* < « « « • * < • • * • r » '» • » I* # « '* * » '# < * * » < I« « • # « « < “Serving the community through cultural diversity.' Vohtmn XXIII. Number 25 3IJtfe ^ u rilan h (iDhôeruer StayClean Hosts Juneteenth Celebration Parent Group To Meet At Martin Luther King School The Parent Group at M artin Luther K ing Jr. Elementary School has inv ited Ms. Edith Wilson, Director o f Instruction to a meeting on Thursday . June 24,\a 1993 at 7:30 to ex­ plain the transfer o f their Principal. Ms. Laverne Davis Also invited is a representative o f Superintendent Bierwirth The Parents are concerned because the Principal Ms. Davis, has championed parent involvement since coming to K ing as i t ’s Principal just four years ago The Parents are also concerned because, for the last three years academic scores have increased each year at the school Removal of their Principal is believed as a backward step The meeting is held at K ing in the audi­ torium. Parents and interested citizens are welcomed Please show your support Ifyou have any qucstionscontact W illiam Council at 289-9466 or Karen Jackson at 282- 9171. M ayor Vera Katz Appoints ‘S trik e Force’ To Fight A utom obile Theft C iting a 39% ycar-to-datc increase in automobile theft, Portland Mayor Vera j Katz announces the appointment o f an ■ auton . ' Ic theft Strike Force' to help get ! a handle on the skyrocketing incidence o f local car theft The Strike Force’ w ill focus its efforts on three areas: education and prevention programs; tougher city and co u n ty codes and state sanctions increase the investigation, prosccutionand conviction o f auto thieves. Washington Mutual Pledges Annual $10,000 Donation To Help Develop Partnerships With Portland Schools See story on page B6 The Oregon Arena P roject M ak es M ajor C om m itm ent To Recycling The Oregon Arena Project is going to recycle the bulk o f the waste generated during the demolition and construction phases o f the project Contract specifica­ tion language was developed and included in all bid packages sent out to prospective subcontractors. The specification very clearly outlined that subcontractors w ill be required to source-separate materials and place them in clearly marked recy­ cling bins. Early estimates indicated that over 10,000 tons o f materials w ill poten­ tially be recycled Le f t to Right Demetrea Gill. Falena Rucker, Sharnell Gill, A ll from Portland enjoy some Bar-B-Cue at Celebration at Peninsula Park. Pat Kirk, KPTV-12 News Anchor, To Be Keynote Speaker At Oregon Association Of Colored Women’s Clubs State Meeting See story on page A 5 O ffic e O f The Governor Governor Barbara Roberts and Congress­ man Ron Wyden (along w ith committee members) are recommending Ancer L. Haggerty for United States D istrict Court Judge for the D istrict o f Oregon The recommendation is the result ofa remark­ able effort by a committee o f leading Oregon attorneys. The committee voted unanimously to recommend three names o f "best qualified.” This exceptionally w e ll q u a lifie d in d iv id u a l w o u ld be Oregon s first African-Am erican federal The Oregon Association O f Colored Women’ s Clubs w ill hold their 76th Annua. Convention Friday and Saturday . June 25-26, 1993, M rs Mary Hamson, State President, presiding. The Convention Theme is “ M ak­ ing A Difference” which w ill be addressed by Keynote Speaker, Ms. Pat K irk, newly ap­ pointed News Anchor, K P T V -12, at the Con­ vention Luncheon. Saturday, June 26, 1993, 12 :00 Noon being held at the Red Lion Inn at the Coliseum Ms. K irk began her duties as Co-anchor o f K P T V ’ s 10 O ’Clock/News w ith K im Singer on March 29,1993. K irk and Singer form the only all-woman anchor team in Portland. She comes to Portland from Atlanta, Georgia where she was anchor at CNN Head­ judge. See story on page A3 I Washington Mutual has joined Portland’s Business Youth Exchange and pledged to make an annual $10,M0 donation >o help increase business partnerships w ith local schools. the Juneteenth In addition, M ike M ille r, a Washington Mutual regional vice president based in Port­ land, has been elected to the youth program's board, jo in in g business executives from throughout Portland Business Youth Exchange, an affiliate o f the Portland Metropolitan Chamber o f Com­ merce, helps companies develop tutoring and mentoring programs, become active on school advisory boards, and work w ith teachers to develop curricula related to a company’s in ­ dustry. Supporting education is one o f Washing­ ton M utual’s major priorities for community involvement. Along w ith its participation in numerous education groups, the bank's inno­ vative One-to-Onc Tutoring Program makes grants to model tutoring programs in Oregon and Washington. One-to-One operates a toll- free hot line (1-800-433-0121) that refers potential tutors — more than 5,000 so far — Ms. Kirk to neighborhood schools. began her Washington Mutual also offers its School duties as Savings program at 65 schools in Washington Co-anchor of and Oregon. In the program, children learn KPTV's 10 how to wisely manage their money using their O ’Clock/ own savings accounts. This fall School Sav­ News with ings Celebrates its 70th anniversary and the Kim Singer bank w ill expand the program to dozens o f on March new schools in the Northwest 29,1993. Serv ing the financial needs o f Northwest Kirk and consumers since 1889. Washington M utual is Singer form the largest consumer bank in the Northwest the only all­ and the largest local, independent bank in woman Washington. Crim e W atch Robbery Suspect Arrested On Saturday, June 19 an armed robbery took place at the Taco Bell, located at 1024 NE 82nd The gunman was wearing a mask and did a drive thru at the drive thru window. The amount o f money taken was undisclosed. Enroute responding to the call, police officers saw the suspect car and gave chase. The suspect person (led from his car on foot, chased by officers and their canine assistant After a scuffle, officers and suspect were taken to the local hospi­ tal for minor injuries, and released. O ffic­ ers found the cash in the suspects car. line News. A native o f Detroit, Michigan, she is a 1979 graduate o f the U n iv e rs ity o f Windsor (Ontario) where she majored in The­ ater and chose Communications as her career choice. She studied Corporate and Political Communications at F airfield U niversity, Fairfield, Conn. Her varied carried career has included key/media positions. From 1977-1985 she held position which included Reporter for WPON/1460AM, Newscaster/ Reporter, W G R P-TV-62, W W J950/A M . W TW R 92FM and R eporter/A nchor at Saginaw, M ic h ig a n ’ s W N E M -T V 5 . In 1985-1988 she served as Noon Anchor to Prime Time Weekend Anchor as well as Entertainment Reporter. In 1988 she moved to Los Angeles. California to become Enter­ tainment Reporter for Black Entertainment Television and News Reporter/Anchor at Fox’s KTTV-Channel 11. In 1990 Ms K irk moved to London. England, working as a Producer/Joumalist for SKY TV. She was the recipient o f a Bronze Medal for her documen­ tary, "Black and White, S till Uptight.: given by the International Film and T V Festival o f See story on page B4 W estS ide MAX G ets Go Ahead The three mile tunnel w ill begin next month Tom Walsh. T ri-M c t General Manager says,” It's a reality. WestSide M A X is on its' way to Hillsboro, creating thousands o f jobs.” Frontier-Kem per/ Traylor Brothers was awarded the con­ tract. They named two m inority “ owned subcontractors to receive 12.2% o f the project fees See story on page A 4 New York. anchor team in Portland. She comes to Portland from Atlanta, Georgia where she was anchor at CNN Headline News. The luncheon program w ill also include the Annual OACWC Scholarship Awards to graduating High School Students and Annual Club Women o f the Year Awards Business sessions w ill be held Friday, June 25th at the Pacific Power Community Service Room Educational workshops and Arts & Entertainment Sports News the Annual Arts and Crafts E xhibit w ill be featured. Oratorical Com petition w ill be held by the Soldiers o f L ig hts G irl’ s Club for their regional qualification Mrs Layola Brown, is Luncheon Chairperson Luncheon reservations may be made by con­ tacting 281-2304. WATCH O UT FO R CHILDREN school is Over Food & Nutrition “Sum m er Reading Club At North P o rtlan d L ib rary” “H ere’s How Playing G olf Can Im prove Oregon’s Schools” “Les McCann To Be Featured A rtis t At Jazz Festival” “No Cows M ilk For Infants One Year O ld” There arc two clubs which readers can join. Read 10 books and become eligible to enter contest for a fam ily expense paid trip. Schools will be the real winners during the summer putting contest. People who make the putts can make a S50.00 contribution to any public or private school in any department. I.es will continue to change but his music will always be fille d with the magic o f his playing, with the warmth o f his voice, and always the richness o f his soul. According to the American Academy o f Pediatrics infants under one year old should not be given cow's mile or low iron formula. Page B3 Page B2 Page A3 RELIGION CAREERS VANCOUVER A6 A7 A8 ....... i „■ : SPORTS B2 ENTERTAINMENT FOOD B3 B5 h —: I , 4 HH Page B5 CLASSIFIEDS B8 £ À