J une 2, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age C2 Young People Encouraged To Make Education Work For Them At NAACP Youth Forum ences grow ing up in B irm ingham , In answer to the question, “ Edu­ N A A C P members A lic ia G ill. New Y o rk State Y outh Conference A d v i­ Alabama, during the turbulence o f the cation Where Do W cG oF roin Here ’ c iv il rights movement in the 1950s a group o f young N A A C P members sor Faith Blackburnc, Region 11 Youth and 1960s She always put education was advised by three distinguished D irector and Yasm in Hurston. Repre­ first, she said, and went on to attend speakers at a forum here to make the sentative. N ational Y outh W ork C om ­ the In d ia n a U n iv e rs ity G raduate A m e rica n education system w ork to mittee Smalls recalled his youth in a School o f Social W ork before entering th e ir advantage in spite o f the sy stem s segregated South Carolina school The politics shortcom ings Follow mg their presentations; the Illu s tra tin g their presentations school was sm all and its resources panelists entertained questions from lim ite d , said Smalls, but we learned w ith heartfelt and frequently dram atic the audience P rior to the forum , the reminiscences o f their own experi­ There was lose and caring involved in audience had viewed a specially-ed­ ences in an unequal and segregated the proecss. T h a t's why it is a major ited version o f the awards-w in n in g mistake to abandon the school system schools system, the three speakers teles ision documentary, "Eyes on the Percy Sutton, retired Chairm an. Inner It is not the public school system — it Prize.” Pepsi sent more than 22,000 City Broadcasting Corporation; James is our public school system copies o f the documentary to schools Sm alls' sentiments were echoed Smalls, Professor. Black Studies, City and com m unity groups du rin g Black College o f New Y o rk and C o u n cil- by Sutton, w ho spoke o f attending History M onth Lunch was provided the segregated P h y llis W h e a tle y wom an C V irg in ia Fields (D -H arlem ) by Pizza Hut and Pepsi- Cola. — repeatedly exhorted the young H igh School in sari A ntonio. Texas It Betty Shine, Manager, C om m u­ may have been a one-room school- people to make education their top house. Sutton said, but when he gradu­ nity Relations. Pcpsi-Cola Company, p rio rity. said this marks the 30th year o f Pepsi’s The forum was sponsored by the ated he was fluent in Latin. Sutton B lack History program, demonstrat­ N A A C P ’ sN ational Y outh W ork Com­ also encouraged young people not to ing that the com pany’ s com m itm ent mittee, its N A Y . State Y outh C onfer­ be afraid o f hard w ork, re ca llin g how to p a rticipating in the education o f our ence and Pepsi-Cola Company in com­ he worked 16 hours a day, six days a young people remains strong” m em oration o f the 39th anniversary week to put h im s e lf th ro u g h law Ms Shine said: no want to en­ o f the UPS Supreme Court decision school. "Educate yourself, but realize courage a ll o f you to rem ain focused that outlawed segregation in public along the way that you may have to on your goals and continue to strive to schools on May 17.1954 It took place become w ell-educated, then reach back suffer, said Sutton. at Public School 75 in Manhattan and help someone else.” Fields spoke o f her own experi­ The program was coordinated by EDWARD WADSWORTH INSTITUTE FOR HAIR DESIGN STEAMFITTERS Center PLUMBERS v Training 503-252-5578 8111 N.E. Holman Portland, OR 97218 Career Opportunities In Apprenticeship Are you interested in a Future in the Piping Trades? U.A. Local 290 will be accepting applications for metal trades pipefitter ap- prentices. When: Monday, June 21 Through Friday, July 2, 1993 Where: Apprenticeship & Training Division Oregon Bureau of Labor 800 N. E. Oregon, Suite 1105 Portland, Oregon 97232 Phone: 731-4072 Requirements: Must provide reliable proof by non-returnable copies of birth certificate or drivers license: high school transcript or GED certificate. Age: Must be at least 18 years of age Education: Must be a high school or GED graduate Training True Professionals Notice Of Non-Discriminatory Policy As To Students The United Association Local 290 