P agi -: B4 J une 23, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver Update-Hank Robbery Suspects Arrested \fter Shooting At Officers I S Haul-14-15 A. Hayden Island D riv e O n Friday. June IS. 1993 at ap­ p ro xim a te d Id T ic im . N orth Precinct O ffice rs responded to the US Bank. 1445 N. Hayden Island D rive, regard­ in g an armed robbery w hich had ju st occurred Upon officers" a rriva l they were told that tw o armed suspects, entered the bank, held up two tellers and lied w ith an undisclosed amount o f cash The suspects were last seen in a 1972 Brow n colored Buick Regal A description o f the suspects and their vehicle was broadcast to surrounding officers. A t approximately 11 07 am o ffic ­ ers located the suspect vehicle at the C o m fo rt Inn M otel located at 4.31 NE M u ltn o m a h Street As additional o f­ ficers began to converge on the area, the tw o suspects, left th e ir room. #242. ran to room #119, w hich w asopen and faces NE M a rtin Luther K in g Jr. B l\d . (M L K ) and jum ped out the window onto NE M L K Both suspects were armed, one w ith a 40 caliber Glock sem i-autom atic pistol and the other w ith a Rugcr, model P 8 9 ,9nun semi­ autom atic pistol. O fficers began to pursue the sus­ pects. westbound, crossing NE M L K in to the Lyons Restaurant. 1215 NE M L K . parking lot. e x itin g the parking lot onto to NE 3rd Avenue. I lie tw o suspects shot at pursuing officers, w ho returned lire As the o f­ ficers chased the suspects two marked police cars were h it by the suspects g u n fire .A s the suspects crossed the 1200 block o f NE 3rd Avenue, one o f the suspects jum ped over some shrub­ bery. landing on the front w indshield o f a Red Toy ota Tercel. The suspect ran across the Holladay Park Medical C e n te r P a rk in g lo t. 1225 N E 2 n d A v e n u e a n d a tte m p te d to take cover behind tw o trees, directly in front o f the Holladay Park Medical C e n te r. F ro m b e h in d the trees, the suspects shot at the o fficers. The suspects left th e ir position o f cover, w ith one o f the suspects, div mg through a plate glass w indow , fo llo w e d by the second suspect. O ffice rs pursued the suspects into the lobby, where the suspects surren­ dered. I hcsuspcctshave tcnlalivcly been id entified as Gable Lee Eaton D O B 9- 18-65 and D arrell Lavon Steele DOB l-21-()7. D u rin g the exchange o f gun­ fire. Eaton, who was armed w ith the 40 caliber G lock pistol, was wounded in the right leg Steele, w howasarmed w ith the 9mm Roger, sustained head lacerations, as result o f d iv in g , head first, through the window Both sus­ pects were taken to Enutnucl Hospital, where they were treated and released into police custody . No officers or citizens were in ­ jured d u rin g this incident. Investigators are looking into the possibility that these two suspects may have been involved in an earlier rob­ bery, in th c stale ol'W ashington. w ith in the last tw o weeks The suspects arc allegedly from W ashington D C. and hav e no local record here in Portland E aton and Steele have been charged w ith Robbery in the First Degree and Attem pted M urder They are being held in the Justice Center Jail, in lieu o f $100,000 bail and ar­ raignm ent is scheduled for 2:00 PM Monday , June 21. 199.7. Photographs o f the suspects arc not available at this tim e, pending further investigation The investiga­ tion is continuing. Shooting Investigation 4745 N E 15 th Avenue O n Thursday. June 17, 1993 at approxim ately 12:23am, N orth Pre­ cinct O fficers were summoned to 4745 NE 15th Av enue regarding a woman who had been shot by a bullet w hich came through the front w indow. Upon the a rriva l o f officers and medical personnel, they found a woman iden­ tifie d as Eddie H arris D OB 2-24-48, w ho rcsidcsat the residence, suffering from a gunshot would to the left calf. H arris was transported to a local hos­ pital for treatment. A t the scene o ffic ­ ers recovered an undisclosed caliber and number o f shell casings at the scene. Reportedly, the shooting is a re­ sult o f an incident, w hich occurred earlier in the evening, in v o lv in g H ar­ ris ' IS y c a ro ld grandson. A llegedly at approxim ately 12:0()pm, Wednesday, June 16. 