J une 30, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age A? p e r s p e c t i V More Good Summer Reading -Or Anytime First, let me remind you that life is fu ll o f little disappointments ( and big ones too) That new black book­ store I told sou about last week has closed almost before it opened. A t the "Tw o G Shopping Center" on M artin Luther King Blvd . across fro m the Cable Access F a c ility The C om m unity s till has a great need for such an institution, and I hope this objectiv e w ill be attained in the near future I w ill earn on by listing several African-American C atalog B ookstores' th a t have excellent selections o f both current and tim e-tested classics in our literature, movies and videos Be sure to see last week’ s observer N ew spaper (P erspectives, p.2) for the in itia l listing o f books and sources. W rite or call: African American Images, 1909 W 95th street. Dept MC. Chicago. Ill 6064T (312) 445- 0322: Also. A & B Book Distributors. Inc . 149 Lawrence Street. Brooklyn. New York 11201, (718) 596-3369. Now, for a most useful general catalog covering all subjects under the sun from ethnic to science, fiction to his­ tory. self-help to medicine, music to b ib lio g ra p h ie s , write. Edward R H am ilton, Book­ seller. Falls V il­ lage. Ct 06031- 5000 & Barnes And Noble. Book­ sellers. 126 Fifth Ave., N Y . N Y. 10011 There follows some more o f the best in my personal library , out o f a thousand or more (always ask for the latest edition and the paper back if available) Now . we all have our fa­ vorite local sources and mine is the Looking Glass Bookstore at 318 S W. Taylor (227-4760). Very excellent personal service, and i f item is no, in stock, they w ill promptly locate a source and order it foryou O f course, thereis Powell's on West Burnside and there is Dalton's I do not know i f Barnes