,■ « « » « * * v t* M * » • M 'V W . •• e e t V - t * « * » • * .................. ■«• <"•-♦ ••* V ♦ t r r*r w v 4 • • « * *' J une 30, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B6 i 1 f / / j : i jT t E h e ' j p ' ! n r t h / r J _ J m b NEED A CAR? YOU MAY PURCHASE A CAR OR TRUCK FROM US WITH: DO YOU LIVE IN THIS AREA? . NO CREDIT CHECKS OR CREDIT TURNDOWNS... EVER • DOWNPAYMENTS $250 OR COWER • 12.9% A PR. FINANCING YOU CAN HAVE THE CAR CHECKED OUT BfFORf IT’S BOUGHT We care more about your future than we do your past. E.Z. CARR A DIVISION Of (A M CHtVEKOLET CIO NISSAN 231-0000 d 84 89 73 84 Chev Cavalier Pont Firebird CNV Ford Courier Olds Cutlass ß j —......J c r ü £ e J __ J ... r more about preventive maintenance, 99% thought the program should be repeated, and more than 40% took care o f needed sen ice as a result o f the S um m arizing the annual vehicle c h e ck la n e re s u lts d u r in g the organizations's spring meeting Joe M cC ourt, o f First Brands, Inc. He said four out o f five vehicles failed PUB D C ^ a tu rd a jju li-------------- Up to 70 cars (many under $1000, • Gates open at 9:00 a.m. FEATURED VEHICLES 70 VW Sqback 79 Volvo 242 Custom GT 82 Chev Camaro 80 Ford Granada Subaru GL S/W Pontiac Lemans Chry Lebaron Chev Comoro • .. f t b / r I f fuel is the onl> flu id you th in k one or more parts o f the inspection, about when you're fillin g up at the one out o f five failed the emissions service station, heed this rem inder test The annual program, coordinated from the Car Care Council: check the by the Car Care C ouncil, is designed o il once in a w hile, as w e ll as the to heighten public awareness about transmission flu id and a n li-frcc/c. the importance o f proper vehicle m ain­ W ith more than 80% o f gas now tenance. Inform ation for the report, pumped by ow nersat self-serve pumps, fluids, tires and w indshield wipers, tabulated by A utom otive M arket Re­ among other things, too often arc ne­ search C ouncil, came from inspection lanes in 6 5 locations around the U S. A. glected Tires failed inspection last year The results o f a 12.000 car in ­ more than any tim e since 1988. 29% spection report by the A utom otive o f cars had tires w ith incorrect in fla ­ A fterm arket Research C ouncil shows tion pressure and/or unsatisfactory belter than one out o f four o f 12,000 vehicles checked d u rin g the N ational tread. M cC ourt said, “ O ur 1991 survey Car Care M onth were low on o il or o f m otorist reaction showed 83% o f needed an oil change. Nearly h a lf had less than m in im u m recommended the people who took th e ir vehicles through the inspection lane learned antifreeze protection W HY PAY FULL RETAIL? 85 88 85 91 r PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION 6500 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. • Portland program .” Alpenrose Six Day Bicycle Race The Alpenrose S ix Day w ill be held June 28 through July 3 at the Alpenrose Velodrom e in Portland Six Day bicycle racing is a team racing form at pioneered in the United Slates at the turn o f the century 'I his format o f racing is now popular in Europe, g iv in g cyclin g fans a chance to see the professional road racing stars com ­ pete teamed w ith a track racing spe­ cia list, w ith races held on indoor velodromes in the w inter. The Alpenrose Six Day is the only six day held in N orth Am erica T his w ill be the second year that this event has been held Rides w ill com ­ pete in tw o man teams, using hand slings to exchange places in the race. Racing w ill be held every evening, starting at 6;3O PM Monday through Friday and at 11 :OO A M on Saturday. Spectator admission is free The Alpenrose Velodrom e has recently been resurfaced and repainted to prepare for this event. The Alpenrose Velodrom e is located on the grounds o f the Alpenrose D iary, 6149 SW F e z /' / r a 'Z z w z z Á r - Shattuck Road. Portland A dvertise in the O bserver Mother’s Day And Father’s Day Cards Help To Fight Abuse And Neglect In addition to candy, flowers, socks and lies. Oregonians had a spe­ cial way to show th e ir parents how much they care C lu ld rc n 's T n is t Fund ol Oregon raised over $3.000 through the ’ Share The Love” Campaign, a new fundraising program to lig h t child abuse and neglect The program is lied to the M other's Day and Father's Day holidays. I n d iv iduals from around Oregon made donations in the name o f one or both o f their parents A donor's mother or lather received a special card from C hildren s Trust Fund ofO regon d u r­ ing the week before each holiday . The cover artwork on the cards was se­ lected from entries submitted by c h il­ dren crease in reported cases o f abuse and R ick Perrin o f Portland