1993. at NE 15th Avenue and W ygant Street, the 18 year old grand­ son. who is considered a gang a ff ili­ ate, became involved in an altercation w ith some riv a l gang members. A fte r Ihc altercation the 18 year old grand­ son ran in to his grandm other’s, H ar­ ris ', home to seek refuge. A pparently. the suspects came to the residence and fired several shots through H a rris ’ bedroom w in d o w w ounding H arris w ho w as in her bed­ room window The intended v ic tim was not at the residence a Ihc tim e o f the shooting The shooting is considered gang related No arrests have been made and the investigation is continuing Update-Kidnap/Rape Suspect Investigation l.o ca tio n -N E 118th Avenue and Prescott Street Wednesday. June 16,1993,w h ile canv assing the area o f NE 118th A v ­ enue and Sandy Blvd. searching for vv itncsscs w ho may observcd G ilberto Roman Chi-Espejo DOB 10-2-72, who was arrested for the rape and kidnap o f a 12 year old g irl. Detective M ike Stahlman encountered a vv itness who saw the vic tim being dropped o ff in the area o f NE 118th Avenue and Sandy Blvd. This was contrary to the story that investigators were firs t told, w hich was, that the v ic tim escaped, after h ittin g C hi-Espejo w ith a beer bottle and fleeing from the area o f NE 135th Avenue and W h ita ke r Way. Detective M ik e Stahlman re-con­ tacted the v ic tim and was given a slig h tly different version o f events w hich led up to the M onday, June 14, 1993 rape. The v ic tim to ld Detective Stahlman that she observed the sus­ pect d riv in g a 1985 Black Dodge C h a rg e r, O re g o n lic e n s e p la te SCM854. The v ic tim was fa m ilia r w ith several other subjects who drove this same car but not C hi-Espejo C h i- Espejo allegedly drove by the v ic lim , who was w a itin g at the bus stop, lo ­ cated at NE 118th Av enue and Sandy Blvd. at about 8:30 am. Chi-Esocjo. drove by twice, ask­ ing the v ic tim i f she wanted a ride to school. The v ic tim turned down C h i- Espcjo's first request but accepted a ride the second tim e Chi-Espejo asked. Instead o f taking the v ic tim d i­ rectly to school, as requested, C h i- Espejo drove the vic tim to an isolated area in Troutdale, Oregon and raped her. A fle rth c a tla c k , Chi-Espejo drove th c v ic tim b a c k to th c a rc a o fN E 118th Avenue and Sandy B lvd, released the v ic tim , at w hich lim e the v ic tim re­ ported the incident to her father at approximately 120 0 noon O riginally inv est igators were told by the v ic tim that she was forced in to a car by a stranger and escaped after h ittin g her attacker on the head w ith an empty bottle o f beer. Chi-Espejo was arraigned yester­ day on charges o f K id n a p and Rape in the First Degree. A grand Jury is expected to hear ev idence in this case w ith in the next tw o weeks The investigation is continuing. Public Assistance Sought In Homicide Investigation N. C oncord Avenue A n d ( io in g C ourt H om icide Detectives arc seeking th e p u b lic 's a ssista n ce in th e hom icide investigation o f Lawana J a n c llc T r ip le t t D O B 3 -2 9 -6 4 . T rip le tt’ s body was discovered Tues­ day, June 15. 1993 at N. Concord Avenue and G oing court, by school ch ild re n in shrubbery next to a con­ crete b a rrie r that parallels N. G oing Street. A n autopsy conducted Wednes­ day. June 16. 1993 determined that T rip le tt died from abdominal injuries and strangulation. D etectives have learned that T r ip le t t was la s t seen w a lk in g w estbound on N E A lb e rta Street from NE 16th Avenue, shortly after m id n ig h t, Tuesday. June 15. 