r V V W * V W t > 4 V V W T t V t e t e 1 1 * f « t > • * > ' ♦ * > v-te 1 T he P ortland O bserver • J une : 30, 1993 V’T f R R R R R R F v W w te- P age B3 , 7/ A FMTDT AINMI NT C hanté M oore In the music industry, a business forever in search o f something new, Chante Moore is unquestionably the “ N ext B ig T h in g " Boasting Beauty, an exquisite voice and an innate way w ith a ly ric and melody. M oore’ s de­ but album. Precious, showcases the k in d o f spectacular talent o f w hich true stars are made Precious, released in September 1992. almost im m ediately proved to be a success Ignited by the single. "L o v e ’ s Taken O ver” — supported by a beautiful art video shot in Paris. F rance--C hante practically took over, too Her image and story appeared in m ajor consumer and entertainment trade publications internationally She has appeared and/or per­ form ed on a variety o f noteworthy te le visio n shows and liv e events, in clu d in g The T onight Show W ith Jay Leno, A B C In Concert, Showtime A t T h e A p o llo , Fade To B la c k (M T V ), Friday N ight Videos, The 1993 Soul T ra in M usic Awards. The 1993 N B A A ll-S ta r Weekend Gala D in n e r, A n d The 1993 Essence A w a rd s . B la c k E n te rta in m e n t T e le v is io n ’ s C hante M oore L ive , w h ich aired in early 1993, proved to be one o f the channel's most watched programs W hen Chante appeared on The Arsenio H all Show. Arsemo was so enamored by her talent, charm and beauty that he kept her on the a ir for v irtu a lly the entire hour Im mediately fo llo w in g C hante's firs t appearance on The T o n ig h t Show W ith Jay Leno, the producers booked her to return 12 weeks later! In January 1993, Chante was one o f the featured performers on the b ill o f a M a rvin Gaye tribute du rin g the prestigious annual M ID E M music business c o n v e n tio n in C annes. France. Chante also performed at the Sol Dance Awards in London, where Precious and its singles invaded the U K . music carts. The U K 's Blues & The m usical perform ance en­ semble Dub squad brings their elec­ tric Caribbean style Rcggac/Rock to “ M usic by Blue Lake” on Thursday, July 1,1993. The tw o-hour concert begins at 6:30 p m. Dub Squad is a talented group o f musicians w ith roots in jazz, funk, and fusion, w h o ’vc s k illfu lly blended these styles into their unique reggae form. T h e ir catchy sound is anchored by solid bass and percussion, w ith a buoyant and energetic sound that w ill keep dancers happy. Sub Squad has produced two al­ bums, in clu d in g “ Tonic o f the People” and” Love is R ising,” under the T onic M edia label. T h e ir credits include w o rld tours w ith international greats lik e Z ig g y M a rle y, T h ird W o rld . Jimmy C liffa n d UB40. M ore recently they contributed to the sound track for the 20th Century Fox m otion picture “ Hear No E v il” featuring M a rlcc Soul magazine this year named Chante Best Female Vocalist, M ost Prom is­ ing Newcomer, and named Precious B est A lb u m , an u n p re c e d e n te d achievement Precious -- featuring a stellar team o f players and producers led by aw a rd- w in n in g veteran George Duke and in clu d in g contributions from Be Be W inans, Vassal Benford and Laney __ _______ _____ Stew art — not onlv _________________ shows o ff C hante's rcm arkable fivc-octavc range, but also her stunning songwriti ng talent . Moore co-wrote seven o f the a lb u m ’ s songs, including the first tw o singles. “ Love’ s Taken O ver" and It’ s A lrig h t." both Top 5 hits A m o n g th e m u s ic a l gem s: C andlelight A nd You.” her sexy duet New Member Of The Board Of Directors For The Portland Youth Philharmonic And Preparatory Orchestra Long time com mu n ity activ island educator, Edna M ac P ittm an was elected to sene a three year tern, on The Portland Y outh P hilharm onic and Preparatory Orchestra Board o f D i­ rectors. E arlier this spring. Edna Mae along w ith Jacob Aushalomou was instrum ental in b rin g in g H ie Prepa­ ratory Orchestra to perform a concert a, W hitaker M id d le School. " It was w onderful said Ms. Pittman, the stu­ dents and sta ff were very pleased w ith the concert.” Jacob Aushalom ou sent copies o f the program in advance