J uni -: 23, 1993 • Tm P oku P age A4 Awards Presented To Marrow Donor Recruiters ean Johnsen of American Red Cross presents Community Spirit Award to Faye Mack. Mack received the award on behalf of the r annie Cook Women s Missionary Society of the Bethel AME Church for their marrow donor recruiting efforts.__________ Jean Johnson of American Red Cross presents Certificate Of Appreciation to Lenora Morris. Morris received the award for her marrow donor recruiting efforts. You may not know who Lenora Morris is, but she saves lives every day. Each Year, thousands ol African Am cricansdicfrom leukemia and other fatal blood diseases. Many of these deaths could be prevented and the patients cured by bone mar­ row transplant. Only one in four pa­ tients has a relative who is a matched marrow donor. People like Lenora Morris arc working to find unrelated donors for others. The unique tissue character­ istics of an individual’s bone marrow are inherited. When no matching rela­ tive isavailablc, a patient’s best chance of a marrow donor match is with a j erson of the same ethnic background. The National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) maintains a computerized data bank of tissue typed volunteers who arc willing to be a marrow donor if matched with a patient. People of color arc currently undcr-rcprcscntcd in this Registry. Only 147 African Americans are on file in Oregon, or 1.4% of all Oregon volunteers. Lenora Morris is the Chair­ person of the Judie Davis Recruitment Program, which is dedicated to in­ creasing the number of blacks on the Registry. She has been the driving force behind the African American awareness and recruitment efforts in our community. That is why she was recently awarded an American Red Cross Certificate of Appreciation. The Fannie Cook W omen’s Missionary Society of the Bethel AME Church was likewise awarded a Community Spirit Award for its efforts to adopt the goals of the NMDP and the Judie Davis Recruitment Program. To be listed as a potential donor requires nothing more than a simple blood test and a consent to have your tissue type listed in the NMDP Registry. For more information, con­ tact Jean Johnson, at American Red Cross, (503) 284-0011, ext. 165. O bserver ‘Seaport Monday’ A Free Event To See Your Port Westside MAX Tunnel Gets Go- Ahead T ri-M el announced a W estside MAX milestone today with the award to Frontier-Kcmpcr/Traylor Brothers. Construction on the three- mile tunnel will begin next month. “A lter 15 years of planning and designing this project, now ’s the really fun part: we get to build it. So their’s a real elation around here,” said Tom W alsh, Tri-M ct General Manager. “O regon’s largest public works project ever is now a reality,” Walsh said. “Westside MAX is on its way to Hillsboro, creating thousands of jobs, reducing congestion, cleaning the air, and helping to keep neigh­ borhoods livable.” The award followed a decision by Tri-Mct to reject a protest filed by the tunnel project’s second low bid­ der, the Alkinson/Granitc joint ven­ ture. T ri-M el’s Deputy G eneral manager Bob Post found the Fron­ tier bid fully responsive to Tri-M ct’s requirements for use of minority- and womcn-owned business. The Fronticr/Traylor bid names two minority-owned subcontractors to receive 12.2% of the project fee. Tri- M ct’s contract specifications re­ quired 11% participation. Walsh explained that the two subcontract awards constitute a *floor” for m i­ n o rity p a rtic ip a tio n . F ro n tie r/ Traylor has indicated a willingness to work with Tri-M el to identify other subcontracting opportunities for Oregon firms. “ It has been the talent and com m it­ ment of Oregonians who conceived and financed this project; there is, there must be, there will be ample opportunity for Oregon expertise, now, as we build it,” Walsh said. The 12-milc Westside MAX line will open for service in September 1997. and i MOHPAY YOUR DAY AT THE DOCKS On Monday, July 5, from 10am to 5pm, the Port of Portland will throw open the gates of its Terminal 2 ma­ rine facility at 3552 NW Front Av­ enue, providing the entire community State Fair Introduces Entertainment Value Pack U R B G O N D E I - A K T M F. N T OF a free, ncvcr-bcforc-olTcrcd opportu­ nity to experience the inner workings of the international port their tax