• V • » 4 - ’* . ’ '•'* Ä w J uly 7, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B2 Camp Rosenbaum Hosts 23rd Annual Visitors Day Swindell Next Test For Rising Heavyweight Star Jeremy Williams Heavy w eight Jeremy W illiam s has made his first nine fights look easy. The 20-year-old out o f Long Beach, C a l, has knocked out seven opponents in the first or second round It figures to get tougher for W il­ liam s on Thursday, July 8, however, w hen he meets veteran F rankie Sw indell (27-9-1,19 KOs) in a sched­ uled 10-round bout at the President Casino, in Biloxi. Miss TheTop Rank, Inc., fight w ill be telecast live on ESPN. 6pm. EDT. Trained by Kevin Rooney and managed by B ill Cayton and Steve Lott, the ex-braintrust o f M ike Tyson, W illiam s (9-0, 7 KOs) made quick w ork o f U S Olym pic heavyweight Dannell Nicholson in his last fight, w ith a second round kayo on May 8, in Lake Tahoe, Nev. A t a sculptured *>i w pounds, i i i i o W m c s icr*nnciH» ill clash iimunst against Emcsl Ernest Matcen 6 ’ 2", 210 illiam is consid­ KOs), w w illckish (17-0-1, 7 KOs) in a 10-roundcr ered one o f the heavyweight division s The fight w ill M ark Lewis’ sec­ top. young prospects, training out of ond appearance in Biloxi, which is a Catskill, N Y. This year, th c 9 -l 1 ycaroldcantp- \ Swindell (27-9-1, 19 KOs) has short distance from his Penscola, Fla. home Lewis scored a second-found cham pionship experience, having T K O o fC h arlcs Scott, here, last year. land’ 25 .c.h ‘ dren.A t a fought for the WBO and IBF light ■n, in lp fih n n d e r hasn’t Salem and 10 front Klamath Falls and heavy weight titles Wa n po,k heavyweight titles in in 1989 1989 and and 1990, 1990, The 20-year-o.d e« h^ c r hasn t respectively. The Nashville, Tenn.. fought since Jan 10 when he cap- Yanihjn Continued from front page native has fought former WBC light heavyweight and heavyweight cham- A U ^ i c C ity thont.es Da,Iv activities include: Daily Antony W illiam s in Atlantic City, son donatcd computers> from pion, Michael Moorer twice Moorer dispatched Swindell with a third round k „ „ k0„ , on A p ril 27. Swindell has n..i o f Rrooklvn N Y IBM . Police Athletic League (PAL) Matten, out o f Brooklyn, N Y . Portland Police offic- has „re a d y ough. f » . n n - U n s « s i n ,l,e nol shied away from the lop guns among heavyweights, having met Tony Tucker, Michael Greer and Ita ly’s Francesco Dam iani, among „ |n h,s woods, daily anri-drag program, field others last year Also on the card, unbeaten light heavyweight, B illy Lewis (19-0,14 last fight. The only blemish on his record-a draw-occurred in his sec- ond pro fight, a four-rounder against T im W ilson in New York on May 17, 91 McDonald’s Farwest Summer League For Women Outside The Lines Inside The Ring July 14 ESPN w ill televise Outside the Lines: Inside The Ring on Wednes­ day, July 14 at 7:30pm ET Outside the Lines scries host Bob Ley w ill be join ed by SprotsCenter’ s Charley Steiner as co-host on the 60 minute special. ESPN Managing Editor Steve Anderson said. "Professional boxing is a sport that appears to be at the crossroads Beneath the aura o f the big money, glamour fights there are • issues that need examining In this special w cw illexplorc boxing 'spower structure, the politics o f the sy stem and the treatment o f its most im por­ tant resource, the boxers themselves.” C ontributing reporters w ill be ESPN’s Jimmy Roberts. ABC Sports’ Mary Ann Grabavoy and ABC News’ Armen Ketey ian H ig h lig h ts o f the special include: • Grabavoy w ill examine health and safety issues in boxing. She w ill spend a day at the home o f Sergei Artemiev, a 24 year-old who is recovering from a cerebral blood clot suffered during his March 21 fight Does boxing take the neces­ sary medical precautions? Steiner w ill profile Rock Newman (manager o f Riddick Bowe-current WB A and IBF heavyweight cham- pion)-boxings’ new powerbroker. The two spent the week together leading up to the Bowe vs. Ferguson title fight. Ley w ill profile the difference be­ tween “ big purse” fighters and those struggling on undcrcards by chroni­ cling the work-by-day, box-by­ night lives o f club fighters Greg Gorrell (W ichita, Kan.) and Tim Tomashck (Green