so that teachers could fa m ilia rize the students w ith the pieces that were to be play cd The orchestra play cd Am erica The B eautiful as the students sang along K hachaturian Dance o f W el­ come. Whitney ’ svariationsona theme o f Handel and Duorak Slavonic Dance #8 w ere some o f the other pieces play ed. The Preparatory Orchestra was fantastic and Jacob Aushalomou was m agnificent as he guided the orches­ tra and students into a space where appreciation o f the music was fe ll by all The only flat note occurred when the House Leader introduced the m u­ sic as “ k in d o f music?” M y goal as a member on the board o f D irectors is to try to introduce as many students as possible to the music perform ed by The Preparatory Orchestra I also want to encourage parents to start th e ir children to start playing musical in ­ struments at an early age 1 look fo r­ ward to sen ing on the Board o f D ire c­ tors E va G abor N aomi S ims R enee oe P aris N e a r I lo y d C e n te r 282-1664 1105 N .E . B r o a d w a y A , the center o f it a ll is the sim ply vocally ta n ta lizing Chante, who ex­ h ib its an understated, yet em otion- a lly-ladcn style that is a ll her own Showcase Opportunities For Perform ing Artists A pplications arc now available fo r perform ing artists who wish to be considered for a showcase opportu­ n ity at the 13th annual Northwest B ooking Conference Scheduled for January 20-2.3, 1994 in Eugene. O r­ egon. this conference brings perform ­ ing arts presenters together w ill, per­ fo rm in g artists and companies to pro­ mote booking and tou ring in the N orth­ west. Twenty to tw enty-fiv e showcase performances by selected artists w ill be olTercd at the Hult Center for the Perform ing A rts during the confer­ I u ERRIFIC FILM. Ihis film will make ‘ten best’ lists come December.” -Jotel Stegtel. GOOD MORNING AMERICA TPUTS SIZZLE A into summer. fine, sexy, strutting portrayal of Tina Turner." Peter Travers. ROLLING STONE « TOONE SHOULD MISS THIS FILM.” R 1 ‘ The Eyes and Ears o l the Community O ffic e : (5 0 3 )2 0 0 -0 0 3 3 In Celebration Of Black Music Month rSntertaisi/neftt TAescsitj Chante Moore Portrait June 30. Roseland. 8:00 pm Special Guest Tracey Harris and Ervane Rushing plus Comedian Rubyn Warren Bridgeport Rhythm & Brews Cheers Mid-Week Workers hour tra ffic to unw ind at the Square w ill, local music and m ierobi ew s from O regon’ s oldest inierobrewery This year the 5-7 PM series returns w ith another great musical lineup On July 7th. the Balafon M a­ rimba ensemble kicks o il the senes w ith its infectious blend o f A frican Caribbean and Latin music Next up on July 14th is blues from the No Dclav Band w ith Linda lio n ,b u c k le -SISKEL 4 EBERT Wlial’s love got to do with if ence. Each application w ill be reviewed by a ju ry o f artists, arts presenters and others knowledgeable in the field o f to u rin g and presenting. Last year. 165 applications were reviewed and 25 were selected, along w ith 10 alter­ nates. The deadline for applying is July 23. 1993 Interested artists or th e ir representatives should contact Pacific Northwest A rts Presenters at (206)365-4143 for application forms Wednesday is “ o v c r-tlic -lm n ip ” day for most workers—that welcome point when Friday night finally seems closer than Monday m orning. This July, th e re 'll be even more reason to c e le b ra te W e d n e sd a ys w hen BridgePort Rhythm A Brews returns to Pioneer Courthouse Square w ith four free after-w ork concerts. Last year’ s BridgePort series was an immediate hit vvithdowiitovv n w ork­ ers and music-lovers who skipped rush- and Laurence Kishburne! They will be remembered at Oscar time!” ROUSING ENTERTAINING MUSICAL & "(Dije 3 3 o r t h u t ì > © b s e r ü e r One of the Northwest I invest l\ ,\ Dis/’ltii/s Wigs nrnl lltiir/heees I or all Nationalities Synthetic & I tum an I lair For Braiding & VVeeving w ith hot newcomer K eith W ashing­ ton from the soundtrack o f the h it movie. House party II; the urgent, funky “ Who Do IT u rn To,” the creamy, m id-tem po "F in d in g M y Way Back To Y o u ;” and the mischievous, har- m ony-ladcn “ Sexy Thang ” Selcctions lik e the introspective “ Listen To M y Song,” the breezy, B ra