serious
th in g to do H id in g the tru th takes
away confidence, tru st and love
page 10-11 P A R T T W O N E X T
W E E K . GOD W IL L IN G May A lla h
(G od) bless you to understand Learn
more o f the mission and w ork o f M in ­
ister Louis Farrakhan watch the T V.
lecture scries by James X Bess every
Thursday at 4pm channel 27 and/or
contact E lija h X JclTcrson at 335-
First Scholarship Distributions
From Family Fund
Five students were selected to
receive S1,000 awards from the Weston
F a m ily Fund o f The Oregon C om m u­
n ity Foundation fo r the 1993-94 aca­
dem ic year. Student selection was
based on academic performance (grade
p o in t average and S A T scores) and
fin a n cial need. E lig ib le applicants fo r
the awards were graduating seniors
from Benson, C leveland, F ra n klin ,
G rant, Jefferson, LaSalle, M adison,
M arshall o r Roosevelt H igh Schools.
The awardees are:
• L isa Manske-Madison
• Steven Radtke-Roosevelt
• BaoChi Dinh-Benson
• Thomas Van R un-F ranklin
• M yra M ar-Cleveland
Oregon C om m unity Foundation
president Gregory C haille said that
his new source o f financial support
and encouragement comes at a critica l
tim e fo r students as we see the cost o f
education rise much faster than per­
sonal income. C haille also said that
governm ent funds fo r college are
shrinking making a college education
seem even more out o f reach to may
Portland investors Joseph and
M a rily n Weston O f Weston Invest­
ment Co. have funded the Weston
F am ily Fund at O C F w ith g ifts o f
real property over the past tw o years
to ta llin g S I,590,000. the foundation
w ill use the income generated from
the properties to provide grants and
scholarships from The Weston Fam ­
ily Fund to support educational, ch a ri­
table, and cu ltu ra l programs in the
com m unity. The Weston F am ily Fund
is one o f 225 fa m ily and business
charitable funds the statewide fo u n ­
dation adm inisters.
The Weston F am ily Fund pres­
e n tly g e n e ra te s a p p ro x im a te ly
$ 1 31,600 ann u a lly in grants and
scholarships. In 1992, the Weston
F am ily Fund awarded S56.000 to edu­
ca tio n a l and ch a rita b le program s.
B e n e fic ia rie s o f g ra n ts in 1992
included M etropolitan F a m ily Ser­
vic e s , F rie n d s o f the C h ild re n ’ s
museum, Oregon C h ild re n ’ s Founda­
tio n , “ I Have a D ream ” Foundation,
and Interstate FirchouseC ulturalC en-
The Oregon C om m unity Foun­
dation is a statewide n o n p ro fit organi­
zation that adm inisters perm anent
charitable funds on b ehalf o f in d i­
viduals, fam ilies, and organizations
to support hum anitarian, educat io n a l,
and cultural programs that benefit
th e ir com m unities and the state as a
Have you ever gone in to the
kitchen to prepare a p a rticu la r dish
and you found that the m ain in g re d i­
ent was m issing? D id You also find
that there was nothing else that you
could pul in its place because the dish
w ould have been m ined?
W e ll! The way we unclean folks
w ill get to sec Jesus
w ill be the same as
We w o n ’ t be able
to use any other
ingredients, like :
lo ts o f m o n e y ,
w o r k in g
m any
m ira c le s , d o in g
good things, g ift-
of-gab. sweet ta lk It w ill be by faith
Do you remember the stories in
the B ible as C h rist moved across the
country side touching and healing? Not
just once but several times. He said,
"Y o u r fa ith has made you w hole.” For
fa ith in Jesus the C hrist healed them It atedby G od’ s word, so that what can be
sccn was made out o f what cannot be
seen.” [G N B ] I f you continue to read,
you w ill fin d account-after-account o f
those w ho have acted on their fa ith in
them w ork A n d then, as soon as we God. Sometimes—even when fear tried
use the right thing, every th in g quickly to hinder them or threats o f life and
was th e ir fa ith and nothing else.
M any tim es when we want to get
something d o n c -w c try so many d if­
ferent approaches and fin d that none o f
lim b o r even death, th e ir faith per­
sisted; and it was tiro u g h that kin d o f
faith that they received G od’ s approval.
N o one can please God w ithout
o f that first? ”
I say to you fa ith , fo r whoever conics to God must
rig h t now, “ W hy have fa ith that God exists and rewards
d o n ’ t you put your those who seek him . |Hcb. 11:6 G N B ]
Let us not be a people who turn
fa ith in Jesus firs t.”
Instead o f wasting back and are lost. Instead, let us have
tim e
ru n n in g fa ith and be saved in C hrist Jesus.
Use the rig h t ingredient. Have
around to a ll these
fa ith in God and every th in g w i ll be a ll
fa lls into place O ur usual question
fo llo w in g th is is.
