Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 09, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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    J une 9, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age A6
Crime Watch
Fire & Death
E lect Paul
M ultn om ah
C ounty Chair
"As Chair of the Multnomah
County Commission, I will con­
tinue to encourage businesses to
locate in N/NE Portland The
County needs a strong advocate to
attract economic development
money. The inner cities are not
getting their fair share.
With your support, we will
make a difference.”
NAACP, Board of Directors,
Chair of the NAACP's ACT-SO
Committee; Vice Chair of the
Piedmont Neighborhood Associa­
tion; Chair of the Piedmont Im­
provement Association; Habitat
for Humanity, Board of Direc­
tors; Founder of the Community
Professional Association, Mem­
ber of the NE Business Boosters.
"Voters have been very clear
on the sales tax. Let’s put our
energy into something that w orks.
Taxing the poor is not the answer.
One of the Northwest Largest l\ i£ Oispla its
Wigs and Hairpieces For all Nationalities
E va G abor
N a om i S ims
R en ee
P aris
S y n th etic & 1 Iu m an I la ir
For B raid in g & W eeving
Mon - Fr. 10 a.in. - 6 p.m
Saturday 10 - 5:30 pm
6420 SW Coronado Drive - Fantasy
Adult Video Store
On Monday, June 7, 1993 at ap­
proximately 10:08 pm members from
the Portland Fire Bureau were sum­
moned to the Fantasy Adult Video
Store, 6420 SW Coronado Drive re­
garding a fire Upon the arrival of fire
fighters, they found the building fully
engulfed in flames, after extinguish­
ing the blaze, the body of Jeffrey
Danione McMahan DOB 12-27-67 of
1850 SE 157 Drive, Portland, Oregon
was discovered inside.
Due to the discovery of the body
and the yet undetermined cause of the
fire. Homicide Detectives from the
Portland Police Bureau were also sum­
moned to the scene.
The cause of death has not been
determined and according to the State
Medical Examiner’s Office an exam i­
nation of the M cM ahan's body is
scheduled for Tuesday June 8th in the
afternoon at 1:00 pm.
Detectives ask that anyone who
may have visited the store during the
evening of Monday, June 7, 1993,
prior to the report of the fire, 10:00
pm, to please contact Detective Sue
Hill or Wayne Svilar (503) 796-3400.
All information provided will be con­
sidered confidential. The investiga­
tion is continuing.
Public Assistance
Sought In Fatal
Traffic Accident
Near Lloyd Center
N.E. Broadway
W ashington Lottery Results
Wednesday 06/02/93 • 08-12-27-30-34-36
Saturday 06/05/93 • 04-10-30-40-42-46
3100 Block SW Macadam Avenue
On Monday, June 7, 1993 at ap­
proximately 2:15 am 9-1-1 dispatch­
ers received a call from a person iden­
tifying himself as a Broadway Cab
driver regarding a motorcyclist who
had been involved in an accident in
the 3100 block of SW Macadam Av­
enue, near the downtown on ramp
Upon the arrival of officers and medi­
cal personnel they found the motorcy­
clist at the scene, with his helmet
cracked The motorcyclist, Peter An­
drew Costanzo DOB 5-12-72, was
lertie’s Child Care Center
Bertie was a day care provider for
23 years. In the 1970’s. She was a day
care provider of A.M. A. day and night
care. She did day care for them for
about 10 years and another 13 years for
C h ild re n S e rv ic e s. She sta rte d
babysitting in her home and her dream
was to open up a day care center. In
September of 1992 Bertie, opened a
day care center here in Portland, O r­
egon located at 2717 NE 27th Broad­
way. As long as I have been here I
didn’t know that the daycare business
was a hard business to get into. I have
had problems with Children Services
trying to have my business meet their
standard for Children Services. Hav­
ing a day care center is more than just
loving children and taking care of
children. It takes money which we
didn ’ t have. We had to go in debt to get
the business running and yet needed
money and still trying to carry the
business on because there arc parents
out there that need day care and not
able to afford it. So with the help of the
Lord and your help w e’re going to try
to keep our doors open for the children
that need us and the parents too. I
found out that the day care center
needed teachers even though they don’t
have the love for children. For each
group, infant, toddler and preschool
transported to University Hospital
where he later died
Fatal Traffic Investigators believe
that Costanzo had just left a bar in the
Johns Landing area in SW Portland,
where he had been drinking with a
second person Costanzo apparently
left the bar with the man, who was
driving a rose colored 1986 Honda
Accord Shortly after leaving the bar
Costanzo lost control of his motor­
cycle and collided with an abutment.
Investigators believethe man, who
has been identified, in the Honda Ac­
cord may have been following or trav­
eling alongside Costanzo, who was
ridingablack 1981 Yamaha Maxima.
Traffic Investigators have attempted
to locate the original complainant who
reported the accident w ithout success.
Investigators would like to question
the complainant who identified him­
self as a Broadway Cab driver. Inves­
tigators would also like to speak with
anyone who may have seen or wit­
nessed anything prior to Costanzo’s
Any one with information which
they feel may be helpful to this inves­
tigation. please call. Fatal Traffic In­
vestigator, Randy T ucker at (502) 823-
2140. The investigation is continu­
7235 N. Omaha Avenue
On Sunday, June 6, 1993 at ap­
proximately 11:05 pm North Precinct
Uniform Officers were summoned to
7235 N. Omaha Avenue regarding a
man who had been shot. Upon the
arrival of officers and medical person­
nel they found the victim, Brice Dale
Bell DOB 4-10-57 suffering from a
gunshot wound to his right leg and left
hand. Bell, who was ambulatory, was
transported to Em anuel H ospital
where lie was treated.
