Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 30, 1993, Page 10, Image 10

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J une 30, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
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The Steeles: A Musical Family Fusing
Gospel-Tinged M elodies With R&B And Jazz Flavor
In a w o rld in w hich change and
in d iv id u a lity frequently face resis­
tance. w ho step out. risk-takers w ith a
com nutm enttoquality and excellence,
sometimes have to go that tester m ile
to stand o u t , Such is the case w ith the
Steeles, ju stifia b ly regarded as one o f
the music industry 'sbest kept secrets
W ith the release o f Heaven Help
Us AH, th e ir stunning debut album for
E lcktra M usician Records, the two
bother, tw o sister Minneapolis-based
team, the secrets' out G iven the op­
portunity to share their awesome m u­
sical gifts. J D , Jearlyn. Fred and
Jevctta Steele rise to the occasion w ith
a milestone album that stand out as
one o f 1993 s truly th r illin g recording
In itia lly encouraged by their fa­
ther, J D. Steele Sr., (considered the
fa m ily 's musical patriarch and men­
tor), the Steeles could frequently be
found on shows in the M idw est w ith
gospel greats lik e M ahalia Jackson.
Rev erend James Cleveland The Staple
Singers "O u r father would get us on
every gospel show that came to G ary,”
recalls J D., “ fro m the tim e we were
ju s t tots! H aving a career in music was
like a natural evolution for us '
The Steeles moved to M inneapo­
lis in the late ‘ 70’ s. Word o f their
dynam ic harmonies and d istinctive
indiv idual vocal sty les soon led to a
slew o f com m ercials and background
session dates In 1982, the group be­
came involved w ith The Gospel A t
Colonus. an epic musical that debuted
at The Brookly n Academy o f M usic
in New Y o rk and ended w ith a 12-
w eek ru n at B ro a d w a y 's L u n t-
Fontanne Theatre in 1988
1989 was a pivotal year fo r the
Steels. A side fro m s ig n in g w ith
Elektra Entertainm ent. Jevctta Steele
was heard on "C a llin g Y o u ." the
haunting theme from the movie.
Baghdad Cafe The success o f the
Island Records' soundtrack resulted
in an Academy A w ard nom ination
and a gold record in France Jcvetta’ s
soulful re ndition was also heard on
the 1990 C B S -T V series o f the same
name that starred W hoopi Goldberg
and Maureen Stapleton and can be
currently heard on the A T & T " C a ll­
ing Y o u " com m ercial Jevctta own
solo debut is being released on Co­
lum bia Records summer o f 1993.
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T h is age-old question comes
screaming from your entrails w ith
such a force that y ou frighten not only
those around y ou but you even frighten
No one likes to feel like they have
been "d o o p e d ” ,
"conned", "taken-
fo r - a - r id e ”
"hood-w inked” by
any o n e — e sp e ­
c ia lly a fa m ily
W ith this new
age, the teem ing
sp e rm e d a new
strain o f genes who have the ability to
shuck-n-jivc, connive, and ju s t plain
old. pull-the-vvool over the eyes o f
society. Even though, some may refuse
to consider this fact— these mutations
were taught either directly or in d i­
rectly by the very people who are now
p o in tin g the accusing fingers and
m aking the loudest com plaints
The schools and the court sys­
tems have washed their hands w ith
the entire situation; so, the church
becomes the, sometimes reluctant,
foster parents. “ W e’ve messed-up!
Now you fix it ! " says society. A nd
now, a ll that you can hear is a resur­
gence o f— "W h y me L o rd?” fro m
church members all over the country .
The A lm ig h ty Father’ s response is,
"Because— the strong must bear the
in firm itie s o f the weak T h a t’ s w h y !”
Heaven Help Us A ll clearly fu l­
fills the Steele's objective in putting
together a debut set. From the har­
monica-laden. blues-tinged, u p liftin g
"T id e Keeps L iftin g M e" to the title
track that is a tim e ly, m oving, a
cappclla rendition o f the Stevie W on­
der 1970 call for peace and under­
standing. the Steeles display a d ive r­
sity that is breathtaking Superstar
Prince (at whose Paisley Park studios
the album was recorded), a long tim e
supporter o f the Steeles, contributed
the rousing tunc "W e ll Done."
