Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 02, 1993, Page 9, Image 9

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    P age B3
T he P ortland O bserver • J une 2, 1993
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Jlnrilanh (©bserticr
Portland Opera Performing Arts
Scholarships To Be Awarded To Minority
P ortland O pera G eneral D irector
Robert Bailey recently announced that
P o rtland O p e ra 's P erform ing A rts
S cholarship w ould be aw arded for the
second year in succession
These scholarships, designed to
recognize achievem ent and prom ote
interest in the perform ing a its am ong
m inonty students in the Portland com ­
m unity, w ere initiated last year and
are aw arded to two graduating high
school seniors an d ten g raduating
m iddle school students.
Selected on the basis o f excel­
lence in any facet o f the perform ing
arts (including, but not lim ited to,
perform ance, production design and
execution, direction, and backstage
te ch n ic al w ork), th e h ig h school
scholarships include a $1000 aw ard
to be used tow ards that stu d e n t's
future education and a $ 1000 scholar­
sh ip to P ortlan d State U niversity.
T he ten $100 m iddle school aw ards
may be used by the recipients to
further any aspect o f their interest
in m usic and the perform ing arts
an d m ig h t be used for m usic or
d ance lessons, instrum ent repair or
p u rc h a s e , e tc . . As p a r t o f th e
scholarship awards, students will have
the chance to become involved with
the Portland O pera and experience
first-hand the inner w orkings o f a
professional perform ing arts organi­
In recognition o f its strong his­
tory o f perform ing arts, Jefferson High
School has once again been selected
as the recipient high school. M iddle
school scholarships will go to students
at Jefferson’s ‘ feeder" m iddle schools.
T ubm an M iddle School and Ockley
G reen M iddle School.
O rig in a lly en v isio n ed in th e
O pera’s long range plan and estab­
lished as part o f its C ultural Diversity
Plan last year, the scholarships are
made possible through the individual
generosity of the Portland Opera Board
o f Directors, two prom inent African-
A m erican businessnten--M r. Louis
B oston o f the Boston T rain in g &
M arketing G roup and Mr. D avid M.
Nero Jr o f N ero and A ssociates~and
Portland State University.
In m aking his generous dona­
tion, M r Boston expressed the hope
Governor Douglas Wilder
To Appear On BET’s Teen
V ir g in ia G o v e rn o r D o u g la s
W ilder will be a special guest on B E T ’s
Teen Sum m it, Saturday, June 5 at
12pm ET.
G overnor W ilder will appear as
Teen S u m m it’s “ M eet T he B est."
D uring the show, the Teen Sum m it
Posse w ill have ail opportunity to ask
him questions abut his teen years, his
career, how being the first Black gov­
ernor has affected him and how teens
can m ake an im pact on politics in
th eir com m unity.
Also appearing on the show will
be M ayor D avid D inkins o f New York
and Congressm an Clco Fields (D-La ).
Both will explai n the pow er o f politics
and how im portant it is tor teens to
become active, interested and involved
w ith politics in theircom m unity. S un­
shine recording group T hree Tim es
Love w ill perform “I W ant to Groove:
and C lassic E xam ple will perform "I
Do C are" and "D o n ’t M ake Me W ait.”
Teen Summit is B E T ’s aw ard­
w inning, weekly, live one-hour talk
show where the focus is on issues
affecting A frican-A m erican teens.
BET is the n atio n ’s first ah a only
cable television network prov iding a
platform for quality program m ingtar-
geted tow ard an A frican-A m erican
audience. BET represents the best in
entertainm ent, music videos, news,
public affairs, jazz, specials, off-net-
w ork sitcom s, gospel an d college
sports BET is ow ned bv BET H old­
ings, a publicly traded company on the
New York Slock E xchange (NYSE).
BET is currently available in 35.7
m illion households, as reported by
A C N ielsen
that “many other local businesses and
organizations would see the im por­
tance o f recognizing the work o f stu­
dents whose efforts that go largely
unnoticed an d jo in us in m aking these
aw ards larger an d more num erous
next year ”
N oting the significance o f this
scholarship program , M ichael G rice
o f the Portland Public Schools com ­
mented, "W e believe that this invest­
ment in the liv eso f these y oung people
will generate a substantial return for
our greater com m unity.”
T his y ear’s evaluation and selec­
tion panel will be com prised o f M el­
issa M eyer (A ssistant Dean o f Fine
and Perform ing Arts, Portland State
U n iv ersity ), D r D a rre ll M illn er
(C hair, Black Studies Departm ent,
Portland State U niversity), M ichael
G rice (Portland Public Schools), Louis
Boston (Boston T rain in g & M arket­
ing G roup), and representatives from
the Portland O pera
A subsequent press release will
be issued w hen the w inners o f the
Portland O pera scholarsliips havebeen
(Tbr Ç n r tln n h tO bsrvirer
To Advertise
Call 288-0033
£ -JiY.
