Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 07, 1993, Image 1

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Ju ly 7. 1993
Serving the community through cult
Volum n XX1I1. N um ber 27
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Camp Rosenbaum Hosts
23rd Annual Visitors Day
THE ir e
Oregon National Guard/Housing Authority o f Portland
Packwood On North
Am erican Free Trade
A g reem en t
M exico is one o f the U nited States fastest
grow ing export m arkets Between 1986
and 1992, U.S. exports to M exico in ­
creased from $12.4 billion to an esti­
m ated #44 billion, w hich is twice as fast
as U.S. exports to the rest o f the world.
O regon exports to M exico rose 190 p er­
cent from $19 m illion to $55 m illion
Jones Assumes
New Post
As Western Region Manager F o r
Anheuser-Busch Companies
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See related story on page A 2
Director Of Top Ranked
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executive director Denny W est and Brigadier
G eneral Gene Kate, O regon A djutant G en­
eral, and a host o f other guests from around the
Rabies After 29 Y<
D an Faddis, D irector o f T raining, at the
M etro E lectrical T rain in g C enter, retired
June 30,1993 after m ore th an 50 years o f
contribution, achievem ents, and service
to the electrical industry D uring h is ten­
ure, Faddis spearheaded jo in t coopera­
tion betw een labor and m anagem ent. His
efforts have m ake O regon M etro T ra in ­
ing C enter am ong the top program s in the
See related story on page BI
M ayor Vera Katz
Proposes “Fair
Contracting And
Em ploym ent In itia tiv e
M ayor V era K atz proposes a package o f
reform s for fair contracting and em ploy­
m ent initiatives to im prove the city’s
record in contracting w ith m inority busi­
ness enterprises and to expand m inority
em ploym ent opportunities w ith the city ’s
contractors for m inorities and w om en “1
believe we m ust develop the legal tools to
support the many positive actions in ­
cluded in this proposed package o f re­
forms. I propose, a study w hich will
provide the statistical underpinning re­
quired to establish enforceable goals.”
Governor Barbara Roberts, congratulates Camp Rosenbaum founder, Housing
Authority Portland, Board Chairman, retired Brigadier General Fred Rosenbaum for
23 years o f caring, respect, love and staying drug free that the camp teaches every
year to the youth that attend the camp.
O n W ednesday, June 30. 1993 Cam p
Rosenbaum hosted it’s 23rd annual Visitors
Day in W arrenton, Oregon. June 30 was
m arked for a special presentation in honor o f
cam p founder, Fred Rosenbaum . O regon A ir
See related story on page A3
NAACP And Flagstar
Reach $ 1 Billion
Histone Accord To
Expand O pportunities
For M in o rities
N ational G uard B rigadier G eneral (retired)
an d H ousing A uthority Portland (HAP) board
chairm an The event featured dignitaries and
special guests throughout the state of Oregon
to include G overnor B arbara Roberts. HAP
T he program w as founded 23 years ago by
Fred Rosenbaum who at the tim e was chair­
m an o f O regon H ousing Authority, and Briga­
dier G eneral o f O regon air G uard. He visited
the cam p grounds with his w ife and family at
that tim e there was hardly any activities on the
cam p grounds and by it being right on the
coast, Mr. Rosenbaum thought it would be a
good idea to start a childrens cam p there. So
Mr. Rosenbuam took the idea up with Gover­
nor M cCall. So the M ilitary D epartm ent
through the O regon N ational G uard and The
H ousing A uthority of Portland formed a part-
nersh ip an d started the cam p Mr. Rosembaum
said the first three years of trying to start the
cam p was filled with trial an d error. B u t Mr.
Rosenbaum d id n 't give up. Engulfed with
organizational staffing and financial prob­
lems he hung in there, made the right contacts
to get the cam p on the right track, and has been
a successful program every since.
T he program is a jo in t venture between
T he Housing A uthority o f Portland and the
Oregon N ational G uard to send low income
public housing children to a week long citi­
zenship cam p on the coast o f Oregon. This
unique partnership enables over 145 young
cam pers to enjoy a view o f th e ocean. campfire
at night and loving care and guidance f rom the
volunteer H ousing Authority and National
Guard staff.
Continued on page B2
F is h
V o lu n t e e r s
Flagstar Com panies, Inc. and the N A ACP
signed a far reaching and com prehensive
F air S hare A greem ent to provide greater
o p p o rtu n itie s fo r m in o ritie s at th e
com pany’s restaurant and food service
operations. A sp a rto fits effort toincrease
m inorities in m anagem ent and non m an ­
agem ent positions, F lagstar will start a
series o f m inority recruitm ent and tra in ­
ing program s.
See related story on page A 4
Shibley M oves S a fe
Transportation Bills
Rep. G ail Shibley’s two bills w ill m ake
O regon a safer, better place for m otorists,
pedestrians and bicyclists. “T ransporta-
tion is one o f my top issues and I feel
HB29OO and SB262 for substance, posi­
tive legislation that w ill help people
throughout the P ortland m etro area and
throughout the state.”
