Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 02, 1993, Page 21, Image 21

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Corporate Actuary
Advertisement for Proposals
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon is currently accepting
applications for a Corporate Actuary. This position provides
statistical and analytical support for all divisions in sampling,
trending and correlating, has financial responsibility for computing
liability reserves for subsidiaries, forecasts incurred claims and
reserves for specific lines of business and prices new products
and major benefit variations. This position also oversees and
directs actuarial staff members on a project basis.
Parking Management Services
for the
Metro Grand and Irving Garage
• Secretary (022-0593-ZO
$8.55-$1204/Hr. (closes June 15, 1993
Under the direction of the Marketing Manager the individual
in this position will support five professional staff persons in
the division. Supervision is received from staff members.
(This position is subject to adoption of the 1993-94 fiscal
year budget.)
A Metro application and responses to supplemental questions are
required. Applications and supplemental requirements must be
received, or postmarked, nolaterthan 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June
15, 1993.
Metro is seeking proposals for Parking M anagem ent Ser­
vice for the M etro Grand and Irving G arage. Copies of the
Contract Docum ents are available from Metro's Regional
Facilities Departm ent at the address shown below: call
(503) 797-1700 Ext. 1718 for availability.
Submit in writing questions and/or com m ents regarding the
contract Docum ents and requests for clarification to Berit
Stevenson of the Regional Facilities Departm ent at the
address shown below, before 5 p.m. Friday, June 11,1 99 3
Qualified candidates must have a Master’s degree in mathemat­
ics, statistics or other quantitative science, or associate of the
Society of Actuaries and have a minimum of five years experience
in health related actuarial or statistical work with two years
experience in a management or supervisory position. Strong oral
and written communication skills are also required.
For applications and instructions contact:
Metro - 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97232
A summary of questions and answers and/or clarifications
will be sent by Addendum to those who have received
copies of the C ontract Documents.
Deliver Proposals by 5:00 p.m., Friday, June 18, 1993 to:
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon offers an excellent
employee benefits package and competitive salary. Pre-employ­
ment drug screening required. To assure your resume is pro­
cessed immediately, place ad #151 at the top of your resume or
in your cover letter. Send resume to;
Applications also available at:
Oregon Convention Center 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd.
The Urban League -1 0 N. Russell
The Northeast Workforce Center - 739 N. Killingsworth
Resumes will not be accepted.
AA/EEO Employer
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
of Oregon
Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir
100 S. W. Market
Portland, OR 97201
Equal Opportunity Employer
Senior Medical Underwriter
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon is currently accepting
applications for a Senior Medical Underwriter. This position re­
quires and individual with technical knowledge of the complexities
and complications of medical diagnosis and procedures to be able
to perform a judgment analysis of the risk. This function would
include research and compilation of medical data from several
sources such as application, claims history and medical reports.
The Senior Medical Underwriter must have three years experience
in Underwriting health and life insurance and have a degree in
nursing. Computer skills and the ability to type 40wpm is helpful.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon offers an excellent employee
benefits package, flex-time work hours and competitive salary. Pre­
employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is
processed immediately, place ad #152 at the top of your resume or
in your cover letter. Send resume to:
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
of Oregon
Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir
100 S. W. Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD# 225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
Ant/ m tu//s
Applications also available at:
Oregon Convention Center - 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd.
The Urban League -1 0 N. Russell
The Northeast Workforce Center - 739 N Killingsworth
Resumes will not be accepted
AA/EEO Employer
Vancouver Housing Authority
Demonstrate you are self-moti­
vated, numbers savvy, able to
persuasively tell a sales story.
Strong writing skills, PC knowl­
edgeable, hands on with pre­
sentation, graphics and pub­
lishing software. Build depart­
ment from ground up. Tools
include MiniPak, Arbittron 11,
Scarborough, MicroNode, and
TVScan. Send resume & sal­
ary history to Tony Thompson,
GSM, KPDX, P.O. Box 49, Port­
land, OR 97207.
Equal Oppty Employer
Social Services
Program Director
For programs providing services
to youth thru an interagency
program located in Seattle Al­
ternative Schools. Responsibili­
ties include program adminis­
tration, supervision of staff, pro­
posal development and grant
writing, budgeting, and serving
as a member of agency/s ad­
ministrative team. Qualifica­
tions include master degree in
social work or related field.
Three supervisory experience
and knowledge of work with at
risk minority youths. Send re­
sume and three letters of refer­
ence to:
Dini Duclose, Exec Director
Medina Children s Services
P. O. Box 22638
Seattle. WA 98122-0638
• • <
Clinical Supervisor
Salary $1775-$1865 mo. +ben-
efits CODA Inc seeks clinical
supervisor for outpatient treat­
ment services to serve a di­
verse chemically dependent
client population. Will assist in
supervision of 10-12 clinical
staff. Duties include all aspects
of outpatient clinical operations,
diagnosis, evaluation and treat­
ment services, individual and
group counseling, client record
quality assurance actions. Po­
sition works Mon-Fri 8-5. some
variable early evening shifts.
To qualify: a master's degree &
3 years experience in alcohol
drug treatment are required,
mustdemonstrate competence
in alcohol drug treatment and
treatment supervision.
Persons currently serving super­
vised parol or probation are in­
eligible. Applicants must con­
sent to and successfully com­
plete a criminal background in­
To apply submit standard CODA
a p p lica tio n form in clu ding
screening question responses
to address below.
