Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 02, 1993, Page 11, Image 11

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T he P ortland O bserver • J une 2,1993
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Scripture: When a m an’s ways please the Lord, He
maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.
He Who Tries To Please
All Pleases None
A father and his son set out to
m arket to sell their only saleable
item to try to m ake ends meet It was
early in the m orning, but it w as still
hot an d hum id T here w ere other
farm ers and neighbors on their way
to m arket also w ith their various
As the father and son passed the
first group they were laughing be­
cause they thought it foolish that
both the father and son w ere w alk­
ing w hen they had a donkey that
could be ridden. T he next group
were quite unhappy because the son
was riding the donkey and the poor
father had to w alk T he com m ents
from the sidcl i nes as they approached
the next group were not too nice
w hen the father was riding and the
son w as w alking. The next cluster o f
people could not believe that the
father and son would be riding the
donkey both at the sam e tim e be­
cause the poor donkey w as not really
in the best o f shape as it was.
W hen they finally reached the
m arket place, you can only im agine
w hat the crow ds were say ing. Some
were laughing so hard they had
tears, some w ere holding their stom ­
achs. some w ere leaning against the
m arket poles an d w alls an d some
were literally rolling on the ground.
Some o f us w ould probaly be in one
o f those groups too. A fter all the
father and son had a pole on th eir
shoulders and w ere carry in g the
donkey betw een them.
How m any tim es have w e tried
to please everyone and end up look­
ing and feeling as though we had
com pletely lost it? Som etim es we
fail to realize that pleasing everyone
simply can not be accom plished. We
d o n ’t even please ourselves. T his
leaves us in the m ost confusing pre­
dicam ent o f all. We d o n ’t travel the
paths that have already been cu t for
us. W e fin d o u rs e lv e s c u ttin g
across in to u n ta m ed are as, an d
trying to clim b unattainable m oun­
ta in s a n d g u llie s th a t le a v e
us stranded. We are not listening
to that inner w hisper o f the A l­
m ighty, w ho gives us d irectio n ,
yet we still go our ow n way. After
He finally gets our attention, and
we decide to straighten— out our
act an d play the role we should,
we find an ease that le t’s us know if
we are pleasing Him, then pleasing
others com es naturally. W hat a re­
rt binò (Oh
Katz Statement
At Funeral For
Reverend O.B.
> ** *4
the City of Portland fo r over 3 7 years In your
hour of need Vann & Vann are there to serve.
By the (ime surc|y m an is in loss
be his reflection (in his im age and
have to expect questions because the
“I’m here this m orning repre- because m an has let the w eaker part o f likeness). W hat a terrible tim e we live evolutionary process o
w om an) is infinite (endless). T h e path
______ ¡c . .. t h a t th p h u m a n f a n n l v is not a w om an) is infinite (endless), in e p a m
senting the citizens o f this city in the him self rule (The devil, in reality, is in that the hum an family is not a
in life that we should travel is the path
celebration o f a beloved religious and the w eakness of y ourself that allow s reflection o f G od But, it seems, a
f gaining more an d m ore know ledge.
you to bow or succumb to low desires ) reflection o f the devil. By the tim e
civic leader in our com munity.
know ledge an d obedience to
“Reverend W illiam s was a gentle, And only w hen this w eakness is d e­ surely m an is in loss. T he teachings of
will destroy the negative
com passionate m an, who understood stroyed will the kingdom o f God be the Honorable Elijah M uham m ad puls
that the responsibilities o f a religious established. G od’s kingdom is at hand
T he Hon. E lija h M u h a m m a d
« «
A . V
« ill/
H V and” m eans >
it is * 2 in
the these teachings is and was fit for the
leader are not only to m inister to their
m an ’s life back on the path o f
dark state o f our m inds (m ental m edi­
parish or parishioners, but to take on workings; By God letting the w eaker
thirst for know ledge
side o f m an to rule he is in the sam e act cine). O nce one begins to study his
the struggle for ju stice an d equality.
