J une 16, 1993 * T he P ortland O bserver P age B ö Sentry —I r=G] Come Celebrate June Teenth With E&M Sentry Market ■ M S U M B M A IK IT S V Portland ACT-SO Announces It’s National Representatives To The National ACT-SO Competitions Even, To Ile Hehl In buHunapolH During The NAACP N u lio n u l^ n v e n n o n h J uly^ Located at 909 N. Killingsworth We have what you need for June Teenth good eating Mustard Greens 4 For .99 Collard & Turnup Greens 3 For .99 The only place in town to sale Louisiana Gar Fish Black Eye Peas & Okra by the bag $1.59 Speckled Butter Beans $1.59 Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix 3 For $1.00 Come Celebrate June Teenth With The Real Community Grocery Store Nation Of Islam NAACP Response To President Clinton’s Nomination Of Ruth Bader Ginsburg T he P ortland B ranch N A A C P. A fro-A cadem ic Cultural Technological and Scientific O lym pics (i.c. A CT- SO) Program announced its local w inners on Sunday, June 12th at a program hosted by A llen Tem ple CM E. A I bear w itness that there is no G od th eir ow n condition ” Holy Q u ran but A llah, and 1 bear w itness that unity ch ap ter 13 section 2 verse 11, “U nite T he N A A C P announced today is strength and disunity is w eakness my p e o p le , a n d r e g a r d le s s o f An A ppeal To Black College Stu­ your faiths and beliefs, form yourself that it w ould follow its tim e-honored in to o n e n a tio n o f b r o th e r h o o d practice reg ard in g Suprem e Court dents (the love and help; o f each other). nom inations by conducting a th o r­ W e (N .O .I.) believe that blacks Y OU w ill see that unity will solve ough exam ination o f the record and are o f such num bers in N orth A m erica the greater p art of your problem s w ritings o f the H onorable Ruth Bader that we are now a N A TIO N W ITHIN before you now it. “ Suprem e W isdom G insburg President Clinton has nom i­ A N A T IO N . S o w e ’rc are asking all o f page 84. A lack o f know ledge o f nated Judge G insburg, who presently our people that are taking on the virtue o f learning to “get an education w hich s e lf a n d o th e rs is w h a t h in d e rs serves as an Associate Judge on the will m ake our people produce jobs for us T h is most necessary know ledge U nited States Court o f A ppeals for the self and w ill m ake our people w illing o f se lf and o th ers is given to us D istrict o f Colum bia C ircuit, fo ra seat and able to go for self. Is not this the from the teachings o f the H onorable on the U nited States Suprem e Court T h e N A A C P w ill take no p o si­ goal and aim o f m any foreign students E lijah M uham m ad. So w e appeal to all th e stu d e n ts o f th e b lack tion on Judge G insburg s nom ination w ho are studying in this country? to stu d y E lija h until a w ritten report based on a schol­ W ill not these students return to c o m m u n ity M uham m ad teachings through his arly review o f her record is com pleted their own nations and give thei r people student Min. Louis F arrakhan. And and considered by N A A C P m em bers the benefit o f their learning?” soon we will see the fruit (indepen­ and officials. M E SSA G E T O THE BLA CK M A N PA G E 39,40. W e should not dence) o f our study. “ S E L F -IM P R O V E M E N T THE w ant to be another generation depen­ BA SIS FOR CO M M U N ITY DE VEL- dent on the dom inant society for a job, O P M E N T -unless we b u ild people; food, clothing and shelter. W E D E ­ SIRE T O BE INV O LV ED IN BU ILD ­ unless the hum an potential o f people IN G C IV IL IZ A T IO N W ITH TH E is developed; th en m an, in his u n d er­ N A TIO N S O FT H E EARTH. We have developed state, will ultim ately de­ the potential to be independent is b u r­ stroy the cities that he has built be­ ied under lack o f know ledge o f self cause o f revolution and w ar So, the and m isunderstanding. T he know l­ scripture is rig h t in teaching. “ W hat edge o f self and others will begin to does it profit a m an if he gains the rebuild the essence in each and every w hole world and loses his soul? “ M in­ one o f us.T his essence is righteous­ ister Louis F arrak ah n self-im prove­ ness and the spirit o f A llah (God). T he m ent speech page 2. B rother Jam es X Hon. E lijah M uham m ad, we believe, Bess takes us into a deeper and