Bay, Wis.). What drives them to do what they do? A special report on why the work “ comeback” is as common as the work “ retirement" in boxing. League Standing As O f 7-6-93 w 4 1) Dr Flowers (Navy) 4 1) Bleachers Grill Pub (Pink) l)Shilo Inns (Red) 4 4) Ram Light Truck Salvage (LT. Blue) 3 4) Tire Headquarters (Purple) 6) Primo-Limo (Green) 6) Oregon Nail Distributors (Yellow) 2 6) Everlast Sports Drink (Gray) 2 Tuesday-Purple VS Navy A, 6:15 P.M. (7-6-93) Red VS Gray At 7:30 P.M Wednesday-Pink VS LT. Blue At 7:30 P.M Thursday-Purple VS Red At 6:15 P M (7-8-93) Green VS Pink At 7:30 P.M. Friday-Yellow VS LT. Blue At 6:15 P.M. (7-9-93) Navy VS Gray At 7:30 P.M. DISPOSAL OF JUNK, TRASH AND LAWN DEBRIS O m e g a B oys a n d G irls C lu b \ & T h e C o a litio n o f B la c k M en T o u rn a m e n t S pecs FREE ESTIMATE 2 4 6 -3 6 8 9 •«« » • ?. tu ' '■ -6 DATE: SATURDAY. JULY 17, 1993 trips to the ocean. Seaside Aquarium, M aritim e Museum and Fort Clatsop S a rcastic Building Contest, Artsand Crafts,Science and leather crafts. in speaking w ith some o f the special guests and camp participants these were some o f the comments they made about the camp. Governor Bar­ bara Roberts was asked her feelings about the camp. This is what she had to say. “ Camp Rosenbaum is one o f the most unique camps in the state o f Oregon and probably in the nation because o f the way it looks at the kids in the Housing A uthority program and offer them an opportunity to par­ ticipate in a program lik e camp Rosenbaum. And experience some o f the things many o f them never had the opportunity to do. Such as visiting the coast, arts and crafts, campfire, com­ puters and lots more o f the many things the camp-have to offer. Gover­ nor Roberts also went on to say that the camp is all about caring, respect, love and staying drug free and that is exciting to sec kids from all different eth nic back grounds to be able to come together and have good times and become real partners for a better O r­ egon M ajor General Gene Katke said that he was very proud to be a part o f the camp and that it was every citizen o f Oregon C ivic responsibility to see to it that the camp works and is there for the kids In talking w ith some o f the young ‘ •A „ *, FNTRY FEE $50 0 0 / 18 HOLES - $75.00 / 18 HOLES w/CELEBRITY EN I R Y |- t t E^ TuRY F£E |NCLUDEs DINNER FOR TWO FORMAT. MODIFIED SCRAMBLE RULES TO BE SENT FOLLOWING REGISTRATION OR PICKED UP DAY OF TOURNAMENT. REGISTRATION: LIMITED TO FIRST 1 50 PLAYERS PRIZES. 1st, 2nd & 3rd PLACE TEAMS INDIVIDUAL TROPHIES TO EACH TEAM MEMBER. f participants; Adrean Schaver, Kayly Riley, and Joe Paterson, they all say they enjoy the program very well especially the computers, sandcastle building, horse back riding, leather 1993 BMW FOR HOLE IN ONE CONTEST » DOOR PRIZE DRAWINGS FOR A VACATION TRIP, GOLF EQUIPMENT uu AND STORE MERCHANDISE COUPONS. J u ly 17th & 18th W est Linn H igh S ch o o l Gym 8:00 a.m. It you’re 19 years o r older, with cheerleading or dance experience, you are invited to tryout forthe Trail Blazers Dance Tearn. Auditions will be held Saturday, July 17th and 18th starting at 8 a m. at West Linn High School. Sign up now to be a part of this year’s edition of the Blazers Dancers and join in all the fun and excitement of representing the Blazers at games and promotional events. Q U E S T IO N S ? OMEGA BOYS CLUB GOLF TOURNAMENT P.O. BOX 11771 • PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 For more information or applications, contact the Portland Trail Blazers 700 N.E. Multnomah • Suite 600 • Portland, Oregon 97232 • (503) 234-9291 EACH PLAYER REGISTERED WILL RECEIVE DINNER FOR TWO AT THE AWARDS CEREMONY FOLLOWING THETOURNAMENT Cathedral Park Jazz Festival X ' •» .V > » r i» •■îâ » I Now Open Tigard Towne Square At the festival there w ill be cater­ The Cathedral Park Jazz Festival is the largest free Jazz Festival in the ing supplied by G in a ’ s Place in Northwest and Portland's first and N o rth w e s t P o rtla n d . Some o f original jazz festival The thirteenth Portland's finest restaurants w ill be annual a flair w ill take place on July 17 represented along w ith a beer garden an 18 from 12 noon until 8pm both from the Full