w ord m an th a t’s not
teachings you w ill see that this is what
“As M ayor, I w as looking for­ purifying us. -read the story o f the
T he Hon. E lijah
you have been w aiting to learn all of
ward to my continued w ork w ith Rev­ prodigal son in the B ib le-ju st like a
three(3) q u ar­
your life. I bear w itness that we cannot
erend W illiam s-to seek his counsel, parent will let a self-w illed child expe­
to or for the
rience hardship U
O n a m ucn
uch m
gner, e enjoy
n jo y the
m e » benefits
» » » of being hum an
his w isdom and his strength to find nenefe
solutions to the many problem s that elevated level God w ill let us w onder, without subm itting to
ut a so woman
and in tim e have mercy on us. Expe- realize that the thinkers, teachers and male. - T h e tim e era th at we live in
often refuse to go away
rience is the best teacher T he m ore leaders o f society have lied and cor- dem ands that w e.o b tain the know -
“I know his spirit and his love for one know s the more pow er a persons rupted truth to such an extent that the ^ ^ o f G o f f seffanddeviL T lu slu w
our com m unity w ill be everlasting
can extract from self to overcom e bar- teachings o f god and righteousness edge o f God, self an d dev il gtv es y ou
and that his spirit and love will bless
riers in front o f developm ent. - T h e seems foolish to people w ho are feed a deeper understanding o f y our e a s t -
us all as we cham pion his fight against m ore one knows the m ore pow er a up w ith mystery teachings A nd I am ence an d better enables you to control
hatred, intolerance, bigotry and injus­
certainly one who does not care for y our negative side, so it is not b etter to
tice. We will m iss you, R everend W il­ person can extract from self to over­
disregard needed tru th because o f an
com e barriers in front o f develop­ mystery teachings.
liam s.”
Tim e has brought us to the point already fixed belief system, but it is
better to reveal an d take heed o f needed
Salem Youth Will
T hrough the study o f creation w e w here we have out-grow n “religion
th because m ystery an d spooky
Travel To Guatemala discover that the best life form is the or mystery beliefs that are not testable. tru
will not change our condi-
hum an being. We find that our supe­ For example: We are taught that Jesus
As Part Of An
We m ust blot
out an d
riority above other tile torm s is our w ent
eni up
u p to
io heaven
u c a v c u (body and soul) ...
riority above other life form s is our
Ecumenical Relief
rea» „ , „ g powers and orrr a M ity .0 a d o u d LUKE 2 4 3 1 T hen „ e are
sion, I hope this short w riting helps
w ill and act consciously on our will taught that flesh and blood cannot
you to take up the responsibility o f
N athan H ickm an, 15, o f Salem
(desire). W e also have the distinction
your life so that you m ight have heaven
w ill travel to G uatem ala in July, as a
o f being able to experim ent on the m ake sense from the above Bible quo­
(peace o f m ind and contentm ent) on
volunteer to bring relief from poverty
highest level But how many o f us are tations but the above, I believe, is not
sickness and hopelessness to the sm all
m indful o f our superiority, and how w hat God said but w hat the scholars
W hat I w ould like to say here is
tow n o f Xela.
many o f us are striving to act accord­
the so-called N egro or blackm an
H ickm an is the son o f M ary Barr
ing to our superiority? Very few o f us G od’s w ord that is found in the Bible
m erica, up from slavery has, as
o f Salem an d Peter H ickm an o f Lake
for we did not know our superiority T he present Bible is not as pure as we
prophesied "seen a great light.”
E lsinore, Calif.
(potential). Thus, our potential stay ed think it is but there is truth, if rightly
T he jo in t h um anitarian team of buried in our sub-consciousness; Y es- understood, in the Bible. 1 get some O ur Saviour Has A rrived page 117
T hose interested in the teachings
42 people prim arily from Southern
-m any o f us have life styles that are on people angry over the things I write.
