"Serving the community through cultural diversity." Volitimi XXIII. Number 22 Ju n e 2. 1993 / L ife in the P ortland M etropolitan A rea (©bseriier B ethany K indergartners P resents R hymes A nd R hythms Hey diddle, the cat and the fiddle; Hickory dickory dock; Thecow jumped over the moon; The spider sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away; Jack fell down and broke his crow n and Jill came tumbling after O n e -T w o -T h ree -F o u r; Clap,Clap, Bang, Bang. O ne-T w o-T hree-Four, Clank, Clank, Clang, Clang. Stay in line; Let’s use our inside voices; Kevin stand up straight; Lisa will you please stop pinching; Brandon this is not the time to be jum ping; Boys and girls let’s put on our best m anners-M om and Dad are here you know—So let’s get on with the show! I f any o f the above phrases sound familiar it is because at some point in our past history we were par­ ticipating in the same scene or some scene very closely related, before we developed into what and where we are now. The scenes were the begin­ ning of our molding to reach and attain our various goals and careers. That flash back was sharply re­ enacted as Mrs Zetta Burton carefully guided 85 kindergarteners (assisted by Mrs. Hesselgrave, Ms. Dudley and Carolyn Ritacco) in their first presen­ tation to their Moms and Dads, family and friends and other interested on­ lookers. For those 85 kindergartners it was as grand as the illustrious pomp and stances that any major high school, college or university would present, because they also have completed their term and are going on to their next level. Helping to attain that level for 45 of those 85 w as the responsibility ui Mrs. Burton who has been teaching at the Bethany Elementary School in the Beaverton school district for the past seventeen years. Burton graduated high school in California, W arner Pacific here in Portland Did her graduate studies at PSU, USC Irvine, Pepperdine and Lewis & Clark, specializing in Early Childhood Development. When Burton first began thinking about a career her focus w as to becom e part o f w o rld o f m usic. She m ajored in m u sic a n d m i- noredin education early on. She has taught both vocal and instrumental mu­ sic and still teaches music to her kindergarten students. She has also been a part of the Portland Symphonic Choir. She loves op­ era and has even participated in a few bit parts when she was teaching in California for eight years. To put in it her words she says “I took a detour back then when a job as a classroom teacher was offered to me and I took it. When you need employment, sometimes you make other choices.” Over the years she has constantly upgraded her teacher skills, so that she could give her students the best, as well as adding to her own credits and accomplish­ ments. Burton, with a chuckle, spoke humorously as she shared. "Remem­ ber those battery tests and skills tests they gave us to see w hat preparation for their performance career we should choose, or where we would fit best? Well, my test results said that I was good with my hands. Let me tell you, 1 decided right then that I was going to college because I knew I did not want to be a maid working with my hands just because they figured that’s what I could do well My mother was a music teacher and my grandmother worked hard as a maid. She wanted more for me and I’ll never forget her or put her down for what she did because she was a hard working woman, but I knew I Portland Man Receives Guide Dog Spelling Bee Operation E.A.S.Y., a tutoring and counseling program for youth in Northeast Portland, will conduct its 1st Semi Annual Spelling Bee be­ tween team s from Irvington and Vernon Early Childhood Education Centers. The winning team will re­ ceive $50.00 for a group celebration. Each student in the program will be given words to study before hand. Then will have several opportunities to win points for their team; no one will be eliminated for misspelling. This will give all students an incentive to learn the words. The event will take place on June 3rd at 4pm at Vernon's M u ltip u rp o se Room (2044 NE Killingsworth) The Public is invited to come observe and cheer the stu­ dents in this academic team chal­ lenge. ( More Wading Pool Monitors Needed Application Deadline Extended to June 15 Photo courtesy of Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.: Jerry Pryne of Portland is shown at the campus o f Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc., with “Jesse, "a Yellow Labrador Retriever Guide Dog. Mr. Jerry Pry ne ofPortland gradu­ ated last Saturday with a Yellow La­ brador Retriever Guide Dog named “Jesse" at his side The duo completed a month of intensive training at Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc., in San Rafael, Calif. Graduation for the class of 16 took place on Saturday, May 22,1993, at the 11-acre campus, located 20 miles north of San Francisco. Jerry, a professional piano tuner, is looking forward to introducing his new accomplice to his clients. Other members of the Pry ne family arc his wife Terri and their 4-ycar-old daugh­ ter Savanna Jerry'joins the 33 gradu­ ates of the Guide Dog program lead­ ing active lives in Portland Graduates of the Guide Dog pro­ gram are visited in their homes by instructors on a yearly basis to assess progress. Keith Labcr is the Pacific Northwest Field Representative who acts as a liaison between arca 4-H puppy raisers, graduates and appli­ cants and the organization's central campus in San Rafael Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc , has produced over 7,(XX) trained guides for graduates across the united States and Canada since 1942 These ser­ vices are provided free of charge The organization is supported entirely by private donations For more information about Guide Dogs, phone or write: Guide Dogs for the Blind. Inc . P.O Box 1512(H), San Rafael. C alif, 94915. (4 15)499-4(XM) .............. . . . Children in your neighborhood provided Volunteers are asked to com­ are counting on you to help them have mit to one 5-hour shift per week (w hich a safe, fun place to play this summer canbc split by two people). The bottom Portland Parks and Recreation needs line is that if volunteers do not step more volunteers to monitor the chil­ forward many wading pools will not dren at neighborhood wading pools open at all this summer. To help fill Hours are flexible—weekdays, eve­ this need, we arc extending our dead­ nings. weekends Training will be line for applications until June 15. ' A ■ ■ PORTLAND OBSERVER 'The Eyes and Ears ol the Community Office: (503)200-0033 Fax//: (503)200-0015 t . % . . ‘ . • * * » * Rocco Washington 15 Years Old Love Dad and Family E astern O regon State College to offer a teaching endorsem ent in early childhood education and to au­ thorize the University of Oregon to purchase a building near the campus The Board w ill also be asked to autho­ rize stafl" to proceed with plans to implement a new financial informa­ tion system The Board will receive several information items including a quar­ terly report on investments, quarterly audit report, status of the Western Undergraduate Exchange, and a griev­ ance filed at the University of Oregon The Board will also receive re­ ports on school reform projects under­ way at Oregon Institute of Technol­ ogy and Oregon state University . The O regon State System of Higher Education (OSSHE) is com­ posed of eight colleges and universi­ ties established toprovidc educational serv ices to Oregonians * • * * ‘ ••• ' * ' * fe & g M M Ê â ft& lâ V • H AW BORTHi&Ay! Board Asked To Approve East Asian Language Programs Visit OIT Metro Center The (Oregon Slate of Higher Edu­ cation met on Friday. May 28 at Metro The following wading pool* depend totally on volunteer*. Center of the Oregon Institute ofTech- Southeast Portland nologv Committees of the Board met Lair Hill North Portland Bcrekely Northeast portland and toured the Metro Center. Arbor Lodge Clinton The Board receiv ed a request from Fcrnhill McKenna Harrison the University of Oregon to establish Glcnhavcn Northgate Kenilworth Norma ndalc new graduate programs leading to the Pier Powell M A and Ph D degrees in the lan­ Oregon Southwest Portland Wellington guages, literatures, and cultures of East Asia, with emphasis on China These wading pools need volunteers especially during and Japan. Two important factors in devel­ early evening hours and weekends. opment of the proposed graduate pro­ Essex grams arc the University's Center for St. Johns North Portland Laurclhurst Unthank Asian and Pacific Studies, created in Columbia Lents Southeast Portland 1988 and the Osamitsu Yamada Cen­ Farragut M, Scott Brooklyn Kenton ter for Language. Learning and Teach­ Westmoreland Col Summers Overlook ing, created through the generosity of Woodstock Creston Pcnmnsula Mr. Osamitsu Yamada, a Japanese businessman, whose $300,(XX) grant This fun program could be a boon to you and your neighbors when the made the Center possible sidewalks start sizzlin'! Call the Wading Pool Volunteer Program at Portland In other business, the Board will Parks and Recreation 823-5121 The new application deadline is June 15. be asked to approve a request by M . f • . » v ■ had to do better because of her “I was enough support from the adm inistra­ mulling over being a social worker, tive side because of the structural pro­ but at that time (please don’t date me) cess and communication becomes ham­ being a teacher was considered ( espe­ pered. As in all schools, parents are cially in the minority culture) better critical before they really look into a than being a social worker. My how situation. There should be more public things have changed--thank goodness! relations betw een parent and teacher as Burton who loves books and col­ opposed to parent/admimstrative. The lects many, when asked about what flav or of school environment lends it­ prompted her interest in teaching self to students w ho have no respect for (other than employment), she replied, those who are in positions of guidance, which includes parents, teach­ “You know, I’ve really never XXII ers and adm inistrators. thought about it.” She thought Teachers are usually left for a moment and smiled alone to battle for them- and said,” I guess I really jjj selves particularly when started teaching at age you are a minority. Bur­ nine. I was at church one ton feels that attitude of Sunday morning and there parents and students makes was no one to teach the little VI the marked difference for people, so they asked me to learning in any classroom. handle them. I will never forget that Burton also shared, “I took Sunday. I arranged those old collaps­ some courses that pertained to the ible wooden chairs for my little / adm inistrative end and decided group. I even remember the lesson that’s not for me. I prefer to remain story. Itw asabout Joseph’s coat of / in the classroom and do hands on many colors. I can still see my- / every day teaching. Ifldecidetochange, self saying, ‘Now I want you to / I would prefer to do something w here I listen and repeat after me. can be creative and direct others to Well students have been re­ follow through. “ peating after Burton for Burton says, “Anyone who is plan­ over thirty years. ning a career in teaching must really Burton is also the enjoy children, be wTiling to give 110% longest term Kindergar­ ten teacher at Bethany. W hen ques­ of your time and effort. You must be tioned about teaching in the suburban dedicated. You cannot be in it for the area as opposed to the inner city she dollars. Jf this is your dream, then responded, “Teaching in the outer reach for the sky! Burton who is the head PE and area of Portland puts you at a disad­ vantage because you are unable to Music teacher for all Kindergarten classes at Bethany and responsible for work with your own ethnic group. her own classes, lives in SW However, it does allow me to Portland with her husband expose the suburbanites to my r Buford Burton, who is with ethnicity.” a major transportation coni- Burton feels that in pany here in Portland. some areas there is not . • - V' . . . ■ • . * ' t ’