“In The Mix, A New Series For, By, And About Teenagers
Like a video superm arket, In T he
M ix, public telev ision’s new weekly
series for and by teens, makes its debut
with som ething to interest everybody
Six stones, ranging from m ale-fem ale
relationships to tattoos, will be cov­
ered in the opening hour-long pro­
Co-host Jennifer Lee provides a
spyglass on w h at’s happening in teen
culture when she exam ines the explo­
sive use o f tattoos throughout thecoun-
try. W hile some tattoos qualify as
works o f art an d are a source o f pride
for their bearers, others outgrow them.
W hat are liens looking for in getting
or getting rid o f tattoos? How do they
protect them selves? W hat are the d a n ­
gers in getting perm anent or tem po­
rary tattoos? A plastic surgeon w arns
teens about the proper application o f
tattoos, w hat dangers to be aw are of,
how to prevent contacting the AIDS
virus or hepatitis, and w hat steps can
be taken to remove perm anent tattoos.
You guessed it: th e re’s a segm ent
on guys and girls You take two pizzas
and a circle o f girls m unching out on
one, and a circle o f boys devouring
another, and sure enough talk turns to
pick-ups, dating, and experiencing
relationships. W hat io do, w hat to say,
how to behave th ey ’re all answ ered in
rapid sequence, as the cam era bounces
from one cluster to an o th er O ne exu­
berant teen confides his sure fire o pen­
ing line to get a g irl’s attention. “Say,
Excuuuze Me! It w orks every time.
The mood changes in the next
segment, w hen an investigative report
by co-host K evin Jordan focuses on
the illegal use o f steroids by teens We
meet Special A gent N ick A lieva o f the
Federal D rug E nforcem ent Agency
and watch DEA officers on an actual
drug bust M alt Bahr, a N ational Foot­
ball League star, candidly talks about
play ers’ use o f steroids and the d an ­
gers involved A form er teen dealer
tells o f his sorties to the M exican
border to pick up illegal steroids for
resale up north, describing the kinds
o f teenagers who were his frequent
customers. Kevin stops by a gym where
teen bodybuilders talk about steroids
and how they becam e hunks without
the use o f illegal drugs— an issue that
affects m illions o f teens todav
A reigning teen hunk and fan
fav orite, Ian Ziering, star o f "Beverly
Hills, 90210,” is profiled Co-host
M elanie G lickson w ent on location to
meet Ian w hen he was m aking a p er­
sonal appearance before sev eral thou­
sand adm iring fans at a shopping mall
in suburban Boston. A m ong other
things, he urges teens not to em ulate
Steve Sanders, the cocky self-centered
character he plays. ‘Try to be respon­
sible,” he says unlike acting, life
d o esn 't give you a dress rehearsal.
S h iftin g g e a rs a g a in , A lim i
B allard, a dancer him self, is the per­
fect co-host to take us into the w orld o f
hip hop (a culture that is spreading
nationw ide) Strong on m usic, rich on
v isuals, w e get a real overview o f how
this cultural phenom enon is sw eeping
the country.
T he final segm ent gives us an up-
close look at one o f our teens W ho
M ake a Difference,” LaToya H unter
LaToya kept a personal journey o f her
mov e from the island o f Jam aica to the
UPS. m ainland Now in publication
by Crown Publishers Inc., she iecords
for us the joys and sorrows of life in
new surroundings at a new stage in
her life. Her relationships w ith fam ily
an d friends are described and her in ­
nerm ost feelings are revealed Always
plugged into the latest m usic trends,
IN THE M IX, spotlights som e of
today s hottest music videos through­
out each program .
Sue Castle is executive producer
o f IN THE MIX, w hich is a production
o f W NYC-TV, New York D avid Sit
is executive in charge
He’s a tuleni agent.
She’s a thief
3 2 n d ék E. BURNSIDE
Looks like they've already
T’ 2 3 rcj & NW JOHNSON
2 3 1 -8 9 2 6
got something in common.
2 4 8 -0 1 6 3
T h o m u M »binm n’»
After watching this Film about a young African American man
trying to break out of hie existence as a hustler on the mean
streets of Watts you might feel as If you've done a tour of duty.
Welcome to LA- the other LA"
•« .« » W re iK T S f
Starts Friday, June 4th At These Theatres!
[» » '
i . u h s
V U Illl
J « * « « ■ V U I!l|i* » t l » • * • » Jt-L
. t ■ I > f \
MALL 205
»os»**» fwrFAAwisrs
S h o w in g
B L O C K B U S T E R ."
Check Directory
for Showtime).
Family Concert Series At Metro Washington
Park Zoo
Ten weeks o f great music at M etro
W ashington Park Zoo, featuring Your
Zoo and all T h at Jazz on Wednesday s
and Rhythm & Zoo on Thursdays.