deeper started this re-building A nd now Min. u n derstanding o f SEL F-IM PR O V E ­ Louis F arrakhan has 18 study guides M E N T THE BASIS O F C O M M U ­ N IT Y D E V E L O PM EN T ON TH E in circulation for SELF-IM PR O V E­ CA B LE T V. PRO G R A M S EV ER Y M E N T A N D C O M M U N ITY D E ­ V ELO PM EN T B uilding the w ill, how TH U R SD A Y LIV E O N C H A N N EL to handle em otion, the God w ithin, 27. Bro Jam es is a b ro th er we should A llah(G od) is the true center o f every­ all study, because he is an exam ple o f th in g are some o f the study guides that a believer who loves an d is loyal to the are extrem ely helpful for those striv ­ m is s io n th a t th e H o n . E lija h ing for self-m astery. We m isunder­ M uham m ad started in 1934. T hank stand because som e o f us believe that you fo rread in g th is. D on’t forget about talking black self-help is a form of the LIV E T V . lecture series by Jam es hate or race separation. “Let us cap­ X Bess every T hursday at 4pm c h a n ­ ture the m arket o f our people by pro ­ nel 27 playbacks every Sun. at 8pm ch. ducing their needs. “ M ESSA G E T O 33 and every Mon. at 1 la m c h .l 1. Learn m ore o f the m ission and TH E BLACK M A N page 222. T he work ofM in. Louis F arrak h an contact Koreans cam e to North America united E liiah X Jefferson at 335-0408 an now serve our needs in our own com m unities across America. W hy not use our brain power, labor, skills and talent to serve our own needs? “ Surely A llah (G od) changes not the condition o f a people, until they change tions. L ast year, N kenge H arm on, a senior at C atlin G able won a national Gold M edal in O riginal Essay. P o rtlan d ’s representatives to the N ational A C T-SO Com petition are pictured above. T he categories o f each local w in n er, an d delegation ofeitht their respective high TITLE CATEGORY SCHOOL STUDENTS students an d five school is listed b e­ "W b o is itr Fibaking Jefferson Derric Crooks adult ch ap ero n s low. "Breolha" Dance Jefferson Komar io Kyle will leave for In­ F u n d in g fo r "J Dream a World" Oratory Jefferson Contrewo Henry d ia n ap o lis. ID ., this y ear’s P ortland “Advice" Dramatics Carfin Nkenge Hannon th e s ite o f th e ACT-SO Program is Class./fnstt. Benson Rayne Houghton N .A .A .C .P. N a­ m ade possible by a "Vittoria Mio Core" ClassWocal Milwaukie Michael Trotter tio n a l C o n v e n ­ v ariety o f sources "Con You Stop The R ainf Cont./Vocal Milwaukie Michael Trotter tion, on July 8, in c lu d in g ; The “Sfili" Drawing Lincoln Moniguea Majors 1993. Black U nited Fund “Self-Portrait" Painting Lincoln Moniguea Majors “ A C T-SO is o f O re g o n , I n te l Original Essay Franklin Susanna Pays the N .A .A .C .P .s F o u n d a tio n , 'A Sunny Day in liberto” Poetry Franklin Susanna Faye way o f prom oting Pacificorp F ou n d a­ academ ic ex cel­ tion, and in d ividu­ lence by creating als w ho jo in ed “ 100 F riends o f A C T -SO ” . how ever, a clim ate in Portland, and other urban cities, w here additional funds arc currently needed. Any one interested a d u lts a c tiv e ly s u p p o r t a c a d e m ic a c h ie v e m e n t in m aking a m onetary contribution should forw ard a check throughout the com m unity. ’ said Lucious Hicks AC T-SO m ade out to P ortland A CT-SO P rogram , and m ail it C hairm an. directly to US N ational Bank, M etropolitan B ranch c/o A CT-SO students com pete in 24 academ ic areas. Lynne M unson, 900 SW 6th, Portland, OR. 97204. For Each student is allow ed to enter up to three categories. inform ation on how you can jo in “ 100 Friends o f ACT- W inners represent P ortland at the NA AC P s N ational SO” , please call Ms. Rhone at 464-5749. C onvention by en terin g the N ational AC 1 -SO C om pcti- ■ ■ dvertise Tue.m -. ... .... C .'W New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies POWELL’S CITY OF BOOKS HNW 9 am - 11 pm 9 M o n d a y th o u g h S a tu rd a y am - 9 PM S u n d ay s U se d b o o k s b o u g h t ev ery d ay till 8:30 pm 1® \ f. A R S BROWN & WILLIAMSON TOBACCO CORPORATION Celebrating 100 Yem s O n th e # 2 0 B us line • O n e h o u r free p a rk in g 1005 W est B u rn sid e S tre e t 228-4651 ' |i»i RAW TCo Hv.hkpi.uter» m I out»» rile Kenhuk» 'olk-ge Graduate Photo Courtesy o f Vniverxtty ot Lotm vil