Application materials available at
CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Port­
land, OR 97232. (503)239-
Equal opportunity/affirmative ac­
tion employer.
... -
• >. / • ' T -
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To Advertise
Call 288-0033
Call 335-3020
«. » » * •
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• -
Program Director
-¡'Jiutlnnb (¡Dliscvurr
. i.
*. ■ *
For g ro w in g m u lti-c u ltu ra l
women’s philanthropic organi­
zation. Responsible for volun­
teer development, constituency
outreach, support to grant-mak­
ing program. Organizing, facili­
tation, good communication
skills, commitment to women’s
empowerment essential. 32
hrs. We are strongly committed
toEEO. Letter and resume post­
marked by June 9 to: Search
C om m ittee, The W om en's
Foundation of Oregon, 921 SW
Morrison #422, Portland, OR
Research Director
For applications and instruction contact:
Metro-600 NE Grand Ave., Portland,OR 97232
1; A > * ^ * <*.* ^ * * ^ T
Attn: Berit Stevenson
Regional facilities Departm ent
600 NE G rand Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97232
Metro reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and
to waive any or all irregularities upon a finding by Metro it
is in the public interest to do so.
Metro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any
person based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affili­
ation or marital status.
Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifi­
cally encourages disadvantaged and wom en-owned busi­
nesses to access and participate in this an all Metro
projects, programs and services.
• Secretary (808802-STA)
$9.79/Hr. (closes June 7, 1993)
The employees in these two positions will perform a wide
variety of responsible secretarial and clerical duties in
support of management, professional and technical staff;
and provide general information and assistance to the
(These two positions are subject to adoption of the 1993-
94 fiscal year budget.)
Only applicants of the First Opportunity Target Area are
eligible to apply during this recrjitment process.
A Metro application and responses to supplemental questions is
required for each position. Applications and supplemental require­
ments must be received, or postmarked, no later than 5.00 p.m.
on Friday, June, 4,1993 or Monday June 7,1993, depending on
the secretarial position you are applying for.
Key records keeping position re­
sponsible for the VHA Waiting
List, Heavy client contact, main­
tain manu aland computer files,
process records, and perform
other clerical duties to assist
VHA Housing Assistance per­
sonnel. Requires excellent
communication skills, attention
to detail, data entry, and com­
puter keyboard experience,
knowledge of English compo­
sition and basic math. Salary
range$1,392-$1,809. Excellent
benefits. Call (206) 694-2501
for application materials. Sub­
mit to Vancouver Housing Au­
thority, 500 Omaha Way, Van­
couver, W A 98661 by 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, June 22,1993.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Program Director
Equity Center
For programs providing services
Adv sec training; 5 yrs sec exp;
to youth thru an interagency
use initiative, problem solve,
program located in Seattle Al­
work with a team; create and
ternative Schools. Responsibili­
maintain positive work environ­
ties include program adminis­
ment; very organized; Microsoft
tration, supervision of staff, pro­
Word and DataEast reg; type
posal development and grant
70 wpm; excel spelling, gram­
writing, budgeting, and serving
mar, oral and written skills; pro­
as a member of agency/s ad­
fe ssio n a l p re se n ce , e xcel
ministrative team. Q ualifica­
people skills; com m itted to
tions include master degree in
school desegregation; exp in
social work or related field.
multiethnic environment. Sal­
Three supervisory experience
ary $22,269 per annum; excel
and knowledge of work with at
benefits; starting on or about 7/
risk minority youths. Send re­
1/93. Letter and resume must
sume and three letters of refer­
be received by 3pm. June 4,
ence to:
1993. Apply to:
Dini Duclose, Exec Director
Personnel Office
Medina Children’s Services
Northwest Regional
P. O. Box 22638
Educational Laboratory
Seattle, WA 98122-0638
101 S. Main Street, Suite 500
Portland, Oregon 97204
Equal Opportunity Employer
• Secretary (808802-PC PA)
$9.79/Hr. (closes June 4, 1993)
Waiting LisVRecords
Social Services
.‘• 'A ri«.
New Store in Your neighborhood will have
Grand Opening on June 5th, 1993.
You are cordially invited to join and enjoy our
Grand Opening party on Saturday the 5th, starting
from 11:00AM till 3:00PM. Free hot dogs and soft
drinks are served and no purchase is needed to jo in
our Grand Opening party. Just come and experi­
ence the new line of product, you will have most
exciting choices.
• A uthorized Distributor and Dealer of Casio electronics.
• A uthorized Dealer o f PageNet Paging N etw ork o f Oregon
(M ortorola Pager)
• A uthorized Dealer of JVC electronics.
• A uthorized Dealer of Sherwood electronics.
• A uthorized Dealer of Dicky-Williamson W ork Cloth.
A uthorized Dealer of Lebon Fashion.
A uthorized Dealer o f Standard beauty and hair care products.
• A uthorized Dealer of Pyle speakers.
• A uthorized dealer of Hitachi electronics.
• A uthorized Dealer of Alpine car stereo.
Buying Direct From Manufacturer, Mean Direct Sav­
ings To Our Customer.
5001 NE Union Ave.
(Corner of MLK Jr. Blvd. and Alberta)
Phone: 287-8580
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