J- • - • . X * ’, / , r J une 23, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B? The M cDonald's Far West Sum­ mer Basket Ball League for women started i t ’s tenth year last week in a very big way. The top women players in the state o f Oregon play in this league So the games arc very close and fu ll o f excitement. After the first week o f play three o f the eight teams in the league are unbeaten Bleachers G rill Pub. sponsored by Terr McCowan, won both o f i t ’ s games in the opening week Bleachers scored a easy win over Pn mo-Limo, 66 to 4 7 as Carol Drovet- Rawlings led the way w ith 22 points Next up was a hard fought game agai nst last years league champs, Tire Head­ quarters, sponsored by Bud Holden. B e h in d M ik i G r a f’ s 17 p oints. Bleacherwon65-58 Ram Light Truck Salvage also got o ff to a fast start with two wins. A close 61-56 w in over Oregon Nail Distributors, sponsored by Gene Rosling Alisa Robinson scored 21 points for Ram Robinson and came up w ith a big game, going for 26 points against Everlast Sports D rink, 67 to 55. Last year’ s runner-up, D r Flow ­ ers, sponsored by D r B illy Ray Flow- BY ERIC NOON The new boys o f sum­ mer, the Portland Pride in d o o r soccer team , kicked in their inagraual season opener w ith a 11- 8 victory over the v isiting Sacramento Knights last Saturday night. The Pride not only won the game but maybe scored a bigger victory w ith the fans and the city o f Portland W ith such events as the Quarterback Shoot­ o u t g o lf to u rn a m e n t, the Rose Cup Race, the Troutdale Airshow, the Big Balloon Race out in Tigard and a b rig h t sum m er day, the Pride hosted 7,947 fans to some fast paced and high scoring soccer that should give the fans some pride for the future o f professional soccer in Port­ land. H e re’s How Playing G olf Can Im prove O regon’s Schools Oregon Nai I Disibutors 70-48 TH I got a win by running by Shilo Inns 61-58 Ivy Safranski scored 24 points for TH I Prim o-Lim o also got in the win column w ith a 63-59 victory over Shilo Inns Katie Rose o f Portland State University scored 21 points for Primo- Limo. The line-up for this weeks games, looks like this: Wcdnesday-Dr Flowers vs Ram Light Truck Salvage at 6:15 P M and Everlast Sports D rink vs Oregon Nail Distributors at 7:30 p m . Thursday - Ram Light Truck Sal­ vage vs Tire Headquarter at 6:15 p in. and Shilo Inns vs Oregon N ail D is­ tributors at 7:30 p.m Friday-Prim o-Lim o vs Dr. Flow­ ers at 6:15 p m and Bleachers G rill Pub vs Everlast Sports D rink at 7:30 p.m. Washington Mutual, which recently acquired Pacific First Bank, has pul a new spin on putting: Anyone who sinks three putts at one o f ihe bank’s traveling p ulling greens wins a $50 contribution to the school o f their choice. Washington M utual/Pacific First Bank arc s|X>nsoring the pulling con­ test as part o f their involvement in the annual Fred Meyer Challenge. I t ’s free to participate and all equip­ ment is provided. Nine-foot,kidney-shaped greens w ill travel throughout Oregon and South west Washington to 47 Washington M utual/Pacific First financial cen­ ters located in Fred Meycror Safeway stores from June 12 through August 7. Schools w ill be the real winners during the summer putting contests. Washington M utual created the “ Challenge Education Fund” to help schools purchase much needed equipment and supplies for their students. People who make three putts may make a $50 contribution from the fund to any public or p ri­ vate elementary school, m iddle school, high school or university. Contribuí ions may be designated for such things as a library fund or computer equipment. There’ s no lim it to the number o f people who may participate in the contest. For each putt a person makes, a name w ill be entered into to drawing for two tickets ( a $60 value) to The Fred Meyer Challenge Aug. 22-24 at the Oregon G o lf Club in West Linn, Ore. Winners w ill be drawn at the end o f the day at each financial center. Washington Mutual, the sponsor o f this year’ s Pro-Am at The Fred Meyer Challenge, is a leading sup­ porter o f education in the N orth­ west. Standing as of 6*21*93: ers. looked very good as a team in the first week. Beating Everlast 63-52 as Amy Jones scored 19 points for the Doctor On Friday night it was Verna G uild's 20 point that lead the way past Team W 1) Dr. Flowers 2 1) Ram Light Truck Salvage 2 1) Bleachers G rill Pub 2 4) Prim o-Lim o 1 4) Tire Headquarters 1 6) Oregon Nail Distributors 0 6) Shilo Inns 0 6) Everlast Sports D rin k 0 L 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 “ I f you run w ith the ball people can catch you,” said Gorsek on the Pride’s