r . . . . . .> ■ > -’ » I J une 9, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age C4 Grant High School’s National Honor Society (NHS) Elected Its New Executive Officers The membership of Grant High S chool’s N ational Honor Society (NHS)elected its new Executive offic­ ers Thursday, 20 May 1993. The newly-elected Officers are now Juniors and will be Seniors dur- ingthe 1993-94 school year They are: Alisa Harvey, President; Shannon Knepper, Secretary ; Public Relations Officers Tara L Johnson and Jeff Seym our; V ice-P resident A lexis Kourafas and Treasurer Colleen War­ rens. Tara is the only Black member of G rant’s National Honor Society at present As Co-Public Relations Offi­ cer, Tara says she intends to work to increase and encourage Black repre­ sentation. Putting words after action, Tara has been volunteering as a tutor in the G rant Success program Tara has also volunteered with the Forest Service and she w as awarded a summer research apprenticeship at the Oregon Health Sciences Univer­ sity last summer She is a student in G rant’s Institute for Science & Math­ ematics and has consistently received Superior and High Honors through­ out her high school career. In 1989 she It SEASONAL CADET APPLICANTS Oregon State Police... .... processed for a future eligibility list Cadets are an unarm ed uniform ed O fficer that generally patrols and w orks in the parks and beaches or other high tourist areas Seasonal Cadet Opportunities Fish & W ildlife C adet Program State Park C adet Program Sno-Park Season Program Minimum Qualifications are: • 18 years o f age o r older • No felony convictions • Licensed to operate a m otor vehicle • Pass a w ritten exam ination Starting salary is $8.07 hourly. Benefits dependent upon length o f employment. A pplications may be picked up at any O regon State Police O ffice or write. Tara L. Johnson O regon State Police Personnel Services Division 107 Public Service Building Salem, O regon 97310 Telephone: V oice/T D D (503) 378-3720 • FAX (503) 378-2360 received an award from the Black Emplovees’ Telecommunications As sociation(BETA )andin l990shew as )UNE 21, i 993 - aucust 20, 1993 recognized as state winner in an essay mallory avenue C hristian church 126 N.E. ALBERTA contest by the Daughters of the Ameri­ PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 503/208-517.3 can Revolution (DAR). T ara’s future focus is towards the Register bio-medical technology field Tara is the daughter of Lulu R. Stroud-John­ Today son and the granddaughter of the late Kelley Dolphus Stroud. An Equal O pportunity Em ployer P olice O fficer A pplicants T h in k A g a in . Oregon State Police... is now accepting applications for Recruit Police Officer. All applications received will be processed for a future eligibility list. Minimum Qualifications are: • 21 years of age or older • High School diploma or equivalent • Licensed to operate a motor vehicle • No felony convictions Starting salary Is $2,564 per month for the first year Applications may be picked up at any Oregon State Police Office or write: Oregon State Police Personnel Services Division 107 Public Service Building Salem, Oregon 97310 Telephone: Voice/TDD (503) 378-3720 FAX (503) 378-2360 YOU THINK TOUGH IS ALL YOU HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT IN THE MARINE CORPS, THINK AGAIN . is now accepting applications for Seasonal Police C adets. All applications received will be YOU ALSO HAVE TO BE SMART IF YOU VE GOT W HAT IT TAKES TO BE ONE OF US, SEE YOUR MARINE RECRUITER C A LL 5 0 3 -3 2 6 -3 0 1 6 An Equal Opportunity Employer EDW ARD W ADSW ORTH INSTITUTE FOR HAIR DESIGN Training True Professionals Men and Women REWARD in the U.S. Coast Guard we offer... 239-0838 (t 3 3 0 1 • Exciting Jobs • Technical Training • 30 Days Annual Paid Vacation • Good Starting Pay • Good Opportunity for Advancement • Free Medical/Dental It’s your future, plan wisely." SE S A N D Y B L V D ...and guarantee you an opportunity to serve your country through law enforcement, aviation, saving lives, and helping to protect our waterways from pollution and make them safer for mariners. Hot And Juicy Offer From Get the recipe for success as part of Wendy’s management team. Right now,Wendy’s International is looking for management trainees for our Portland area restaurants. Make A Difference If you are 17-27, a high school senior or graduate, and in good health, call 1-800- GET-USCG to find out more about our rewarding opportunities. DIVE INTO THE FUTURE Be part of the Action U.S. Coast Guard An Equal Opportunity Employer Qualified candidates will have a minimum 2 years’ restaurant management experience Sound tasty?Then stop byWendy’s Management Career Day to fill out an application and meet our representatives. W endy’s Management Career Day W hen: Time: W here: Thursday, June 17 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. Shilo Restaurant & Loung I 1707 NE A irp o rt Way Portland, OR 97220 Can’t make it? Send resume to: W endy’s International, Inc. d o Human Resources 4000 Kruse W ay Place Bldg 3 Suite 255 Lake oswego, OR 97035 W e are an equal opportunity employer m/f/v/h T o m orrow ’s world needs people with high-tech job skills, and the ability to provide leadership in a high-tech work environm ent. In the Navy, young m en and women are learning those skills tnilny. With high-tech training and job o p p o rtu n ities, the Navy can provid«1 an opp o rtu n ity to get a head-start on the future. Find out m ore from vour local Navy recruiter. IT’S YOUR NAVY. I low far you go is up to you. If you are 17 to 27 years old. e’re hiring. And. if you're a high school graduate visit your local A ir Force recruiter or call: we've got an opportunity for you W e'll train you 1-800-423-USAF. Plus, yo u'll get hands-on experience in a great A ir Force job. Then, when your A ir Force enlistment is up. those skills w ill be in demand in a civilian job. AIM HIGH W In addition to training and a good paycheck. the An Force w ill help you get an education. We’ll help you pay tor college while you're in the A ir Force. Also, we have a two-year degree program and apian to provide money lor school even after your A ir Force tour is over.