'VVVVvAAtvVrr* V vW w • • V ♦ 4 ♦ * • >* ♦ V* *♦’’* X» % : -' •-. v«i f f V W ♦ r * ♦ *• ♦ '♦ •* ♦ r » * ^ « < ♦ ♦ < •s P age B5 T he P ortland O bserver • J une 9, 1993 r y / ...J J J * Xef; * __ I Wlje Jîortlanh (©bseriier Task Force To Patronize Restaurants P ortlan d ’s Black D ollar D ays T ask Force will continue the cam ­ paign to stim ulate the grow th o f A fri­ can A m erican R estaurants in north and northeast Portland. T w o restau ­ rants shall be targeted to patronize on June 16 and 17. They are T o n i’s Soul Food and Steens Kitchen. Last month the target was D oris’ Cafe. An early m orning breakfast will be held at T o n i’s on W ednesday, June 16, beginning at 6 :3 0 am . The restau­ rant, located at 3962 N E M .L.K. Jr., Blvd. offers a warm atm osphere and bills itself as offering “G reat Home Cooked M eals.” T o n i’sp ro v id esacall ahead service for drive thru window custom ers for reservations call 249- TONI. On Thursday evening, June 17, T ask Force m em bers and friends are encouraged to have dinner at Steens K itchen. “ Specializing in hom e style cooking,” Steens is located at 7332 NE M .L.K . Jr. Blvd. C am ell Crum , president o f the Portland chapter, will be on hand to discuss the T ask Force and the various program s and strate­ gies o f econom ic em pow erm ent it plans to bring to Portland. A ccording to C rum , “T he o rga­ nization is com m itted to a process by w hich A frican A m ericans organize for them selves and build a unified base addressing the real cause o f pov­ erty and econom ic inequalities in our com m unity.” The support o f an A fri­ can A m erican ow ned restaurant is an effort organized by the Black Dollar Days T ask Force to strengthen Afri­ can A m erican ow ned businesses. T h e r e s ta u r a n t p ro g ra m is m odeled afte r a sim ila r program th a t h a s p ro v e n s u c c e s s f u l in Seattle’s central area. It is funded by aC ityofS eattlcC om m unity D evel­ opm ent Block G rant. T he Seattle program provides business assistance, training and m arketing strateg ies to r e s ta u r a n t o w n e rs . T h u s far the program has been exciting and in s p ir in g . M a tc h in g n e e d s to available resources has been skillfully cultivated. A n increase in revenues can be seen in participating restau­ rants. T he public is invited to partici­ pate in all Black D ollars D ays Task Force events. For additional inform a­ tion call 284-0322. K IT C H E N ‘S p e c i a l i z i n g in H o m e S t y l e C o o k in g ” Open fo r Breakfast at R: 00am Closed at 6:00pm (503) 286-8289 7332 NE M artin Luther King, Jr. 503/281-8696 Tropicana 1 Restaurant Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Specializing in Barbeque Ribs & Beef Tues -Thus 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Fri & Sat. 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM 3217 N. Wiiiiams Avenue FINE FOODS Try our Single D Cheese Burger or Mushroom Burger 283-1251 230 N. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97217 T oni s R e sta u r a n t P h a se #2 C a te r in g C o n cep ts African American Men’s Club, Inc. 2 4 9 -T O N I ¿ fíin e te e n m (je/eof*cition O p e n 7:00 am to 11:00 pm M /T liu r tJ a y F ri/S a t. 7 0 0 am to 4 0 0 am Su n 9 0 0 am to 9 :0 0 pm D ance* D ance* D ance* D an ce T e x a s B B Q L o u isia n a F ish F ry C a su a l D re ss S a tu rd a y , Ju n e 19, 1993 T e x a s II A nnex & C o u rty a rd Annual St. Philips B ar B-Q June 12 The M en’s Club c f St. Philip the D eacon Episcopal C hurch is serving the 8th A nnual Bar-B-Q at 120 NE K nott on S aturday, June 12 from 11a.m. to 5p.m. M eals are available in the C hurch or as take-outs w ith a donation o f $5.00 Peanut Butter & Jam Turns Ten With Hot Horns, Cold Sundaes 1625 N .E . A lb erta 6 P M . to 2 A M PORTLAND OBSERVER 'The Eyes and Ears ol the CcmmunitY' O ftice: (503) 280-0033 F ax# : (503) 200-0015 $3.00 N on-Profit O rganization - :1 - 'A ? ** * < ••¿Zi • A : “A • ,.4 ‘ ■ * * I. 4 • > -** *.• . .*? 7 < 7. '• in grocery stores across the country and available in five flavors includ­ ing: C hocolate E clair, Straw berry S hortcake, C andy C runch, toasted A lm ond, and, the new est addition to the line, The O riginal Vanilla Bar. The O riginal V anilla ice cream bar is tire product featured on the side o f the old G ood H um or trucks. In 1992, “the classics” were the num ber on selling new frozen novelty brand introduc­ tion, and C hocolate Eclair w as the num ber one selling new frozen nov­ elty, according to AC N ielsen ratings. In conjunction with the tour. Good Humor will air national television com m ercials with the familiar tagline, “The nam e will take you back, the taste will Like you aw ay.” And in keeping with G ood H um or’s concern for value, national coupons