1993. E arlier. T rip le tt had stopped at tw o local tav erns, located on N E A lberta Street. Any one w ith info rm a tio n regard­ ing T rip le tt, isaskedtocon'.acl Detec­ tive Dave Rubcy o f Ihc H om icide D etail at (50.7) 796-3400. No arrest have been made and the investigation is c o n tin u in g . A p h o to g ra p h o f T rip le tt is available at the Id e n tifica ­ tion D ivisio n . 12th llo o r o f Ihc Justice Center. Robbery Suspect A rre ste d Taco H ell - 1024 N E 82n d Avenue On Saturday. June 19. 199.3 at approxim ately 3:14 am, East Precinct U n ifo rm O fficers responded to the Taco Bell Restaurant. 1024 NE 82nd Avenue, regarding an A rm ed Rob­ bery w Inch had just occurred. O fficers w ere adv ised tliat.a lone suspect, armed w ith a gun. wearing a mask, had ju st driven through the drive-up window and robbed the cashier, taking an un­ disclosed amount o f cash En route to the scene. O ffice r George Burke, observed a car, later determined to be the suspect vehicle, leav ing the area o f the robbery , at a high rate o f speed Suspicious o f the vehicle. O ffice r Burke follow ed the car to the area o f NE 79th and Schuyler Street, w here the d rive r fled from the vehicle on fool W ith the assistance o f a dditional covering officers, the area was cordoned off. O fficers observ cd in the suspect vehicle, the cash taken in the robbery, gloves, a scarf and a baseball cap that the suspect used d u rin g the robbery. W ith the assis­ tance o f a canine o ffice r and his dog, the suspect was tracked to the area o f M adison H igh School, where the sus­ pect ran from the officers. The suspect was eventually tackled by O fficers K e vin W arren and M ik e Westerman The suspect continued to struggle and fig h t vv ith the officers but was eventu­ a lly subdued. O fficers W arren and Westerman, as w ell as the suspect, were a ll taken to local hospital to be treated fo r m in o r in ju rie s sustained d u rin g sen file. A ftc rb c in g treated, the officers and the suspect, were released. T h e su sp e ct, w h o was n o t c a rr y in g a n y id e n tific a tio n and re fu se d to id e n tify h im s e lf, was charged w ith Robbery in the first degree and lodged at the justice Cen­ ter Jail The suspect, has tentatively been id e n tified as, Joseph Dean M a t­ thew. date o f b irth 07-24-68, is being held in lieu o f $50,000.00 bail. A r ­ raignm ent is scheduled fo r 2 00 pm Monday. June 21. 199.7 at the Justice Center. The investigation is continu­ ing. Shooting Investigation N E 6th D riv e A n d M a rin e D rive On Sunday. June20.1993 at 11:50 p in . N o rth Precinct U n ifo rm O ffice r responded to the phone booth, located at N E 6th D rive and M arine D rive, w here the victim s o f a shooting were requesting assistance. Upon the a r­ riva l o f officers and medical person­ nel. they found G lcn d cll Scamstcr, D O B 1 1-15-64. suffering from a gun­ shot wound to the rig h t buttocks. M a rk A Mason, D O B 03-06-56, suffering from gunshot wounds to the head and left fool, and M ichael Mason. D O B 02-07-51. brother o f M a rk, who was not injured Scamstcr and M a rk M a ­ son, were taken to Emanuel Hospital, where Scamstcr was treated and re­ leased and Mason remained listed in stable condition O fficers also found Scamstcr’ s car at the scene w hich had been struck 11 times by gunfire A lso in the ve­ hicle were sy ringes and alcohol. O f­ ficers attempted to question the v ic ­ tim s. w ho were not cooperating fu lly w ith investigators, in an attempt to determ ine what happened M ichael Mason took officers near 1-205 and NE M a rin e D rive, w hich is the scene o f the shooting, where officers found ni nc spent casings belongi ng to a semi­ autom atic weapon A lth o u g h officers have few de­ tails, they believe the vic tim s became involved in an altercation w ith three to four subjects, w hich led up to the shooting. Afterwards the v ictim s drove to N E 6th D rive and M a rin e D rive where they reported the