offensive let up in the sec­ ond and fourth quarter. Although it ’ s a little early to expect the Pride to be sharp on defense, their offensive firepower looked to be intact, and well executed with player/coach John Bain making the calls. The Pride lost a squeaker Sunday to L A United 4-3 in sudden death overtime as the back-up goal-keeper Jim Brazeau took the tough loss w ith 33 saves. W ith soccer the new sport in town the Pride should bring not only an action packed sporting event to town but also another team Portland sports fans can have some pride o f their own follow ing their team Opening Night The Pride's 11 goals were scored by nine different players in just over two periods. Five goals in the first and third periods fueled the Pride victory , w hole goalkeeper Jim Gorsck played a monster game after pulling a ham­ string in the first period Gorsek had 18 saves on 33 shot attempts by the Knights.Most o f the K night's goals were a result o f a defensive breakdown or second chance rebounds “ Anything over 12 is too many,” said Gorsek on his number o f saves. ulls Win Historic Three-peat M ichael Jordan Chicago Bulls w in historic three- peat w ith 99-98 victory over Phoenix Suns PHOENIX (JUNE 20) UP1 - Michael Jordan scored 33 points and John Paxson sank a 3-pointer w ith 3.9 seconds left Sunday night, complet­ ing the Chicago B u lls’ march to their th ird consecutive N B A title w ith a 99- 98 victory over the Phoenix Suns. By taking the best-of-seven N BA Finals scries 4-2, the Bulls became only the third team in league history - and the first in 27 years - to w in three straight championships. The trium ph assured the Bulls - once thought o f as a team made up o f Jordan and 11 bit players- their place in N B A history. Nobody had won more than two consecutive titles since the Celtics completed their nin o f eight in a row in 1966. The only other team to take three straight was the Minneapolis Lakers from 1951-54. Some o f the great N BA teams over the years - the Los Angeles Lak­ ers o f Jerry West, W ilt Chamberlain and Elgin Baylor and then Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar; the New York Knicks o f B ill Bradley, W alt Frazier and W illis Reed; the Abdul-Jabbar-ed Bucks and the De­ troit Pistons o f Isiah Thomas never managed to accomplish the feat. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE STANDINGS Northern Division PORTLAND BEAVERS (MINNESOTA) EDMONTON TRAPPERS (FLORIDA) CALGARY CANNONS (MARINERS) VANCOUVER CANADIANS (ANGELS) TACOMA TIGERS (OAKLAND) GOT A HOT SPORTS STORY CALL 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 NEW LOANS TO John Paxon W 40 38 33 32 31 L 29 31 35 36 38 PCT GB .580 — 2 .550 .485 6 1/2 .471 7 1/2 .449 9 W 38 35 34 33 30 L 31 32 35 37 40 PCT GB .551 — .522 2 .493 4 .471 5 1/2 .429 8 1/2 S o u th ern Division TUCSON LOROS (HOUSTON) COLORADO SPRINGS SKY SOX (COLORADO) PHOENIX FIREBIRDS (SAN FRANCISCO) AI.BUQUERQUE DUKES (LOS ANGELES) LAS VEGAS STARS (SAN DIEGO) HELP YOUR STUDENT SUMMER SPECIAL BUSINESS r, i C o u P ° N iJSbENTS’ SUMMtHSPECtAL $QQ • Racquetball ★ New Hardwood M apk Floors . We’d like to help. We’re the Portland Development Commission and we’re kicking off a new loan program designed to help businesses in North and Northeast Portland grow and expand. . _ MONTH ,$ S / U _ V Lifecycle Fleet - Aerobics Studio Maybe your bank is only meeting part of your business needs. You need money for expansion and new equip­ ment. Or you’re simply having trouble meeting cash flow requirements. , offer vabd through - ______________ ------------------- * W o lff T an n,n S • Ph v sir a I Thoranv Physical Therapy • Indoor Swimming Pool • Jacuzzi, Steam & Sauna • Stair Climber Equipment • Next Generation’ Nautilus Complete Conditioning Equipment • Star Trac’ Treadmills • Professional Instructors • Super Circuit Training Fitness Testing/Bodv Composition Cardiovascular Conditioning We offer flexible terms and can lend from $10,000 to $50,000. We’ve provided financing to manufacturing, restaurants, light industry and retail. J • Child Care • Nutritionist Full - Juice Bar . Daily Rates A vailable As the City’s economic development agency we know the City’s health depends on successful local busi­ nesses. So give our loan officers, James Taylor and Lucille Cartwright a call. They’re ap­ proachable, friendly and will help you through every step of the loan process. PORTLAND Call Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 823-3320 or 823-3321. PDG A T H L E T IC CLUB OPEN 24 H O URS WEEKDAYS — VISA- 8A M -8P M SAT. & SUN. Town Plaza • 5411E. Mill Plain Blvd., Vancouver • 696-9841 ................ < • ' W , ■' ■ . -A