dol­ lars have helped create “Seaport Monday: Your Day At The Docks” is an event that will give residents a behind-the-scenes look at the ships, cranes, barges, tugs, trains and trucks that last year alone moved more than 11 million tons o f cargo through Portland and provided a live­ lihood for thousands o f those em ­ ployed in the tri-county area. Seaport Monday will feature riv e r d e m o n s tra tio n s , n a rra te d stern«heeler tours on the W illamette River, a wide spectrum of displays and interactive exhibits, live music and other landside and dockside entcr- HU M A N tainment, food and beverage conces­ sions. and a peppering of staged cul­ tural shows. In addition to free admission, the Port will provide free parking and shuttle transportation to and from Seaport Monday throughout the day. Parking and shuttle service will be available from the parking lots of Gunderson Inc.. 4350 NW Front Av­ enue. and Consolidated Frcightways, 1717 NW 21st Avenue, beginning at 9:30am. Q uestions reg arding Seaport Monday may be directed to either Community Relations M anager Jane DeMarco at 731 -7055, or Community Relations Specialist Katy Brooks at KB SO U UC ( ! Looking for an entertai nment bar­ gain at the Oregon State Fair? Look no further than the "Four Star Country Pack ”vv hich buys four concerts for the price of three. The Country pack includes Tanya Tucker (Aug. 28 or 29), Willie Nelson Wc all know, and now it is sup­ quctball courts and two international ncss. not to mention reducing mental and Family (Aug. 31), Don Williams squash courts. LAC is the host site for and physical fatigue due to everyday (Sept.3) and Mac Davis (Sept. 4). The ported by scientific ev idence, that regu­ the annual Oregon State Racquctball stress. Pack is available at all Fred Meyer lar exercise helps prevent main dis­ The philosophy at Lloyd Athletic eases, lengthens your lifespan, and Championships. State Games of O r­ Fastixx outlets beginning June 19. Club is to not only prov ide a vehicle to egon and City Squash Championships. improves the quality of life. We also know that arc economic benefits to In addition to free play, LAC offers assist individuals in attaining their regular exercise, l it employees arc leagues, team play, private instruc­ fitness and recreational goals, bul to more productive, more creative, have tion,. and free introductory lessons. put back into the community we share. fewer long-term medical claims, arc From time to time LAC offers some­ LAC created and co-sponsors the com­ absent from their jobs less frequently thing special for those who are look­ munity outreach program known as and basically have higher job/life sat­ ing for a new perspective in exercise. Community Stride. It is a program This summer Tai Chi is the program designed to promote physical fitness ---------------- -------------- 1 r~ isfaction levels What many people do not k now is of choice. Tai Chi ia a form of martial through organized walking at the 503/281-8696 erties hild Ihc Lloyd Athletic Club is the only arts that will increase strength and Llovd Center Mall In addition, three are enter private, full fitness facility in the Lloyd flexibility, reduce stress, improvccon- years ago LAC responded to the need Quality New & Used Carpets CSD Licensed District neighborhood In the con­ ccntralion, balance and energy and to prov ide daily quality physical edu­ • Nutritional Meals stant search for avenues to change provide an opportunity to get in touch cational for children in the school s i 822 paint • Extended Hours, 6 am -10 pm lifestyles to enhance physical, spiri­ w ith yourself. LAC is much more than sv stem. LAC part icipates i n the Adopt- Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner You Pay: $522 A-School program which impacts over • 0-5 Years, Before & After tual and emotional vvcll being Lloyd you thought wc were. Specializing in Barbeque Ribs & Beef Observer Special! Lloyd Athletic Club is also able to 10.000 children w ith the message that Athletic Club (LAC) is w hcrconc will School Care 281-8862 find diversity, challenge, variety. and accommodate indiv idualsvv hoarc not physical fitness is important and needs Toes -Thus. 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Fri. & Sat. 