Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 02, 1993, Page 18, Image 18

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J une 2, 1993 • T he P or n and O bserver
P age C6
Photo Exhibition By Gang-
Affected Youth Opens June 10
At The Portland Art Museum
Garbage Decrease
Turns Into Increase
The C ity plans to add more ser-
v ices to their garbage pick up sen ice
that w ill increase the m onthly fees
H owever the in p la n n in g o f cost
amount they made a mistake, that w ill
Portlander Dedicates Life
To Volunteer Work
Janice Pelster, executive director
o f St V incent de Paul has dedicated
most o f her life to volunteer w o rk A
cost 30 cents more than the 5 cent Portland native, she always has been a
decrease they had planned The c ity ’ s leader, a team player and a p h ila n ­
garbage haulers are the ones that thropist.
Janice is in ­
brought the oversight to th e ir atten­
tion. The extra sen ices that they plan v o lv e d in every
to prov ide arc: scrap papci fo r recy­ area o f the com-
c lin g and twice m onthly pickup ol m u n i t y - - f r o m
serv ing on the lo ­
yard debris
The rate for a 32 gallon can w ill cal school board
go from $17.30 to $17.60. The 20 and w o rkin g w ith
gallon can w ill go from $13 00 to her neighborhood
association to be­
$14 60 a month
in g a member o f
c o m m u n ity and
social service task
forces,” say s Ross
graphs w ho acted as mentors, w o rk ­
A lle m a n g , p r o ­
ing w ith the youth in the classroom
gram director at St.
and on-location shoots.
V incent de Paul
The project is being coordinated
In d e e d ,
by the Oregon C om m unity C h ild re n
Pelster’ s lis lo fv o l-
and Y o u th Services C om m ission,
unteer a ctivities is
Janice Pelster
the state’ s largest advocacy group
long and im pres­
fo r young people, in cooperation
sive . c h a ir o f the lo c a l sch o o l
w ith M etropolitan Events o f P ort­
d v is o ry c o m m itte e , c h a ir o f
Jefferson C itizens Adv isory C o m m it­
S traight Shooting is presented
tee. president o f the Blessed Sacra­
' I
by Portland T ra il Blazers. The project
ment St. V in ce n t de Paul Conference,
is co-sponsored by Portland C om m u­
co-chair o f St. V in ce n t dc P aul’ s
n ity College and the Portland A rt
Lee Ouien Stone Preschool is registennq students tor
Christmas Food D rive and a member
tall We ll be closed for summer, so now s the time to
Museum Numerous businesses, v o l­
o f Com m unity Round Tabic, to name
register Tnere s art. dance, gym and music, tor kids
unteer organizations and in d ivid u a ls
age 21/2 to 5 Register nour tor some smoushin!
a fev..
hav e contributed funds, services and
L pp
P e ls t.r’ s involvem ent in extra­
. (uoprutiue Presihuul
curricular activities dates back to grade
120 Ilf Knott. Portland 281380? or 282 b iA
l«cross from malt Dishman Community Center 1
school, where she was a member o f the
• Certified Teacher • Scholarships funded bg W
basketball team and teen club, as w ell
as an honor student. D u rin g high
school at St. M a ry’ s Academy in dow n-
tow n Portland, Pelster was president
o f her freshman class, vice president
o f the Student S piritual C ouncil and
captain o f the debate team.
On graduation
from h igh school,
P e ls te r was a c ­
cepted w ith honors
at M arylhust C o l­
lege. B efore her
freshman year o f
college, however,
Pelster’ s father suf­
fered a m ajor heart
attack and she went
Things are gonion
at Lee Owen Sione.
A n e xh ib itio n o f photographs by
gang-affected youth w ill be on view at
the Portland A rt Museum, June 10th
thro u g h July 5th, in the Museum s
Sculpture Court.
The "S tra ig h t Shooting” Gang
Y o u th Photo Project enabled twenty
gang-affected youth from the m etro­
p o lita n area, to express their ideas and
docum ent th e ir view o f life through
photography. Portland C om m unity
College provided classrooms, d a rk­
room fa c ilitie s and supplies at its
S ylvania campus, and professor R ich­
ard K ra ft taught the young people the
basics o f photography .
The youths, ages 14-21 were
matched w ith 20 professional photo­
Louise Memorial Family
Group Home
care pro vid in g twelve hour care to
ch ild re n from six weeks o f age to
fourteen years o f age There is avail-
a b ility fo r one "special need” c h ild
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ranging to seventeen years o f age.
T h is space is now occupied by a sev­
enteen year old boy.