According to Bell, he was at home
w hen someone rang the doorbell and
Bell answered the door. Upon open­
ing the door he was confronted by a
man w ho asked if he was “Brice.”
When the victim replied “yes’,
the suspect displayed a handgun and
fired several shots, some of which
struck the victim and others which
lodged in the victim ’s home. Accord­
ing to Bell, the shooting may have
been the result of a debt owed to the
victimby an acquaintance The victim
believes that the shooter may be asso­
ciated with the acquaintance.
The suspect is described as white
male, early 20 ’s, 5 ’8" tall, 160 pounds,
red hair, red mustache with goatee or
beard, blue eyes, wearing a black base­
ball cap, black t-shirt and dark colored
pants. No arrests have been made and
investigators have no suspects
AA Am bulance Struck
by G unfire
N E Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. &
Highland Street
On Monday, June 7, 1993 at ap­
proximately 12:58 pm, North Pre­
cinct Uniform Officers were sum­
moned to NE Martin Luther King Jr.
Blvd (MLK) and Highland Street re­
garding an ambulance w hich had been
struck by gunfire. Upon arrival offic­
ers contacted the complainants, Wil­
liam J. Steward DOB 6-21-65 and
David R. Elie DOB 10-22-69. The
complainants di reeled officers to their
ambulance and pointed to the roof
area of the ambulance where it ap­
peared as though it had been struck by
Reportedly, Steward and Elie
were parked in the NW corner park­
ing lot of NE MLK and Highland
Street, when a vehicle pulled up be­
hind them and parked about 100 feet
away. Steward and Elie reported hear­
ing what sounded like gunfire and
then the sound of the bullet striking
their ambulance. After the shooting
the vehicle drove away southbound.
No one was injured during this inci­
The suspect vehicle is described
as being an oxidized or maroon col­
ored Datsun (Nissan) station wagon,
occupied by three subjects. No arrests
have been made and officers have no
suspects The investigation is con­
Strike It Rich!
Advertise In The Portland Observer
Call 288-0033
Realty Inc.
“1" Class Guarantee”
700 N.E. Multnomah, Suite #400 • Portland,,Oregon 97232
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we still need teachers. I have went
through 35 teachers some that love
children that qualify for teachers but
didn’t have the qualification for teach­
ing, but had the love for children that
I would put over my children. The day
care center business is what we need to
work on as parents that has been
certified for the day care center. We
have from 25 to 30 children that do
need care and help, but their parents
are not able to pay for child care, but
we are here to help.
The center is open M onday
I ,.,,,
through Friday from 6am to 10pm. We
offer potty training .breakfast, an af­
ternoon snack, a late dinner and a late
snack. We have curriculum for each
. month.We have a care giver is for
each class and she has a curriculum
that she does with each class.
There is a current opening for
children, infant toddler and preschool.
For further information you can con­
tact Bertie Seamster, Director at her
home 503-280-8943 or at the center
503-281-8862. Feel free to call at any
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O p e n in g
R e c e p tio n , T u e sd a y
8, 1993
• 5 :0 0 - 7 :0 0 p m
United Way Agencies Begin
New Evaluation Project
United Way of the Columbia-
Willamclte has invested $40,000 in a
pilot project that will change the way
member agencies evaluate their ser­
vices This 12-month program will
test an ex aluation model developed by
the organization's Outcome Evalua­
tion Com m ittee over the las, 18
This model places an emphasis
on measurable improvements in cli­
ents' liv es, not solely on the number of
people served Because agencies will
have custom-designed evaluation
plans, they will end up with docu­
mented evidence of the help they pro­
vide to this community
Six United Way member agen­
cies have volunteered their involve­
ment with the pilot program includ­
ing The Boys and Girls Aid Society of
Oregon. Epilepsy Association of O r­
egon, Neighborhood Health Clinics
Inc. Oregon Council on Crime and
Delinquency, Portland Area Council
of Camp Fire, and Volunteers of
The funding will cover the cost of
training United Way and agency staff
involved with the project, including a
session on working with multi-cul­
tural agencies; technical assistance
and other training materials for agency
and United Way staff. and the hiring
of an independent ev aluator to exam­
ine the implementation of the process
and dcliv cr an evaluation of the model
Camp Fire's Hispanic Group Pro­
gram in Washington and Multnomah
counties will take part in the pilot
project Program leaders will be in-
volved in evaluating their scviccs to
measure the changes in the behav ior
of the children who participate in
these programs
"We're v cry concerned about how
successful we arc in the difference
we're making with the kids We need
a way to measure our programs. It's
important to know we're on the right
track with the youth,” said Maggie
Stone, Camp Fire's executive direc­
tor "We need a way to test the pro­
grams to say we're making a differ­
ence, the behaviors arc changing and
that self-esteem is growing in the
children who receive services
The money for the outcome evalu­
ation model came from United Way 's
reserve fund, which was generated
through sav ings in the organization’s
1992 operating budget
Hcuitrio Rolen-Lozano
Young Artist Project
P a c if ic
i t
N o r t h w e s t
i d
C o l l e c e
d l e
O f
A r t *
Vtktoriya Andreychenko
Matthew Bell
Lea Campbell
Floyd Davidson
David I-lores
Aziza Hendrix
Emaloni Iongi
Joe Lassley
Jayzackariah Leonard
Jonathon Miller
A rtist/Instru ctor: Em ily Ginsburg
Tuyet Nguyen
Eleuterio Rolon-Lozano
Benjamin Sawyer
Justice Small
Becky Ann Smith
Teaching assistant. Alaina Nearing
• C O t t F C E OP