Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 23, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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P age A3
T he P ortland O bserver • J une 23, 1993
A Free Call To The National Urban League’s
Project PRISM Provides Information On
Math And Science Programs Locally
For a free ca ll to the N ational
U rb a n L e a g u e ’ s P ro je c t P R IS M
(Partners fo r R eform In Science and
M a th ), anyone can learn about exem­
p la ry m ath and science program s
(K -1 2 ) in th e ir area. By d ia lin g :
“ 1 -8 0 0 -T O -P R IS M ” a c a lle r can
request in fo rm a tio n to stim ulate an
interest in m ath and science that
shows kids and parents a ll sorts o f
interesting ways to approach these
key subjects. By phoning, the caller
ca n le a rn : h o w m u c h m a th is
required, fo r certain jobs, get g ift
ideas that prom ote an interest in math
and science, fin d out how to jo in
lo c a l science c lu b s , h ow to do
experim ents at home, and how to
get in fo rm a tio n on supporting o rg a n i­
za tio n a l resources. T he requested
in fo r m a tio n
a b o u t m a th and
science w ill be m ailed free to each
“ M a th and science are key sub­ N ational C ouncil fo r La Raza, and
jects that can unlock our c h ild re n ’ s N etw ork) w ith over $3 m illio n fo r the
future,” said John E. Jacob. President next three years.
In addition, Project P R IS M is
and C h ie f Executive O ffic e r o f the
a PBS special that shows
N ational U rban League “ These pro­
math and science pro­
grams are im perative fo r the next
generation to compete and succeed in grams fro m New Y o rk C ity to a Native
the 21st century. T h is 800 number A m erican reservation in N ew M exico.
presents exa mple o f excellence i n com­ It w ill be aired on national public
m unity involvem ent w ith c h ild re n in television in the autum n. Public ser­
vice announcements are also being
math and science,” he said.
C allers w ith o n -lin e computers produced in both E nglish and Spanish
are encouraged to call: “ 1-800-836- by W N E T C hannel 13.
Founded in 1910, the N ational
6734,” where they can have access to
League is the prem ier social
a data base w ith resource material
and c iv il rights organization
relating to math and science in s titu ­
tions fro m colleges to science clubs in A m erica. The League is a non­
pro fit, community-based organization
around the country.
The N a tio n al U rban League’ s headquartered in New Y o rk C ity , w ith
Project PR ISM is made possible by a a ffilia te s in 112 cities. The m ission o f
grant from the C PB /A nncnbcrg math the Urban League is to assist A fric a n
and science project w hich is pros id - Am ericans in the achievement o f so­
in e the partners, (Ch. 13 W N E T , cial and economic equality.
Office Of The Governor
We are pleased to recommend the
nom ination o f A ncer L. Haggerty for
U nited States D is tric t C ourt Judge for
the D is tric t o f Oregon.
Judge Haggerty has demonstrated
the intelligence, temperament, and
in te g rity to be an outstanding federal
judge. He has broad experience in
c iv il and c rim in a l law, as a practicing
years as a associate and partner w ith
Schwage, W illia m s o n & W yatt, one
o f O regon’ s largest law firm s. T his
exceptionally w ell qualified individual
w o u ld be O re g o n ’ s fir s t A fric a n
Reading Club At
North Portland
The Sum m er Reading C lu b at the
A m erican federal judge.
N o rth P o rtla n d L ib ra ry , 512 N.
T h is recom mendation is the re­ K illin g s w o rth (#248-5394) started
s u lt o f a re m a rka b le e ffo rt by a on June 1 st and w ill run u n til A ugust
com m ittee o f leading Oregon a tto r­ 31 st. There arc tw o clubs w hich read­
neys. We assembled a geographically ers can jo in . One is the C h ild re n ’ s
attorney and a judge.
Judge Haggerty has earned a repu­ and e th n ic a lly d iv e rs e g ro u p o f C lu b fo r ages 0 to Grade 6. N on-
ta tio n as an outstanding state c irc u it attorneys specifically fo r th is task. readers can also jo in i f parents read
court judge. He as demonstrated the They ca re fu lly reviewed the back­ to them. C hildren decide how many
a b ility to handle com plex and contro­ grounds and q u alifications o f several books they w ant to read this Summer
versial cases. F o r exam ple, Judge d o z e n p o te n tia l n o m in e e s , and and when they reach their goal they
Haggerty s k illfu lly handled the c iv il c o n d u c te d in -d e p th b a c k g ro u n d receive a free paper back book and a
case against T om M etzger, a w hite reviews and personal interview s o f lib ra ry certificate.
supremacist. U n d e r intense p u b lic eight candidates. The comm ittee voted The Y oung A d u lt C lub is fo r Grade
scrutiny. Judge Haggerty presided over unanim ously to recommend to us three 6 (they can choose either c lu b ) to
the tria l w ith s k ill, sensitivity, and names as the "best q u a lifie d ” fo r Grade 12. Here readers arc required
th is position. We conducted personal to read five books before they can
Judge Haggerty has a ric h back­ interview s o f these three e xtra o rd i­ receive their free paperback book.
