T he P ortland O bserver * J une 9,1993_________________________________________________________________________________________________ P age B3 tS ÍH T A IS m S I Reel Time Entertainment | | Presents fter 7 arc brothers Kevin and Melvin Edmonds. a lo n g w ith K e ith Mitchell who have be­ came best known for their com­ bination of elegant vocal styling with a 90’s high tech edge. On stage their moves remind audiences of the male vocal groups of the 60s, but their music sets the stage and creates a contemporary presence that gives the best of both worlds. Their self titled platinum plus Virgin Records album debuted the summer of 1989 and generated four top ten singles that led to a host of awards and major tours. “Ready Or Not” - (Gold),“C an’t Stop” (Gold), “ In The Heat O f The M om ent” , “ N ig h ts L ike T h is ” (fro m th e soundtrack of the movie “The Five Heartbeats”). After three years, A fter 7 is back w ith th e ir second re lease "T akin'M y T im e.” T his m elodic theme creates a transitional platform for an assortment of music that runs the full spectrum of up tempo grooves to melodic ballads, illustrating After 7 ’ s ability to soothe and relax the soul. “Kickin’ It”, written and co-pro­ duced by Dallas Austin and Randy Ran This first single combines youth appeal with a street-wise vibe . a sum­ mer feel good song. Know n for their ballads, this re­ lease is a welcome surprise for After 7 fans SelectedCuts:“TrulySomething Special, ” w ritten by K en n eth Edmonds and Bo Watson Thomas Meloncon’s WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO A tune that Kevin Edmonds feels written by Darryl Simmons & Anto­ will “touch the hearts of lovers, both nio Reid. “A 90’s version of a real R&B young and old.” “G. S.T.”, written by Toby Rivers, song, like an Al Green or Bobby Darryl Simmons, Kevin Roberson, and Womack kinda thing. As the lead singer on the tune, I’dsay it’s a New Antonio Reid “A little closer to the edge than Jack’ love song,” Melvin Edmonds. people would expect from us...It’s an How They Met: Indianapolis - elegant w ay ofbeing naughty .” - Keith Both Kevin and Keith attended Indi­ ana University (their majors were Mitchell “Takin’ My Time”, was written business, not music) and were mem­ bers of the Indiana University Soul by Dallas Austin and Randy Ran “For those fans who love the slow Review . Melvin joined the group af­ tunes , and know how to make them ter touring with The Deele. and en­ work for them,” sats Melvin Edmonds joying studio work with the group “Can He Love U Like This”, is Shalainar. Love On Trial In The Blank Community Celebrate Juneteenth TWO VERY BIG THUMBS UP! ONE OF THE YEAR’S MOST IMPORTANT FILMS.’ GOT A HOT SPORTS STORY CALL 2 88-0033 - SISKEL 1 EBERT ASTO NISHING ! LET M E SAY RIG HT NOW THAT THE HUGHES BROTHERS ARE M AJO R F IL M M A K E R S ...G R A D E A.” Owen Gleiberman. ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY NEW LINE CINEMA M A LL 205 249-6978 V illi M A T IN E E S SA T U R D A Y A SU N D A Y M A T H E S SATURDAY 6 SUNPAY ST JOHNS CINEMAGIC 2 8 6 1766 231 7919 What’s Love Got To Do AZith It The True Life Story Of Tina Turner Angela Bassett stars as legendary rock 'n roil singer nna turner a powerful singer with an equally powerful drive to fulfill her dreams and dispite extraordinary hurdles,and the collision course that her life was on in a new drama with music. "What's Love Got To Do With It. When Tina T urner first took the microphone at a small nightclub in St. Louis, it was the beginning ofone of rock music’s grcatestcarcers and propelled the young singer to super stardom, in Touchtone pictures drama with music, “ W hat’s Love Got To Do With It.” An imprcssional vnmie women, Tina T urner falls for the charm s ol m usician Ike Turner. As Ike & T ina’s professional careers soar, their personal troubles threaten to destroy all that they had worked for. “W hat’s Love-Got To D o W ith I t” , is b ased on screen play by Kate Lamer based upon “I Tina” by Tina Turner and Kurt Loder. OPB Wins Regional Emmy Award Oregon Public Broadcasting won its first Northwest Regional Emmy award on Friday, June 4. The Emmy was awarded for OPB’s local televi­ sion docum entary I ’M REALLY GOING TO MISS ME Veteran OPB producer Judy Peek received the award at the Friday ceremony in Seattle One in OPB’s series of local docu­ mentaries, I’M REALLY GOINGTO MISS ME tells the story of four O r­ egonians facing terminal illness. Told through interview s with these patients and their families, the program por­ trays the range of emotional and physi­ cal challenges they confront. The program was first broadcast on OPB TV last season and has been rerun several times since then. OPB, O regon's statewide public broadcast network, has received a g ra n t from the M illio n D o llar Roundtable to make MISS ME avail­ able nationw idc for training people in the helping professions in the sensi­ tive area of treating the terminally ill “The Emmy acknowledges not only the excellence of Judy 's work, but the exceptional quality of the en­ tire OPB production team ," said Maynard Orme. OPB President and CEO “MISS ME is the type of journal­ ism OPB excels at We can't afford to produce daily telcv ision news, but we can offer viewers the kind of thought­ ful exploration of issues and ideas they care about and can t find else­ w here" Orme noted that the production is part of O PB's strategic goal Io make its television piodnction units self- supporting “Wc will succeed if the quality of our productions and the relev ance of out subjects continue in the tradition established by I’M RE­ ALLY GOING TO MISS ME " O PB's weekly outdoor program, OREGON FIELD GUIDE was also a nominee for the Seattle awards Back By Popular Demand "Í '- Ä For Inform ation Call (5 0 3 ) 224-4400 Tickets Available a t ALL TICKETMASTER LOCATIONS