J une 2, 1993 • T ue P ortland O bserver CA U L Z W I ' z- . ! I r I . ■ y y y - I ______' _ j J J r an are helping to im prove N orth Down- r sid H o ew u o alk l l - c s, street l lig i o n h t ts, c f tu l i r rf t a n i d l i__ ______ tnu n ciirh ic tbo Transit m all CXten- benches. C irculation and parking is- tow n such as the T ran sit m all extern sues were also addressed to help plan sion north to U nion Station, PDC s for the a re a ’s future needs. In addi- Facade Renovation P rogram w hich tion, im provem ents w ere m ade to the provides businesses w ith low -interest sport courts in the F landers/G lisan loans to restore and renovate O ldT ow n block and the ch ild ren ’s playground and C hinatow n storefronts, and the in th e C o u c h /D a v is b lo c k . T h e recent opening o f N W 9 th Avenue to play ground ’ s play structures are placed Front Avenue. T he N orth Park Blocks w ere origi­ atop a unique rubber base to a :d the nally platted and dedicated to the City prevention o f injuries. o f P ortland in 1867 by C aptain John T he renovation also contained a percent for art” com ponent w hich is Couch. T he expansion o fth e rail . yards pcivcm iw a n . . ------- » --------- ----------- - being coordinated by the M etropoli- perm anently term inated the a ^ b e r t y A Com ____ hne C Avnancinn n f thp expansion N orth Park Blocks o f the N orth Park Blocks tan Arts m n ission. urrent plans and converted the surrounding area to call for the installation o f tem porary artw ork to be featured at Septem ber’s com m ercial and industrial uses. By 1910, the area was developed w ith First Thursday G allery Tour Since the 1940s, the N orth Park m ulti-story w arehouses, sm all com ­ Blocks, despite some im provem ents, m ercial buildings an d hotels. PD C is the C ity’s agency for ur­ w ere generally neglected an d had fallen into a state o f disrepair T he ban renew al, housing an d econom ic 1988 Central City Plan called for PDC developm ent. users; a playground specialist who worked to m ake the play ground acces­ sible to handicapped ch ild ren an d parents; and an arborist to preserve the health o f the historic elm s Be­ cause o f the grow ing arts com m unity in the area, local artist Larry K irkland also was a m em ber o f the design team . G eneral C ontractor on the project was Al, Concrete Specialties o f Vancou- Open 9am to 8pm M S I0am to 5pm Sunday AT LOW, LOW, LOW PRICES D re sse rs.......................................$35.00 & Up Floor L a m p s ........................................... $10.00 T able L am p s..............................................$3 00 Tw o Piece Sofa S e ts ...............$150.00 & Up Chest D ra w e rs............................. $40.00 & Up T V ’s B /W ......................................$20.00 & Up T V ’s C o lo r ................................... $45 00 & Up D REA M S FO R SALE, All Quality Merchandise And Many Other Items "A Good Place To Start Good Housekeeping" Public Notice I t y o u 'v e a l w a y s h a d t h e d r e a m Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off 100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95 o f o w n in g y o u r o w n h o m e , y o u r braiding and weaving I . . I „ Wigs and Beauty Supplies &*” ' ;V- '' We will meet or beat anyone s prices i 4 d re a m m a y h a v e ju s t c o m e t r u e „ 'F c F o r a s l i t t l e a s y o u ' r e p a y i n g in m o n th ly r e n t a n d a m o d e s t d o w n Sales and Promo'Jor.al ¡turns excluded. p a y m e n t , y o u c o u ld b u y a H U D H o m e . T h a t ’s r i g h t . T h e Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply 707 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-6525 Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday U S U rb a n D e v e lo p m e n t T H E D R E A M O F O W N IN G Y O U R O W N H O M E C A N C O M E T R U E F O R A B O U T W H A T Y O U ’R E P A Y I N G IN R E N T . » Vf Washington State Lottery Results Wednesday 05/26/93 • 10-12-13-25-28-34 Ao Jackpot Winner Saturday 05/29/93 • 19-20-24-29-43-45 Ao Jackpot Winner ( H U D ) h a s p r o g r a m s t h a t m a k e o w n in g a h o m e e a s ie r t h a n y o u th in k Multnomah County Parks Increases Fees P ro g ra m s th a t w ill e v e n h e l p y o u c o v e r m o s t if n o t a ll o f y o u r c l o s i n g c o s t s . Visitors to Multnomah County regional parks can expect to pay increased fees after June 1, 1993. C iting rising costs to operate and m aintain the quality and breadth of program s and s e n ices provided to the region, the B oard o f County Com m is­ sioners gave final approval to a series o f fee incieascson Thursday, May 20, 1993. S tarting June 1, 1993, visitors can expect the following changes E ntry fees at Oxbow and Blue Lake Parks will be changed to $3.00/ vehicle all days during sum m er sea­ son (currently $2.00 weckdays/$3 00 w eekends and holidays) Sum m er sea­ son has been extended from Septem­ ber 30 to O ctober 3 1 to more accu­ rately reflect the user dem and on the parks At Oxbow Park, cam ping fees will be $9 00 night/site (currently $8 00 night/site) Oxbow G roup camp fees will change to $2 OO/person/night on Friday. Saturday and nights pre­ ceding holidays (currently $ 1 OO/per- son/night) T he $35.00 refundable D e p a r t m e n t o f H o u s in g a n d If y o u ’d lik e m o r e portion of the alcohol perm it will b e­ come non-refundable. Buses will be charged a $6.00 entry fee (currently the same asot her vehicles). Boat Ramp fees will be $3.00/vehicle all days (currently $2.00/vchiclc/alI days) “We believe the proposed fee in ­ creases arc very reasonable and com ­ petitive w ith sim ilar facilities in the state,” said C harles Ciecko, M ult­ nomah Count) Parks D irector The Parks D ivision is a self-supporting organization w hich relies heavily on user-fees to fund operations and m ain­ tenance “ W ith a user-fee funded or­ ganization. cost increases over and above re\ enue must be passed through to the user to keep the park system accessible and viable,” com m ents Ciecko. For more inform ation on these adjusted fees, or any aspect o f the Parks Division operations, please call 248-5050. in fo r m a tio n a b o u t th e h o m e y o u 'v e a l w a y s d re a m e d o f. c o n t a c t y o u r r e a l e s ta te a g e n t. O r, fo r a fr e e b ro c h u re o n h o w to b u y a H U D h o m e , c a ll 1 - 8 O O - 7 6 7 - 4 H U D . T h e r e 's n e v e r b e e n a b e t t e r t i m e t o f o l l o w y o u r d r e a m , b e c a u s e n o w y o u c a n a f f o r d it tir FOtWl HOUSING OPPORTUNITY W e ll H elp Y o u o w n A piece O f A merica To qualified buyers only on homes with FH A insured financing Closing coals and fees additional *, * * • • « -4 ♦ tV-< • rn « r - • . ' • ■ - • ■ ■