Apprenticeship and Journeyman Training Trust Fund admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to apprentices at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin 239-0838 in administration of its apprenticeship policies, admission policies and other Trust- “It 's your future, pion wisely. Matt Walters, Business Manager 3 3 0 1 SE S A N D Y administered programs. BLV D Edward Wadsworth Institute For Hair Design The Oregon Department of Transportation announces Career Opportunities ODOT hires managerial, professional, skilled craft and entry level workers in a variety of fields, including: • Engineering • Customer service • Computer entry • Computer programming/analysis • Highway maintenance • Public affairs • Planning • Finance and accounting • Heavy equipment operation/mechanics • Document processing • Driver and vehicle licensing • Administrative To find out more about employment opportunities with ODOT, write: ^0 0 J0 ODOT Recruitment Section 120 Transportation Building Salem, Oregon 97310 A description o f w hat takes place in each o f the areas o f this b u ild in g as a student enrolls, learns, and finishes The Oregon Department of Transportation is an Equal Employment Opporlunily/Affirmalive Ac,ion (EEÔ/AA) Employer. Americ ans with Disabilities (ADA) accommodations w ill be provided as needed. “Where Your Child is Royalty” the education process. Freshman classroom -- New stu­ dents begin the learning process in this classroom. Here they arc taught the basic fundamentals to establish the foundation on w h ich they w ill Ages 2-5 years A Creative approach to a positive learning experience pursue th e ir education. Academic Classroom -- T h is is a general purpose classroom in w hich theory classcsare taught — guest speak­ ers address student body — special classes are conducted -- graduation ceremonies arc held — student pot luck gatherings take place - orienta­ tio n fo r large Freshman classes are conducted. Facial Room - Students enrolled in Facial Technology use these fa c ili­ ties to practice w hat they are learning. M anicure Room -- M a n icu rin g students use these fa cilitie s to practice their learning on models and clients. Laboratory F loor — It is here that the students perform the services on clients as a learning tool. Dispensary -- It is here that the products arc stored and from w hich the products arc dispensed to students for use in the laboratory. A d m in istra tio n -- Where pros­ pects arc interviewed, students arc enrolled, student records arc assembled and permanently stored, and a ll other related business matters arc attended 3817 NE 6th Avenue 287-9471 7:00am - 6:00pm Hot And Juicy Offer From VfiMS Get the recipe for success as part of Wendy’s management team. Right now,Wendy’s International is looking for management trainees for our Portland area restaurants. Qualified candidates will have a minimum 2 years’ restaurant management experience Sound tasty?Then stop byWendy’s Management Career Day to fill out an application and meet our representatives. ----- -----------------------------------------— — A n estimated 12,83O.(X)O persons were ou, o f w ork in 1933, about one- fourth o f a c iv ilia n labor force o f over or cal! tr 03'. 378-6281 (TDD: 373-7727) L E A R N IN G C E N T E R D A Y C A R E W endy’s Management Career Day W hen: Time: W here: 51 m illio n In M arch o f that year, about 15 5 m illio n people were unem ­ ployed, m aking it the worst month fo r joblessness in the history o f the U nited States, according to The Am erican W orker, a U S Department o f Labor Thursday, June 17 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. Shilo Restaurant & Loung 1 1707 NE A irp o rt Way Portland, OR 97220 publication Portland Cable Access Meeting Rescheduled The Portland Cable Access Board o f D irectors meeting on June 2, 1993 has been R ES C H E D U LE D to meet at 7pm on Wednesday, June 16. 1993. The meeting w ill be held at 2766 NE M a rtin Luther K in g , Jr. Boulevard, Can’t make it? Send resume to: / A \ ntaiBCRocKS W endy’s International, Inc. d o Human Resources 4000 Kruse W ay Place Bldg 3 Suite 255 Lake oswego, OR 97035 W e are an equal opportunity employer m/f/v/h Portland, Oregon # t - * t ? .* * a ' r • » • Ï . •