C alifornia will jo in w ith the educa­ a low level not reflecting our true But I am a questioner. Q uestion askers o f the H onorable E lijah M uham m ad
can contact E lijah X Jefferson at 335-
tional cooperative Escuela Juan Sisay
p o ten tial. E ven th o u g h th e Bible are notorious for getting them selves
in Xela to bring m edical aid an d con­
teaches th at God created the hum an to in trouble. But so-called learned people
struction expertise to the econom i­
cally depressed com m unity.
D onations to Xela Aid are tax-
“I th in k it w ould be an awesome deductible. M ore inform ation on the
cultural experience,” H ickm an said. Xela A id hum anitarian effort or the
“I am looking forw ard to helping any concert may be obtained by calling
way I can.”
(714) 526-3808.
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Radio M inistry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
A T eaching Church With A Reaching M inistry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
NE 14th & Sandy • 232-4111
Church O ffice 116 N .E . Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
Pearson-Allen-Ca, dwell
223 SE 122nd Ave. • 255-7811
M allory Avenue
Christian Church
Worth Caldwell, Jr.
7600 N.E. GLISAN
□ Y es, I w o u ld lik e to sc h e d u le an a p p o in tm e n t w ith
y o u r p re -p la n n in g co u n se lo r.
N a m e ______________________________
"Como to me oil you who are
weary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest."
A ddress
C i t y ____
Larry & Tiz I ludi
Senior Pastors
It's contemporary!
It's Multi-cultural!
It's Spirit Filled!
A church for the '90s!
Are you tired of the same old thing?
Then you are ready for New Begin­
nings! Come join the excitement as we
take Portland for Jesus!
. S ta le.
. Zip_
You Are Invited
T o A ttend “C h ild ren ’s D ay 1993"
June 13, 1993 at 4:00 P.M.
M aran ath a C hurch
4222 N.E. 12th
Portland, O regon 97211
Rev. E m m ett W heatfall, Pastor
Everyone Is W elcome:
Fathers * M others *
G randparents *
All Senior C itizens
Please Com e A nd E ncourage O u r C hildren
T his Program W ill Include C hildren O f All Races A nd N ationalities
T hank You
For m ore inform ation call Rev. John P arker 284-7563 or the church
Inter-racial Congregation
P a s to r s
• Dynamic Children & Youth Ministries
• Powerful Praise & Worship
• Street Reach & Overcomers Ministries
• Service Times: Sunday 10:30 am 6:00 pm
7600 NE Glisan Street
at 288-7241
Portland, OR 97211
8 1 0 1 N. Fiske Avenue
We Welcome You To The
Church Phone: 289-0147
(greater Jèaint JïHepljen
M issio n a ry JÜaptist flUjurctf
Sunday Service
(503) 28 8 -5 1 7 3
“Serving The Lord With Gladness"
Psalm 100:2
Sunday School 10am
Morning Worship 11:05
Mid Week:
Prayer & Bible Study 7pm
Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor
9 :3 0
Portland Oregon 9 7 2 0 3
Study Phone: 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1
1 0 :4 5
Sunday School
Bible Study
6 :0 0
Evening Service
Pastor, Re JamesC.E. Faulkner
3707 N. Williams Ave.
(503) 281-8117 Portland, OR 97227
Scott & Lydia Sigman
jilaal ^Missionary
¿Baptist (Ctjurctf
• Anointed Preaching & Teaching
Clay & Tami Drayton
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday ßilble
Study and Prayer
126 NÆ. Alberta
Theme: Whatever your going to do for the Lore, do It now.
I P e te r iv 1 1
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Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Prearranged funeral plans save your family a
needless burden and can freeze costs at today’s
prices. Call today or return the coupon for more
information on traditional, memorial, or cremation
services. Of course, there is no
cost or obligation.
> .
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Has moved Sunday sevices to
S to n e T o w e r C h u rc h
N .E . S an d y B lvd. & 3 0 th
Peace of mind for the
people you care about the most.
a ’
< i,
Caldwell’s Colonial Chapel
5211 N. Williams Portland, OR 97217
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Surely Man Is 7n
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