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM "Convenient Broadway Location comfort. LAC understands that the interested in the benefits of a full club to become a priority in their young 2716 NE M.L. King Jr. Blvd. 2 7 1 7 N . E. B roadw ay P o rlla n d,O R 9 72 3 2 needs and interests o f individuals membership. Non-mcmbcr aerobics, lives. During the months of April and 503-288-0878 Portland, Oregon 97212 3217 N. Wiiiiams Avenue change over time. The facility and “fitbreak” is offered at specific times May LAC hosts third, fourth, and fifth programs vv ithin evolve Io reflect that of the day and for the road runner, graders from Irvington Elementary understanding. The stalTof LAC arc “lockcrbrcak”, full locker room privi­ School p ro v id in g in stru c tio n in trained professionals in fitness pro­ leges before and after a run. Whatever aerobics, badminton, tumbling, weight gramming. aerobics, court sports and the exercise routine, L A C 's massage training, racquctball land squash. Lloyd Athletic Club is much more service. LAC has recently expanded therapy department can facilitate the Sincfe 1948 than you thought we were, your recover) from strenuous exercise and .,// \\ its facility to include service such as DIAMONDS • WATCHES place...your pace. injury and release tension and sorc- childcareforthebusv parent whoalso 120 N E Holland St JEWELRY • DIAMOND SETTING understands the importance of regu­ Portland, Oregon 97211 Watch and Jewelry Repairing lar exercise to reduce Ihc stress from Remodeling and Manufacturing of Fine Jewelry everyday life. Say you saw it in the Lloyd Athletic Club is unique. 2 8 1 -8 8 0 1 6AM - 6 PM Observer f o r a 10% discount What makes it unique conics from the mon-fri 4 6 1 6 N.E Sandy Blvd. exciting possibilities offered for fit­ ness and recreation. One can begin to meet their fitness goals bv first under­ Q u a lity going a complete fitness evaluation M a in te n a n c e These arc performed at LAC to mea­ Pur the best cuts in town A Full service Janitorial Co. sure bodv composition (lean muscle Licensed • Bonded • Insured “ S p e c i a l i z i n g in H o m e vs fat), cardio-rcspiraloiy fitness, flex­ S t y l e C o o k in g ” • Floor M aintenance ibility, blood pressure and testing and 24 • W indow C leaning training heart rates. Once complete an Open fo r Breakfast at 8 00am Hour • Pressure W ashing individual has an established starting John Phillips Closed at 6:00pm Service * Janitorial Supplies point and a means to rack progress. • Building M aintenance C h e c k it o u t. T otally n e w d e c o r. E x p a n d e d a e ro b ic From there the choices range form (503) 286-8289 (503) 452-2430 4603 N. Williams traditional aerobics to step aerobics, a n d w e ig h t ro o m s . State-of-the-art c o n d itio n in g "'332 NF. Martin Luther King, Jr. approximate!) TO classes per week, e q u ip m e n t. C liild c a re fo r b u s y p a re n ts . A n d m u c h i nchidi ng the new flo-mol ion or pump m o re . All at c o m p e titiv e fees. "Serving The Greater Northwest" & rock classes If aerobics is not the choice cardiovascular endurance can be im proved oil a tre a d m ill, T h e lo c a tio n is ideal. T h e d u b siz e c o m fo rta b le . slaircliinber or aerobic) lee. Enhance T h e a tm o s p h e r e in fo rm a l a n d friendly. J o in us. a workout by utilizing the strength training apparatus which features all INTERIOR • EXTERIOR new slate-of-art Cv brex equipment and R e d e e m t h is a d f o r o n e g u e s t v is it! Olympic free weights Oriental ion and D E W E Y T A Y L O R II ^ --L / Lloyd Athletic Club introduction to the equipment is al­ ways provided a trained fitness in­ _ Owner Oporator Your place. Your pace. structor. 14 v ears ago I .AC originated (503)282-5033 815 NE Halsey 2 8 7 -4 5 9 4 as a courts faeililv and today LAC COM MERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL ’ INDUSTRIAL members enjov the use of eight rac- Tropicana 1 Restaurant Paton Jewelers rnneae chrpet There Is A New Look In Fitness On Portland’s East Side B C C C Louise Memorial Day Care Buy or Sell Avon Products Call 288-AVON 283-3088 There's A New Look In Fitness On Portland's New East Side STEENS K IT C H E N 208-7655 R&T PAINTING & WALLCOVERINGS < A . •» « . f . .* » A--» * VÖ-AJ, Z *M Z - -,-Z. ' * A * /-' *• * » ' t & i * Ci i > ». * • ¿fe I • * • Z * 7-Sl I * W . * * * * i