incident. It is unknow n w hat the victim s were doing at location o f occurrence o r w hat the argum ent was in regards to. N o arrest have been made and officers have no suspects. The in ve sti­ gation is continuing. Toxicology Results Show A rm ed (¡unm an Under Influence O f Drugs H idden Treasures A n tiq u e Store- 7104 SE Easter R oad A ccording to Dr. Larry Lew m an, State M edical E xam iner, the to x ic o l­ ogy results o f W illia m R ile y Wood D OB 9-15-63,“ indicate that hc(W ood) was under influence o f a h igh level o f methamphetamine at the tim e he was fatally shot.” W ood, was fatally wounded, on Monday. June 14, 1993, d u rin g a rob­ bery attem pt that went awry. The store owner. Lawrence Thomas Freeman D O B 9-25-55, o f the H idden Trea­ sures A ntique Store, 7104 SE Foster Road, shot W ood after Wood con­ fronted Freeman w ith a gun. Freeman was able to wrestle the gun away from Wood and im m ediately shot Wood, once in the chest. A ccording to Dr. Larry Lewm an, anautopsy conducted on Tuesday June 15, 1993 showed that W ood “ died from a single gunshot w ound w h ich entered through the chest (fro n t) and passed through the heart, aorta, left lung and exited out the back. Juneteenth 93 Community Care PGE Employees Celebrated Juneteenth E th n ic foods, m usic, dancing, poetry readings, and historic display s marked P ortland General E le ctric Co. s Juneteenth Celebration. Friday, June 18th. in the courtyard at Tw o W o rld Trade Center Sponsored by the company's A f­ rican-A m erican N etw ork, the event comm emorated the signing o f the Em ancipation Proclamation signed by Abraham L in co ln more than 130years ago The firs t Juneteenth Celebration was held June 19.1865, when General Gordon Granger arrived in Galv eston, Texas, and read a government order freeing a ll slaves in cast Texas. The E m ancipation Proclam ation as actu­ a lly signed two years p rio r on Jan. 1, 1863 ployces w ith a chance to learn about and better understand different cu l­ tures.” PG E’ s Juneteenth gave a ll em­ ployees an opportunity to sample a variety o f e thnic foods, watch dancing by the A frican-A m erican Ballet Danc­ ers, hear music, and listen to poetry readings featuring w orks by Maya Angelou Employees w ere also treated to a n a rray o f di splays focusi ng p ri ma- rily on A frica n -A m e rica n history and culture As an added element to the cel­ ebration, the com pany’s Asian A m eri- can/Pacific Island N etw ork and H is­ panic Leadership Association prepared and served foods popular in th e ir c u l­ tures. In addition, the tw o groups hosted performances by the P ilip in o “ Today, celebrations o f these (sic) A m erican Y outh Dance Group events are held on a number o f d iffe r­ and M exican Dancer o f the B allet ent dates throughout the South." say s F o lkló rico De W oodburn. Juneteenth C o m m itte e C h a irm a n A lth o u g h th is was the largest Bobbye Brow n o f PG E’ s Human Re­ event that P G E ’ s A frica n -A m e rica n sources Department. "B u t they all re­ N etw ork and other PGE host groups volve around one historic achicvc- sponsor, addi tional activities and semi­ in cn t—the freedom o f A fric a n -A m e ri­ nars arc held throughout the year. cans from slavery.” Examples include involvem ent in the “ T h crca rc s till areas in this coun- recent C inco dc M ayo celebration on tr v th a t have n e v e r h e ard o f the w aterfront and sponsorship o f pro­ Juneteenth," says Brow n “ We hope fessional development and com m uni­ this celebration w ill prov ide our cm - cations seminars. Garlington Center Stay Clean Celebrated Juneteenth Day S ta y C lean h osted one o f th e c ity 's la rg e s t J u n e te e n th c e le b ra tio n s . There w ere g u e s t s p e a k e rs , bands, and lost o f good fo o d . This Is an an n u al e v e n t p u t on by th e non-profit agency to bring th e com m unity to g e th e r In unity. A* * I « ■6 • *,■ . * -