Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 09, 1993, Page 12, Image 12

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    J une 9, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
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AME Host Annual Banquet
The Albina Ministerial Alliance
is hosting its Fourteenth Annual Ban­
quet on Friday, June 11, 1993 at
6:30pm at Shenanigan’s on the W il­
lamette, 4575 N. Channel, Portland,
O regon. Dr. Joseph A. Boles o f
Tacoma, Washington will be the key-
note speaker at our cxciung event and
tickets are $25.00.
We are pleased to announce this
year’s theme is, “And Then There
Was Light”. Our theme came out of
the past year in AMA’s History is
which seem ingly unsurm ountable
obstacle presented themselves daily.
Throughout the years we have im­
pacted our community with our firm
stand on strengthening families and
developing our youth and children by
involving them in many positive ways
(such as: Family Day & Night Care,
Emergency Foods, Self Enhancement,
One Church-One-Child, Homeless
Shelter, Low-income Housing, sum­
mer Youth Employment Program,
Emergency Services).
Rev. J.A. Boles, Sr. came to
Tacoma October 1952, and organized
the St. John M issionary B aptist
Church, with eight (8) members. Over
the years, this number has grown to
over 2000. He has served as pastor of
the St. John BaptistChurch for the last
35 years.
Dr. Boles was instrumental in
implementing the anti-poverty pro­
gram and served as the chairperson of
the board for over two years. He orga­
nized the Model Cities Program of
Tacoma and served on the board for
over eighteen months. He also served
as City Commissioner for the City of
Tacoma from 1973 to 1976, and pres­
the e
entty serves as Commissioner
c o n tm is s io iic i u of i m
Committee of Ethics for the County of
Pierce in Washington. Dr. Boles is a
life time member of the NAACP and
has bought life lime membership for
the church. He is currently a member
of the Tacoma Urban League.
He serves as Executive Director
of the Tacoma Ministerial Alliance;
has also served as president of the
Alliance. He served as Moderator for
twenty years for the Progressive Bap­
tist Association, as well as President
of the Regional BTU and Sunday
School Congress of Washington, O r­
egon, and Idaho. Rev. Boles has headed
the support drive for the Jesse Jackson
Campaign, and is in the process of
raising $100,000.00 for the Dr. M ar­
tin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Fund.
We realize that there is no way we
can fight or stand alone in this en ­
deavor. So we call on you, the commu­
nity, churches, businesses, cultural
and educational institutions, and pri-
Please feel free to contact AM A at
(503) 285-0493 if additional informa­
tion is needed and to reserve your seat
at the Albina Ministerial Alliance’s
Fourteenth Annual Banquet.
¡fy& w s/ift' ()/uv'c/ of-¿/cud
5138 NE 23rd Avenue • Portland, OR 97211
Sunday School Serv ice 9:45am
Morning Worship 11:00am
Evening Worship 6pm
Mid-Week Service 7pm
Pastor James Coleman, Emmanuel Hospital Chaplain
Albina Ministerial Alliance
development of the community.
Primary Goal:
The mission of the Albina Minis­
provide exemplary leadership
terial Alliance is to develop and nur­
motivates, and en­
ture spiritual, social, and educational
(efficient and effec­
ideals and principles throughout the
Albina ecumenical community by fos­ tive) of serv ices delivered throughout
tering the concept of community de- the organization, and community.
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Moreover, the Alliance will sen e as a
foundation for those indiv iduals and
organizations seeking to maintain a
high sense of moral conduct in their
lives as well as in their human and
social relationships.
In pursuing its mission, the Al­
bina Ministerial Alliance will work to
promote human dignity, and spiritual
and social renewal in the administra­
tion of its programs. The Alliance will
also seek to collaborate and coordi­
nate w ith other organizations that hav e
as their objectives the intellectual,
social, economic, moral, and spiritual
History and Background:
A lbina M in iste ria l A lliance
(AM A) is an ecumenical organization
involving 40 or more Ministers serv­
ing congregations in North/Northeast
Portland It was organized more than
50 years ago by local African Ameri­
can M inisters in an a ttem p t to
strengthen and enhance their minis­
tries as Pastors Realizing that strength
comes from many hearts striving to­
wards the same goal, the organization
(after some years) in 1964 became
integrated to include clergy of all eth­
nic and denominational backgrounds.
In 1971, having recognized the need
African-American Clergies
Sponsor Summer Youth Program
to work closer with the community
outside the church walls, AMA be­
came incorporated.
With incorporation came pro­
grams initiated by the local lay-people
seeking to strengthen our community.
During the past tw enty (20) years may
programs in our community hav e come
and gone, however programs that be­
come part of AMA have remained and
are experiencing tremendous growth.
We began the 1980’s with a bud­
get of $500,000.00 and grew to 3.5
million by 1992 Our current budget is
approximately two (2) million dollars
(due to the transition in the program)
Presently operating under the um­
brella of AMA are five (5) programs:
AMA Family Day & Night Care, Self
Enhancement Incorporation, Neigh­
borhood Connections, One Church
One Child, and Emergcncy/Commu-
nity Serv ices.
To Advertise Call
Kafoury To
Memorial Plaque
City Com m issioner G retchen
Kafoury will host a ceremony on Fri­
day, June 11 th a t 3 :30p.m. to dedicate
a memorial plaque to Bob Crooks, a
Portland lawyer whose practice fo­
cused on low-income housing. The
ceremony will take place at the South
end of the McCormick Pier Apart­
ments at 600 NW Front. A reception
will follow the dedication at the
McCormick Pier Recreation Room.
