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This is your chance to go somew here really hot w ith someone really cool Entry deadline is Saturday , July 10 at noon by P rofessor M cK inley P u r l One would think so according to the calls I ’ve been receiving from readers—and from an inspection o f articlesappcaring in the national black press last year 1 wrote that no longer would 1 continue as a member o f or join any new African American group that did not have enough respect for its members to provide a timely financial statement (even w hen the law requires it) Well, 1 held o ff thinking to give some o f them time to respond to my not-so-subtle hint. Forget it! July, ,993 is at hand and there have been no such statem ents, rep orts or acknowledgements yet (except for fundraisers, o f course) Now, we could pass this all o ff as a learning game’ or a good plot for a comic opera-except that the entire situation is more at a tragedy rather than Comedy Store ma­ te rial The econom ic and cul tura 1 seenc for African Americans in many areas has fallen to bare surv iv al lev els There have been some acid com­ ments from these quarters and from national columnists in respect to the number o f college graduates on the staffs o f many o f these organizations. Apparently , there is no direct correla­ tion between education and adminis­ trative abilities We knew that al­ ready-remember the term "mother w it” - but then hope springs eternal i n the heart o f the naive, or something like that And besides, we spent all that time, money and sacrifice getting these last two generations all them Degrees Payback time? The truth o f the matter is that without commitment and a sense o f ethical conduct, there w ill be no pro­ ductive civic activity or commendable social interaction. Nothing w ill m iti­ gate against the contempt some seem to have for their peers, brethren and associates Perhaps we come down too hard, but many o f the readers say that they are so exasperated to be treated almost like fools by smooth talking media fixtures who in an "Inform a­ tion Age” seem incapable o f either practicing the art or employing the related machines in an effective man­ ner; “ We’ve supplied them the mon­ ies” . I understand folks, believ e me In just the last two weeks there hav e been some real weird reports like, “ Most o f our group are business people (?) and we've put on several affairs to raise money for youth activities. We have books’ , and account for all monies the treasury receives However, d if­ ferent people get the tickets printed and there is no record o f consecutive ticket numbers and to whom they were issued” . There are many situations like this where there may be no "mys­ terious disappearance” or larceny ; just inept nonsense Hardly inspires confi­ dence. But these are the ‘ little ’ people. From across the nation there are re­ ports. or at least accusations against some name’ organizations o f misfea­ sance and malfeasance Again, a lot o f this derives not from crimes or delib­ erate embezzlement, but from failure to carry out standard business proce­ dures I have said before that some o f the “ retreat, travel and seminar money ought to be spend on bookkeepi ng and management classes” . There are other deficiencies one should not expect to find during an age o f “ information explosion” and certainly not among those claim ing to have a social commitment What about those detailed yearly statements o f receipts and expenditures that the government requires non-profit cor­ porations to publish and/or have on hand I f this had been done w e would know things like “ The American C ivil Liberties Union (A.L.C .U .) has been getting money from the “ Tobacco Company Lobbyists’ who have been employing former Bush administra­ tion officials to purchase votes against Tobacco advertising prohibition in Asian and African Countries (CNN & C-Span). What about America. And what about your personal finances. I ’ve put my lawyers on two local groups who have put my name on grant applications where they re­ ceived monies and I have had no information before or after the fact Better check out your friends I want mine or a seat in one o f those pretty foreign cars they drive. How about a couple o f gold chains? — Gifford Pinchot National Forest Joined Local Groups And Sponsored Minority Youth Camp Out Thanks, Tiffany James Attention all bargain hunters! I t ’s a once in a lifetim e gigantic garage sale July 10th and 11th, when the Portland Art Museum cleans house and puts up for sale 100 years o f accumulated treasures and assorted good stuff Find out what’s been hid- ing in all those nooks and crannies