Why d id n ’ t I th in k
d iffe re n t quacks
U sing different ingredients w ill rig h t God does not even require you to
not make the cake rise. W ith o u t the have an elephant’ s load o f faith; i f you
proper ingredient, the cake w ill fa ll as ju st have fa ith the size o f an itty-b itty
mustard secd-you can s till please God.
fla t as a pancake.
Just have fa ith ! It’ s that unm istak­
Faith cannot be seen or felt. You
able ingredient that we all need to
example: Luke 17:19—the ten men
w ith leprosy, mark 10:52—the b lin d the elev enth chapter and the first verse make it through this life ..as we know
man; Luke 8:48—the wom an w ith the reads. “ To have fa ith is to be sure o f the it.
Y o u say th a t yo u ’ re going to
issue o f blood for twelve years. Just to things we hope for, to be certain o f the
Y o u ’ ve gotta have faith. Be-
mention a few. In each one o f these things we cannot see. It was by th e ir
body talkingabout heaven
cases, someone came exclusively to fa ith that people o f ancient tim es won
Jesus Even though they may not have G od’ s approval It is by fa ith that we a in ’ t going there!
H allelujah!
know H im previously asa friend, their understand that the universe was crc-
Coalition Press
Conference Mallory
Avenue Christian
Church, 126 NE
Albina Christian Life Center Host
Children Benefit
A. C. Green Jr. o fth e w o rld cham­ w ill also appear and other 'ocal groups.
pion Los Angeles Lakers w ill appear
H is appearance w i l l benefit C h il­
at the A lb in a C hristian L ife Center dren A t Risk. Adm ission is free. A
A div erse array o f N icke l-A -D rin k located at 5522 N. A lb in a Avenue, fre e w ill offe rin g w ill be received d u r­
supporters arc h o lding a press confer­ Portland, Oregon, on Friday evening, ing the services. For more in fo rm a - ’
ence to advocate fo r the passage o f
tio n call: 503-281-5197 or 503-283- >
July 9, 1993
HB2234 Hubert Evans o f the R ain­
7:00 p.m.
The popular singing group, Izaya
bow C oalition, Rev. Rodney Page,
Ecumenical M in istricso fO rcg o n ; Rev.
Denise B ell, M allory' Avenue C h ris­
tian Church; Rev Benard Ing. Greater
Faith M in istrie s. Debbie Wood. Cen­
tral C ity Concern; Jim Peterson, M a in ­
stream Y outh Programs, and Johnny
Gage from the House o f Umoja.
HB2234 increases the beer and
w ine tax by 5 cents and dedicates the
revenue to chemical dependency treat­
ment, intervention and prevention.
Funding from the N ic k e l-A -D rin k in ­
crease w ill provide comprehensive
treatment sen ices fo r a ll Oregonians
p a rtic u la rly fa m ilie s , teens, and
women w ith children. HB 2234 is s till
in the House Revenue Com m ittee and
w ill get a hearing w ith in the next two
Contact Hubert Evans 284-617
Immanuel Free Methodist Church
“Building Bridges By His Spirit”
N. Ivy, Portland, OR 97227
PO BOX 11956, Port., OR 97211
Sunday W orship 11:00 a.m. • W ednesday Prayer 7:00 p.m.
or Debbie Wood 294-1681.
Phone: (503) 288-0479
M ark Strong, Pastor
CVÁa/rc/o/f/te (f/dmes
B ryon C. N iidd
Funeral Director
Funeral Home • Cemetery • Memorial Garden
Killingsvvorth Chapel
430 N. Killingsvvorth
Portland, Oregon 97217
Evangelist Gregory Eobbs
Lombard Chapel
3018 N. Lombard
Portland, Oregon 97217
Bible Study
9:30 am
Morning Worship
10:45 am
Men's Training Leadership
Women's Bible Class
5 00 pm
Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Attended nursery for all services
Wednesday prayer meeting
and Bible study
7:00 pm
Restoring New Testament Christianity
V a n n & V a n n
3 9 0 8
Has moved Sunday sevices to
Stone Tower Church
N .E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th
Family Owned and Operated Since 1954 Serving
the City of Portlandfor over 31 ye. r In your
W orship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, W ednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
hour of need Vann & Vann are there to serve.
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
A Teaching Church W ith A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
5211 N. Williams Portland, OR 97217
* Z.Z ♦ Z * Z Za» X Z >*»*■* * Z / / * * -* .* Z /Z * » Z * X -* -* * * » * ' « Z
y .
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
> r. « > »
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- __u
H R I $ T
Mallory Avenue
Christian Church
"Com« to m« all you who or«
weary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest."
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday Silble
Study ond Prayer
inter-racial Congregation
126 l\l.e. Alberta + Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 J
Rialti (àBHtsstunarçr
^Baptist (f ljurclj
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7
Study Phone: 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1
Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
Pastor, Re JamesC.E. Faulkner
Theme: Whatever your going to do for the Lore, do It now.
I Peter i v . l l