* ó * ♦ r ►»» « * * r • I ■ > ••••* ♦ • < * r >’ »-< ♦*♦<» V Vólum n XXIII. N um ber 25 t» ( f r i • e f M O O * M ’ VW w W J t V « r t *< *< « Serving th e com m unity th ro u g h c u ltu ral diversity P < < * “« < T *<^f < * i*»r*W9 <•*** A' ,7t* / > SERVE MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWT MTWTF MTWT MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWRF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF MTWTF . i . i » . i / , «- ■* f f o k i y < » » » * M S- Summer Food Service Program MluMk • • • * ' •a ; f*. Some 4,600 youngsters w ill re ­ and field trips M eals, sponsored by ceive free lunches and snacks this the U.S D epartm ent o f A griculture, sum m er at 37 P ortland-area youth are provided to all children participat­ centers and parks in a federally funded ing in the program s listed on the a t­ Sum m er Food Service program that tached page. Specific inform ation on beginsJune 21 and n in s through Aug. site locations is available from the Portland P ark Bureau o rb y calling the 19. P ortland School D istrict’s ce n ­ school d istric t's N utrition Services tral kitchen will produce daily m eals D epartm ent, 331-3366. for students under age 19 participat­ P ortland Public Schools has p artici­ ing in educational enrichm ent pro­ pated in this federal program for 24 gram s, recreation and craft program s years. End 8/19/93 7/30/93 7/23/93 8/19/93 8/13 93 8/19/93 8/19/93 8/19/93 8/19/93 8/19/93 8/12/93 8/19/93 8/12/93 8/19/93 8/19/93 7/09/93 IIW 9 3 8/19/93 8/19/93 8/19/93 8/06/93 8/19.93 8/1993 8/1993 8/1993 8/1993 8/1993 8/19/83 S 19 93 8/1993 8/1993 8/1993 6/2593 8/2993 8/1993 a io 9t 8/1993 8/1993 •-•tí. - » Portland Public Schools Serves Free Lunches To 4,600 Summer Program Students Start Address Name 6 28/93 NE 22 & Killingsworth Alberta Park 7/01/93 ASK-OMSI (ST Andrews) 4919 NE 9th 6/28/93 1710 N Humboldt Beach 6/28/93 SE 10th & Haig Brooklyn Park 6/21/93 4937 SE Woodstock BI Chinese Soc Ser Ctr 6/21/93 7015NE23Rd Churches United/ Kids 6/28/93 SE 17lh& Taylor Colonel Summer 6/21/93 7602 N Emerald Columbia B&G Club 6/28/93 N Lombard & Woolsey Columbia Park 6/28/93 SE 44th & Powell BI Creston Park 7/06/93 19501 NE Davis Davis 7/12/93 77 NE Knott Dishman Comm Center 7/06/93 17650 SE Brooklyn East County Step 6/28/93 SE 79 Th & Center Essex Park 6/28/93 N Commercial & Earragut Farragut Park 6/28/93 5109 SE66th Friends Around/World 6/28/93 SE 87th & Clayboume Glenwood Park 6/21/93 4915 N Gantenbem Humboldt 6/21/93 315 N Summer #3 tris Ct Demo Proj 6/28/93 NE 7th & Fremont Irving Park 6/28/93 5210 N Kerby Jefferson Step PPV 6/28/93 N. Delaware & Kilpatrick Kenton Park 6/21/93 4906 NE 6th King Park School 6/28/93 7200 SF, 60th tame Park School 6/21/93 9330 SE Harold Ients B & G Club 6/28/93 SE 92 & Holgate I ents Park 6/21/93 1829 NE Alberta Macedonia COGIC 6/28/93 Montavilla Comm CTR N E. 82nd & Glisan 6/28/93 5530 SE 72nd MT Scott Comm CTR 6/21/93 3802 NE MLK BI. Oregon Outreach 6/28 93 700 N Portland BI Peninsula Comm CTR »1 126 NE Alberta & Mallory 6/21 93 People Beautiful 6/21/93 2735 NE 82nd Ave Sports Q Camp (PAI.) 6/28/93 8427 N Central St Johns Conun CTR 6/28/93 9009 N Foss University Park CC 6/28/93 510 N Shaver Unihank Park 6/21/93 330 SE llth Vestpocket Comm CTR 6 2893 NE 13th& Dekum Woodlawn Park 1993 “Especially For Kids” Series Kicks-Off T he Black U nited Fund o f O r­ egon w ill hold its m onthly C om m u­ Load up the car w ith kids & gear diverse m ix o f lively and inform ative nity Forum on W ednesday, June 30, and head to Blue Lake Park on W ednes­ entertainm ent from June 30 through 1993, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon at the day afternoons for the “Especially for A ugust 18,1993. A dm ission is ju st $3 M artin L uther K ing, Jr. B ranch of K ids” sum m er program. R am blin’ Rod per car for this com m unity service U.S. B ank located at 5505 NE M L. from K P T V 12 an d clow n friends kick- event hosted by M ultnom ah County K ing Jr. Blvd. off the series June 30. Perform ances Parks Division T his m o n th ’s w orkshop, entitled run from 2 to 3 p m . in the B andstand “T he series is designed to provide “Secrets to Successful G rantw riting” area, rain or shine. T he M ultnom ah fam ilies and kids from 4 to 12 years of is being presented by M ichael Wells, County Book M obile will be visiting age w ith a variety o f quality ex p eri­ a consultant that specializes in non­ from 1:00 - 4:00 p m. w ith a great ences through exposure to natural his­ profitfundraising. This w orkshop w ill selection o f reading m aterials. tory, cultural, an d perform ing arts.” cover selected aspects o f grantsm an- T he Ram blin Rod Show will start com m ents Julie W eatherby, com m u­ ship including how to identify appro­ prom ptly at 2 p.m. K ids and parents nity program s planner priate funding sources and how to are encouraged to arrive by 1:30 p.m Access to Blue Lake Park is easy. prepare for the grantw riting process. for good seating. D epending upon It’s located ju st ofTNE 223rd Avenue, It will also offer inform ation on what w eather conditions, attendance is ex­ between M arine Drive and Sandy B ou­ to include in a successful grant pro­ pected to be between 750-1,000 people, levard . T ake 1-84 east to 181 st Avenue posal. the program is taped and will air later (G resham /F airview E xit 13), head M ichael W ells has over twenty on K PTV C hannel 12. Due to the north to Sandy, turn right, and follow y e a rs e x p e r ie n c e w o rk in g w ith outdoor setting, cartoons will not be signs to Blue Lake Park. For more nonprofits to solveorganizational and show n at the park. inform ation on this program , call 248- fu n d ra isin g p ro b lem s. He b rin g s The eight-w eek series features a 5050. sony , pets are not perm itted strong skills in grantw riting, develop­ ing new fundraising program s, an a­ lyzing current program s and suggest­ ing im provem ents, training staff and boards, and im plem enting program s. Mr. W ells has w ritten over $3 m illion • M egabucks o f successful g ran t proposals. W ednesday, June 16, 1993 • 03-27-01-15-08-21 If representatives from your or­ Saturday, June 19, 1993 • 37-35-32-33-31-44 ganization plan to attend, please re­ P o w e r b a ll turn a $5.00 registration fee for each OREGON W ednesday, June 16, 1993 • 36-27-35-07-20 PB 18 person to the Black United Fund of LOTTERY Saturday, June 19, 1993 • 06-36-42-20-17- PB 17 O regon, Attn: John A. Cowley, P.O. Box 12406, Portland, OR 97212. The registration deadline is June 28,1993. T he B lazers D ance team w as keting Student o f the Year. form ed in 1988; m em bers perform at Dance team applications a re a \ ail- all B lazers regular season and playoff able at the T rail B lazers office, 700 hom e gam es. Collectively, the d an c­ NE M ultnom ah. Suite 600, Portland, ers have appeared at over 30 com m u­ OR., 97232 All dancers m ust be 19 nity events d u rin g the 1992-93 sea­ years o f age or older by N ovem ber 1 son A m ong last seaso n ’s group o f 1993. d istinguished young w om en are a For m ore inform ation contact the form er M rs. O regon an d 1993 M ar­ T rail B lazers officcat (503)234-9291. SCHOOLS OUT • ■' Vj- •; .«J f»-: -.T ? « ' ■ « tí • • - , » • - tí»*;* .» » » » • y e • » » .. • . • • • ; / • •/ ; • ’■ i