" I 'd say that Heart In My Hand.'
the firs t song we recorded for the
album, was really the prototype for the
record's direction I helped us define
what we w anted to do as a firs t rccord-
in g ." says J.D Jevctta concurs. "A fte r
ten years o f doing a whole variety o f
music, the question was how to bal­
ancean o f it and make one album that
can cover r& b. gospel, jazz, every­
thing we know we can do.”
The Steeles have cut through
the boundaries that can often restrict
and c o n s tra in true a rtis try The
s p in e -tin g lin g harm onies that are
laced throughout the album from the
emotive opening track "H eart In My
Hand" to "B ig G od." the inspirational
closer, unquestionably conics from
years o f singing in church "Heaven
Help Us A ll spans the musical spec­
trum and defies strict categorization
The album is simply great, great m u­
| Romans 15:11]
There has never been a tim e when
there has been such an abundance o f
confused-nundedness. T h is has hap­
pened because man has abundance o f
confuscd-mindedness. Th is happened
because man has chosen to deviate
from God s norm and venture out on
his own into deep waters w ith o u t any
safety equipment E ither in the physi­
cal or in the spiritual sense, this is
considered foolish; however, this new
generation believes in taking foolish
chances. And i f it includes riskin g life
and lim b , so-much-the-bctter.
Y ou d o n 't have to go too fa r to
witness these phenomena. Asyou drive
•\ * • »
Stale and Federal Cuts Result In
SI Million Shortfall For
Homeless Services
The Com m unity A ction C om m is­
sion is sponsoring a media conference
to provide inform ation on homeless
services w hich w ill be cut, w hat this
w ill mean fo r homeless and lo w -in ­
come persons, and how the comm u-
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3 9 0 8
B ryon C. N udd
Funeral Home • Cemetery • Memorial Garden
Lombard Chapel
3018 N. Lombard
Portland, Oregon 97217
V ann & V ann
< •A
Evangelist Gregory Fobbs
Family Owned a n d Operated Since 1954 Serving
the City o f Portland f o r over 3 7 yt. t 1 n your
-•» „»
-■ ♦ *«* *
hour o f need Vann & Vann are there to serve.
X < b I
He helps us in a ll our troubles,
using the same help that we ourselves
have received from God. Just as we
have a share in C h ris t’ s m any suffer­
ings. so also through C hrist we share
in G od’ s great help I f we suffer, it is
help we receive.
We want to rem ind you, brothers,
o f the trouble we had in the province
o f Asia The burdens la id upon us
were so great and so heavy that we
gave up a ll hope o f staying alive. We
felt that the death sentence had been
passed to us. But this happened so that
we should rely, not on ourselves, but
o nly on God, who raises the dead.
From such terrible dangers o f death.
He w ill save us again, as you help us
by means o f your prayers fo r us. So it
w ill be that the many prayers fo r us
w ill be answered, and God w ill bless
us; and many w ill raise th e ir voices to
h im in th a n k s g iv in g fo r us.” —
[C orinthians 1:3-11 G N B ]
As Paul said, he and his disciples
fe lt lik e g iv in g up; but, a ll th a t
they had to do was to reflect back
on w hat C hrist had experienced fo r
th e m So should i t be w ith the
C h ris tia n believers today. Instead
o f the doubt and the fears, there should
be an assurance th a t God w ill...!
God, our Father, is the same yester­
day, today and fo re ve r more. He
n e ve r changes! A s G od blessed
th e n , he blesses today. A s G od
delivered then he delivers today. As
God healed and forgave then, he
h e a ls a n d fo rg iv e s — r ig h t now .
