’ »' *'•> • I ✓ ♦ • If * r • • , 4>*»V*»< • r> « ♦ I + « • < • V< » < v^V^FW * » -r ♦ < "Serving the community through cultural diversity V o lu m n X X III. N um ber 23 L ife in the P ortland M etropolitan A rea ^ n rtla n h (©bseriier ö ? a ? tx t/'/ Back row from left to right 9 year old Courtney Burmester, district 7 Parkrose, Shaver Queen School; 10 year old Destinee Scott, district 4 Sellwood, Brooklyn School; 9 year old Jillian Musson , district 2 North, Kenton School; 9 year old Chelsea Topping, district 3 Walnut Park , Boise Elliot School; 10 year old Lyndsi Henry, district 5 Eastport Gilbert HeightsSchool. Front row from left to right 9 year old Lela Barnett, district 1 Hollywood, Alameda School; 9 year old Anne Lawrence, district 8 West Hills, Stephens on School; 9 year old Alyssa Brown, district 6 Hawthorhe. AtkinsonSchool Laurelhurst to Hold Loaves & Fishes/Tom McCall Walk & Picnic Saturday, July 24 w ill be a day o f fam ily fun and entertainm ent as a new e v e n t- th e L oaves & F ishes T om M cCall W alk & Sum m er P icn ic-tak es shape in L aurelhurst Park. T he benefit for Loaves & Fishes/ M eals-on W heels begins at 10:30am w ith a one, three and six m ile walk. T he picnic is at noon, w ith m usical entertainm ent from 1 la m to 3pm P re-registration is $6 per person, or $8 the day o f th e event. T he entry fee includes w alk er’s bib, com m em o­ rative pin and picnic lunch. M ail-in registration available at Loaves & Fishes Centers. Inc., 6125 SE 52nd A venue, Portland, O R 97206. R egis­ tration form s are also available at G.I. Jo e 's T icketm aster outlets and area fitness stores. T he free concert in the park fea­ tures some o f P o rtlan d ’s top original m usicians T he im pressive lineup of ja zz , pop and blues entertainers in ­ cludes: the Jim M esi B and, Body & Soul, Ron Steen & Jazz A llstars, V alerie Day, L inda H om buckle, Lee G a rn e tt, Johnny K oonce, S hirley N anette, Janice Scroggins and M ark Bosnian. “T his musical lineup will rival any concert in Portland th is sum m er.” said Tom O hling o f Loaves & Fishes “It's rare to see this caliber o f perform ­ ers all on one stage. Every one, includ­ ing the singers, musicians, stagehands, sound people and security, arc do n at­ ing their tim e.” Corporate sponsors for the 1993 event are SecureHorizons. W illiamette Egg Farm and K O IN -T V. O ther spon­ sors include Retired Senior V olunteer Program s and the City o f P o rtland’s Senior Leisure Services. Loaves & Fishes in a non-profit organization that provides m ore than 4,000 m eals per day to seniors in the P ortland m etropolitan area About 2,800 o f the meals are delivered to p a rtic ip a n ts ’ homerS th ro u g h th e M eals-on-W heels program . T he b al­ ance arc group m eals served at 25 sites in the Portland area For more inform ation about the Loaves & Fishes Tom M cCall W alk and Sum m er P icnic, call Special Events Director Juli L erner, 777-2424. Oregon Lottery Results M ega B u cks June 2, 1993, W ednesday • 13, 20, 22, 2 4 ,3 6 , 37 June 5, 1992, Saturday • 9, 26, 27, 32, 38, 39 P o w e r B a ll June 2 ,1 9 9 3 , W ednesday • 1 6 ,2 3 ,2 4 ,3 3 ,4 2 , P B 31 June 5, 1993, Saturday • 1, 3, 5 ,9 , 30, PB 45 B i — ^4 , CORPS Offers Free Fishing, Camping Weekend In Willamette Valley C hildren ages 7-19 are invited to Boys and G irls Club at 367-6421. In addition to free fishing, the fish for free on June 12 during the Corps o f E ngineers is offering free F ishing Derby at Foster Lake in the cam ping to its visitors at three o f its W illam ette Valley. fee cam pgrounds T he Portland D istrict, U S. Army Friday and Saturday nights, June Corps o f E ngineers is co-sponsoring 11-12, visitors to S chw arz C am p ­ the free-fishing event w ith the Sweet Home Boys and G irls Club, Oregon gro u n d on D orcna Lake, C ascara D epartm ent o f Fish W ildlife, U S. C am pground on Fall Creek Lake and Forest Service, South Santiam Fish Pine M eadows C am pground on C ot­ Hatchery, Northwest Steclheadcrs A s­ tage Grove Lake can cam p free of sociation (A lbany C hapter), South charge. For more inform ation about the River Saw and M arina and KFIR- free cam ping w eekend or other Corps KSKD Radio. cam psites in the W illam ette Valley, For m ore inform ation about the call Dick Lam stcr at (503) 937-2131. free-fishing derby, call the Swccthome M id-life and older w om en are invited to a “sit-dow n” fundraising supper o f the Portland C hapter o f the O lder W om en’s League (OW L) in behalf o f the W om en’s R ights C oali­ tion; donations S5-S10. H ear about the accom plishm ents o f the C oalition so far in this Legislature and issues pending H ear also a short tape by C ongressw om an Patricia Schroeder, Colorado OW L member, on O W L ’s national issues. Place: Portland Im ­ pact SE Senior Center, 4707 SE H aw ­ thorne. #5 T ri-M et on Hawthorne, off-street parking, w heelchair acces­ sible. O pen To The Public. Call 245- 4271 for directions or inform ation about OWL. ▼ African American Princesses And Queens Of Tire Portland Rose Festival 1967 - 1993 Artists Celebrate 20 Years At Saturday Market In June o f 1974, thirty-five local artists gathered together to sell their crafts and began a Portland tradition. As Portland Saturday M arket marks its tw entieth year o f operation this year, fourteen artists arc celebrating the two decade mark w ith the Market. T housands o f artists have gotten their start at the M arket over the years E n te rta in e rs such as T h e F lying Karamozov Brothers, w en, on to the big tim e Craft vendors. such as N orth­ west Futons, w ent on to open their own shops and studios Bu, fourteen vendors have stuck with the Market has expanded into a mail order busi­ ness. O ther Portland Saturday M arket artists. D eterm ined to becom e self-em ­ veterans include S an jai’s Teriyaki, ployed, D abritz began her business of ShinglcC rcck Porcelain, A1 & Marilyn bronze and silver lost wax casting Dcchtcr, Steven Boss Jewelry, Weed w ithout ever tak in g an art class. Lady (dried flowers), M ichael M iller D abritz custom creates one to five Pottery, Gcdrosc Productions (prints), inch figures Her most popular are Simba (jewelry ), Gary M organ (pot­ m oving music figurines that interact. tery) Jim Sells Craft, K en Haak M etal S a lc m itc M ik e K elley , a lia s Sculptor and Pepper M ountain Pine Spoonm an, has also been part o f the (wooden accessories). For more infor­ m arket for two decades. His unique m ation on any of these artists, contact jewelry and hom e accessories m ade the Portland Saturday M arket office at from spoons, forks and other flatware 222-6072. for twenty years. M ary Ann Dabritz and M ike Kelley are two o f those — ■--------— i— Expo Current Events 11-13 T he O regon Home Show 20 Savvy A ntique & Collectibles Show 21 Grow W ith Portland Job Fair 24-27 Expo Super Auto Sale - g 1. ? « « ♦ Next Week Older Women’s League e * • • * * * * t It . . • ■ . •• ■ . . . . A < .- .t '