zilia n “ I Wanna Love,” the beau- tifu l title -tra ck ballad and especially , hemoody, expansive ” A s lfW e N e v c r M e t," underscore the fact: this is real music, made by real musicians fo r those who love solid-stale pop/soul. “TWO THUMBS UP, WAY UP! Magnificent performances by Angela Bassett M a tlin and M a rtin Sheen. Dub Squad members arc A lan Alexander, Karen Searcy, Jim Daniels, Newell Briggs, Mary- Sue Tobin, and - Gary Franklin. KCOP-TV. LOS ANGELES Brian Davis. The Thursday evening “ M usic by Blue Lake” series runs eight weeks, from June 24 - August 12. The N in th A nnual “ M usic by Blue Lake” con- certs arc sponsored by L ite 95.5 FM alld M ultnom ah County Parks. A ll concerts are held rain or shine. A d- mission is just $5 per car — an unbeat- Sassy, playful, soulful and triumphant.' ;,blc entertainm ent bargain. -David Ansen NEWSWEEK ^ ' uc Coke Park is an easy 25 drive from downtown Port- Iai,d. flic park is located o ff N.E 223rd Ave., between M arine D r and Sandy B lvd Take 1-84 to 181st Ave Cz The true life story of Tina Turner (Gresham/Fairview E xit 1.3). Go north RESTRICTED to Sandy Blue., turn cast on Sandy »»«ix a«»:..- io»«o a * Î TOUCHSTONE PICTURES and follow signs to Blue Lake Park I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Food and beverage concessions arc S TER EO 1 EVERGREEN PARKWAY 7 1 i _ _ 82N D AVE. ,% l available at the concerts. For more 1 n n 1 ° D O 1 LB G Y 1 T A L IH X 248-1604 V l|||| in fo rm a tio n ,ca ll248-5050 Sorry.pets ; 1510 NE MULTNOMAH arc not perm itted in the park. TIGARD C IN EM A S I I LLOYD CINEMAS VANCOUVER MALL I ¡|00»«V I 248-8973 ■ V t.T llll 1 248-6938 .V T III | (306) 254-0000 iMUIVl | PORTLAND OBSERVER To Advertise Call 288-0033 Wigland M o n - 11. 10 J.in. - 6 p m S aturday I0 -S :.3 0 p in Reigns At "Music By Blue Lake" Snazzy Classics Sweep Music By Blue Lake The Thursday evening M u sic By Blue Lake series runs fro m June 24 to August 12. The N in th A n n u a l M usic By Blue Lake summer concerts on By Blue Lake concerts are sponsored July 8. 1993. The tw o-hour concert by L ite 95.5 F M and M u ltn o m a h County Parks A ll concerts are held begins at 6:30pm. S w ingline Cubs features a cadre rain o i shine G A dm ission is ju s t $5 o f accomplished musicians whose re­ per car an unbeatable entertainm ent nown style and stage presence are a bargain. Blue Lake Park is an easy 20 certain crowd plcaser. S w ingline Cubs covers the bases o f popular music, old m inute d riv e fro m P o rtla n d . The park is located ju s t o lT N E 223rd A v ­ and new. w ith an irresistible fla ir T h e ir snazzy renditions o f favorite enue. between M a rin e D riv e and show tunes. R & B classics, and rock Sandy Boulevard Take 1-84 to 181st A ro ll standards have made them a Av enue (G resham /Fairview E x it 13) Go north to Sandy Boulevard, turn Portland favorite Rand members arc Julianne John- east on Sandy and follow signs to ■on/vocals. Icddv Dcane/saxophonc Blue Lake Park Food and beverage A claim et Roger N orth dnim s A vo­ concessions arc available at the con­ cals. I o n , M illcr/b a ss and vocals. certs For more in fo rm a tio n c a ll 24»»- D o ye n ne L u te s /p ia n o , and T im 5050/ Sorry , pets arc not p e rm itted in the park Roughen/guitar. percussion, vocals For week three. Dub Squad’ s ac- A playful evening and great mu- claim ed reggae rhythm s lake over, sical favorites arc in store when and on July 28. Pa lanle’ s h ig li-p o w - S w inglincC ubstakcstagcatthcM usic cred horn section provides a lively L a tin finale BridgePort ales and g rille d sau sa g e sw illb e a va ila b le d iirin g Ihceon certs, w ith a portion o f the proceeds bel, e fiitin g the Square The menu in - eludes B rid g e po rt’ s special summer Brew ers’ Select. St Johns Wheat Ale. vvhieli w ill make its public debut nt the July 7 concert The Brewers' Select series pays Irib u lcto P o rlla n d 'sd islin ctivcb rid g cs by creating a special ale in honor o f each L ike the bridges, each Brewers’ Select ale has its own d istinct flavor and personality St Johns Wheat Xk takes its name from the G otluc-archcd Si Johns Bridge, the beautiful 1931 suspension bridge also pictured on the BrideePort label