Ju n e 2. 1993 “Serving the community through cultural diversity. Volumn XXIII. Number 22 r ... ■ f ÌElje Jlmrilanù ©bscriier Students Hired To Help Peers Find Jobs H u m b o l d t E l e m e n t a r y refers them to available jobs for w hich P ortland-arca high school stu dents are helping their peers find a f­ they may be qualified. “T he people are all different,’ ter-school and sum m er jobs. T he dow ntow n Portland office o f she says o f the young job applicants th e E m ploym ent Division recently “Some o f them come in really excited, began a pilot project in w hich students and some o f them ju st w ant the job for w ill operate m ini-em ploym ent offices the money.” R o b e rt B ro w n , o n e o f th e in th eir schools. division’s supervisors o f the youth T he project know n as Jobs and em ploym ent office downtow n, says M e ,o r JAM, is part o fasu m m er youth the division relays notices o f job o pen­ em ploym ent program . ings to the students. A m y Sutton, a ju n io r, is the “T his is a pilot project to get as d ivision's employ ee at Cleveland High m any Portland-area high school stu­ in southeast Portland. She found out dents as we can into jobs,” Brown about the program from a teacher in says. T he project began in A pril, and the school’ s business cooperative pro­ “it should really pick up after school is gram , interv iewed and was hired She has a desk in the student out in June,” he says. All the schools are involved in service center at Cleveland, w hich she staffs from 7:30 to 8 a m. and 2;3O to some way, he adds. Those that don t 4:30 p.m. In the first 10 days she kept have student em ployees have com put­ office hours, about 20 students cam e ers on w hich interested students can scan lists o f jo b openings. by looking for work. Sutton says she has publicized “T hey’re looking for jobs, part- h e r s e rv ic e th r o u g h r e g u la r tim e, after school or for the sum m er," school channels, putting a notice in she says. T he students fill out a form, the dailv bulletin and fliers on bulletin list their interests and skills, a n d Sutton boards The student em ployees all work M onday through Thursday afternoon at their schools, and on Friday after­ noons go to the dow ntew n office to help dev elop an hour-long jo b -fin d ­ ing w orkshop for young people. The student will have their jobs w ith the Employm ent D ivision until June 30. W hile others may go on to other work, Sutton says she plans to travel. O th e r s tu d e n t e m p lo y e e s a re K eyunna B ak er at F ra n k lin , M oniquea M ajors at L incoln, and C arla H ardneftat Wilson. H yun Yu o f Cleveland works every afternoon at the program ’s downtow n office, along w ith Brown, Jerry K ing an d Jessica Cook Kathy Craft is program super­ visor. Caption Staff o f dow ntown P ortland em ­ ploym ent office for students includes: F ro n t, Jessica Cook, left, R obert Brow n, Hyun Yu; back M oniquea M ajors, Keyunna Baker, Amy Sutton O n Friday m orning. May 28,1993 between the hours of 9am and 11:30am, Humboldt Elem entary School w as the host for over 24 com m unity and other career persons who volunteered their tim e and efforts to share w ith the sec­ ond graders a, Humboldt their chosen careers T he approach for Humboldt this year was to reach the second grade youngsters so they w ill begin at an early age to th in k about w hat they may w ant to for their careers in the future. In the previous years the program was w ith the fifth graders, but this y ear the fifth graders were assisting the presenters and students and teachers an d helping everyone to get w here they were sup­ posed to be and assisting in other areas as necessary'. T he second graders were supplied w ith plenty o f visual aides, especially from the north station o f our Fire Bu­ reau. T he students had a chance to talk to the team an d explore the fire engine that was brought along. Som e o f the o th er professions a n d tra d e s th a t w ere re p re se n te d included: Electrical E ngineer, Biolo­ g ist, P e rso n n e l S p e c ia lis t, S h o rt O rder Cook. L ibrarian, T ax Exam iner, Banker, N ew spaper, Lawyer, Artist, A rchitect. C om puter Specialist, M in­ ister, City Planner, Principal and C on­ struction C ontractor to m ention a few. T he students were very attentive and were asking some very interesting questions and were also sharing w hat their dream s and aspirations were, To Advertise in ■ A*« A * ' »