Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 23, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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    J une 23, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age Ab
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JTnrikmò (©baertier
Elderplace Celebrates
Three Years Of
Pilgrimage Cross
Comes To Portland
gathered at the International Centre in
San Lorenzo, Itlay. When he presented
the cross the Holy Father said:
My dear y oung people, at the end
o f the Holy Year, 1 entrust to you the
very sign o f this jubilee year: the Cross
o f Christ! Carry it throughout
the w orld as a sign o f the love
o f the Lord Jesus for all hu­
manity, and announce to all
that only in Christ, crucified
and risen, is there s a lv a tio n
re ­
T he
cross be­
gan its p il­
grimage at that time, and it
continues today The cross was
part o f the W orld Youth Day
activitiesinBucnos Aircsin 1987.
It has traveled through the host
countries o f the World Youth Day
gatherings: Itla y , A rgentina,
Spain and Poland. It is now trav­
eling around the United States in
preparation for W orld Youth Day
1993, in Denver, Co Archbishop
W illiam H Keeler, President o f
the National Conference o f Catho­
lic Bishops noted “ the cross is an
expression o f our faith. During this
year o f preparation many dioceses
w ill receive the World Youth Day
Holy Year Cross. It w ill literally
cross this country from coast to coast
several tim es-a sign o f unity and soli­
darity among Catholics.”
After leaving Portland on July 5,
the Cross w ill go to Cincinnati, OH. It
w ill arrive in Denver in time for the
W orld Youth Day event scheduled for
August 15,1993. More than 900 west­
ern Oregon youth w ill travel to Denver
to participate in the W orld Youth Day
The International W orld Youth
Day pilgrimage cross is due to arrive
in Portland on July 1. 1993.
There w ill be a welcoming cer­
emony w ith a Mass at 7;3<)pin, fo l­
lowed by a reception, at St. Mary ’s
Cathedral in Portland There w ill
be a quiet prayer v ig il at the Cathe­
dral until midnight. On July 2,
there w ill be mass at 7:30am at the
Cathedral follow ed by private
prayer in the presence o f the cross
The Cross w ill be moved to the
A sian V i­
c a ria te in
Portland on
S a tu r d a y ,
July 3. On July
3, there
w ill be a prayer v ig il beginning
at 4pm at the Southeast Asian
Vicariate On Sunday July 4, the
Cross w ill be transported to the
Grotto in procession w ith the
southeast Asian community and
W orld Youth Day participants
from western Oregon The pro­
cession w ill begin at 9:30am.
The Cross w ill be present at the
Grotto for the Freedom Mass
on July Fourth. The Freedom
Mass is a celebration o f the
freedoms we enjoy in the
United States, and iscelcbratcd
in a special way by the Southeast
Asian community in Portland This
Mass w ill be a local event for the
W orld Youth Day. The Mass at noon
w ill be presented by Archbishop W il­
liam J. Levada.
In 1984 after the Holy Year o f the
Redemption, Pope John Paul II en­
trusted a great Cross to the Youth of
the World. The Cross had been in St.
Peter’ s Basilica throughout the Holy
Year. He gave the Cross to the youth
(f/tcdsel o/r/ie u/ume&
Providence ElderPlacc, an inno­
vative program that pros ides compre­
hensive health sen ices to the elderly,
celebrates three years o f service to
seniors ofMultnomah county. A Straw­
berry Shortcake Social isbeing held in
honor o f this occasion on Tuesday
June 29th, from 3pm to 5pm at Provi­
dence Elderplace in Laurclhurst, 4540
NE Glisan. Tours, information, and
refreshments w ill be available
Providence ElderPlacc is part o f
the PACE (Program o f All-inclusive
Care for the Elderly), a national con­
sortium comprised ofsim ilar programs
designed to provide community based
health care services to the frail eld­
erly. The goal o f this program is to
keep individuals in their own homes
as long as possible, by using a preven­
tative approach to care. Services avail­
able to participants include; day care,
nutritional services, home care, social
work services, physician services,
hospitalization, prescription drugs, lab
tests, xrays, personal care supplies,
nursing sen ices, long term care, as­
sistance w ith housing and rehabilita­
tion services. Individuals who need
enough help with activities o f daily
livin g to qualify for institutional long
term care; qualify to become a part o f
the ElderPlacc program
For more information call 230-
6556 or attend the S traw berry
Shortcake Social, Tuesday June 29th,
3pm to 5pm at 4540 NE Glisan
Proudly presents...