Just call on H is A lm ig h ty name and
have fa ith kn o w in g that God w ill
hear and answer your prayers; that
God w ill supply your every need Just
lik e He said He would. [P hilippians
D o n ’ t ask. :” W hy me Lord?” —
but, proclaim "Here am I Lord. Send
m e!” W hen your flesh is weak, ju s t
remember that we can do a ll things
through C hrist Jesus who gives us a ll
the strength that we w ill need to handle
the task set before us
God knows w hat we are capable
o f even w hen we d o n ’t
nity can help The Com m unity A ctio n
Program O ffice, m ajor funder o f the
emergency basic needs system o f ser-
vices in M ultnom ah County, has ex-
human cost o f these service cuts and
Chuck Currie, coordinator o f Burnside
Advocates Group and ch a ir o f the
C o m m issio n ’ s Homeless A d viso ry
perienced a total loss o f over $1 m il- Committee
lio n in fu n d in g fo r these services in
V isual aids describing the cuts
the fiscal year beginning July 1,1993. and w hat people can do w ill be dis-
Thc media conference w ill be held on: play ed M edia packets w i ll be avail-
Friday. July 2 ,1 9 9 3 ,10am, M en- able.
tai Health Sen ices West, Bridgeview
C om m unity, 707 N W Everett, P ort­
land (in the lobby)
P articipating in the conference
w ill be spokespersons for social ser­
vice agencies w ho w ill describe the
To Advertise Call
W l jc - J j l u r i l a n i t ( © b s c r U K r
Mallory Avenue
Christien Church
"Como to mo oil you who oro
weary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest."
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Study and Prayer
Inter-racial Congregation
Restoring New Testament Christianity
Has m oved Sunday sevices to
¿ ' ;3
Jesus has already gone through
and has overcome, victoriously, a ll
the trials, oppressions, tribulations,
the grief, the pain and stresses that
m ankind is being subjected to— this
day and in this time. T h is tru th was
not ju st fo r the people o f Jesus’ tim e
period but fo r everyone through the
end o f tim e; fo r people o f a ll ages, all
races, male and female.
You can make it— i f you have
C hrist in your life. I say to a ll C h ris­
tian believers, "Stand up! Stand ta ll!
D o n ’ t g ive -in to the w o rld ’ s pres­
sures. Listen to the w ords o f Paul as he
spoke to the church o f C orinth. Let his
words also speak to your hearts. "L e t
us give thanks to the God and Father
o f our lord Jesus C hrist, the m erciful
Father, the God from w hom a ll help
endure. So our hope in you is never
shaken; we know that ju st as you share
in our sufferings, you also share in the
Bible Study
9:30 am
Morning Worship
10:45 am
Men's Training Leadership
Women's Bible Class
5:00 pm
Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Attended nursery for all services
Wednesday prayer meeting
and Bible study
7:00 pm
Funeral Director
Killingsvvorth Chapel
430 N. Killingsvvorth
Portland, Oregon 97217
(503) 283-1976
(j/icrfud'of-t/ie> 6.armes
. f
fo r your help and salvation; i f we are
helped, then you too are helped an
given the strength to endure w ith pa­
tience the same sufferings that we also
Homeless To Get Fewer Services In Multnomah County
With St. Paul I say unto you
"Walk according to the Spirit"
Galatians 5:16
dow n M a rtin Luther K in g . Boulevard,
you may see a person hav ing a conver­
sation w ith the side o f a b u ild in g or
im peding the flow o f tra ffic and ye ll­
ing at the passing vehicles c a llin g
each one a foul name o r you may see
young people w a lkin g aimlessly down
th e stre e ts w ith
th e ir hands either
under th e irsh irts or
dug deep in to their
pockets and w ith
sadd e n e d faces
hanging low or, like
today, you may see
a man w ith a long
w om an’ s overcoat
on w ith red rubber boots and carrying
a large shopping bag A n d — some­
times, you m ig h t even spot this same
man in extreme temperatures dressed
the same way. T h is is sad!
B ut— what is really and tru ly a
sad estate is the fact that C hristians
are ru n n in g scared.
M an has tru ly gone to his extrem ­
ity. Why doesn’ t he ju s t let go and let
Stone Tower Church
N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th
Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, W ednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
126 N.6. fìlberta t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173
inaili çdHHisshntarç
^Baptist (illjurclf
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147
Study Phone: 289-1911
Sunday Service
1 0 :4 5
Sunday School
9 :3 0
Bible Study
6 :0 0
Evening Service
‘3 . 5
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
5211 N. Williams Portland, OR 97217
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
P astor, Re JamesC.E. Faulkner
Theme: Whatever your going to do for the Lore, do It now.
I Peter l v . l l
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