ground o f experiences w h ic h he w ill n a rily qualified individuals and agreed I f ch ildren o r young adults read 10
b rin g w ith h im as a federal judge. A that the most qu a lifie d fo r this posi­ books they arc e lig ib le to enter the
native Portlander and graduate o f the tio n is Judge A ncer Haggerty. We Grand Prize d raw ing fo r an a ll e x ­
U n ive rsity o f Oregon, Judge Haggerty believe that this is one o f the most pense paid trip fo r a fa m ily o f 4 to
served in the U nited States M arine thorough screening processes ever San D iego o r a season pass to A c t III
Corps as a F irst Lieutenant. He re­ used fo r the selection o f a federal Theatres.
ceived a S live r Star and a Purple Heart judge in Oregon.
There w ill also be many programs at
We are c o n fid e n t th a t Judge the lib ra ry every Thursday at2:30pm
fo r service in combat. As a practicing
attorney, A ncer Haggerty w orked fo r H aggerty w ill be an outstanding fed­ in clu d in g puppet shows, song pro­
four years in the office o f the M e tro ­ eral judge. He w ill be a credit to a ll
grams, clow ns and storytelling.
p o lita n Public Defender and eleven O regonians and the federal ju d ic ia ry . So Join Us A t The N orth Portland
Proverbial Perspectives: A P ublic
A ffa irs Show that airs every Sunday
from 7:30 to 8 :30 p m . The fo llo w in g
topics are fo r the m onth o f July:
4th * Pre-cm p»cd/KBOO w ill be
b rin g in g the fe
¡ties on the W a ­
te rfro n t over i
11th * Lurlene Sham sud-D in w ill
be having an in fo rm a tive discus­
sion on affairs that affe ct the A f r i­
can-A m erican C o m m u n ity
18th * Have you ever heard the
saying, “ I w ill sell you any car the
laws a llo w s” . N ow here are the facts!
25th ♦ Join C h e f A u P oiv g iv in g
'The Eyes and Ears ol Ihe CcmmunilY'
' ' Office: (503)200-0033
Fax#: (503)200-0015
Books Wanted
For Friends Of
The Library
The largest weekend used book
sale in Oregon, a fundraiser fo r the
M ultnom ah County L ib ra ry, is lo ck­
ing for good books. The Friends o f the
Library are m ounting a cityw ide book
drive fro m July 26th to August 6th.
D u rin g these tw o weeks, lib ra ry lo v­
ers can drop o ff books at any branch
library o r at m etropolitan U S. Bank
W hat kin d s o f books are the
Friends looking fo r? C h ild re n ’ sbooks,
history books, cookbooks, business
how-to’s. . the list is long Please D o n ’t
give out dated text books, Reader’ s
Digest Condensed books or maga­
Proceeds from the October A n ­
nual Book Sale support the M ultnom ah
County Library. T h is year the Friends
have done m ore th a n ever: over
$30,000 w orth o f c h ild re n ’ s books
reached lib ra ry shelves and branch
libraries from Gresham to St. John’ s
to C apitol H ill, to the O ld T o w n Read-
ingRoom received over$15,000 worth
o f new reading materials. Whatever
the F riends’ project, it happens only
w ith the support o f book donors all
over the county.
Advocates For
Elderly Honored
Jean Mitchell
M eredith Cote, State Long Term
Care Ombudsman, presented awards
to two outstanding M ultnom ah County
volunteers fo r their w ork to improve
the q uality o f life fo r the residents o f
Oregon’ s nursing homes, residential
care fa cilitie s and adult foster care
homes The awards were presented on
M ay 26 in Salem, at the O ffice o f the
Long T erm care O m budsm an’ s an­
nual conference.
Jean M itch e ll (pictured) o fN o rth -
east Portland received the 1993 E u­
gene Sherwood A w a rd w h ich is pre­
sented annually to an O regonian fo r
exemplary w o rk in re cru itin g v o lu n ­
teers to serve as advocates fo r the
residents o f long term care fa cilitie s
Jean jo in e d the program in 1983 and
is currently serving as the ch a ir o f the
Portland/M ultnom ah Recruitment and
ScreeningCommittee. Under her lead­
ership, the number o f C e rtifie d O m ­
budsmen has grow n by a th ird in the
past tw o years, to the current total o f
52. She also solicited donations o f in -
k in d services valued at $21,000.
Dolores Hubert, (not pictured)
also o f Northeast Portland, received a
regional A w ard o f M e rit fo r her w o rk
as a C ertified Ombudsman at P acific
Cres R ehabilitation & Specialty Care
Center in Gresham.
The O ffice o f the Long T erm
Care Ombudsman is an independent
state agency com m itted to protecting
the rights, safety and d ig n ity o f the
residents o f long term care facilities.