S is te r Ava M uham m ad
One O f The Most Profound
Teachers O f Islam In North
America Today And
Assistant M inister To The
Honorable Louis Farrakhan
W ith A Special Lecture For the
That You Can’t Afford To Miss:
A Good Description
“ Back and forth, back and forth” ,
arc the words one uses, typically, to
describe the movement o f a swing
"... Long, flowingornatcanddelicatcly
b e a u tifu l” , are
words which can be
used to describe: a
wedding dress, a
flower, a literary
piece, a woman’s
hair; and, even a
precious stone.
When describ­
ing something or
someone, weuscstrongorwcak, nega­
tive or positive adjectives to express
what our eyes sec or what our intellect
secs or what our heart secs I f a person
is able to combine all three methods,
fo r viewing, (the eyes, the intellect
and the heart), the listener w ill receive
a parallel visual o f the subject matter.
When we describe someone, we
m orc-than-likcly w ill use our eyes and
hearts. We sec w ith our eves and speak
from our hearts. Right? Think about
You go to the store and you run
into Sally. You speak to her and you
continue your shopping; or, maybe
you’ re on your way out. You arrive at
home. You can’t wait to put your
packages down so that you can pick up
the phone to call Linda. Examine this
“ Linda! G irl! You should have
seen Sally in the store-a few minutes
ago. She looked like something the
cats dragged home. Linda! What could
be wrong w ith her? She never used to
keep herself looking like that! O ’ my
goodness gracious!.... ” and-the con­
versation continues in the same tone.
Can you sec yourself in this sce­
I can remember my mother and
my grandm other saying, “ I f you
ca n ’ t say a n y th in g good about
someone, d o n ’ t say a nyth in g at
a ll.” A n d - I do believe that it fits
this situation to-a-tec. So often, we
choose to find fault and poke-fun at
someone instead o f giving them a
“The Experiment”
T he P eople ’ s C hurch
A Message That W ill Save Your
L ife !!!
Saturday, June 26, 1993
(Doors Open A t 6pm)
Bryon C. N udd
Funeral Director
Sunday Morning Worship • 9:00am
Rainier Room, Seattle Center
(Republican & 1st Ave N)
^ Io r ila n b © b s e rü e r
Thursday Evening Bible Study • 7:30am
The Full Gospel Pentecostal
Host Its
24th Annual National Convention
June 20-27th, 1993
Lombard Chapel
3018 N. Lombard
Portland, Oregon 97217
3 9 0 8
’Com« to mo oil you who oro
weary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest."
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday ßilble
Study and Prayer
Mallory Avenue
Christian Church
hurts to have negative words hurled at
you by your peers. M y sister and broth­
ers got into a-many fights defending
me And guess who got sent home and/
or suspended from school? The Callier
Negative words can cause irrepa­
rable damage. And unlike the written
word, the spoken w ord cannot be erased.
I tried everything to please my so-
called friends. M aking good grades
didn’teven help. The “ names” contin­
ued and just became unbearable. M y
mother made me pretty dresses and
fixed my hair more attractively to help
give my self-esteem a boost; but, they
found fault in that, too
I cried a lot.
However, i f it had not been for my
mother’ s constant re-assurance; her
telling me that I was pretty; her telling
me to not pay any attention to what the
kids said and just continue to study
hard because maybe they were jealous
o f me getting good grades; pray for the
kids; her telling me that Jesus loved me
and my Mommic and Daddy loved me
too-1 don’t know where I would be
today. M other would say, “ D on’t make
fun o f anyone because you wouldn’t
want anyone to make fun o f you.” I
remembered these things and when I
got married and had children, o f my
own, I told them the same things.
