Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 09, 1993, Image 1

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    Serving the community through cultural diversity.“
Voinnin XXIII. Number 23
^Inrilanh (0rtseruer.
1993 Rose Festival Court
Keri Zuercher
Kurra Turner
Petrovic Dies In Auto
Accident In Germany
Police said Petrovic was sitting in the
front passenger seat when the driver of
the car lost control. The 6 ’5" Petrovic
was selected to the all NBA third team
this past season. He had also played
with the Portland Trail Blazers.
See Related Story on Page B2
Joy Jones
Leteefah Sadruddin
Artists Celebrate 20
Years At Saturday
Thousands of artists made their start at
the Saturday Market over the years.
E n te rta in e rs such as T he F ly in g
Karamozov Brothers, went on to the
‘big tim e’. Some vendors have gone on
to open their own shops, however four­
teen vendors have stuck with Saturday
Market for twenty years.
Melissa Nguyen
Elsie Rucel Ariola
See Related Story on Page BI
Oregon’s State
Government 7th Most
Efficient In Nation
Every year Financial World magazine
ranks all 50 states based on how skill­
fully and efficiently they use their tax
dollars--how well they mr. their state
governments to make sure money isn’t
wasted. Oregon ranks 7th. Oregon is
also a national model for improving
government Oregon is a national leader
in planning for results. “Our work is to
make sure state government delivers
services as well as possible will never
end,” states Gov ernor Barbara Roberts.
“By being tight with our dollars be­
tween legislature sessions, we are able
to use that money to pay for services in
the next two years.”
See Related Story on Page A3
The Guinier Affair
President Clintons’ decision to dump
Lani Guinier as his nominee to head the
Civil Rights Division in the U S. De­
partment of Justice confirms our great­
est fears. Senator Bob Dole did a mas­
terful job of using the Willie Horton-
type of fear mongering and welfare
queen-stereotyping of Blacks to conjure
up visions of liberalism gone amuck to
sabotage this nomination. The lesson
should be clear to African-Americans.
It’s not about qualifications, but about
political power and control at any cost.
See Related Story on Page A 2
Memorial Coliseum
Transition Begins
Oregon Arena Corporation announced
that it will assume management of
Memorial Coliseum and plans to hire
41 full time employees. MERC issued
lay off notices to all current Coliseum
employees. More than 53% of the avail­
able positions have been offered to cur­
rent Coliseum employees. 50% of all
new hires arc also residents of the city of
Portland, and 30% of those new hires
arc inner north/northeast residents.
See Related Story on Page A 4
This years Queen o f Rosaria, from Cleveland High
School, Mikylah Myers
Rachell Tolman
Tina Weatheroy
Annemarie Adams
Janice Willie
Special Seating For The
Grand Floral Parade
Commissioner Mike Lindberg announced
seating will be available for senior citizens
and indiv iduals with special disabilities w ho
want to view the Rose Festival Grand Floral
Parade. Saturday. June 12.
The reserved seating (Park bench seating
and an open area for w heelchair view ing) is on
the east side o f NE M artin Luther King Jr.
Boulev ard in front of the conv ention center
Two portable toilets will be at this location,
with one accessible to the handicapped On the
west side, park bench seating only will be on
both sides of SW Stark, between Broadway
and Park in downtown Portland.
Parking for vehicles with disabled park­
ing permits has been reserved for both areas
The east side parking location is in the con­
vention center parking lot of a $4.00 charge.
The west side locat ion is on SW Ninth between
Park and Oak. and can accommodate about 30
vehicles on a first-come, first-served basis.
Monitors will be on duty to assist Com­
missioner Lindberg urges people to come
early for the best v iewing points
:iflc Power Ranks Among The
it In Utility Cost”
“Tommy Morrison UpSets George
fc Power has taken steps, including
si non o f low-cost energy resources,
ing, the company will remain a low
provider o f electricity.
Tommy Morrison's 20 year age advantage
paid o ff fo r him as he defeated George
Foreman in a 12 round unanimous decision.