Louise M e m orial F am ily Group
H om e had a F a sh io n show and
the c h ild re n th a t attend the day
care were the models fo r the Spring
and Summer fashions. The clothes
were provided by K -M a rt and V olum e
Shoe Source p ro vid e d the shoes
fo r the children. The purpose o f the
fashion show was to raise $2,000.00
fo r the purchase o f play equipm ent for
fordable c h ild care fo r those fam ilies
w ith special needs. H er list o f special
need included: (1) L ow income fa m i­
lies and women that are try ing to fin d
hope outside the welfare system. (2)
care (3) and to assist in e lim in a tin g
the "L a tch Key Syndrome” .
The m otto fo r the day care is:
" E v e r y c h ild , no m a tte r w h a t
his fin a n cial back ground is, has the
rig h t to have the opporunity to achieve
goals in life .” T hrough the positive
in te ra c tio n w ith th e s ta ff at the
day c a re , these c h ild r e n are
encouraged and taught to set goals
and to w ork hard to achieve these
goals. The ch ild re n arc also taught
* .;
JP b
w ould like to participate as an enter­
tainer. or have a booth or display at the
Travel planners from local senior
citizen clubs and organizations are
invited to a free travel show and lu n ­
cheon in Portland, Friday, June 4, at
9:00 am, at the Red L io n Hotel Jantzen
Group Leaders o f Am erica, Inc.,
(G L A M E R ), w ill host th is special
event fo r local senior group leaders
and th e ir travel assistants to unveil
1993 trip s and tours available to se­
n io r groups.
Travel organizers for area senior
citizen clubs, centers, A A R P chap­
ters, churches, banks, and retirem ent
villages and associations are inv ited
to the event free o f charge.
"G roup leaders really get around
w ith their groups,” says Rose Conrad.
M u ltic u ltu ra l Festival
C h ild re n ’ s A ctivitie s
Bonnie Haraguchi 281-7902
Shirley Moore 284-8548
E ntertainm ent
M erry Bunch 280-1082
George K arlson 284-3653
Fundraising (Candy sale, etc )
Diane M ciscnhcltcr 2X4-8870
International Marketplace
Karen Bates 249-2907
L irle a n Anderson 281-9327
C om m unity Resource Booths
Basja Samuelson 335-0536
Volunteer Recruitment
A lic ia Sm ith 282-1054
To reserve free tickets fo r the
show and luncheon, or to be placed on
the m a ilin g lis t fo r the free monthly-
newspaper, The Group Travel Leader,
call Rose Conrad at Group Leaders o f
A m erica to ll free at 1-800-628-0993.
Reservations w ill be accepted
weekdays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm,
E S T . , through Thursday, June 3.
R iver Scaling Bureau
For inform ation ca ll the office at
The fire engine at Tualat in V a l­
ley Fire and Rescue Station 258 has
a new home, thanks to the efforts o f
local companies and students in
PCC ’ s aw ard w in n in g construct ion
programs. B-W cst (B u ild in g W o rk­
ers E ntering S killed Tradcs) and B-
F it (B u ild in g Futures in Industry
and Trades)
The PCC programs place a
special emphasis on w o rk in g w ith
women, m inorities and those who
arc employed below s k ill level or
arc unemployed (Sec Related Sto­
ries On Pagc(s)
Free Community
Health Forum
After a full day of helping customers, Manager Ben Turk
shares his talents with the Central Area Motivational
Program and the Chamber of Commerce. He sees a lot in
common between his profession and his volunteer activities.
Because he believes in people, Ben works to help them with
W hat docs it mean when your
heart flutters, skips a beat or races9
refinancing, home purchases and other solid investment
Sometimes i t ’ s romance, sometimes
the jitte rs -a n d sometimes a medical
condition. To learn more about the
opportunities. Put that kind of commitment to work for you;
ir r e g u la r h e a rtb e a ts k n o w n as
arrhythm ias, plan to attend a free com ­
m unity health forum Thursday. June
P ublicity
10. at 7pm in St. V in ce n t Hospital and
Adele Cooney 2 8 7 -7 176
P S Wc need someone special to M edical C enter’ s Souther A udito­
head the site management committee; riu m For more inform ation, call St
call Diane at 284-8870 i f you can help V incent s Health Resource Center,
n in things the day o f the Festival
G L A M E R ’ s general manager, “ and
this show w ill give them lots o f new
ideas fo r trip s and tours.”
T o u r operators, bus companies,
dinner theaters, cruise lines, hotels,
m u se u m s, s p e c ia l a ttra c tio n s ,
convention and visitors associations,
and state tourism agencies w ill be on
hand to provide free travel in fo rm a ­
instruction. The course instructor w i ll
be Gary Curtis, w ith the Columbia
A >
education in the black com m unity.