Passing on positive examples, not
negative ones.
I can understand the reasons why
these young kids, on the street, have so
many problems and why there seems to
be no way out for them. It is because-
-the parents need to give good nurtur­
ing to their children. Parents need to
correct their children when they are
w rong-but, parents should be quick to
tell their children when they have done
a good job. Everyone needs a good pat
on the back. I f parents want good to
come out, they must put good in. Name­
calling children grow up to be name­
calling adults. As Christian believers,
we should bless those who speak wrong­
fu lly about us. Overcome evil w ith
good Not evil for evil. [Matthew 12:14-
To Advertise Call
Funeral Home • Cemetery • Memorial Garden
Killingsworth Chapel
430 N. Killingsworth
Portland, Oregon 97217
helping hand, a warm hug, a generous
smile or holding their hands and lift­
ing them up in prayer. There are many
other positive alternatives from which
to choose Y c t- t he general choice is to
sit idly by and make
n egative
com ­
N e x t--le t us
consider how we
speak to our c h il­
dren. Constantly!
You hear and read
how children have
such low self-es­
teem. How the children are so down on
themselves. How our young children
arc c o m m ittin g suicide, ru n n in g
around w ith gangs or doing something
outrageous w ith their hair or w ith their
clothing -ju st to please or get some
accolades from anywhere anybody.
dren are constantly being bombarded
a, home by their parents or by other
siblings and are being made to feel
inferior by the use o f negative words.
“ You can’ t do anything rig h t!” , a
parent scolds.
“ Get our o f my face you fat, ugly
freak!” , a sister rudely shouts.
We waste so much time and en­
ergy doing and saying negative things
until when the time comes to do some­
thing on the positive side, we literally
runoutofthingstosay. Why is that so?
The scriptures have an answer for
everything. Even this. You see—i f the
heart is wicked, wicked stuff comes
out o f your mouth Whatever comes
out o f your mouth is what you have
stored-up in your heart. [M atthew
V ic io u s , w a g g in g tongues
don’t just happen. It takes a lot o f
Growing up, I can remember be­
ing called names, like: burnt faced
cow, scar face, L il ’ black-ugly-bumt-
faccd chick, a n d -th is was in elemen­
tary school. By the time I had reached
ju n io r high school, it had gotten decid­
edly worse. I can remember running
home, crying so hard, because it really
Evangelist Gregory Fobbs
Bible Study
9:30 am
Morning Worship
10:45 am
Men's Training Leadership
Women's Bible Class
5:00 pm
Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Attended nursery for all services
Wednesday prayer meeting
and Bible study
7:00 pm
Restoring New Testament Christianity
Inter-racial Congregation
Theme: The Call To Battle: Let It Be Clear
REF: 1 Corinthians 14:8
6/20 Opening Session 10am
(Emmanuel Temple)
6/21 Communion Service 7pm
(Emmanuel Temple)
Portland Conference Center
Seminars daily 9 a m. - 3 p.m. Tue. - Sat.
Evangelistic services nightly 7 p.m.
Where: The Portland Conference Center
1020 NE 3rd and M artin Luther K ing Blvd.
Events hosted by:
The Full Gospel Pentecostal Association National Headquarters
1030 N. Sumner, Portland, Oregon 97217
(Emmanuel Temple Church)
Keynote Speaker: Michael Patrick W illiam s
Biship Adolph A. Wells-President
Biship Dave McElroy-President
Full Gospel Pentecostal Association
126 NÆ. Alberto t Portland. OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173
V a n n & V a n n
Has moved Sunday sevices to
Stone Tower Church
N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th
Family Owned and Operated Since 1954 Serving
the City of Portland fo r over 37 years In your
W orship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, W ednesdays, 116 N .E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
hour of need Vann & Vann are there to serve.
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
/jjîanl M issio n ary
^Baptist (Eburclj
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147
Study Phone: 289-1911
Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
5211 N. Williams Portland, OR 97217
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
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Pastor. Re. JamesC.E. Faulkner
Theme: Whatever your going to do for the Lore, do It now.
I Peter Iv .ll