sent the neglect, the C h ild re n ’ s Trust Fund M other's Day card to his mother "M y has channeled approxim ately $1.5 mother was so pleased w ith the card m illio n to over 45 o rg a n iza tio n s and w ith idea that a donation had been throughout the stale o f Oregon O rga­ made in her name to C TFO that she nizations funded by C h ild re n s Trust kept the caid by her bedside It wasn t Fund o f Oregon fall in to three catego­ just another box o f candy or bunch o f ries comprehcnsiv e support programs flow ers." for teens, home visitin g programs con­ ducted by nurses o r volunteers and E ve ry d o lla r d o n a te d to patenting and other life s kill groups/ Clu Idren ’ s Trust Fund o f Oregon goes classes. C TFO announced that the "Share The Love" Cam paign w ill be an an­ nual fundraising e ffo rt toward com m unity programs around the state, not to cover adm inistrative costs. C h ild re n 's Trust Fund ofO regon is statewide non-profit organization com m itted to funding ch ild abuse pre­ vent ion programs. Created by the 1985 Legislature to combat alarm ing in ­ PORTLAND OBSERVER 'The Eyes and Ears ol Iho CcmmunilY' O llic e : (503)200-0033 F a x # : (503) 200-0015 — OFFERS FINANCING TO EVERYONE! "Mfe care more about yoi future than your past!” NISSAN FINAL 1992 CLEARANCE 24 Month Lease Option In 24 Months You Can By Walk Away Keep The Car Or Get A Brand New Car 1993 SENTRA XE SALE OF ALL CHEVROLETS New Program And Demonstrators 1993 ALTIMAGXE Save Over 4 OR Or 2DR Limited Edition 1 6 D O H C 16 valve engine, 5 speed $3,000 off Carr list Price V6, ABS, B ra kes. A ir Bag. Air 3.1 V6, Air conditioning, Till wheel, Conditioning, PW.PL, tilt, AM/FM, rear Cruise control, Power steering, Power detogger, delay wipers, some with tu- disc brakes, Air bag, AM FM stereo, ABS brakes, Power windows List Pnce N e w ......................$18,564 1 transmission, powerdisc brakes, full Loaded luxury Sdn 2.4 16 tone & alloy wheel. in s tru m e n ta tio n , w indow Valve DDHC 150 HP engine, L is t Price New defroster, side window defoggers, power disc brakes. 4 wheel S a v e .......................................... 6,300 tinted glass, body side moldings, independent suspension air bag, till wheel, upgraded lu * -iy Interior trim with walnut applique rear window re a r dual power remote control mirrors, air conditioning, A M F M stereo cassette, cruise control, tilt wheel, power steenng, and more. 2 MSRP DR C arr S a vings $12,035 -3,040 Sale ^ © ( Ó Y b ^ Price MSRP DR C arr S a vings $12,690 5 Speed Or Automatic -3,695 OR LEASE OPTION FOR 24 MONTHS s699 DOWN & «249 PER MONTH Sale Price 1993 Pathfinder XE 4 DR 4x4 • 4 3 V6 Automate Trans • Tahoe Package #3 Automatic • Air conditioning • Air Conditioning »15,110 L ist Price New S a v e ....................... .....4,115 Carr List $22,785 Savings -5,000 Power disc brakes • Power windowsTocks AM FM cassette • AM/FM stereo cassette • Cruise control • Tilt wheel • Alloy wheels • Tinted glass • Red Price wheel indepen dent suspension, tachmeter, tin wheel, detogger. air bag. child 0 ZZ 9 Stock rn~ proof locks, tinted glass - Í At Th„ Price 1993 GEO METRO 1992 Caprice V8 automatic trans, power windows, 3 0 V6 engine, 153HP, power steering, power brakes A8S automatic, lockmg hubs Tachometer AM FM power locks, wire wheel oovers, air conditioning, lilt, ennse. rear defroster, cassette with 4 speakers tilt wheel, rear window defroster, chrome wheels, roar window wiperwasner, tinted glass L ist Price New sport rack, security system and much more. S a v e .................. OR LEASE OPTION FOR 24 MONTHS s699 DOWN & ’299 PER MONTH List Price New $22,492 Save................................. 4i500 SALE PRICE Price Sale Power tailgate • Rear detogger • Root rack Power steering Sale I TOTAL OF PAYMENTS $5495 1992 S-10 Blazer 4X4 1992 CAMARO COUPE 5 Speed Manual Or Automatic 1993 Altama XE OR LEASE OPTION FOR 24 MONTHS s229 DOWN & $229 PER MONTH - 0 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE TOTAL OF PAYMENTS $5976 TOTAL OF PAYMENTS $3600 power steenng. power disc brakes, 4 0 S a v e ......................................... 6,000 more. OR LEASE OPTION FOR 24 MONTHS S150 DOWN & *150 PER MONTH 2.4 ttr 16 vavfe DOHC engine. 5 speed, $15,295 defroster, tachometer power windows, power locks, air conditioning, electronic AM FM Cassette with power antenna. Spci GXE option Package, control and 4 1992 LUMINA EURO 4 DR 1992Corsica $15,110 .....4,115 2-,one paint, & morel 3 At This Price SALE PRICE 7 AT THIS PRICE Alter $300 Factory Rebate and $400 GMAC tirsi lime buyer rebate. TOTAL OF PAYMENTS $7176 16th & NE S a n d y Blvd. 16th & NE S a n d y Blvd. NISSAN 234-5555 » 234-5555 CHEVROLET GEO ■ < •-’ * *• * * *■ î * • * *