in the Museum’s North Wing, formerly the Masonic Temple. Items range from umque furniture pieces to dishes, of- Do Black Organizations Need Courses In Reading, Writing And Arithmetic? fice items to posters to (truly) the kitchen sink, M uriel Walsh (estate sale profes- sional) w ill price, display and sell all o f the items Food and beverages from the Broadway Revue w ill be av ailable, and i f five music w ill entertain you throughout the day. Any purchase o f $20 or more, receive a complimentary framcable art poster. Those who pur- chase a Portland Art Museum Family Membership during the two day sale w ill receive a $5 discount o ff the mem­ bership price. And receive a Russo poster with purchase o f a Centennial Membership The sale w ill take place in the North W ing Grand Ballroom, 1119 SW Park Ave, Saturday, July 10th from 10am to 3pm and Sunday, July 11th from noon to 3pm. A dvertise in the O bserver National fishing week is an an­ nual celebration designed to intro­ duce people to joys o f recreational fishing and increase public awareness o f conservation o f our fisheries re­ sources. G ifford Pinchot National Forest employ ees joined forces with the NAACP. Willamette River Blacks in Government Vancouver Trout Unlimited, Wind River In n in Carson, and other local groups to prov ide ur­ ban m inority youths w ith a unique opportunity OnFriday, June 11,1993, about 30 inner-city youngsters and their chaperons camped out ov ernight in the Beaver Campground The group also attended the Wind River Fishing Education Day held at Bass Lake near Bonneville Locks and Dam, the fol­ lowing day. Last year , 24 youths attended the camp-out and clinic The camp out proved to be a success and we decided to make this an annual event. “ As an African American female, a mother, and a Forest Service em­ ployee I knew this would be a wonder­ ful way to introduce urban minority youths to the recreational opportuni­ ties that exist in the National Forest” , said Carmen Saunders, public affairs specialist in the W ind River Ranger D istrict” . Last year we wanted to in ­ crease participation o f non-traditional youngsters We contacted Earl Ford, ecosy stem staff officer in Vancouver and the rest is history...” During the camp-out the young­ sters spent the ev cning learning camp setup and environmental ethics such as: keep the forest clean, don’t litter, the importance o f clean water, and proper ways to build a camp fire. “ This was a great opportunity for the Forest Serv ice to provide a recre­ ational alternative for our children that may stimulate them to consider careers in the natural resources” , said Ford Ford also noted that they had a tremendous outpouring o f support from groups such as Trout Unlimited w ho donated funds, caps, and other goodies. Wind River Inn in Carson, Washington; who provided fish and burgers for dinner, and the North­ west Land Management who pro­ vided the campsite, “ I ’ m thrilled and overw hel med w ith the responses from the communities” , said Ford. “ Our clubs intend to be leaders in youth issues and we’ re proud to support NAACP efforts to share the joy o f fishing to inner-city young­ sters” , said Jim Derry , Trout U nlim ­ ited W e’re Open The 4th of July! Employment Office Opens In Rogue Valley Mall The Medford office o f the state Employment Division announced the opening o f an outreach office in the Rogue Valley M all The office is be­ ing run in cooperation w ith the Jack­ son-Josephine job Council, Rouge Community College, Southern Oregon State College, and the Rogue Valley Memorial Hospital Customers may receiv e information on unemployment benefits and help in obtaining em­ ployment 10am to 3pm. Monday through Thursday , and 10am to 7pm on Fridays Contact; Jean Work. 776- 6060. New JSEC Coordinator Hired The employment Division hasan­ nounced the hiring ofRom ulo“ Ruma Perez as the agency ’ s new Job Service Employer Committee (JSEC) Coordi­ nator Perez previously held the post o f executive director o f Centro C ul­ tural, a non-profit community organi­ zation in Hillsboro, and several posi­ tions w ith U S Bank JSEC is a state­ wide organization made up o f private employers who serve in an advisory capacity for the division Perez w ill begin his duties on June 28 Contact; Michelle Kennedy, 378-3216. > • w. E n j o y E x t r a S a v i n g s W it h T h e N e w ’I n - S t o r e ’ S a fe w a y S h o p p in g G u id e Look In The This Week Magazine for your Safeway Shopping Guide for a complete list of specials on sale this week at Safeway! U 4 M :« *->•» 4 W * * * ',* . « « < / 4.« «¡fe* » <4 » « « /« » W Available at your Safeway store. X « - •• t • 4 5.» « ‘ Í '