See related story on page A5
Suprem e C o u rt Rules
On H ate Crim es
O n June 10, 1993 the U nited States Su­
prem e C ourt voted unanim ously to up­
hold a W isconsin law w hich strengthens
penalties for crim inals w ho choose their
victim s on the basis o f race, religion and
sexual orientation.
See related story on page A 2
There is one book in my lib ra ry that is a
w e ll thum bed veteran o f alm ost th irty
years... Si lent S pring by R achel Carson.
Page A2
D eloria Jones hasjoined A nheuser-Busch
C om panies. Inc , as w estern region m anager
for the Office o f C orporate A ffairs, it was
anne unccd by W eighm an F. Sm ith III. vice
pres ident o f corporate affairs for the St Louis-
based corporation.
Jones will be responsible for developing
com m unity relations program s in the w estern
region of the U nited States, including such
m ajor cities as D enver, Portland and Seattle.
Jones also w ill im plem ent the com panys o n ­
going com munity outreach program s in Los
Angeles, San Francisco O akland an d San
Jones has held various positions in com ­
m unications, including television host for a
public affairs program and news reporter for a
V *
radio station
She has had several m anagem ent posi­
tions in pubic relations an d corporate co n tri­
butions in the Seattle business com m unity
including vice president and m anger o f com ­
m unity relations at W ashington M utual Sav­
• . L
•-C a ’ i
ings Bank.
Jones w as also involved in a variety of
com m unity o rganizations and coordinated
various civic initiatives, legislative lobbying
efforts and education program s in Seattle.
She is a graduate o f the U niversity of
W ashington w here she earned a b ach elo r’s
degree in broadcast and editorial jo u rn alism
friends be drug-free and set a good
exam ple to all children by leading the
way to a drug free USA. As part of
upholding this pledge, the new M ar­
shals are touring Portland in "pos­
ses”. deputizing com m unity leaders
an d VIPs.
A ngie M ann, spokesperson for
the C hurch o f Scientology' s Lead the
W ay to a D rug Fee USA program,
com m ented. “ Several groups o f kids
have chosen com m unity leaders to
visit and deputize as M arshals. They
are quite serious about their new 'jobs
and w ant to eventually m ake every
com m unity leader a M arshal, includ­
ing the G overnor ”
G loria Colvin, Executive D irec­
tor o f FISH Emergency Services and
Portland s newest M arshal, told the
kids, “W hat you’re doing is very im ­
portant It keeps people rem inded
about helping others stay away from
drugs and keep them thinking with
being drug free; we really appreciate
w hat y o u 're d o in g '
For m ore inform ation about the contest, how your group can participate in the D rug F ree
M arshal program or how you can become a D rug-Free M arshal, contact Angie M ann at the
C hurch o f Scientology . 228-0116.
“Food and Fund Drive
Sweepstakes Launched At 1993
Rose Festival U.S. Bank Show”
“Swindell N ext Test For Rising
Heavyw eight S tar Jeremy
W illiam s”
Valuable prizes p ro vid e d by sponsors
include...a G TE m obile phone, a S500 in
a irlin e tickets, Sundance hot tub a nd many
S w indell has championship experience
having fo u g h t f o r the WBO a n d IB T lig h t
Deloria Jones
M a r s h a ls
Food & Nutrition
“Final Roundup For Sum m er
Reading: Enjoy”
S taff and volunteers o f FISH
Emergency Services, an emergency
food an d clothing provider, raised
their right hands an d prom ised to
uphold seven different points o f the
D rug-Free M arshal pledge as they
were sworn in and deputized as D rug
Free M arshals.
T he D rug-Free M arshals cam ­
paign w as originally launched in
L o s A n g e le s in A p ril w h e r e
more than 500 attendees w atched
as the FBI “swore in “ over 200
kids as D rug-Free M arshals. T he
cam paign, w hich is being coordi­
nated by the C hurch o f Scientology,
was brought to Portland w ith a sim i­
lar kick-off event in June w here 32
kids w ere sworn in as M arshals by
M ultnom ah County S heriff Deputy
a n d D A R E , o f f ic e r , W a y n e
M c D o n n e ll. S e v e ra l P o r tla n d
churches, schools and businesses hav e
contributed to and helped prom ote
the cam paign.
T he D rug-Free M arshal pledge
has kids prom ise to live a drug-free life, show their friends that a drug-free life is more
fun, help their fellow D rug Free M arshals, learn more about how drugs really harm
people, tell people the tru th about the harm ful effects of drugs, help their family and
“Norman Sylvester”
Sylvester's m usical odyssey began in ¡95 7
when his parents bought him a 811.50
acoustic guitar.
heavy weight titles in 1989 a n d 1990.
Page B2
Page A 7
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