B-West and B-Fit
Build Rescue
Third Annual Sabin Multicultural
Festival Tentatively set for
August 29, 1993
m ation o r to sign up as a volunteer,
call the fo llo w in g neighbors today!
These arc also the people to call i f you
In, 1987, she was elected presi­
dent o f the board o f directors o f the
Portland C ouncil o f St. V incent de
Paul. Pelster was honored as the re­
cipient o fth e Bowm an A w ard in 1990
fo r her w o rk fo r the advancement o f
Road. Oregon City.
Clackam as C ounty Extension
Agent M ik e Bondi, says the class is
at 283-3088
val, too
Give a call today fo r more in fo r­
grading is scheduled fo r Thursday,
June 10 starling at 6:30 p m The
program w ill be held at the OSU E x ­
tension office at 200 W arner-M ilne
fo rty year. Her desire was to sec af-
val is very rewarding, lets you meet
lotsofyour Sabin neighbors, and leaves
you plenty o f tim e to enjoy the Festi­
m unity, serving on numerous com ­
mittees and boards including the N orth
V icariate St. V incent de Paul Society
and St. V incent de Paul T ra in in g ,
Leadership and Education C o m m it­
A free educational program that
w ill teach the basics o f log scaling and
We encourage participation from
the com m unity. I f you w ould lik e to
know more about the day care or make
a donation please contact Rosa Watson
celebration an even bigger success
B u t— We Need Y o u rH c lp T o Make It
H appen'! Volunteering fo r the Festi­
Pelster continued to w ork in her com­
Log Scaling
Clinic Set
in g this goal
The day care was founded in Sep­
tember 1991 inm em ory o f M issionary
Louise Mac Moore. Missionary Moore
w orked in the com m unity fo r over
M u ltic u ltu ra l Festival
Y o u r Sabin Neighborhood Asso­
ciation is w o rk in g to make this year’s
ment Services.
Despite her busy w o rk schedule,
Free Event For Seniors
Who Get Around
3415 NE Broadw ay
the children. By having the children
partiepate, this w ill give them pride in
kn o w in g that they assisted in achiev­
Remember the m usic, games,
prizes, booths, F U N at last year’ s fes­
tiv a l a, Sabin School9 There was lots
to do and see when Sabin N eighbor­
hood came together and celebrated
o u r d iv e r s ity at la s t A u g u s t’ s
vices, data manager and tra in in g spe­
cia list fo r M etropolitan C om m unity
A ctio n Agency and data manager fo r
the State o f Oregon O ffice o f Resettle­
a difference through her volunteer
work. She goes above and beyond
(503) 287-1745
designed to help w oodland owners
more accurately estimate log volumes
sign language, th e ir A B C s, count- and grades Proper measurements o f
ing. how to spell th e ir own name, scaling diameters and length w ill be
and to get along w ith each other and explained Practice scaling at a local
how to share w ith love and under­ log yard w ill fo llo w the classroom
C h ild re n in 1983. In 1985, she was
a p p o in te d p ro g ra m m anager fo r
C atholic Resettlement Services and
ta k in g classes at
P a c ific B usiness
According to Sister Pat Thurston
o f St. V incent de Paul, th a t’ s typical
o f Pelster ’’ She is determined to make
The Louise M e m o ria l F a m ily
Group Home is a fam ily oriented day
Pelster returned to w ork fu ll-tim e
at C atholic Services for Services fo r
later served as contracts and grants
manger fo r C atholic C om m unity Ser­
le a st tw o fu n d ra is e rs a ye a r,
raising more than $ 100,000 for those
(There Is A Dream Out There ForJTo1»)
she can’t help, she knows someone
w ho can.”
In 1967, Pelster m arried her hus­
band, Leo, and in 1968 she gave b irth
to the firs t o f eight children. D u rin g
the years that followed, she raised a
fa m ily in P ortland’ s Overlook neigh­
borhood, worked and continued her
education at Portland C o m m u n ity
to w o rk as an in ­
ventory clerk w hile
Pelster’ s v o l­
unteer w o rk began
in 1975 when she
became active in
several areas o f no n -p rofit activities,
especially fu n d ra is in g —the task
most volunteers avoid Pelster not
only enjoyed it, she was good a, it.
F o r e ig h t years, she c h a ire d at
• Child Centered
The Black United Fund of Oregon
• multicultural t multiethnic < flntibias
w hat is expected, “ says Sister Pat.
“ She knows how to help people and, i f
” 4L' ? • î " ' :
call Ben at (206) 461-3075.
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