Sail Brewery. There days The Cathedral Park islocatcdon w ill also be neighborhood groups in the cast bank o f the Willamette River the park ofTcring inform ation and underthcSt Johns Bridge, just offO R souvenirs in support o f their areas HWy. 30 bordered by N. Pittsburgh there w ill also be T-shirts and other and N Edison streets Admission is items offered by Columbia Sports­ wear and the Jazz Society o f Oregon free The Cathedral Park Jazz Festival booths. The festival committee w ill offer committee is very proud to announce M r Les McCann as our headliner for limited edition full color posters and this year's event This is the first time T-shirts at their booth Also at the in our history that we have been able committee’ booth there w ill be nu­ to host an international jazz star not merous items raffled o ff donated by already playing in the area This was local businesses Festival goers w ill made possible by a generous grant have a chance to win our first Jazz- Mobile! ! from Metro ProStuff Athletic Apparel 20% Off On All Apparel « * r f ♦ ♦ -* * * » - • 23, July 26-August 6, August 9- August 20, and August 23-Scp- tember 3. Each session has 10 half-hour lessons. Youth lesson fees are $20 for Portland residents, $30 for non­ residents You m ay re g is te r a t o u r n e igh bo rho od d u rin g p o o l hours, o r i f u sing a c re d it card, yo u m ay re g iste r by c a llin g the p oo l. N orth Portland Columbia Pool, 7701 N. Chautauqua Blvd . 823-3669 (indoor) Peninsula Pool, 6400 N. Albina. 823-3677 Pier Pool, N. Seneca & St. Johns, 823-3678 Northeast P ortland Dishman Pool, 77 NE Knott, 823-3673 (indoor) Grant Pool, 2300 NE 33rd. 82.3-3674 M ontavilla Pool. 8219 NE Glisan, 823-3675 Northwest Portland M L.C. Pool, 2033 NW Glisan, 823-3671 (indoor) Southwest Portland PCC/Sylvania Pool. 12000 SW 49th, 823-5130 (indoor, lessons only) Wilson Pool, 1511 SW Vermont. 823-3680 Southeast Portland Buckman Pool, 320 SE 16th, 823-3668 (indoor) Creston Pool, SE 44th & Powell. 823-3672 Mt. Scott Pool, 5530 SE 72nd, 823-3676 Sellwood Pool, SE 7th & M ille r, 823-3679 Please c a ll 8 23 -5 1 3 0 f o r more inform ation. Kxchising l i a i s Sais heating OU oils Se irvice Best Cash P rices fifa 104 NE Russell Portland. OR 97212 282-5111 •»- 5 .*•< i- i * JSrL (T.Y Register now for Portland Parks and Recreation Swim Lessons! Les­ sons arc available for all ages and skill levels at 13 pools throughout Portland. Four different Monday-Friday sessions arc available: July 12-July 16200 SW Pacific I Iwy • I igarri, L)K 620-4 188 'A ? . f '. S u m m e r S w im L e s s o n s Sp ll . A v a ila b le !! ™ a c e s S t i O BLAZERS DANCE TEAM TRYOUTS CALL: BRUCE WATTS @286-2188 or RHYBON MAYFIELD @281-0369 », craft and good food. Any family interested in their children participating in the camp please contact your local Housing Authority. Call 288-0033 Dancers will be judged on dance ability, enthusiasm and appearance. Finalists will return the following weekend, when the 1993-94 Blazers Dance Team will be selected. TROPHIES FOR THE LONGEST DRIVE, CLOSEST TO HOLE, CHIPPING CONTEST AND PUTTING CONTEST / < Camp Rosenbaum participants sit around the camp fie as the dedicated volunteer from the Housing Authority and the Oregon National Guard prepare lunch for them. 00=0= GOLF PRO DIRECTING fi. COORDINATING. MIKE NIECE ; - ; Ì Advertise Your Sports Event in the Observer TOURNAMENT STARTING TIME: 9:30 AM LOCATION: GLENDOVEER GOLF COURSE 14015 N.E. GLISAN ST, PORTLAND, OR97230 Volunteers from the Oregon National Guard and Housing Authority along with Camp Rosenbaum participants load up on the bus ride to start the day with fun and festivities. » f * <• r * ♦ ** * Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote 1 S c r e e n w r i t i n g S e m in a r C o m e s To P o r t la n d Larry Brody, Emmy w inning Film and T V ” at the Best Western wnter/producer o f Barctta, The Fall Heritage Inn, 4319 N W Ycon Ave., Guy, Police Story, M ike Hammer, Portland, on Saturday and Sunday, Medical Story, Star Trek, and The July 17th and 18th. 1993, from 9AM Streets o f San Francisco, w ill hold a to 4PM each day. Cost is $250. Call two-day seminar on “ W riting for 505-271-91 14 to register.