P age B6 J une 23, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver 7 © £ P n rtlan h (Ohsrx-ucr Mayor Vera Katz Appoints ‘Strike Force’ To Fight Automobile Theft C itin g a 39% year-to-date in ­ them to recommend improvements to crease in automobile theft, Portland our approach on fighting this crime,” Mayor Vera Katz announced the ap­ said Katz. pointment o f an Automobile Theft “ Creating a community-based Strike Force to “ help get a handle on Strike Force is consistent w ith my the skyrocketing incidence o f local philosophy o f community policing,” car theft” said Katz. “ By involving members According to autotheft statistics from both the public and private sec­ compiled by the Portland Police Bu­ tors, this group w ill have the capabil­ reau, as o f May 22, 1993: ity to create and implement new deter­ 1992 Year-To-D ate Reported rents against automobile theft ” Autothefts: 2434 Katz said that among other pro­ 1993 ycar-T o-D ate Reported posals, the Strike Force w ill be evalu­ Autothefts 3397 ating solutions implemented by cities Year-To-Date increase 1992 com­ nationwide including the use o f Ve­ pared to 1993: +39% hicle identification Number (V1N) “ Our current rate o f autothefts etchings on windows, special reflec­ translates into one auto being stolen tive decals which would prohibit the even hour o f every day, this is intol­ use o f the vehicle between certain erable. Clearly, we have to do better, hours, and o'hcr anti-theft tracking we have to try some new approaches, devices. we have to gel more people working The Strike Force w ill focus its together to focus energy on this prob­ efforts on three areas: education lem and we have to use our existing and prevention programs; tougher resources in a more effective man­ ner,” said Katz. "That is why I have appointed this Strike Force consisting o f regional law enforcement officials, prosecu­ tors, the auto insurance industry, auto advocacy groups and com m unity crim e prevention specialists and told city and county codes and state sanc­ tions; and, options to increase the investigation, prosecution and con­ viction o f auto thieves. The Strike Force’s overall goal is to create a scries o f short and long term proposals which w ill involve the private and public sectors along w ith community groups in reducing the rate o f stolen automobiles. The May or has asked members o f the Strike Force, which is already meeting on a bi-weekly basis, to pro­ vide her with their initial recommen­ dations by August. The Strike Force is being Co- Chaired by Ron Bonner o f Allstate Insurance Company and Deputy C hief Chuck Karl from the Portland Police Bureau. Members o f the Strike Force arc Lieutenant Mark Paresi, Portland Po­ lice Bureau; Jo’ey Gardclius. M u lt­ nomah County district A ttorney’s Office; Jerry' Gould, Farmers Insur­ ance Group; B ill Atkins, North Pa­ cific Insurance; Detective Ron Budge, Multnomah County SherifiTs Office; Captain Jack Cunningham, Gresham Police Department; Tom Hauser, Metropolitan Life; Jordis Jensen, N/ NE Neighborhood Crime Prevention; Dave McCarson, Allstate Insurance; Captain Dan Noelle, Portland Police Bureau; Gene Rappe, Safeco; Gary' Rcdcll. National Insurance Crime Bureau; Scott Thompson, A A A o f Oregon; Val Wiethorn, State Farm; and Detective Joe Zink, Portland Po­ lice Bureau. F ree Vision S creenings A vailable F o r In tan ts And C hildren The Pacific University Family V i sion Centers provide free vision screening for infants six months and older and children o f all ages. “ Vision screenings are particularly beneficial for infants and youngchil- dren by identifying vision and eye health problems that may effect de­ velopment o f learning skills such as reading and w ritin g,’ says Paul Kohl, O.D., C hief o f the Infant and Pediatric Vision Service at the Pa­ cific University College o f Optom­ etry.” Eye doctors recommend that c h il­ dren receive vision screenings and vision examinations annually in or­ der to assure proper development o f learning skills and good academic performance. Problems with eye co­ ordination and focusing in children may initially be identified by the parent or teacher as a drop in school grades." Screenings that take about 20 m in­ utes to complete and do not cause discomfort. 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