B ring your blanket or ch air and picnic
on the law n in the outdoor am p h ith e­
ater Concerts are from 7 to 9 pm.
Y our Zoo and All T hat Jazz is spon­
sored by M eier & Frank and KEDS in
cooperation w ith Oregon Publ ic Broad-
casting. T he Rhythm & Zoo sen es is
sponsored by GTE N orthw est in coop­
“Whatever Happened To
Black Love?”
.11- T
' t t i O T P X ’H h ’fc v U ’ „--¡te I
iM O
For information: (503) 224-4400
! Teaser's Top Shops >
At The Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall
"W hatever H appened to Black
L ove?,” a th o u g h t-provoking play
aboul the trials a nd tribulations oflov c
gone wrong, will hit the stage o f the
Arlene Schnitzcr Concert Hall on June
20, 1993 at 7:00 p m
T he play, w ritten by Houston,
T exas play w right T hom as M elancon,
explores the innerm ost aspect o f m ari­
tal relationships in the African A m eri­
can Com munity M elancon is the au­
thor o f the nationally acclaim ed play,
“Diary ofB lack M en,” w hich hasbeen
touring the country for 10 years
“W hatever H appened to black
Love9," is set in a courtroom atm o­
sphere that involves lawyers, witnesses
and a jury o f 12 men and women,
w Inch vv ill be called from the audience
to participate in the play the play
Arlene Sohnitzer Concert Hall
Tickets Available at
eration w ith O regon Public B road­
all Ticketmaster* Locations
casting For concert schedules send a
self-addressed, stam ped envelope to
M etro W ashington Park Zoo, 4001
SW Canyon Rd., Portland, O R 97221
June 5 W ild Aboul Books, M etro
W ashington Park Zoo. M ultnom ah
County Library w ill kick off its sum ­ '
T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Hats, Aprons, Etc.
mer reading program w ith puppet
Custom Screen Printing ¿s. Computerized Monograms
shows by the New Rag Bag T heater
■ 1421 Jantzen Beach Center, Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 283-4234
and story telling featuring anim als
and the O regon T rail 11 a m - 4 p m .
J u n e 2 0 th , 1 9 9 3
offers a sense o f dignity and earthy
hum or, as well as fun, laughter and
truth that will rock your soul.
T h e “ O a k la n d T rib u n e ” d e ­
scribes" . Black Love" as a “broad,
preachy comedy full of juicy one lin ­
ers, righteous indignation and u n ­
abashed sentim ental ity ! ” Presented by
Kyle Newport “W hatever H appened
to Black Love?,” is com ing June 20,
1993 to th e stag e o f the A rlene
S ch n itzcr C oncert H all, P ortland,
O regon, 7:00 pm showtim e
Ticket Price For Sunday Is $20 50
G roup Rate 20 O r More, $2.50 O ff
Per Ticket Call T he A rlene Schnitzcr
Concert Hall - (503) 224-4400 For
G roup Ticket Inform ation
T ic k e ts a ls o on sa le a t a ll
T icketm aster outlets, (503) 224-4400
Take this Coupon to the Teaser’s and receive
$ l.OOoff any print on any T-Shirt
“Sky Watch” In OMSI’s
Sky Theater
V isitors to the Oregon Museum
ofScienceandlndustry can sec “w hat s
up" in th e summ ei night sky inO M S I’s
weekly planetarium show Sky W atch.
No m atter what the w eather is like
outside, visitors will learn w hichbnght
stars are plants and the nam es of
constellations, star clusters and other
night sky objects that can be seen from
their backyard Sky W atch begins at 7
p m . every Friday.
O n c e a m o n th , S k y W atch
w ill fea tu re a special to p ic th at
m ay in c lu d e in f o rm a tio n o n a
specific planet, NASA project, eclipse,
e q u in o x , m eteo r o r so lstice O n
Ju n e 11. S k yW atch w ill p resen t
E x p lo r in g th e S u m m e r N ig h t
S ky. M e s s ie r a n d O th e r D eep
Sky Objects will be featured on July
16 Join SkyW atch on A ugust 6 for
M eteors In September. SkyW atch
prepares visitors for w inter w ith E x ­
ploring the W inter N ight Sky on Sep­
tem ber 17. Each Sky W atch show fea­
tures a live inform al presentation o f
w hat can be seen in the current night
Sky Watch is presented in O M S l's
M urdock Sky T heater Admission is
charged P ncesarc$ 4 for adults. $3 50
for seniors; $3 for youth ages three
through 17; an d $1 o ff for OM SI
mem bers OM SI is located at 1945SE
W ater Ave., at the com er o f Clay
Street For more inform ation, please
call the Sky T heater Inform ation Line
at (503) 797-4610.