It never became the slugfest as was
expected. Neither could hurt the other.
Page B2
Page A 4
Michelle Rugh
Keri Win free
Sarah MacKay
The Grand Floral
Parade: Among My
Although the Portland Rose Festival
has more than 70 exciting events planned
for its 85th annual season, the Delta Air
Lines Grand Floral Parade is always the
highlight of the 25-day Festival.
The Delta Air Lines Grand Floral Pa­
rade showcases some 26 all-floral floats, 22
high school marching bands from around
the Northwest. Washington. Idaho, Colo­
rado, California and Taiwan, 39 equestrian
units, a Grand Marshal, special guests and
the newly -chosen Queen ofRosana, Miky lah
Mey ers from Cleveland High School, and
her Royal Court.
Spectators from throughout the coun­
try line the streets of downtown Portland to
see the nation’s second largest of all-floral
parade and the single-largest attraction in
Oregon In 1992, more than 500,000 people
lined the streets along the 4.5-mile parade
route This year, a record high of nearly 30
million television households across the
United Sates will receive the parade on a
sy ndicated television netw ork from Anchor­
age to Atlanta.
Ahmad Rashad, former University of
Oregon All-American and host o f “ NBA;
Inside Stuff,” along with his wife, Phyiicia
Rashad of “The Cosby Show,” will serve as
the Grand Marshals for the 1993 Delta Air
Lines Grand Floral Parade.
Parade spectators can vote for their
favorite float after the parade on Saturday
and Sunday at the Mervyn’s Showcase of
Floats at Oregon Square located on N.E.
Holladay between 7th and 9th streets. Bal­
lots will be available at the float display
area. Ballots may be turned m at Portland
Mervyn’s stores before June 20. The awards
will be announced in The Oregonian on
June 22.
Picking a favorite float is never easy,
however, and 1993 will be no exception.
The float themes will follow the 1993 Rose
Festival Theme, “Among My Souvenirs.”
Alway s a fav orite in the parade is the KOIN-
TV float carrying the newly -crowned Queen
of Rosaria. Miky lah Mey ers, and her court
The Junior Court also has its own float
sponsored by This Week Magazine
Lyle Cobb, a fav orite in the equestrian
entries, celebrates his 46th anniversary in
the Grand Floral Parade. He is in his eight­
ies and will be riding in a special horse-
drawn carriage
Top quality bands from around the
United States and the world have been
invited to march in the Delta Air Lines
G ran d F loral P arad e in c lu d in g the
Eisenhower High School Marching Band
from Rialto, California; Ov erland High from
Aurora. Colorado; Burley High School Band
from Burley. Idaho; Fire Brigade Band from
New South Wales. Australia; the Shu-Te
GirlsHomcEconomicandCommcrcial High
School Marching Band from Kaohsiung.
The Miller Genuine Draft One More
Time Around Again Marching Band, all
5 36 members, will once again march through
the streets o f Portland in the parade. The
Wendy's/D. A R E . Rose Festival Flag Tearn
is the opening act of the Delta Air Lines
Grand Floral Parade for the third year An
elite group from the 200-member team of
Portland area high school students will start
the parade with v ibrant images for the 30-
million TV households that can tunc into
the parade across the country .
Paul Zahn of CBS This Morning em ­
cees the parade with Mike Donahue and
Shirley Hancock of KOIN-TV, w hich is the
originating station for the parade telecast.
Arts & Entertainment
“‘What’s Love Got To Do With it?’:
The True Life Story Of Tina Turner”
“Free Program Provides Watchful
Eye For Homebound Adults”
An impressionable young woman, Tina
Turner falls fo r the charms o f musician Ike
Turner. ?4.v /Zit’/r professional careers soared,
their personal troubles threaten to destroy
what they had worked for.
Page B3
I f mail backs up, even fo r one day, the
letter carriers know to contact Good
Samaritan, where the CarrierLink staff
immediately contacts fam ily or friends to
check in.
Page B4