Friends and acquaintances are invited
to attend both events.
Along with representing numer­
ous non-profit housing developers,
Crooks devoted substantial volunteer
time to many community efforts --
serving as the Chair of Transition
Projects, and a key member of the
planning team that produced the City’s
Comprehensiv e Housing Affordability
Strategy. It was Crooks’ legal work
that paved the way for the City’s suc­
cessful effort to assist a community
non-profit acquire the Dominion Capi­
tal inventory. Crooks died at the age of
39of an unexpected heart attack while
running along the Willamette River
on December 5, 1992.
Inthesum m erof 1985,agroupof a day Monday-Friday at St. Mark
W ljc I j l u r t l a t i h O b s e r v e r
North Portland pastors and commu­ Baptist Church at 103 NE Morris St.
nity leaders met with former mayor (one blocks east of the NIKE outlet
Bud Clark to express concern over the store on MLK Blvd). We plan to pro­
increasing gang presence in our neigh­ vide clothing for kids in crisis along
borhood. His response was. ‘Wait ‘til with job placement assistance and
the rains come. They’ll move back to counseling for teenagers ages 14-19.
There will be a 24-hour hotline for
L A .”
Well, the rains have come and emergency assistance and crisis inter­
gone many times. And now, eight vention. And every Saturday through­
years later, there are at least 1,800 out the summer, we will host an out­
known gang members in our city, not reach program in one of the neighbor­
Prearranged funeral plans save your family a
counting the wanna-bes. We have a hood parks (from 12:00 noon to
needless burden and can freeze costs at today's
serious problem, and it’s time to do 5:00pm) prov iding recreation, gospel
music and refreshments for youth.
prices. Call today or return the coupon for more
something about it. Together.
is real help-Front the Inside Out.
information on traditional, memorial, or cremation
From the Inside Out is sponsored
If you would like to be a part of
by A frican-A m erican Clergies, a
services. O f course, there is no
groupof local minsters reaching out to this program cither with financial as­
cost or obligation.
inner city youth (ages 6-19), gang sistance or providing other resources,
please contact African-American Cler­
members and families.
Caldwell’s Colonial Chapel
P.O. Box 12294, 103 N.E.
The local churches arc putting
NE 14th & Sandy • 232-4111
together a summer program to serve Morris Street, Portland, OR 97212
breakfast and lunch for 200-400 kids (503) 282-3975
Peace of mind for the
people you care about the most.
223 SE 122nd Ave. • 255-7811
Worth Caldwell, Jr.
You Are Invited
\apef a ftd e G/u'mes
Bryon C. Audd
Funeral Director
Funeral Home • Cemetery • Memorial Garden
Killingsworth Chapel
430 N. Killingsworth
Portland, Oregon 97217
Lombard Chapel
3018 N. Lombard
Portland, Oregon 97217
To Attend “Children's Day 1993"
June 13, 1993 at 4:00 P.M.
Maranatha Church
4222 N.E. 12th
Portland, Oregon 97211
Rev Emmett Wheatfall, Pastor
Everyone Is Welcome:
Fathers * Mothers *
Grandparents *
All Senior Citizens
Please Come And Encourage Our Children
This Program Will Include Children O f All Races And Nationalities
Thank You
For more information call Rev. John Parker 284-7563 or the church
at 288-7241
Name______________ ______ ___________________________
M allory Avenue
Christian Church
''Come to me all you uiho are
uueary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest."
. State___ Zip.
Citv .
(greater jS aint jgrtepljen
¿•missionary ^Baptist (Cljurclj
"Serving The L ord W ith G ladness”
P salm 100:2
Sunday School 10am
Morning Worship 11:05
Mid Week:
Prayer & Bible Study 7pm
Rev. G.L. Black 1 Pastor
3707 N. W illiam s Ave.
(503) 281-8117 Portland, OR 97227
Family Owned a n d Operated Since 1954 Serving
the City o f Portland fo r over 3 7 years In your
hour o f need Vann & Vann are there to serve.
Sunday School
Morning UJorsfiip
Tuesday ßilble
Study and Prayer
Inter-racial Congregation
5211 N. Williams Portland, OR 97217
126 NÆ. Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 j
Ijîaul ¿EHtsstottarg
^Baptist (Gljurrl)
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
C h u rch Phone: 289-0147
. Phone
We Welcome You To The
V ann (W ann
L Yes. 1 w ould like to schedule an appointm ent w ith
your pre-planning counselor.
Portland Oregon 97203
S tud y Phone: 28 9-19 11
Evangelist Gregory Fobbs
Has moved Sunday sevices to
W orship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, W ednesdays, 116 N .E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Sunday School
9 :3 0
Bible Study
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
Evening Service
Pastor. Re JamesC.E. Faulkner
Them e: W hatever your going to do for the Lore, do It now.
I Peter i v . l l
Restoring New Testament Christianity
Bad s Oil 8e nice
heating oils
B e s t C a sh P ric e s
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
/M b ,
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
Bible Study
9:30 am
Morning Worship
10:45 am
Men's Training Leadership
Women's Bible Class
5:00 pm
Evening Worship 6:00 pm
Attended nursery for all services
Wednesday prayer meeting
and Bible study
7:00 pm
Stone Tower Church
N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th
Sunday Service
104 NE Russell
Portland. OR 97212
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