Anyone w ish in g more in fo rm a tio n
about the Ombudsman Program o r the
volunteer opportunities should con­
tact Kathy W alter at 1-800-522-2602.
U S West Streamlines Its
Commitment To Minority Firms
West, how long they have been in
business, a three year fin a n cial his­
tory, any m in o rity a ffilia tio n s, and a
list o f business references. T h is basic
company info rm a tio n w ill a llo w us to
response system.
B eginning June 1,1993, U S West be far more responsive as we develop
is in sta llin g a toll-free voice response long-term m in o rity and women busi­
telephone lin e that w ill facilitate busi­ ness relationships.” C layton said.
M /W B E ’ s c a llin g 1-800-274-
ness opportunity inquiries from high
w ill be invited to send the above
q u a lity, established m in o rity - and
in w ritin g , to U S. West where a
women-owned busi ncsscs (M /W B E ’ s)
manager w ill respond to each
Larry Clayton, di rccto ro fM /W B E
business w ith in 45 days o f
for U S West Business Resources,
Inc., the procurement d ivisio n for the requested inform ation. Forthe last
the U S West fa m ily o f companies, several years, U S. West has evaluated
said that the in q u iry h o tlin e w ill m in o rity businesses using the same
make the gathcringand prequalifying criteria, but now the new emphasis is
o f prospective m in o rity businesses on gaining greater efficiencies and
“ more e fficie n t than ever before.” being more responsive to the grow ing
A uto m a tin g the in q u iry process is a number o f business requests
“ O ur com m itm ent to m in o rity-
reaffirm ation o f U S W est’ s co m m it­
businesses hasn’t
ment to high quality, established M /
a t’ s changing is
W B E ’ s.
the in ­
“ W hen a business calls our new
L ib ra ry F o r A Great T im e T h is Sum ­
1-800 number, he or she w ill hear a
recording requesting a variety o f in ­ improve our a b ility to secure relation­
form ation in clu d in g the kin d o f prod­ ships w ith established m inority-and
uct o r service they can provide to U S. women-owned businesses. As before,
M in o rity firm s w ish in g
vide goods and services to U
w ill soon be m aking the most
tim e w ith a new streamlined
to pro­
S West
o f their
in q u iry
these businesses are required to have
a successful track record and should
have the a b ility to supply U S W est’ s
needs.” C layton said.
U S W est’ s com m itm ent to M /
W B E ’ s w e ll founded, as m in o rity -
owned businesses are the fastest grow ­
in g segment o f the sm all business
market. “ I t ’ s not ju s t a ltru istic, but it
makes good business sense to form
relationships w ith a portion o f the
more than 4 m illio n m in o rity firm s
because they produce almost h a lf o f
our country’ s goods and services.”
C layton said.
A d d itio n a lly , U S W est w ill
use the 1-800 number to d ire ct re­
quests fo r M /W B E related com m unity
events. I f there are com m unity activi­
ties where U S W est’ s support is re­
quested, the caller w ill be to ld how
and where to subm it a w ritte n request.
A ll requests w ill be reviewed and con­
U S West owns U S West C om ­
m unications and other companies in ­
volved in com m unications, m arket­
ing serv ices and financial services.
Nobody does it Better.. .for less
away creative hints to make gour­
met meals.
OPB Looking
For New
M usic, mystery and adventure aw ait
viewers who tunc in to Oregon Pub­
lic Broadcasting’ s annual June m em­
bership drive, June 19 through Junc
24. T h is June, viewers w ill spend
tim e w ith innovative artists, both
musical and visu a l, travel to some o f
the w o rld ’ s greatest vacation spots
and spend one evening e xp lo rin g an
Oregon that exists on ly in the pages
o f history.
A m ong this year’ s hig h lig h ts, OPB
dedicates an entire evening to the
rich, poetic history o f Oregon, w ith
four lo ca lly produced documenta­
ries. The pages o f O regon’ s history
come alive in the debut o f the docu­
m e n ta ry T H E R O A D S L E S S
T A K E N and encore presentations
o f the award- w in n in g s AG EBRUSH
SA1I ORS and P A R A D IS E R O A D .
The historical jo u rn e y concludes
w ith the short, video production o f
L A N D M A R K S O F T l IE O L D O R ­
A lso included in the week-long fes­
tiv itie s arc the outstanding new pro-
ms, including R u m p o lc ’ s return
to M Y S T E R Y !, the return o f C E N ­
TER S TA G E , a look inside the m ak­
ing o f the aw ard-w inning m ovie “ A
R iver Runs T hrough It” and a little
fin a n c ia l a d v ic e fro m T H E
E n joy E xtra S a v in g s W ith T h e
N ew 7
S a fe w a y S h o p p in g G u id e
Look In The This Week
Magazine for your Safeway
Shopping Guide for a complete
list of specials on sale this
week at Safeway!
;way store.
Available at your Safeway
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