will be available for “The C lassics” in local new spapers across the country on July 25 and A ugust 10. Gold Bond-G ood Humor is the industry leader in m anufacturing fro zen novelties in the United States A ccording to April 1993 AC Nielsen rep o rts, G old B ond-G ood H um or ranks num ber one in volum e (18.1) and value (16.3) share in the frozen novelty category. The G old Bond G ood Humor ice Cream company ol fersa full line of product ranging fro'' prem ium adult to ch ild ren 's fro/ u novelties, inc luding well known brands such as Popsicle, Good Humor, and Klondike. Ad Prices Good June 9 through June 15,1993 At Safeway. Fam ilv iy P ack Top Sirloin $088 Bonesless beef steak smoke. Brought to you once again by our friends at T he Business Journal and U S. Bank, the eighteen concerts will n in from June 15 to A ugust 12, every T u esd ay an d T h u rs d a y at noon. T h ere’s m usic for every taste, includ­ ing blues, country, salsa, w orld-beat, rock and classical music. Johnny Limbo and the Lugnuls, M anucla Figueroa & La M ayor Salsa, < ¿ i t Nobody does it Better.. .for less T his sum m er, the Peanut Butter an d Jam Sessions turn ten w ith a special opening day concert on June 15. For the last nine years, this series o f noontim e shows has been eagerly anticipated by dow ntow n office w ork­ ers, school kids, and lunchtim e shop­ pers. It’s the best place in tow n to enjoy the sum m er w eather, grab a bite to eat, and check out the best o f the local music scene All th a t’s m issing is late hours, dank rooms and cigarette V ern Collins & Cross County, and Lloy d Jones are ju st a few o f the nam es that will be burning up the bricks throughout the sum m er O ur popular ch ild ren ’s concert is July 6 and this y e a r ’s p erfo rm e rs a re M ike and C arlccn M cComack and the G arden Variety Band. W ccouldn’tth in k o fa b c ttc rb a n d to kick off our tenth year than Perfect 10. P ortland’s hottest horn band The group plays Motown, rock, funk-all the best party music And w hile Per­ fect 10 is m aking hot music, cold sundaes will help celebrate our tenth year D arigold will be dishing up a special peanut butter ice cream and H oody's and W alls Berry Farm will deliver the toppings for a peanut but­ ter and ja m sundae G reat music, free sundaes, and beautiful sum m er weather D on’t miss our tenth year o f jam m in*. A » r 7 j - ;> The Good Humor Man's Monumental Tour The G ood Humor Man is back and making ‘T h e C lassic” , m onu­ m e n tal, tw e n ty -c ity , to u r a c ro ss Am erica this sum m er, which included a stop in Portland from June 4-6. H ighlights o f the Portland visit included a stop at the new Safew ay store (72nd & N E Sandy Blvd.) in Rose City from 10:00-11:30am on Friday, June 4 and the Rose Festival Opening Night Firew orks diat evening at 9:45pm (New Park M emorial by Hawthorne Bridge); and the Rose F es­ tival Starlight Parade on Saturday, June 5, at 8:30pm (on Taylor between Park and Broadway). On Sunday .June 6, the Good Hum or Truck com pleted its route at the annual Rose Bud Picnic for handicapped children in O aks Park from 11:30am to 2:00pm. Tw o uniform clad G ood Humor Men and a renovated, old fashioned, G ood humor truck will tour twenty cities and giveaw ay free “The C las­ sics” Ice Cream Bars to kids o f all ages. In addition, the G ood H um or Men will distribute nostalgic posters, collectible postcards, and Polaroid photos taken with the G ood Humor Man. The tour celebrates Good Humor’s ro le in A m erican h isto ry as the in v e n to r o f “ Ic e C re a m on a Stick”, the neighborhood ice cream truck and the friendly Ice Cream Man. In keeping with the historical aspect o f the tour, the truck will visit A m eri­ can m onum ents and landm arks in­ cluding: St. L ouis’ A rch, Seattle’s Space Needle, New Y ork’s Staten Is­ la n d , a n d W a s h in g to n D C ’s S m ithsonian’s National Postal M u­ seum. The truck will also appear at o th e r fa m ily o r ie n te d s ite s including:Portland’s Rose Festival, Kansas C ity ’s Zoo, and C hicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo. “The C lassics” ice cream bars, given away on the sum m er tour, were once sold only on neighborhood ice cream trucks. Now “The C lassics” are »• lb Sweet Ripe Cantaloupe 25 Fresh-Cut lb. ...35( E n j o y E x t r a S a v i n g s W it h T h e N e w ’In -S to r c * S a fe w a y S h o p p in g G u id e Look In The This Week Magazine for your Safeway Shopping Guide for a complete list of specials on sale this week at Safeway! . a ju m M 1 ••*» **> • ., ♦ « • » « . • • • • • • ♦ • •’ lb. Available at your Safeway store. • • *• • v •v > * * ' • ¿ * •» ’ * * * ' • • -Z;’*»»>*!•.• ' "■ V * ' .Vv \ * * ■* J r » ■ #'vj ‘»A.? * * * ’ „ ¿Wwif ‘ L . •'*4 ♦ -f »ÉaSfrÍ • 'ÍT & n N ,. ä I«